Half-Life Field Intensity.fgd

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January 2024

From: Half-Life Field Intensity

Forge Game Data
// // Half-Life game definition file (.fgd) // for Jackhammer 1.0 and above // // updated by Chris Bokitch // [email protected] // http://www.valve-erc.com/ // modified by XaeroX / [email protected] // changes and additions by FreeSlave // // // worldspawn // @SolidClass = worldspawn : "This is the world entity. Each map can only contain one, and it's automatically created for you." : "http://twhl.info/wiki.php?id=162" [ message(string) : "Map Description / Title" skyname(sky) : "Environment map (cl_skyname)" : : "Lets you choose what sky image you want. Values are: 2desert, alien1, alien2, alien3, black, city, cliff, desert, dusk, morning, neb1, neb2, neb6, neb7, night, space, xen8, xen9, xen10. More skies exist in Half-Life modifications, and you can also make your own skies." sounds(integer) : "CD track to play" : 1 : "CD track to play when the level begins." light(integer) : "Default light level" WaveHeight(string) : "Default Wave Height" : : "Set the default wave height here (can be overridden by the properties in func_water)." MaxRange(string) : "Max viewable distance" : "4096" : "Maximum distance the player can see." chaptertitle(string) : "Chapter Title Message" : "" : "Text displayed when entering the level." startdark(choices) : "Level Fade In" : 0 : "If Yes, then the level will start black and fade into normal light." = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] gametitle(choices) : "Display game title" : 0 : "Game title that appears onscreen when this level starts." = [ 0 : "No" : "Don't display game title sprite." 1 : "Yes" : "Display game title sprite." ] newunit(choices) : "New Level Unit" : 0 : "Used to clear out savegame data of previous levels to keep the savegame size as small as possible. Only set it to Yes if the player cannot return to any previous levels." = [ 0 : "No, keep current" : "Keeps all globals alive." 1 : "Yes, clear previous levels" : "Flushes all globals." ] mapteams(string) : "Map Team List" : : "This will be copied into the mp_teamlist while your map is running if the server allows maps to override the team list." defaultteam(choices) : "Default Team" : 0 = [ 0 : "Fewest Players" 1 : "First Team" ] freeroam(choices) : "Roaming monsters (node graph)" = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] ] // // BaseClasses // @BaseClass = Sequence [ sequence(integer) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : : "Sequence to display in Jackhammer. This does not affect gameplay." ] @BaseClass = ZHLT [ zhlt_lightflags(choices) : "ZHLT Lightflags" : 0 = [ 0 : "Default" 1 : "Embedded Fix" 2 : "Opaque (blocks light)" 3 : "Opaque + Embedded fix" 6 : "Opaque + Concave Fix" ] light_origin(string) : "Light Origin Target" ] @BaseClass = ZHLT_point [ _fade(string) : "ZHLT Fade" : "1.0" _falloff(choices) : "ZHLT Falloff" : 0 = [ 0 : "Default" 1 : "Inverse Linear" 2 : "Inverse Square" ] ] @BaseClass = Appearflags [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 2048 : "Not in Deathmatch" : 0 ] ] @BaseClass = Angles [ angles(string) : "Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" : "Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in Jackhammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used." ] @BaseClass size(0 0 0, 32 32 32) color(80 0 200) base(Appearflags) = Ammo [] @BaseClass = Targetname [ targetname(target_source) : "Name" : : "Property used to identify entities." ] @BaseClass = Target [ target(target_destination) : "Target" : : "When an entity is activated, it triggers the entity with the name specified by Target." ] @BaseClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 32) color(0 0 200) base(Targetname, Appearflags, Angles) = Weapon [] @BaseClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 32) color(0 0 200) base(Targetname, Appearflags, Angles) = Item [ model(studio) : "Custom Model" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 128 : "TOUCH Only" : 0 256 : "USE Only" : 0 ] ] @BaseClass = Global [ globalname(string) : "Global Entity Name" ] @BaseClass base(Target) = Targetx [ delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" : "0" : "Usually the time in seconds before an entity should trigger its target (after being triggered itself). Under other SmartEdit names, delay might also be the time to wait before performing some other action." killtarget(target_destination) : "KillTarget" : : "When an entity is triggered, it will remove from the game the entity specified by this property." ] @BaseClass = RenderFxChoices [ renderfx(choices) :"Render FX" : 0 : "Gives objects special render effects. Think of it as modifying whatever the Render Mode puts out. The options are as follows:" = [ 0: "Normal" 1: "Slow Pulse" 2: "Fast Pulse" 3: "Slow Wide Pulse" 4: "Fast Wide Pulse" 9: "Slow Strobe" 10: "Fast Strobe" 11: "Faster Strobe" 12: "Slow Flicker" 13: "Fast Flicker" 5: "Slow Fade Away" 6: "Fast Fade Away" 7: "Slow Become Solid" 8: "Fast Become Solid" 14: "Constant Glow" 15: "Distort" 16: "Hologram (Distort + fade)" ] ] @BaseClass base(RenderFxChoices) = RenderFields [ rendermode(choices) : "Render Mode" : 0 : "Controls the type of rendering that is used for an object. Options are:" = [ 0: "Normal" 1: "Color" 2: "Texture" 3: "Glow" 4: "Solid" 5: "Additive" ] renderamt(integer) : "FX Amount (1 - 255)" rendercolor(color255) : "FX Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0" ] @BaseClass base(Appearflags, Angles, Targetname) flags(Angle) size(-16 -16 -36, 16 16 36) color(0 255 0) offset(0 0 36) = PlayerClass [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 2 : "Start off" : 0 ] ] @BaseClass = BloodColor [ bloodcolor(choices) : "Blood Color" : : "Blood color of monster" = [ 0 : "Default" 1 : "Human (red)" 2 : "Alien (yellow)" 247 : "Human (red)" 195 : "Alien (yellow)" -1 : "Don't bleed" ] ] @BaseClass base(Targetname,RenderFields,Appearflags,Angles,Sequence,BloodColor) = DeadMonster [ health(string) : "Custom Health" model(studio) : "Custom Model" gibmodel(studio) : "Custom gib model" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 2 : "Don't drop to ground" : 0 4 : "Not solid" : 0 ] ] @BaseClass = Classification [ classify(choices) : "Classification" : : "Relationship class of monster" = [ -1 : "None" 0 : "Default" 1 : "Machine" 3 : "Human passive" 4 : "Human military" 5 : "Alien military" 6 : "Alien passive" 7 : "Alien monster" 8 : "Alien prey" 9 : "Alien predator" 10 : "Insect" 11 : "Player ally" 12 : "Player bioweapon" 13 : "Alien bioweapon" 14 : "Race X predator" 15 : "Race X shock" 16 : "Opfor ally" 17 : "Blackops" 18 : "Snark" 19 : "Gargantua" ] ] @BaseClass = PrisonerTo [ prisonerto(choices) : "Act as Prisoner to" : : "Ignore and get ignored by this class" = [ 0 : "Default" 1 : "Machine" 2 : "Player" 3 : "Human passive" 4 : "Human military" 5 : "Alien military" 6 : "Alien passive" 7 : "Alien monster" 8 : "Alien prey" 9 : "Alien predator" 10 : "Insect" 11 : "Player ally" 12 : "Player bioweapon" 13 : "Alien bioweapon" 14 : "Race X predator" 15 : "Race X shock" 16 : "Opfor ally" 17 : "Blackops" 18 : "Snark" 19 : "Gargantua" ] ] @BaseClass = MonsterSoundMask [ soundmask(choices) : "Custom Sound Mask" : : "Types of sound the monster regards" = [ -1 : "No sounds (Deaf)" 0 : "Default for monster" 32 : "Only Danger" 33 : "Only Combat and Danger" 37 : "Combat, Danger and Player" 127 : "Every sound and scent" 1028 : "Default, except Player" ] ] @BaseClass = FielfOfView [ field_of_view(choices) : "Custom