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info_tfgoal is a point entity available in Team Fortress Classic Team Fortress Classic.


It handles the basic logic of Team Fortress, a spot for respawnable items or showing messages on screen with an assigned goal number.

An info_tfgoal can be assigned a unique goal number, allowing it to be tracked and referenced by the game for triggering events or player interactions, but it is not necessary for respawnable items.

Key Values

Todo: Finish the rest of key values
Entity reference name (for logging) (netname) <string>
As the name implies, it's a name assigned for logging purposes.
Goal # (goal_no) <integer>
The number of goal to be assigned.
Goal Group # (group_no) <integer>
Goal group number.
Goal Initial State (goal_state) <choices>
The initial state of the goal.
  • 1: Active
  • 2: Inactive
  • 3: Removed
Model path/name.mdl (mdl) <string>
The model to be assigned to the entity. Useful for the respawnable items.
Model skin-varies per model (skin) <integer>
Skin to be used.
Team allowed to use goal (team_no) <choices> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
  • 0: Any
  • 1: Blue
  • 2: Red
  • 3: Yellow
  • 4: Green
Targetname of teamcheck goal (teamcheck) <string> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Player class allowed to use goal (playerclass) <choices> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
  • 0: Any
  • 1: Scout
  • 2: Sniper
  • 3: Soldier
  • 4: Demolitions man
  • 5: Medic
  • 6: Heavy Weapons Guy
  • 7: Pyro
  • 8: Spy
  • 9: Engineer
Has item # (items_allowed) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
The player must be carrying this item to use this entity.
Has item from group # (h_i_g) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
To use this entity, the player must be carrying any item from this group.
Hasn't item from group # (hasnt_item_from_group) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
To use this entity, the player must not be carrying any item from this group.
If item # has moved (if_item_has_moved) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
A player can only use the entity if this item is not in its original spawn location.
If item # hasn't moved (if_item_hasnt_moved) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
A player can only use the entity if this item is in its original spawn location.
If goal # active (if_goal_is_active) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Players can only use the entity if this goal is in the active state.
If goal # inactive (if_goal_is_inactive) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Players can only use the entity if this goal is in the inactive state.
If goal # removed (if_goal_is_removed) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Players can only use the entity if this goal is in the removed state.
If group # active (if_group_is_active) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
A player can only use the entity if all the goals in this group are in the active state.
If group # inactive (if_group_is_inactive) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
A player can only use the entity if all the goals in this group are in the inactive state.
If group # removed (if_group_is_removed) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
A player can only use the entity if all the goals in this group are in the removed state.
Stay active(sec), -1 stays (wait) <integer>
For how long it stays active, for respawnable items, for how long it waits to respawn again.
Delay before activate(sec) (delay_time) <integer>
For how long to wait for it to be active.
Affect all on Team (maxammo_shells) <choices> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Blue
  • 2: Red
  • 3: Yellow
  • 4: Green
Affect all not on Team (maxammo_nails) <choices> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Blue
  • 2: Red
  • 3: Yellow
  • 4: Green
Effect Radius, 0-infinite (t_length) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)

If criteria fails activate Goal # (else_goal) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
if criteria check fails, activate this goal instead
If all goals in group # active... (all_active) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
...activate goal # (last_impulse) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Activate goal # (activate_goal_no) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Inactivate goal # (inactivate_goal_no) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Remove goal # (rv_g) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Restore goal # (rs_g) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Activate goals in group # (activate_group_no) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Inactivate goals in group # (inactivate_group_no) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Remove goals in group # (rv_gr) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Restore goals in group # (rs_gr) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Remove Spawn point # (remove_spawnpoint) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Restore Spawn point # (restore_spawnpoint) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Remove Spawn group # (rv_s_h) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Restore Spawn group # (rs_s_h) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)

Item to give (items) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)

Remove item from APA (axhitme) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Return item#, if not carried (return_item_no) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Remove items in group # (r_i_g) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)

Add/Subtract frags (frags) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Add/Subtract lives (lives) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Add/Subtract health (health) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Armor Value % (armorvalue) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Armor Class (armorclass) <choices> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
  • 0 : Normal
  • 1 : 1 - Kevlar (Shell Resistant)
  • 2 : 2 - Wooden (Nail Resistant)
  • 4 : 4 - Blast (Explosion Resistant)
  • 8 : 8 - Shock (Electricity Resistant)
  • 16 : 16 - Ceramic (Fire Resistant)
Add/Subtract shells (a_s) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Add/Subtract nails (a_n) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Add/Subtract rockets (a_r) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Add/Subtract cells (a_c) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Add/Subtract detpack (ammo_detpack) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Note.pngNote:After applying all these values to the player, the playerclass limitations of the player are applied. So if you set the health of the player over that allowed, by his/her playerclass, it will then be lowered to the max_health for that playerclass.
Note.pngNote:"lives" allows you to give/remove lives from players. This is only useful if the current map limits the number of lives each player has.
Add/Subtract grenades #1 (no_grenades_1) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Add/Subtract grenades #2 (no_grenades_2) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Invincibility Duration (invincible_finished) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Invisibility Duration (invisible_finished) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Quad Duration (super_damage_finished) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Rad Suit Duration (radsuit_finished) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Score to AP Team (count) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Teamcheck team point gain (increase_team) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Blue point gain (increase_team1) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Red point gain (increase_team2) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Yellow point gain (increase_team3) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)
Green point gain (increase_team4) <integer> (only in Team Fortress Classic)

Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles) <angle>
This entity's orientation in the world. Pitch is rotation around the Y axis, yaw is the rotation around the Z axis, roll is the rotation around the X axis.