MediaWiki talk:Dir

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System message for optimization

I began to notice that optimization is very important to people. I have already proposed the creation of MediaWiki:Lang for a fairly strong boost to optimization. However, there are also simpler and smaller options to implement.

The site currently uses the {{Text-dir}} template to check in which direction the site is now. Alternatively, you can create a Dir message that will output an ltr (left-ro-right) or rtl (right-to-left) value.

I’ve tried to simplify the Text-dir template as much as possible, but it still loads the pages more than if it were an interface message, especially when it’s used multiple times on the same page.

I will leave here a list of rtl and ltr that you just need to create for everything to work, whether to add it or not is up to you.

Contents of these pages: rtl

Contents of these pages: ltr

All other ltr pages do not need to be created; they will all take the value from the main interface message. --Max34 (talk) 06:35, 18 June 2024 (PDT)