Field Of View" : : "Monster's field of view, in range of [-1.0, 1)" = [ 0 : "Default" -1 : "Full (alien controllers)" -0.7 : "Wide (humans, vortigaunts)" -0.2 : "Broad (Gargantua)" 0.2 : "Average (bullsquids, alien grunts)" 0.5 : "Tunnel (houndeyes, headcrabs)" 0.7 : "Narrow" 0.9 : "Ultra narrow" ] ] @BaseClass = FreeRoaming [ freeroam(Choices) : "Monster Roaming (nodes)" = [ 0 : "Map Default" 1 : "Never" 2 : "Always" ] ] @BaseClass = ActiveAfterAlert [ active_alert(Choices) : "Active alert after combat" : : "Whether monster will walk around a bit and investigate sounds after the combat is over" = [ 0 : "Default (by cvar or code)" 1 : "Never" 2 : "Always" ] ] @BaseClass = SizeForGrapple [ size_for_grapple(Choices) : "Size For Grapple" = [ -1 : "Not a Target" 0 : "Monster's Default" 1 : "Small" 2 : "Medium" 3 : "Large" 4 : "Fixed" ] ] @BaseClass base(Target, Targetname, RenderFields, Angles) = MonsterBase [ TriggerTarget(String) : "TriggerTarget" : : "The event to trigger when the TriggerCondition is met. Used by monsters." TriggerCondition(Choices) : "Trigger Condition" : : "This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget. The options are:" = [ 0 : "No Trigger" 1 : "See Player, Mad at Player" 2 : "Take Damage" 3 : "50% Health Remaining" 4 : "Death" 7 : "Hear World" 8 : "Hear Player" 9 : "Hear Combat" 10: "See Player Unconditional" 11: "See Player, Not In Combat" ] TriggerAltCondition(Choices) : "Trigger Alternative Condition" : : "Alternative condition to fire TriggerTarget (useful to make an important ally fire the same target both when either provoked or dead which is usually a load game condition)" = [ 0 : "No Trigger" 1 : "See Player, Mad at Player" 2 : "Take Damage" 3 : "50% Health Remaining" 4 : "Death" 7 : "Hear World" 8 : "Hear Player" 9 : "Hear Combat" 10: "See Player Unconditional" 11: "See Player, Not In Combat" ] model(studio) : "Custom Model" ] @BaseClass = MonsterExtraBase [ health(string) : "Custom Health" scale(string) : "Scale (1.0 = normal size)" minhullsize(string) : "Custom Min Hull Size (X Y Z)" maxhullsize(string) : "Custom Max Hull Size (X Y Z)" gibmodel(studio) : "Custom gib model" ] @BaseClass = MonsterGibPolicy [ gib_policy(choices) : "Gibbing policy" = [ 0 : "Default" 1 : "Prefer gibbing" 2 : "Prefer not to gib" ] ] @BaseClass base(MonsterExtraBase, Classification, BloodColor, FielfOfView, FreeRoaming, ActiveAfterAlert, SizeForGrapple, PrisonerTo, MonsterSoundMask, MonsterGibPolicy) = MonsterExtra [ displayname(string) : "In-game Name" : : "Name that's displayed when player looks at the monster if mp_allowmonsterinfo is enabled" ] @BaseClass base(MonsterBase, MonsterExtra) flags(Angle) color(0 200 200) = Monster [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "WaitTillSeen" : 0 2 : "Gag" : 0 4 : "MonsterClip" : 0 16: "Prisoner" : 0 128: "WaitForScript" : 0 256: "Pre-Disaster" : 0 512: "Fade Corpse" : 0 8192: "No yellow blobs" : 0 : "When engine thinks that monster is stuck, don't draw yellow particles around it" 16384 : "Reserved (don't use)" : 0 : "Reserved space for Sven Co-op 'No Dyn collision' flag" 65536: "Non-solid corpse" : 0 : "Become non-solid upon dying. Helps preventing dead corpses get into the way of moving entities like doors" 1048576: "Act out of PVS" : 0 : "Act as usual even if there're no players in the PVS" ] is_player_ally(choices) : "Reverse Relationship" : : "Set inverted relationship with players. Sven Co-op compatible parameter. Simple alternative to custom classify." = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] ] @BaseClass base(Monster) = Repel [ gruntname(string) : "Grunt's name" : : "The target name of spawned grunt" ] @BaseClass = CustomSentences [ UseSentence(String) : "Use Sentence" : : "Special case: 'null' means no sentense" UnUseSentence(String) : "Un-Use Sentence" : : "Special case: 'null' means no sentense" RefusalSentence(String) : "Refusal Sentence" : : "Special case: 'null' means no sentense" ] @BaseClass base() = FollowingMonster [ master(string) : "Master" : : "Decline following if locked by master (for player ally monsters)" followfailpolicy(choices) : "Follow fail policy" : : "What to do when couldn't reach the target" = [ 0 : "Default for monster" 1 : "Regular fail" 2 : "Stop following" 3 : "Try nearest path" ] ] @BaseClass base(CustomSentences, FollowingMonster) = TalkMonster [ tolerance(choices) : "Tolerance level" : : "Tolerance to player's hits" = [ 0 : "Default" : "Monster-specific behavior" 1 : "Zero" : "Get provoked on any hit" 2 : "Low" : "Get provoked by direct hit or on second hit" 3 : "Average" : "Get provoked by some hits" 4 : "High" : "Get provoked by some hits, but tends to forgive after some time" 5 : "Absolute" : "Never get provoked" 6 : "Absolute, don't alert friends" : "Never get provoked, don't alert friends upon death" ] suspicious(choices) : "Suspicious" = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 131072 : "Don't greet player" : 0 : "Don't say hello to player upon seeing him" 262144 : "Don't idle talk to player" : 0 : "Don't forward idle statements to player, still talk to other allies and answer to player's usage" 524288 : "Ignore player pushing" : 0 : "Don't move away when player tries to push me" ] ] @BaseClass base(TalkMonster) = ScaredGuy [ ] @BaseClass base(Monster) = Apache [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 8 : "NoWreckage" : 0 64 : "Start Inactive" : 0 ] rotorvolume(string) : "Rotor volume (0.0 - 1.0)" ] @BaseClass base(Monster) = Osprey [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 64 : "Start Inactive" : 0 32768 : "No deploy, just fly" : 0 ] num(integer) : "(Override) Number of Grunts" rotorvolume(string) : "Rotor volume (0.0 - 1.0)" attenuation(string) : "Rotor attenuation" ] @BaseClass base(Targetname, Angles) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = gibshooterbase [ // how many pieces to create m_iGibs(integer) : "Number of Gibs" : 3 // delay (in seconds) between shots. If 0, all gibs shoot at once. delay(string) : "Delay between shots" : "0" m_iszPosition(string) : "At position (blank = here) [LP]" m_iszVelocity(string) : "At velocity (blank = angle) [LV]" // how fast the gibs are fired m_flVelocity(string) : "Gib Speed Factor [LR]" : "200" // Course variance m_flVariance(string) : "Course Variance" : "0.15" // Time in seconds for gibs to live +/- 5% m_flGibLife(string) : "Gib Life" : "4" m_iszSpawnTarget(target_destination) : "Fire on spawn (locus = shot)" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Repeatable" : 0 ] ] @BaseClass = Light [ _light(color255) : "Brightness" : "255 255 128 200" : "First three integer numbers are the color (RGB). The fourth number is the brightness." style(Choices) : "Appearance" : 0 : "Light appearance. Values:" = [ 0 : "Normal" 10: "Fluorescent flicker" 2 : "Slow, strong pulse" 11: "Slow pulse, noblack" 5 : "Gentle pulse" 1 : "Flicker A" 6 : "Flicker B" 3 : "Candle A" 7 : "Candle B" 8 : "Candle C" 4 : "Fast strobe" 9 : "Slow strobe" ] pattern(string) : "Custom Appearance" : : "Use a string of letters to provide a custom light style. The property allows you to enter a string of letters from a to z, representing brightness. If you entered 'abcdefghihgfedcba' then the light would go from bright to dim and back again and then repeat. Complicating things, to use this feature, you must name the light. However, if you then use a trigger to activate it, then it will behave as a normal light." ] @BaseClass base(Targetname,Global) = Breakable [ target(target_destination) : "Target on break" killtarget(target_destination) : "Kill Target on