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January 2024

From: \common\insurgency2\bin\insurgency.fgd

@include "base.fgd"

// Insurgency game definition file (.fgd) 

	//exclude these from being loaded into hammer's preview

@AutoVisGroup = "Tool Brushes"
	"Vis Clusters"
	"Detail Blockers"

@AutoVisGroup = "Entities"


@AutoVisGroup = "Soundscapes"

@AutoVisGroup = "Overlays"

@AutoVisGroup = "Cubemaps"
	"Cubemap Probes"

@AutoVisGroup = "Map Instances"
	"Instance Modifiers"

@AutoVisGroup = "Insurgency"

	"Spawn Points"
	"Objective Entities"

	"Objective Logic"

@BaseClass = TeamNum
	TeamNum(choices) : "Team Number (int)" : 2 =
		0 : "None"
		2 : "Security"
		3 : "Insurgents"

@FilterClass base(BaseFilter) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = filter_activator_team :
	"A filter that filters by the team of the activator."
	filterteam(choices) : "Filter Team Number" : 2 : "The team number to filter by.  If the filter mode is Allow, only entities whose "+
		"team number matches the given team will pass the filter. If the filter mode is Disallow, "+
		"all entities EXCEPT those whose team number matches the given team will pass the filter." =
		2 : "Security"
		3 : "Insurgents"

@BaseClass = LogicGameType
	output OnSelected(void) : "Fired this gamemode is selected."
	output OnSecurityWin(void) : "Fired when Security team win a round."
	output OnInsurgentWin(void) : "Fired when Insurgent team win a round."
	output OnGameDraw(void) : "Fired when round results in a draw."
	output OnGameResult(void) : "Fired when a team has won a round."
	output OnGameOver(void) : "Game is over, show scoreboard."
	output OnPreRoundReset(void) : "Just before round is reset."
	output OnRoundReset(void) : "Round has reset and players have respawned."
	output OnRoundStarted(void) : "Round has started and players can move."
	input  ExtendRound(float) : "Extend the round timer by the given number of seconds"
	input  SetRoundTimer(float) : "Set the round timer (given in seconds)"
	input  EndRound(integer) : "End the round with a given winner (0 = draw, 2 = security, 3 = insurgents)"
	input  AwardTeamSupply(integer) : "Award given team with a supply point (2 = security, 3 = insurgents)"

@BaseClass = BaseObject
	SolidToPlayers(choices) : "Solid To Player" : 0 : "Is object solid to players?" =
		0 : "Use Default"
		1 : "Yes"
		2 : "No"
	output OnDestroyed(void) : "Object has been destroyed."
	output OnDamaged(void) : "Object has taken damage."
	output OnBecomingDisabled(void) : "Object's function has been disabled."
	output OnBecomingReenabled(void) : "Object's function has been reinstated."
	output OnObjectHealthChanged(void) : "Object's health has changed."
	input Show(void) : "Show this object"
	input Hide(void) : "Hide this object"

@BaseClass = BaseGrenade
	input  Explode(float) : "Explode after x seconds"
	input  MakeDud(void) : "Disable a grenade and remove it"
	input  SetPlayerOwner(void) : "Sets activator to the player owner."

@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin, RenderFields,DamageFilter) = func_button_timed: 
	"An entity that takes time to use."
	use_time(integer) : "Use Time" : 5 : ""
	use_string(string) : "Use String" : "Using...." : ""
	use_sub_string(string) : "Use Sub-String" : "" : ""
	glow(target_destination) : "Glow Entity" : : "The name of an entity that will get the +use glow for this button."
	auto_disable(choices) : "Auto-Disable On Time Up" : 1 : "When the use timer is up, disable the button. (Can be enabled with an input)" =
		0 : "No"
		1 : "Yes"
	spawnflags(flags) =
		2048: "Starts locked" : 0
	locked_sound(choices) : "Locked Sound" : 0 : "Sound played when the player tries to use the button, and fails because it's locked." = 
		0: "None"
		2: "Access Denied"
		8: "Small zap"
		10: "Buzz"
		11: "Buzz Off"
		12: "Latch Locked"

	// Inputs
	input Lock(void) : "Lock the button, preventing it from functioning and playing a locked sound."
	input Unlock(void) : "Unlock the button, allowing it to function."
	input Enable(void) : "Enable the button, so it glows and can be used."
	input Disable(void) : "Disable the button, so it can't be used and doesn't glow."

