Hidden: Source

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Skull and crossbones.png

This mod for Source is no longer being developed. Download its last release here.


Runs on the Source 2006 Source 2006 branch.

Subject 617 a.k.a. the Hidden
Infinitum Research Intercept Squad (I.R.I.S.)
The FNP-9 pistol
Secondary Weapon for the Shotgun Class

Hidden: Source is a round-based game where in each round a team of up to eight players form the Infinitum Research Intercept Squad (I.R.I.S.) and must hunt down and kill a single enemy on the opposite team, namely Subject 617 a.k.a. the Hidden. Subject 617 is an almost-invisible, fast-moving player with several abilities allowing them to effectively combat the I.R.I.S. players. I.R.I.S. are armed with a primary and secondary weapon depending upon class choice, Subject 617 has only a knife and three pipebombs.

The round ends when either a) the Hidden is killed, b) all I.R.I.S. players are killed or c) the round timer expires. If an I.R.I.S. player kills the Hidden then in the next round that player becomes the Hidden and the previous Hidden joins the I.R.I.S. team. If the Hidden eliminates all I.R.I.S. players that player will stay on as the Hidden for the next round. In the event of a timeout, a random surviving member of I.R.I.S. will be chosen as the Hidden.

A detailed manual can be found here.

The latest publicly available build can be downloaded here. It's currently 150MB.


Current Version : Beta 4
  • Unique One vs. Many gameplay.
  • Thirteen unique game characters: nine I.R.I.S. and four Hidden.
  • Highly tense and atmospheric gameplay.
  • Fifthteen custom, highly-detailed worlds.
  • Unique ragdoll gibbing system.
  • Two game modes: Hidden and OverRun


A selection of in-game and rendered screenshots, as well as other media, can be found in the media section of the mod's website, here


The Hidden began life as a Half Life 1 modification created by a group led by Mark Wherrett during their final year at the University of Lincoln (UK). Its simple yet enthralling gameplay led to further years of students clamouring for more. Mark found he no longer had the time to re-create the mod in any other engine and so it was passed on to a new generation.

While we are allowed to show pictures and talk about the original version, it is not available for download nor will it ever be, at the request of Mark, who feels it would not be a good reflection on the quality of work being produced in the remake. To date a taster and two betas have been released.


Meet the team behind The Hidden...

  • Chris 'Ging' Janes - Coder, Web Coding
  • Keith 'Boxy' Duke-Cox - Texture Artist, Modeller, Level Design
  • Edward 'NiceGuyEddie' Duke-Cox - Texture Artist, Modeller, Level Design
  • Angus 'Gusdor' McIntyre - Modeller, Animator
  • John 'Monk' Roberts - Modeller, Animator, Texture Artist
  • Rick 'Ricky C' Coen - Level Design, Coder
  • Kochun 'human' Hu - Composer
  • Vance 'Sonic' Dylan - Sound Engineer
  • Wendall 'MiasmicAnomie' Marvel - Coder
  • Mark Wherrett - Technical Advisor, Website Graphics
  • Andrew 'Friendly Bob' Beeken - Website Graphics, Website Code

External links