break" health(integer) : "Strength" : 1 material(choices) :"Material type" : 0 = [ 0: "Glass" 1: "Wood" 2: "Metal" 3: "Flesh" 4: "Cinder Block" 5: "Ceiling Tile" 6: "Computer" 7: "Unbreakable Glass" 8: "Rocks" ] explosion(choices) : "Gibs Direction" : 0 = [ 0: "Random" 1: "Relative to Attack" ] delay(string) : "Delay before fire" : "0" gibmodel(choices) : "Gib Model" : "" = [ "" : "Default for material" "models/tech_crategibs.mdl" : "Tech crate gibs" "models/med_crategibs.mdl" : "Med crate gibs" "models/mil_crategibs.mdl" : "Military crate gibs" "models/mechgibs.mdl" : "Mech gibs" "models/office_gibs.mdl" : "Office gibs" "models/bookgibs.mdl" : "Book gibs" "models/ventgibs.mdl" : "Vent gibs" "models/webgibs.mdl" : "Xen web gibs" ] spawnobject(choices) : "Spawn On Break" : 0 = [ 0: "Nothing" 1: "Battery" 2: "Healthkit" 3: "9mm Handgun" 4: "9mm Clip" 5: "Machine Gun" 6: "Machine Gun Clip" 7: "Machine Gun Grenades" 8: "Shotgun" 9: "Shotgun Shells" 10: "Crossbow" 11: "Crossbow Bolts" 12: "357" 13: "357 clip" 14: "RPG" 15: "RPG Clip" 16: "Gauss clip" 17: "Hand grenade" 18: "Tripmine" 19: "Satchel Charge" 20: "Snark" 21: "Hornet Gun" 22: "Crowbar" 23: "Pipewrench" 24: "Sniperrifle" 25: "Sniperrifle ammo" 26: "Knife" 27: "M249 Squad Automatic Weapon" 28: "Penguin" 29: "556 Ammo Box" 30: "Sporelauncher" 31: "Displacer" 32: "9mm Box" 35: "Desert Eagle" 36: "Barnacle Grapple" 37: "Medkit (portable)" 38: "HEV Suit" 39: "Mini battery" ] explodemagnitude(integer) : "Explode Magnitude (0=none)" : 0 randomitem_template(string) : "info_item_random entity" ] @BaseClass = BaseLockable [ locked_sound(choices) : "Locked Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 2: "Access Denied" 8: "Small zap" 10: "Buzz" 11: "Buzz Off" 12: "Latch Locked" ] unlocked_sound(choices) : "Unlocked Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "Big zap & Warmup" 3: "Access Granted" 4: "Quick Combolock" 5: "Power Deadbolt 1" 6: "Power Deadbolt 2" 7: "Plunger" 8: "Small zap" 9: "Keycard Sound" 10: "Buzz" 13: "Latch Unlocked" 14: "Lightswitch" ] locked_sentence(choices) : "Locked Sentence" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "Gen. Access Denied" 2: "Security Lockout" 3: "Blast Door" 4: "Fire Door" 5: "Chemical Door" 6: "Radiation Door" 7: "Gen. Containment" 8: "Maintenance Door" 9: "Broken Shut Door" 10: "Security card" ] unlocked_sentence(choices) : "Unlocked Sentence" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "Gen. Access Granted" 2: "Security Disengaged" 3: "Blast Door" 4: "Fire Door" 5: "Chemical Door" 6: "Radiation Door" 7: "Gen. Containment" 8: "Maintenance area" ] locked_sound_override(sound) : "Locked Sound Override" unlocked_sound_override(sound) : "Unlocked Sound Override" locked_sentence_override(string) : "Locked Sentence Override" unlocked_sentence_override(string) : "Unlocked Sentence Override" ] @BaseClass = SoundRadius [ soundradius(choices) : "Sound radius" = [ -2: "Small" -1: "Medium" 0: "Default (large)" 1: "Huge" 2: "Enormous" 3: "Play Everywhere" ] ] @BaseClass = OpenClosable [ fireonopening(target_destination) : "Fire On Open Start" fireonopening_triggerstate(choices) : "Fire On Open Start Trigger State" = [ 0: "Off" 1: "On" 2: "Toggle" ] fireonclosing(target_destination) : "Fire On Close Start" fireonclosing_triggerstate(choices) : "Fire On Close Start Trigger State" = [ 0: "Off" 1: "On" 2: "Toggle" ] fireonopened(target_destination) : "Fire On Open End" fireonopened_triggerstate(choices) : "Fire On Open End Trigger State" = [ 0: "Off" 1: "On" 2: "Toggle" ] fireonclosed(target_destination) : "Fire On Close End" fireonclosed_triggerstate(choices) : "Fire On Close End Trigger State" = [ 0: "Off" 1: "On" 2: "Toggle" ] ] @BaseClass base(Appearflags, Targetname, RenderFields, Global, Angles, SoundRadius, BaseLockable, OpenClosable) = Door [ killtarget(target_destination) : "KillTarget" speed(integer) : "Speed" : 100 master(string) : "Master" movesnd(choices) : "Move Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "No Sound" 1: "Servo (Sliding)" 2: "Pneumatic (Sliding)" 3: "Pneumatic (Rolling)" 4: "Vacuum" 5: "Power Hydraulic" 6: "Large Rollers" 7: "Track Door" 8: "Snappy Metal Door" 9: "Squeaky 1" 10: "Squeaky 2" ] stopsnd(choices) : "Stop Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "No Sound" 1: "Clang with brake" 2: "Clang reverb" 3: "Ratchet Stop" 4: "Chunk" 5: "Light airbrake" 6: "Metal Slide Stop" 7: "Metal Lock Stop" 8: "Snappy Metal Stop" ] wait(integer) : "delay before close, -1 stay open " : 4 lip(integer) : "Lip" dmg(integer) : "Damage inflicted when blocked" : 0 message(string) : "Message if triggered" target(target_destination) : "Target" delay(integer) : "Delay before fire" netname(string) : "Fire on Close" health(integer) : "Health (shoot open)" m_fIgnoreTargetname(choices) : "Ignore Targetname" : : "Set whether the door should ignore its targetname or not. This is useful when you need to reference the func_door in another entity but still want the door to open on touch. Sven Co-op compatible. Effect is the same as 'Force Touchable' flag" = [ 0: "No" 1: "Yes" ] m_iObeyTriggerMode(choices) : "Obey Trigger Mode" = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" 2 : "Yes, even when currently moving" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Starts Open" : 0 4 : "Don't link" : 0 8: "Passable" : 0 32: "Toggle" : 0 256:"Use Only" : 0 512: "Monsters Can't" : 1 1024: "Force Touchable" : 0 : "Open door by touching even when it has a name. Spirit compatible. Same as parameter 'Ignore Targetname'." ] noise1(sound) : "Move Sound Override" noise2(sound) : "Stop Sound Override" _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @BaseClass base(Targetname, Target, RenderFields, Global, Angles) = BaseTank [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Active" : 0 16: "Only Direct" : 0 32: "Controllable" : 0 64: "Laser Spot" : 0 128: "Reserved (Don't use)" : 0 : "Reserved for 'Match Target' from Spirit" 256: "Smoke when no ammo" : 0 ] // Mainly for use with 1009 team settings (game_team_master) master(string) : "(Team) Master" yawrate(string) : "Yaw rate" : "30" yawrange(string) : "Yaw range" : "180" yawtolerance(string) : "Yaw tolerance" : "15" pitchrate(string) : "Pitch rate" : "4" pitchrange(string) : "Pitch range" : "5" pitchtolerance(string) : "Pitch tolerance" : "5" barrel(string) : "Barrel Length" barrely(string) : "Barrel Horizontal" barrelz(string) : "Barrel Vertical" spritesmoke(sprite) : "Smoke Sprite" smokerendermode(choices) : "Smoke sprite render mode" = [ 0: "Default (Solid)" 1: "Color" 2: "Texture" 3: "Glow" 4: "Solid" 5: "Additive" ] spriteflash(sprite) : "Flash Sprite" spritescale(string) : "Sprite scale" : "1" rotatesound(sound) : "Rotate Sound" firerate(string) : "Rate of Fire" : "1" bullet_damage(string) : "Damage Per Bullet" persistence(string) : "Firing persistence" : "1" firespread(choices) : "Bullet accuracy" : 0 = [ 0: "Perfect Shot" 1: "Small cone" 2: "Medium cone" 3: "Large cone" 4: "Extra-large cone" ] minRange(string) : "Minmum target range" maxRange(string) : "Maximum target range" _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" bulletCount(integer) : "Bullet count" : 0 : "Less or equal to 0 means infinite number of bullets" aggressiveShots(integer) : "Aggressive shots" : : "Count of shots fired at the enemy after they hid behind the wall" ] @BaseClass base(SoundRadius) = PlatSounds [ movesnd(choices) : "Move Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "No Sound" 1: "big elev 1" 2: "big elev 2" 3: "tech elev 1" 4: "tech elev 2" 5: "tech elev 3" 6: "freight elev 1" 7: "freight