	// Outputs
	output OnPressed(void) : "Fired when the button is pressed."
	output OnUnPressed(void) : "Fired when the button is unpressed."
	output OnTimeUp(void) : "Fired when the button has been held more than the required amount of time."
	output OnUseLocked(void) : "Fired when the button is used while locked."

@PointClass base(Angles) iconsprite("editor/env_detail_controller.vmt") = env_detail_controller : "An entity that lets you control the fade distances for detail props."
	fademindist(float) : "Start Fade Dist/Pixels" : 400 : "Distance at which the prop starts to fade."
	fademaxdist(float) : "End Fade Dist/Pixels" : 1200 : "Maximum distance at which the prop is visible."

@SolidClass base(Trigger,TeamNum) = ins_blockzone : "Block Zone"
   spawnflags(flags) =
		2: "Ignore player +USE" : 1
   rendercolor(color255) : "FX Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255" : "The FX color is used by the selected Render Mode."
   renderamt(integer) : "Renderamt" : 255 : "Integer-Value from 0 to 255 allowed"
   rendermode(integer) : "Rendermode" : 0
   renderfx(integer) : "Render-Effect" : 0

@SolidClass base(Trigger,TeamNum) = ins_spawnzone : "Spawn Zone"
   spawnflags(flags) =
	  1: "Disable inventory" : 0
      2: "Ignore player +USE" : 1
   rendercolor(color255) : "FX Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255" : "The FX color is used by the selected Render Mode."
   renderamt(integer) : "Renderamt" : 255 : "Integer-Value from 0 to 255 allowed"
   rendermode(integer) : "Rendermode" : 0
   renderfx(integer) : "Render-Effect" : 0
   blockzone(target_destination) : "Block Zone" : "" : "If set, enables/disables given block zone(s) along with this spawn zone"
   SquadID(integer) : "Associated Squad" : -1 : "If >=0, spawn points in this zone will be associated with the given squad"

@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, TeamNum, EnableDisable) = func_teamblocker : 
	"Walls that players of a certain team are unable to pass through" 
	spawnflags(flags) =
		2: "Don't show hint when touched" : 0

@PointClass base(Targetname) = ins_rulesproxy : "Proxy entity for INS Gamerules"
	output OnGamemodeStarted(string) : "Fired when a gamemode is selected."
	output OnGamemodeReset(string) : "Fired at each round reset, giving the gamemode."
	output OnSecurityWin(void) : "Fired when Security team win a round."
	output OnInsurgentWin(void) : "Fired when Insurgent team win a round."
	output OnGameDraw(void) : "Fired when round results in a draw."
	output OnGameResult(integer) : "Fired when a team has won a round."
	output OnGameOver(integer) : "Game is over, show scoreboard."
	output OnPreRoundReset(void) : "Just before round is reset."
	output OnRoundReset(string) : "Round has reset and players have respawned."
	output OnRoundStarted(void) : "Round has started and players can move."
	output OnWaveDeployedTeamOne(void) : "Reinforcement wave deployed for Team One"
	output OnWaveDeployedTeamTwo(void) : "Reinforcement wave deployed for Team Two"
	output OnRapidDeploymentTeamOne(void) : "When an objective capture has redeployed team one"
	output OnRapidDeploymentTeamTwo(void) : "When an objective capture has redeployed team two"
	input  ExtendRound(float) : "Extend the round timer by the given number of seconds"
	input  SetRoundTimer(float) : "Set the round timer (given in seconds)"
	input  EndRound(integer) : "End the round with a given winner (0 = draw, 2 = security, 3 = insurgents)"
	input  AwardTeamSupply(integer) : "Award given team with a supply point (2 = security, 3 = insurgents)"

@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_capture_zone : "Allows players capture its associated point."
	controlpoint(target_destination) : "Associated Control Point" : : "The control point associated with this Capture Zone."

