Info objective list

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Entity Description

This entity allow the mapper to show the objectives of the map to the survivors team. The objective text is displayed at the top left of the screen. The "info_objective_list" is also responsible to indicate objectives in progress, failed or completed.

Warning.pngWarning:You can only show one objective at a time, if you wish to show multiple objectives at the same time, use game_text instead


Name <string>
The targetname other entities refer to this entity by.
ObjectiveTextX <string>
Define description of the objective where X correspond to objective's number.


OnUser1 to OnUser4
Fired in response to the FireUser inputs; see User Inputs and Outputs.
AddOutput <string>
Evaluates a keyvalue/output on this entity. It can be potentially very dangerous, use with care.
Format: <key> <value>
Format: <output name> <targetname>:<inputname>:<parameter>:<delay>:<max times to fire, -1 means infinite>
FireUser1 to FireUser4
Fire the OnUser outputs.
Removes this entity from the world.
Removes this entity and all its children from the world.
Show the objective at the top left of the screen (parameter correspond to the objective number defined in the array ObjectiveTextX), the objective is shown in white to indicate that this is the current objective.
Show the objective at the top left of the screen (parameter correspond to the objective number defined in the array ObjectiveTextX) and make a white-yellow pulse to indicate that the objective is almost done.
Show the objective at the top left of the screen (parameter correspond to the objective number defined in the array ObjectiveTextX) and make a white-red pulse to indicate that the objective is almost failed.
Show the objective at the top left of the screen (parameter correspond to the objective number defined in the array ObjectiveTextX), the objective is shown in green to indicate that the objective has been completed.
Show the objective at the top left of the screen (parameter correspond to the objective number defined in the array ObjectiveTextX), the objective is shown in red to indicated that the objective has been failed.
Hide the objective at the top left of the screen (parameter correspond to the objective number defined in the array ObjectiveTextX)

See also