elev 2" 8: "heavy elev" 9: "rack elev" 10: "rail elev" 11: "squeek elev" 12: "odd elev 1" 13: "odd elev 2" ] stopsnd(choices) : "Stop Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "No Sound" 1: "big elev stop1" 2: "big elev stop2" 3: "freight elev stop" 4: "heavy elev stop" 5: "rack stop" 6: "rail stop" 7: "squeek stop" 8: "quick stop" ] volume(string) : "Sound Volume 0.0 - 1.0" : "0.85" custommovesnd(sound) : "Custom move sound" customstopsnd(sound) : "Custom stop sound" ] @BaseClass base(Targetname, RenderFields, Global, PlatSounds) = Trackchange [ height(integer) : "Travel altitude" : 0 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Auto Activate train" : 0 2: "Relink track" : 0 8: "Start at Bottom" : 0 16: "Rotate Only" : 0 64: "X Axis" : 0 128: "Y Axis" : 0 ] rotation(integer) : "Spin amount" : 0 train(target_destination) : "Train to switch" toptrack(target_destination) : "Top track" bottomtrack(target_destination) : "Bottom track" speed(integer) : "Move/Rotate speed" : 0 ] @BaseClass base(Target, Targetname) = Trigger [ killtarget(target_destination) : "Kill target" master(string) : "Master" delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" : "0" message(string) : "Message (set sound too!)" ] @BaseClass = TriggerCond [ netname(string) : "Triggered only by entity" : : "Classname or targetname of entity required to activate this trigger by touching" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Monsters" : 0 2: "No Clients" : 0 4: "Pushables": 0 8: "Everything else": 0 ] ] @BaseClass base(Targetname) = Recharger [ TriggerOnEmpty(target_destination) : "Trigger On Empty" TriggerOnRecharged(target_destination) : "Trigger On Recharged" TriggerOnFirstUse(target_destination) : "Trigger On First Use" CustomLoopSound(sound) : "Custom Loop Sound" CustomDeniedSound(sound) : "Custom Denied Sound" CustomStartSound(sound) : "Custom Start Sound" CustomRechargeSound(sound) : "Custom Recharge Sound" CustomJuice(integer) : "Custom Juice Amount" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Start off" : 0 16: "Direct use only": 0 ] ] @BaseClass base(Targetname, Targetx, Angles) flags(Angle) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) color(255 0 255) = ScriptedSequence [ m_iszEntity(string) : "Target Monster [LE]" m_iszPlay(string) : "Action Animation" m_iszIdle(string) : "Idle Animation" m_iszFireOnAnimStart(target_destination) : "Fire on Animation start" : : "Fire at the beginning of Action Animation" m_flRadius(integer) : "Search Radius" : 512 m_flRepeat(integer) : "Repeat Rate ms" : 0 m_fMoveTo(choices) : "Move to Position" : 0 = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Walk" 2 : "Run" 4 : "Instantaneous" 5 : "No - Turn to Face" 7 : "Teleport" ] m_iFinishSchedule(Choices) : "AI Schedule when done" = [ 0 : "Default AI" 1 : "Ambush" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 4 : "Repeatable" : 0 8 : "Leave Corpse" : 0 32: "No Interruptions" : 0 64: "Override AI" : 0 128: "No Script Movement" : 0 256: "Continuous animation" : 0 : "Don't reset to idle between animations" 512: "Apply new angles" : 0 : "If the animation includes changing of monster's angles, set them after it finished. For smoother transition and better looks." 2048: "Force idle looping" : 0 : "Force idle animation looping. Use it when you want to loop an animation that does not have a loop flag" 4096: "Try once" : 0 : "By default once triggered the script will continue to search for the target monster if it could not find one instantly. This flag prevents such behavior" 32768: "Remove on cancel" : 0 : "Remove scripted sequence when it's getting cancelled or interrupted" ] m_targetActivator(choices) : "Target's Activator" = [ 0 : "No (Default)" 1 : "This script" 2 : "Possessed Monster" 3 : "Forward my activator" ] moveto_radius(string) : "Move to radius" m_fTurnType(choices) : "Turn mode" = [ 0 : "Match Angle" 1 : "Turn to face" 2 : "Don't Turn" ] m_requiredFollowerState(choices) : "Required follower state" = [ 0 : "Not specified" 1 : "Following player" 2 : "Not following player" ] m_applySearchRadius(choices) : "Apply search radius" = [ 0 : "Only to Class Name" 1 : "Always" ] m_maxMoveFailAttempts(integer) : "Max move fail attempts" : : "When not zero, teleport the monster to the script position after this number of failed move attempts (for Walk and Run scripts)" ] // // Entities // @PointClass base(ScriptedSequence) = aiscripted_sequence:"AI Scripted Sequence" [] @BaseClass iconsprite("sprites/ambient_generic.spr") base(Targetname) = Ambient [ message(sound) : "WAV Name" health(integer) : "Volume (10 = loudest)" : 10 target(target_destination) : "Entity to play from" channel(choices) : "Channel to use for that entity" = [ 0: "Default (Static)" 1: "Weapon" 2: "Voice" 3: "Item" 4: "Body" 5: "Stream" 6: "Static" ] preset(choices) :"Dynamic Presets" = [ 0: "None" 1: "Huge Machine" 2: "Big Machine" 3: "Machine" 4: "Slow Fade in" 5: "Fade in" 6: "Quick Fade in" 7: "Slow Pulse" 8: "Pulse" 9: "Quick pulse" 10: "Slow Oscillator" 11: "Oscillator" 12: "Quick Oscillator" 13: "Grunge pitch" 14: "Very low pitch" 15: "Low pitch" 16: "High pitch" 17: "Very high pitch" 18: "Screaming pitch" 19: "Oscillate spinup/down" 20: "Pulse spinup/down" 21: "Random pitch" 22: "Random pitch fast" 23: "Incremental Spinup" 24: "Alien" 25: "Bizzare" 26: "Planet X" 27: "Haunted" ] volstart(integer) : "Start Volume" fadein(integer) : "Fade in time (0-100)" fadeout(integer) : "Fade out time (0-100)" pitch(integer) : "Pitch (> 100 = higher)" : 100 pitchstart(integer) : "Start Pitch" : 100 spinup(integer) : "Spin up time (0-100)" spindown(integer) : "Spin down time (0-100)" lfotype(integer) : "LFO type 0)off 1)sqr 2)tri 3)rnd" lforate(integer) : "LFO rate (0-1000)" lfomodpitch(integer) : "LFO mod pitch (0-100)" lfomodvol(integer) : "LFO mod vol (0-100)" cspinup(integer) : "Incremental spinup count" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Play Everywhere" : 0 2 : "Small Radius" : 0 4 : "Medium Radius" : 1 8 : "Large Radius" : 0 16 : "Start Silent":0 32 : "Not Toggled":0 ] ] @PointClass base(Ambient) = ambient_generic : "Universal Ambient" [] @PointClass base(Ambient) = ambient_random : "Universal Ambient playing a random sound" [ noise(sound) : "WAV Name 1" noise1(sound) : "WAV Name 2" noise2(sound) : "WAV Name 3" noise3(sound) : "WAV Name 4" ] @PointClass iconsprite("sprites/ambient_generic.spr") base(Targetname) = ambient_radio : "Sound that plays at player's origin" [ message(sound) : "Sentence or WAV Name" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Not on Player" : 0 ] ] // // ammo // @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_9mmclip.mdl") = ammo_9mmclip : "Spawns a 9mm handgun ammo clip." : "http://twhl.info/wiki.php?id=1" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_9mmarclip.mdl") = ammo_9mmAR : "Spawns ammo for the 9mm AR / handgun." : "http://twhl.info/wiki.php?id=2" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_chainammo.mdl") = ammo_9mmbox : "Spawns a large amount (200) of 9mm ammo in a box." : "http://twhl.info/wiki.php?id=3" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_argrenade.mdl") = ammo_ARgrenades : "Spawns 2 grenades for the 9mm AR's secondary fire." : "http://twhl.info/wiki.php?id=4" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_shotbox.mdl") = ammo_buckshot : "Spawns ammo for the shotgun." : "http://twhl.info/wiki.php?id=7" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_357ammobox.mdl") = ammo_357 : "Spawns ammo for the .357 Magnum." : "http://twhl.info/wiki.php?id=6" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_rpgammo.mdl") = ammo_rpgclip : "Spawns rockets for the RPG." : "http://twhl.info/wiki.php?id=9" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_gaussammo.mdl") = ammo_gaussclip : "Spawns ammo for the gauss and egon weapons." : "http://twhl.info/wiki.php?id=5" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_crossbow_clip.mdl") = ammo_crossbow : "Spawns crossbow ammo." : "http://twhl.info/wiki.php?id=8" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_saw_clip.mdl") = ammo_556 : "M249 Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_m40a1clip.mdl") = ammo_762 : "Sniper Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) studio("models/spore_ammo.mdl") = ammo_spore : "Spore" [] @SolidClass base(Target, ZHLT, RenderFields) = button_target : "Target Button" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Use Activates" : 1 2: "Start On" : 0 ] master(string) : "Master" ] // calc entities @PointClass color(128 200 64) size(-12 -12 -12, 12 12 12) base(Targetname) = calc_position : "Calculate position" [ netname(target_destination) : "Entity to use [LE]" : "*locus" impulse(choices) : "Position to calculate" : 1 = [ 0 : "Origin" 1 : "Eyes" 2 : "Top" 3 : "Centre" 4 : "Bottom" 5 : "Attachment point 0" 6 : "Attachment point 1" 7 : "Attachment point 2" 8 : "Attachment point 3" 9 : "Random" ] message(string) : "Add offset [LV]" : "0 0 0" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) color(170 221 85) size(-12 -12 -12, 12 12 12) = calc_ratio : "Ratio adjustment" [ target(string) : "Based on ratio [LR]" : "*locus" impulse(choices) : "Transformation" : 0 = [ 0 : "None" 1 : "Reversed (1-X)" 2 : "Negative (-X)" 3 : "Reciprocal (1/X)" ] netname(string) : "Offset by [LR]" : "0" noise(string) : "Min (blank = none) [LR]" noise1(string) : "Max (blank = none) [LR]" frags(choices) : "If outside range" : 0 = [ 0 : "Pick nearest value" 1 : "Wrap around" 2 : "Bounce back" ] ] @PointClass color(170 179 43) size(-12 -12 -12, 12 12 12) base(Targetname) = calc_subvelocity : "Calculate velocity based on entity properties" [ netname(target_destination) : "Entity to use [LE]" : "*locus" impulse(choices) : "Value to calculate from" : 0 = [ 0 : "Movement Velocity" 1 : "Angle" 2 : "View Angle" 5 : "Attachment point 0" 6 : "Attachment point 1" 7 : "Attachment point 2" 8 : "Attachment point 3" ] noise(string) : "Scale factor [LR]" : "1.0" message(string) : "Add offset [LV]" : "0 0 0" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Normalize" : 0 2 : "Flip Vertical" : 0 4 : "Discard X" : 0 8 : "Discard Y" : 0 16 : "Discard Z" :0 ] ] @PointClass color(170 179 43) size(-12 -12 -12, 12 12 12) base(Targetname) = calc_velocity_path : "Calculate velocity for travelling" [ target(string) : "Start position [LP]" : "*locus" netname(string) : "Destination" armorvalue(choices) : "Destination is" : 0 = [ 0 : "Position [LP]" 1 : "Offset [LV]" ] health(choices) : "Length Calculation" : 0 = [ 4 : "Square (X = X*X)" 0 : "None (X = X)" 1 : "Normalise (X = 1)" 2 : "Reciprocal (X = 1/X)" 3 : "Inverse Square (X = 1/X*X)" ] noise(string) : "Length factor [LR]" : "1.0" frags(choices) : "Line is blocked by" : 0 = [ 0 : "Nothing" 1 : "Walls" 2 : "Walls & Glass" 3 : "Walls & Monsters" 4 : "Walls, Monsters & Glass" ] ] @PointClass color(170 179 43) size(-12 -12 -12, 12 12 12) base(Targetname) = calc_velocity_polar : "Calculate velocity" [ netname(string) : "Based on velocity [LV]" angles(string) : "Rotated by angle (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" noise(string) : "Length factor [LR]" : "1.0" message(string) : "Add offset [LV]" : "0 0 0" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Normalize" : 0 ] ] // // cyclers // @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, Sequence, RenderFields) flags(Angle) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio() = cycler : "Monster Cycler" [ model(studio) : "Model" scale(string) : "Scale" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields) sprite() = cycler_sprite : "Sprite Cycler" [ model(sprite) : "Sprite" scale(string) : "Scale" framerate(integer) : "Frames per second" : 10 ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) flags(Angle) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) studio() = cycler_weapon : "Weapon Cycler" [ model(studio) : "Model" scale(string) : "Scale" ] @PointClass sprite() base(Targetname, RenderFields, Angles) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) = cycler_wreckage : "Wreckage" [ framerate(string) : "Framerate" : "10.0" model(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/fire.spr" scale(string) : "Scale" : "1.0" spawnflags(flags) = [ 32: "Toggle" : 0 64: "Start ON" : 0 ] ] // // Environmental effects // @BaseClass = BeamStartEnd [ LightningStart(target_destination) : "Start Entity" LightningEnd(target_destination) : "Ending Entity" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, BeamStartEnd, RenderFxChoices) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_beam : "Energy Beam Effect" [ renderamt(integer) : "Brightness (1 - 255)" : 100 rendercolor(color255) : "Beam Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0" Radius(integer) : "Radius" : 256 life(string) : "Life (seconds 0 = infinite)" : "1" BoltWidth(integer) : "Width of beam (pixels*0.1 0-255)" : 20 NoiseAmplitude(integer) : "Amount of noise (0-255)" : 0 texture(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/laserbeam.spr" TextureScroll(integer) : "Texture Scroll Rate (0-100)" : 35 framerate(integer) : "Frames per 10 seconds" : 0 framestart(integer) : "Starting Frame" : 0 StrikeTime(string) : "Strike again time (secs)" : "1" damage(string) : "Damage / second" : "0" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Start On" : 0 2 : "Toggle" : 0 4 : "Random Strike" : 0 8 : "Ring" : 0 16: "StartSparks" : 0 32: "EndSparks" : 0 64: "Decal End" : 0 128: "Shade Start" : 0 256: "Shade End" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_beamtrail : "Beam trail effect" [ target(target_destination) : "Entity to trail [LE]" netname(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/smoke.spr" renderamt(integer) : "Brightness (1 - 255)" : 255 rendercolor(color255) : "Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255" armorvalue(integer) : "Width" : 5 health(string) : "Fade time (secs)" : "4.0" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Start off" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) = env_beverage : "Beverage Dispenser" [ target(string) : "Initial position (blank = here) [LP]" health(integer) : "Capacity" : 10 skin(choices) : "Beverage Type" : 0 = [ 0 : "Coca-Cola" 1 : "Sprite" 2 : "Diet Coke" 3 : "Orange" 4 : "Surge" 5 : "Moxie" 6 : "Random" ] model(studio) : "Custom Model" weapons(integer) : "Health for Pickup" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) color(255 0 0) = env_blood : "Blood Effects" [ target(string) : "Initial position (blank = here) [LP]" netname(string) : "Direction (blank = angles) [LV]" color(choices) : "Blood Color" : 0 = [ 0 : "Red (Human)" 1 : "Yellow (Alien)" ] amount(string) : "Amount of blood (damage to simulate)" : "100" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Random Direction" : 0 2: "Blood Stream" : 0 4: "On Player" : 0 8: "Spray decals" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_blowercannon : "Blower Cannon" [ position(string) : "Position (blank = here) [LP]" direction(string) : "Direction (blank = shoot at target) [LV]" projectile_owner(target_destination) : "Projectile owner [LE]" : : "Don't collide with this entity" delay(string) : "Delay" : "0" zoffset(integer) : "Z