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname ) iconsprite("editor/team_cp.vmt") = point_controlpoint : "Main capture point for Occupy"
	default_owner(choices) : "Default Owner (int)" : 0 =
		0 : "Unassigned"
		2 : "Security"
		3 : "Insurgents"

	printname(string) : "Print Name" : "" : "Descriptive name for this control point"

	output OnCaptured(void) : ""
	output OnCapturedBySecurity(void) : ""
	output OnCapturedByInsurgent(void) : ""
	output OnReset(void) : ""

@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Global, TeamNum, Studiomodel, Angles) studioprop() = point_flag : "flag entity."
	output OnPickedUp(void) : ""
	output OnDropped(void) : ""
	output OnReset(void) : ""

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname, LogicGameType ) iconsprite("editor/logic_battle.vmt") = logic_skirmish : ""

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname, LogicGameType ) iconsprite("editor/logic_battle.vmt") = logic_battle : ""

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname, LogicGameType ) iconsprite("editor/logic_elimination.vmt") = logic_elimination : ""

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname, LogicGameType ) iconsprite("editor/logic_elimination.vmt") = logic_firefight : ""

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname, LogicGameType ) iconsprite("editor/logic_elimination.vmt") = logic_vip : ""

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname, LogicGameType ) iconsprite("editor/logic_training.vmt") = logic_push : ""

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname, LogicGameType ) iconsprite("editor/logic_training.vmt") = logic_hunt : ""

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname, LogicGameType ) iconsprite("editor/logic_training.vmt") = logic_checkpoint : ""

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname, LogicGameType ) iconsprite("editor/logic_training.vmt") = logic_outpost : ""

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname, LogicGameType ) iconsprite("editor/logic_training.vmt") = logic_training : ""
	input ProvideTokens(integer) : ""
	input PlayOnline(void) : "Returns the player to the main menu"
	input PracticeOffline(void) : "Loads pvp and sets a new mapcycle"

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname, TeamNum, BaseObject ) studio( "models/static_props/wcache_ins_01.mdl" ) = obj_weapon_cache : "Weapon cache that can be placed in the world to give dynamic buy zones."
	InitialHealth(integer) : "Initial Health" : 220
	TakeDamageBullets(choices) : "Take Bullet Damage" : 0 =
		0 : "No"
		1 : "Yes"

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname, TeamNum, BaseObject ) studio( "models/static_props/ins_radio.mdl" ) = obj_destructible : "Destructible objects that can either be neutral or an objective"
	InitialHealth(integer) : "Initial Health" : 220
	TakeDamageBullets(choices) : "Take Bullet Damage" : 1 =
		0 : "No"
		1 : "Yes"
	TakeDamageMelee(choices) : "Take Melee Damage" : 1 =
		0 : "No"
		1 : "Yes"
	CustomTrigger(target_destination) : "Associated Trigger"
	ControlPoint(target_destination) : "Associated Control Point"
	CustomModelPathHealthy(studio) : "Model (healthy)" : "models/static_props/ins_radio.mdl"
	CustomModelPathDestroyed(studio) : "Model (destroyed)" : "models/static_props/ins_radio_burned.mdl"

@PointClass base( Global, Targetname, TeamNum, BaseObject ) studio( "models/vehicles/minibus.mdl" ) = obj_destructible_vehicle : "Destructible vehicles that can either be neutral or an objective"
	VehicleType(choices) : "Vehicle Type" : 0 =
		0 : "Minibus"
		1 : "Lada"
		2 : "Mercedes"
		3 : "Humvee"
		4 : "Passat"
		5 : "Amtrac"
	InitialHealth(integer) : "Initial Health" : 220
	TakeDamageBullets(choices) : "Take Bullet Damage" : 0 =
		0 : "No"
		1 : "Yes"

@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_auto_crouch : "Allows players touching the trigger to auto-crouch."

@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_grenade_extinguisher : "Puts out AOE grenades (like Molotovs) that touch it"
	ExtinguishDelayMin(float) : "Extinguish Delay (min)" : 1
	ExtinguishDelayMax(float) : "Extinguish Delay (max)" : 2

@PointClass base(Angles, Studiomodel, Shadow) Studioprop() = prop_foliage : "Foliage which is non-solid but blocks AI LoS"
	fademindist(float) : "Start Fade Dist/Pixels" : -1 : "Distance at which the prop starts to fade (<0 = use fademaxdist). If 'Screen Space Fade' is selected, this represents the number of pixels wide covered by the prop when it starts to fade."
	fademaxdist(float) : "End Fade Dist/Pixels" : 0 : "Maximum distance at which the prop is visible (0 = don't fade out). If 'Screen Space Fade' is selected, this represents the *minimum* number of pixels wide covered by the prop when it fades."
	fadescale(float) : "Fade Scale" : 1 : "If you specify a fade in the worldspawn, or if the engine is running under dx7 [hl2/ep1/portal] or dx8 [ep2/tf], then the engine will forcibly fade out props even if fademindist/fademaxdist isn't specified." +
	" This scale factor gives you some control over the fade. Using 0 here turns off the forcible fades." +
	" Numbers smaller than 1 cause the prop to fade out at further distances," +
	"and greater than 1 cause it to fade out at closer distances."

@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) iconsprite("editor/env_explosion.vmt") = env_explosion_ins : 
	"An entity that creates an explosion at its origin." 
	szExplosiveName(choices) : "Explosion Type" : "grenade_c4" = 
		"grenade_c4" : "C4"
		"grenade_ied" : "IED"
		"rocket_at4": "AT4"
		"rocket_rpg7": "RPG7"
		"grenade_m203_he" : "M203 HE"
		"grenade_gp25_he" : "GP25 HE"
		"grenade_m203_smoke" : "M203 Smoke"
		"grenade_gp25_smoke" : "GP25 Smoke"
		"grenade_flare" : "Flare"
		"grenade_molotov" : "Molotov"
		"grenade_anm14" : "ANM14"
		"grenade_f1" : "F1"
		"grenade_m67" : "M67"
		"grenade_m84" : "M84"
		"grenade_m18" : "M18"
		"vehicle" : "Vehicle Explosion"
	UseFuseTime(boolean) : "Use Fuse Time" : 0
	UseLaunchSound(boolean) : "Use Launch Sound" : 0

	// Inputs
	input Explode(void) : "Trigger the explosion."

@PointClass base(Targetname, Origin, Angles, Studiomodel) Studioprop() = prop_explosive : 
	"An explosive entity that creates an explosion when destroyed and switches the prop's skin to a damaged state." 
	model(studio) report : "Explosive Model" : "models/static_props/wcache_box_02.mdl"
	ExplosiveSound(sound) : "Explosive Sound" : "World.Generic.AmmoBoxCookOff"
	ExplosiveParticle(particlesystem) : "Explosive Particle" : "ins_ammo_explosion"
	CanBeDamaged(boolean) : "Can Be Damaged" : 1
	InitialHealth(integer) : "Initial Health" : 5
	DamagedSkin(integer) : "Damaged Skin" : 2
	ShouldDoAreaDamage(boolean) : "Should Do Area Damage" : 1
	AreaDamageRange(integer) : "Area Damage Range" : 64
	AreaDamageTime(float) : "Area Damage Time" : "5.0"
	AreaDamageFrequency(float) : "Area Damage Frequency" : "1.0"
	AreaDamageAmount(float) : "Area Damage Amount" : "5.0"
	AreaDamagePhysicsForce(float) : "Area Damage Physics Force" : "20.0" : "Force of random forces applied to this object"

	// Inputs
	input Explode(void) : "Trigger the explosion."

@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) studio( "models/static_props/FireSprinklerHead_break.mdl" )  = prop_sprinkler : 
	"It's a sprinkler, honest." 
	// Inputs
	input Start(void) : ""
	input Stop(void) : ""
	// Outputs
	output OnStart(string) : ""
	output OnStop(string) : ""
	output OnBreak(string) : ""

@PointClass base(prop_physics) studio( "models/static_props/prop_halloween_pumpkin_glowing.mdl" )  = prop_pumpkin : 
	"For those days when you really need a pumpkin." 
	randomizeAppearance(choices) : "Randomize Appearance" : 1 =
		0 : "No"
		1 : "Yes"

@PointClass base(Targetname) = logic_training_timer : "For internal use."
	// Inputs
	input Start(void) : ""
	input Finish(void) : ""

@SolidClass base(Trigger, TeamNum) = func_buyzone : "Allows players within this trigger to buy weapons and upgrades."

@SolidClass base(Trigger, TeamNum) = func_weapon_lower : "Lowers the weapon of a player who enters the area."

@SolidClass = func_ladder : 
	"Ladder. Players will be able to freely along one side of this brush, as if it was a ladder. " +
	"If you are using a model prop for the visual representation of the ladder in the map, " +
	"apply the toolsinvisibleladder material to the climbable side of the func_ladder brush."

@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin, RenderFields) = func_elevator :
	"A brush entity that moves vertically."
	top(vecline) : "Top floor position"
	bottom(vecline) : "Bottom floor position"

	speed(integer) : "Speed" : 100 : "The speed that the elevator moves, in inches per second."
	acceleration(integer) : "Acceleration" : 100 : "The acceleration at which the elevator approaches its target speed, in inches per second per second."
	blockdamage(float) : "Block Damage" : 0 : "The amount of damage to do to any entity that blocks the elevator, per frame."
	startsound(sound) : "Sound played when the elevator starts moving."
	stopsound(sound) : "Sound played when the elevator stops moving."
	disablesound(sound) : "Sound played when the elevator is disabled."

	// Inputs
	input MoveToFloor(string) : "Start the elevator moving to the specified floor."
	input Disable(void) : "Stops the elevator and prevents it from moving again."
	input SetMaxSpeed(float) : "Set the max speed of the elevator."

	// Outputs
	output OnReachedTop(string) : "Fired when the brush reaches the top."
	output OnReachedBottom(string) : "Fired when the brush reaches the bottom."

@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) iconsprite("editor/info_target.vmt") = info_elevator_floor : 
	"Elevator floor height target."
	// Outputs
	output OnReachedFloor(void) : "Fired when an elevator reaches this floor."


@PointClass base(PlayerClass, Targetname, EnableDisableDisabled, Angles, TeamNum, Studiomodel) Studioprop() = ins_spawnpoint : "Spawnpoint"
	spawnflags(flags) =
		1 : "Controlled by a Spawn Zone" : 0

	StartDisabled(boolean) : "Start Disabled" : 0 : "Start disabled. Ignored if controlled by spawn zone"
	controlpoint(target_destination) : "Associated Control Point" : : "The team_control_point associated with this spawn. Ownership of control points will control this spawn point's enabled state."
	SquadID(integer) : "Associated Squad" : -1 : "If >=0, this spawn point will be associated with the given squad ID"

@PointClass base(Angles, Targetname) iconsprite("editor/ins_viewpoint.vmt") color(255 0 0) = ins_viewpoint : "Viewpoint"

@PointClass base(Angles, Targetname, TeamNum, Studiomodel, BaseGrenade) studio( "models/weapons/w_c4.mdl" ) = grenade_c4 : "Security C4"

@PointClass base(Angles, Targetname, TeamNum, Studiomodel, BaseGrenade) studio( "models/weapons/w_ied.mdl" ) = grenade_ied : "Insurgent C4 (IED)"