Offset" target(target_destination) : "Target to shoot at" weaptype(choices) :"Weapon Type" : 1 = [ 0: "Squid spit" 1: "Spore (Rocket)" 2: "Spore (Grenade)" 3: "Shock Beam" 4: "Displacer Ball" ] firetype(choices) :"Fire Type" : 1 = [ 1: "Toggle On/Off" 2: "Fire When Triggered" ] ] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = env_bubbles : "Bubble Volume" [ density(integer) : "Bubble density" : 2 frequency(integer) : "Bubble frequency" : 2 current(integer) : "Speed of Current" : 0 spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start Off" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_decal : "Decal sprayer" [ target(string) : "Position (blank = here) [LP]" netname(string) : "Spray direction (blank = angle) [LV]" impulse(choices) : "Decal group" : 0 = [ 1 : "Gunshot" 2 : "Blood" 3 : "Alien blood" 4 : "Glass cracks" 5 : "Big gunshot" 6 : "Scorch marks" 7 : "Bullsquid splat" 8 : "Small scorch marks" 9 : "Spore splat (opfor)" 10 : "Shock scorch (opfor)" 11 : "Small shock scorch (opfor)" 0 : "Custom (see below)" ] noise(decal) : "Custom decal texture" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_explosion : "Explosion" [ target(string) : "Initial position (blank = here) [LP]" iMagnitude(Integer) : "Magnitude" : 100 iRadius(Integer) : "Custom impact radius" : : "By default explosion impact radius equals its magnitude multiplied by 2.5. This parameter allows to configure the effective radius" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "No Damage" : 0 2: "Repeatable" : 0 4: "No Fireball" : 0 8: "No Smoke" : 0 16: "No Decal" : 0 32: "No Sparks" : 0 64: "No Sound" : 0 128: "Activator is attacker" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) flags(Angle) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = env_extinguisher : "Fire Extinguisher Blast" [ target(target_destination) : "Target on start/end" : : "Fire this target two times: when the entity is activated and when it's drained." spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Repeatable" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) color(255 255 128) iconsprite("sprites/env_global.spr") = env_global : "Global State" [ globalstate(string) : "Global State to Set" triggermode(choices) : "Trigger Mode" : 0 = [ 0 : "Off" 1 : "On" 2 : "Dead" 3 : "Toggle" ] initialstate(choices) : "Initial State" : 0 = [ 0 : "Off" 1 : "On" 2 : "Dead" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Set Initial State" : 0 ] ] @PointClass sprite() base(Targetname, RenderFields) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) color(30 100 0) = env_glow : "Light Glow/Haze" [ model(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/glow01.spr" scale(integer) : "Scale" : 1 ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = env_fade : "Screen Fade" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Fade From" : 0 2: "Modulate" : 0 4: "Activator Only" : 0 8: "Direct blind" : 0 : "Fade alpha depends on the angle between viewer camera and env_fade origin" ] duration(string) : "Duration (seconds)" : "2" holdtime(string) : "Hold Fade (seconds)" : "0" renderamt(integer) : "Fade Alpha" : 255 rendercolor(color255) : "Fade Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = env_fog : "Fog effect, DMC stylee" [ fadein(integer) : "Fade in time" : 0 holdtime(string) : "Hold time (0 = permanent)" : "0" fadeout(integer) : "Fade out time" : 0 startdist(integer) : "Fog start distance" : 0 enddist(integer) : "Fog end distance" : 1000 rendercolor(color255) : "Fog Color (R G B)" : "200 200 200" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Start active" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_funnel : "Large Portal Funnel" [ message(string) : "Position (blank = here) [LP]" netname(sprite) : "Particle sprite" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Reverse" : 0 2: "Repeatable" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, RenderFxChoices, Angles) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_laser : "Laser Beam Effect" [ LaserTarget(target_destination) : "Target of Laser" renderamt(integer) : "Brightness (1 - 255)" : 100 rendercolor(color255) : "Beam Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0" width(integer) : "Width of beam (pixels*0.1 0-255)" : 20 NoiseAmplitude(integer) : "Amount of noise (0-255)" : 0 texture(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/laserbeam.spr" EndSprite(sprite) : "End Sprite" : "" TextureScroll(integer) : "Texture Scroll Rate (0-100)" : 35 framestart(integer) : "Starting Frame" : 0 damage(string) : "Damage / second" : "100" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Start On" : 0 16: "StartSparks" : 0 32: "EndSparks" : 0 64: "Decal End" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Target) = env_message : "HUD Text Message" [ message(string) : "Message Name" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Play Once" : 0 2: "All Clients" : 0 ] messagesound(sound) : "Sound Effect" messagevolume(string) : "Volume 0-10" : "10" messageattenuation(Choices) : "Sound Radius" : 0 = [ 0 : "Small Radius" 1 : "Medium Radius" 2 : "Large Radius" 3 : "Play Everywhere" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields) studio() = env_model : "New alternative to cyclers" [ model(studio) : "Model name" skin(integer) : "Skin" : 0 body(integer) : "Body" : 0 scale(string) : "Scale (1.0 = normal size)" m_iszSequence_On(string) : "Sequence when on" m_iAction_On(choices) : "Behaviour when on" : 0 = [ 0: "Freeze when sequence ends" 1: "Loop" 2: "Change state when sequence ends" ] m_flFramerate_On(string) : "Framerate when on (1 is default)" m_iszSequence_Off(string) : "Sequence when off" m_iAction_Off(choices) : "Behaviour when off" : 0 = [ 0: "Freeze when sequence ends" 1: "Loop" 2: "Change state when sequence ends" ] m_flFramerate_Off(string) : "Framerate when off (1 is default)" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Initially Off" : 0 2: "Drop to Floor" : 0 4: "Solid" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Target, RenderFields) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) color(100 100 0) = env_render : "Render Controls" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "No Renderfx" : 0 2: "No Renderamt" : 0 4: "No Rendermode" : 0 8: "No Rendercolor" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_electrified_wire : "Electrified Wire" [ segments(integer) : "Segments" : 16 sparkfrequency(integer) : "Spark Frequency" : 3 bodysparkfrequency(integer) : "Body Spark Frequency" : 3 lightningfrequency(integer) : "Lightning Frequency" : 3 xforce(integer) : "X Force" : 80000 yforce(integer) : "Y Force" : 80000 zforce(integer) : "Z Force" : 80000 disable(choices) :"Disable Use" : 1 = [ 0: "Not Disabled" 1: "Disabled" ] endingmodel(studio) : "Ending Model" : "models/wire_copper16.mdl" bodymodel(studio) : "Body Model" : "models/wire_black16.mdl" spawnflags(flags) = [ 2: "No map transition" : 0 4: "Obey Trigger Mode" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_rope : "Rope" [ segments(integer) : "Segments" : 16 disable(choices) :"Disable Use" : 0 = [ 0: "Not Disabled" 1: "Disabled" ] endingmodel(studio) : "Ending Model" : "models/rope16.mdl" bodymodel(studio) : "Body Model" : "models/rope16.mdl" spawnflags(flags) = [ 2: "No map transition" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = env_shake : "Screen Shake" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "GlobalShake" : 0 ] amplitude(string) : "Amplitude 0-16" : "4" radius(string) : "Effect radius" : "500" duration(string) : "Duration (seconds)" : "1" frequency(string) : "0.1 = jerk, 255.0 = rumble" : "2.5" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = env_shockwave : "Shockwave Effect" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Centered" : 0 2: "Repeatable" : 0 ] m_iszPosition(string) : "Position (blank = here) [LP]" netname(sprite) : "Spritename" : "sprites/shockwave.spr" rendercolor(color255): "Color": "188 220 255" renderamt(integer) : "Opacity (0-255)": 255 m_iTime(integer) : "Duration" : 2 m_iRadius(integer) : "Final radius" : 1000 m_iHeight(integer) : "Wave height" : 32 m_iScrollRate(integer) : "Scroll rate" : 0 m_iNoise(integer) : "Distortion ('noise')" : 0 m_iFrameRate(integer) : "Frame Rate" : 0 m_iStartFrame(integer) : "Starting Frame" : 0 m_cType(Choices) : "Type" = [ 0 : "Default (Cylinder)" 19 : "Torus" 20 : "Disk" 21 : "Cylinder" ] ] @PointClass base(gibshooterbase, RenderFields) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_shooter : "Model Shooter" [ shootmodel(studio) : "Model or Sprite name" : "" shootsounds(choices) :"Material Sound" : -1 = [ -1: "None" 0: "Glass" 1: "Wood" 2: "Metal" 3: "Flesh" 4: "Concrete" ] scale(string) : "Gib Sprite Scale" : "" skin(integer) : "Gib Skin" : 0 spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Repeatable" : 0 2 : "Scale models" : 0 4 : "Don't wait till land" : 0 : "Start fading right after life time has expired" ] ] @BaseClass = RoomType [ roomtype(Choices) : "Room Type" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal (off)" 1 : "Generic" 2 : "Metal Small" 3 : "Metal Medium" 4 : "Metal Large" 5 : "Tunnel Small" 6 : "Tunnel Medium" 7 : "Tunnel Large" 8 : "Chamber Small" 9 : "Chamber Medium" 10: "Chamber Large" 11: "Bright Small" 12: "Bright Medium" 13: "Bright Large" 14: "Water 1" 15: "Water 2" 16: "Water 3" 17: "Concrete Small" 18: "Concrete Medium" 19: "Concrete Large" 20: "Big 1" 21: "Big 2" 22: "Big 3" 23: "Cavern Small" 24: "Cavern Medium" 25: "Cavern Large" 26: "Weirdo 1" 27: "Weirdo 2" 28: "Weirdo 3" ] ] @PointClass base(RoomType) iconsprite("sprites/speaker.spr") = env_sound : "DSP Sound" [ radius(integer) : "Radius" : 128 ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8,8 8 8) = env_soundmark : "Insert world sound or smell (affects some monsters)" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 0 ] radius(string) : "Sound Radius" : "384" duration(string) : "Sound Duration" : "0.3" position(string) : "Position (blank = here) [LP]" type(choices) : "Sound Type" : 32 = [ 1 : "Combat" 8 : "Carcass" 16 : "Meat" 32 : "Danger" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_spark : "Spark" [ MaxDelay(string) : "Max Time between sparks" spawnflags(flags) = [ 16: "Cyclic" : 0 32: "Toggle" : 0 64: "Start ON" : 0 ] ] @PointClass sprite() base(Targetname, RenderFields, Angles) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) = env_sprite : "Sprite Effect" [ framerate(string) : "Framerate" : "10.0" model(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/glow01.spr" scale(string) : "Scale" message(target_destination) : "Attached to entity..." frags(choices) : "...at attachment point" = [ 0 : "0 (origin)" 1 : "1" 2 : "2" 3 : "3" 4 : "4" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Start on" : 0 2: "Play Once" : 0 4: "Once + Remove" : 0 ] impulse(integer) : "Start frame" : : "Start frame for animation, negative value means random frame." ] @BaseClass = BaseTrain [ target(target_destination) : "First stop target" speed(integer) : "Speed (units per second)" : 64 m_iObeyTriggerMode(choices) : "Obey Trigger Mode" : : "Originally trains don't interpret use-types. This parameter allows to take use-type into account. On is to proceed the train, Off is to stop." = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 4 : "Initially On" : 0 ] volume(string) : "Sound Volume 0.0 - 1.0" : "0.85" soundpitch(integer) : "Movesound Pitch (def.=100)" ] @PointClass studio() base(Targetname, BaseTrain, SoundRadius) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) color(0 128 255) = env_modeltrain : "Model Train" [ model(studio) : "Model" scale(string) : "Model Scale" noise(sound) : "Move Sound" noise1(sound) : "Stop Sound" ] @PointClass sprite() base(Targetname, RenderFields, BaseTrain, SoundRadius) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) color(0 128 255) = env_spritetrain : "Sprite Train" [ model(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/glow01.spr" scale(string) : "Sprite Scale" framerate(string) : "Framerate" : "10.0" noise(sound) : "Move Sound" noise1(sound) : "Stop Sound" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) color(128 128 255) = env_state : "Local State" [ target(target_destination) : "Target (on & off)" noise1(target_destination) : "Fire when turned on" noise2(target_destination) : "Fire when turned off" turnontime(string) : "Time taken to turn on" turnofftime(string) : "Time taken to turn off" master(string) : "Master" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Start On" : 0 2 : "Debug Mode" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = env_stompshooter : "Generate garg stomps on each fire. Should be placed on the floor." [ target(target_destination) : "Stomp target" : : "Optional. If not defined, the entity will shoot at the direction of its alignment" netname(string) : "Stomp owner" : : "The stomp will not hurt its owner" speed(string) : "Initial speed" attenuation(string) : "Sound attenuation" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Fire once" : 0 ] ] @PointClass sprite() base(Targetname, RenderFields, SoundRadius) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_warpball : "Xen Warpball" [ model(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/fexplo1.spr" amplitude(string) : "Shake Amplitude 0-16" duration(string) : "Shake Duration (seconds)" frequency(string) : "Shake Frequency (0.1 = jerk, 255.0 = rumble)" radius(integer) : "Shake and Beam Radius" : 192 scale(string) : "Sprite Scale" framerate(string) : "Sprite Framerate" warp_target(target_destination) : "Warp target [LE]" damage_delay(string) : "Damage delay" beamcolor(color255) : "Beam color" beamcount(integer) : "Max beam count" : 20 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove on fire" : 0 2: "Kill center" : 0 4: "No screen shake" : 1 8: "Dynamic light" : 0 16: "No sounds" : 0 ] noise1(sound) : "Custom sound 1" noise2(sound) : "Custom sound 2" volume(string) : "Sound volume (1.0 is max)" ] @PointClass base(Target, Targetname) size(-24 -24 -24,24 24 24) = env_xenmaker :"Xen Portal. This entity is present just for compatibility with Sven Co-op" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Try Once" : 0 2: "No Spawn" : 0 ] monstertype(string) : "Monster Type" : "monster_headcrab" m_flBeamRadius(integer) : "Beam Radius (max)" : 255 m_iBeamAlpha(integer) : "Beam Alpha" : 128 m_iBeamCount(integer) : "Beam Count" : 8 m_vBeamColor(color255) : "Beam Color" : "217 226 146" m_flLightRadius(integer) : "Light Radius" : 160 m_vLightColor(color255) : "Light Color" : "39 209 137" m_flStartSpriteFramerate(integer) : "Sprite1 Framerate" : 12 m_flStartSpriteScale(string) : "Sprite1 Scale" : "1.0" m_iStartSpriteAlpha(integer) : "Sprite1 Alpha" : 255 m_vStartSpriteColor(color255) : "Sprite1 Color" : "65 209 61" m_flEndSpriteFramerate(integer) : "Sprite2 Framerate" : 12 m_flEndSpriteScale(string) : "Sprite2 Scale" : "1.0" m_iEndSpriteAlpha(integer) : "Sprite2 Alpha" : 255 m_vEndSpriteColor(color255) : "Sprite2 Color" : "159 240 214" ] @PointClass sprite("sprites/xspark4.spr") base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_energy_ball_trap : "Energy ball trap" [ radius(string) : "Custom detection radius" wait(string) : "Custom respawn time" ] @SolidClass base(Breakable, RenderFields, ZHLT) = func_breakable : "Breakable Object" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Only Trigger" : 0 2 : "Touch" : 0 4 : "Pressure" : 0 256: "Instant Crowbar" : 0 512: "Explosives only": 0 1024: "Op4Mortar only" : 0 2048: "Not solid" : 0 ] _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = func_breakable_effect : "Effect similar to func_breakable destruction, but without visible object" [ material(choices) :"Material type" : 0 = [ 0: "Glass" 1: "Wood" 2: "Metal" 3: "Flesh" 4: "Cinder Block" 5: "Ceiling Tile" 6: "Computer" 7: "Unbreakable Glass" 8: "Rocks" ] gibmodel(studio) : "Gib Model" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Repeatable" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Global, Targetname, Targetx, RenderFields, Angles, ZHLT, BaseLockable) = func_button : "Button" [ speed(integer) : "Speed" : 5 health(integer) : "Health (shootable if > 0)" lip(integer) : "Lip" master(string) : "Master" sounds(choices) : "Sounds" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "Big zap & Warmup" 2: "Access Denied" 3: "Access Granted" 4: "Quick Combolock" 5: "Power Deadbolt 1" 6: "Power Deadbolt 2" 7: "Plunger" 8: "Small zap" 9: "Keycard Sound" 10: "Buzz" 11: "Buzz Off" 14: "Lightswitch" ] noise(sound) : "Sound Override" wait(integer) : "delay before reset (-1 stay)" : 3 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Don't move" : 1 16: "Direct use only (spirit compat)": 0 32: "Toggle" : 0 64: "Sparks" : 0 256:"Touch Activates": 0 512:"Player Can't Use": 0 ] target_on_locked(target_destination) : "Target on locked" : : "Trigger if used when locked" directuse(choices) : "Player use policy" = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Direct only" 2 : "Visible only" ] _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Global,RenderFields, Targetname, Angles, ZHLT) = func_conveyor : "Conveyor Belt" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "No Push" : 0 2 : "Not Solid" : 0 ] speed(string) : "Conveyor Speed" : "100" _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Door, ZHLT) = func_door : "Basic door" [ directuse(choices) : "Player use policy" = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Direct only" 2 : "Visible only" ] ] @SolidClass base(Door, ZHLT) = func_door_rotating : "Rotating door" [ directuse(choices) : "Player use policy" = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Direct only" 2 : "Visible only" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 2 : "Reverse Dir" : 0 16: "One-way" : 0 64: "X Axis" : 0 128: "Y Axis" : 0 ] distance(integer) : "Distance (deg)" : 90 ] @SolidClass base(Appearflags, RenderFields, ZHLT) = func_friction : "Surface with a change in friction" [ modifier(integer) : "Percentage of standard (0 - 100)" : 15 ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, RenderFields, Global, ZHLT) = func_guntarget : "Moving platform" [ speed(integer) : "Speed (units per second)" : 100 target(target_destination) : "First stop target" message(target_destination) : "Fire on damage" health(integer) : "Damage to Take" : 0 _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Global, Recharger, RenderFields, ZHLT) = func_healthcharger: "Wall health recharger" [ // dmdelay(integer) : "Deathmatch recharge delay" : 0 _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, RenderFields, ZHLT) = func_illusionary : "Fake Wall/Light" [ skin(choices) : "Contents" : -1 = [ -1: "Empty" -7: "Volumetric Light" ] _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = func_ladder : "Ladder" [] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = func_monsterclip : "Monster clip brush" [] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = func_mortar_field : "Mortar Field" [ m_flSpread(integer) : "Spread Radius" : 64 m_iCount(integer) : "Repeat Count" : 1 m_fControl(Choices) : "Targeting" : 0 = [ 0 : "Random" 1 : "Activator" 2 : "Table" ] m_iszXController(target_destination) : "X Controller" m_iszYController(target_destination) : "Y Controller" ] @SolidClass base(Global,Appearflags, Targetname, RenderFields, Angles, ZHLT) = func_pendulum : "Swings back and forth" [ speed(integer) : "Speed" : 100 distance(integer) : "Distance (deg)" : 90 damp(integer) : "Damping (0-1000)" : 0 dmg(integer) : "Damage inflicted when blocked" : 0 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Start ON" : 0 8: "Passable" : 0 16: "Auto-return" : 0 64: "X Axis" : 0 128: "Y Axis" : 0 ] _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname,Global,RenderFields, PlatSounds, ZHLT) = func_plat : "Elevator" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1: "Toggle" : 0 ] height(integer) : "Travel altitude (can be negative)" : 0 speed(integer) : "Speed" : 50 _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Global, RenderFields, PlatSounds, Angles, ZHLT) = func_platrot : "Moving Rotating platform" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1: "Toggle" : 1 64: "X Axis" : 0 128: "Y Axis" : 0 ] speed(integer) : "Speed of rotation" : 50 height(integer) : "Travel altitude (can be negative)" : 0 rotation(integer) : "Spin amount" : 0 _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Breakable, RenderFields, ZHLT) = func_pushable : "Pushable object" [ size(choices) : "Hull Size" : 0 = [ 0: "Point size" 1: "Player size" 2: "Big Size" 3: "Player duck" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 128: "Breakable" : 0 ] friction(integer) : "Friction (0-400)" : 50 buoyancy(integer) : "Buoyancy" : 20 _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Global, Recharger, RenderFields, ZHLT) = func_recharge: "Battery recharger" [ // dmdelay(integer) : "Deathmatch recharge delay" : 0 _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Global, RenderFields, Angles, ZHLT, BaseLockable) = func_rot_button : "RotatingButton" [ target(target_destination) : "Targetted object" // changetarget will change the button's target's TARGET field to the button's changetarget. changetarget(target_destination) : "ChangeTarget Name" master(string) : "Master" speed(integer) : "Speed" : 50 health(integer) : "Health (shootable if > 0)" sounds(choices) : "Sounds" : 21 = [ 21: "Squeaky" 22: "Squeaky Pneumatic" 23: "Ratchet Groan" 24: "Clean Ratchet" 25: "Gas Clunk" ] noise(sound) : "Sound Override" wait(choices) : "Delay before reset" : 3 = [ -1: "Stays pressed" ] delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" : "0" distance(integer) : "Distance (deg)" : 90 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Not solid" : 0 2 : "Reverse Dir" : 0 16: "Direct use only (spirit compat)": 0 32: "Toggle" : 0 64: "X Axis" : 0 128: "Y Axis" : 0 256:"Touch Activates": 0 512:"Player Can't Use": 0 ] directuse(choices) : "Player use policy" = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Direct only" 2 : "Visible only" ] _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Global, RenderFields, Angles, ZHLT) = func_rotating : "Rotating Object" [ speed(integer) : "Rotation Speed" : 0 volume(integer) : "Volume (10 = loudest)" : 10 fanfriction(integer) : "Friction (0 - 100%)" : 20 sounds(choices) : "Fan Sounds" : 0 = [ 0 : "No Sound" 1 : "Fast Whine" 2 : "Slow Rush" 3 : "Medium Rickety" 4 : "Fast Beating" 5 : "Slow Smooth" ] message(sound) : "WAV Name" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Start ON" : 0 2 : "Reverse Direction" : 0 4 : "X Axis" : 0 8 : "Y Axis" : 0 16: "Acc/Dcc" : 0 32: "Fan Pain" : 0 64: "Not Solid" : 0 128: "Small Radius" : 0 256: "Medium Radius" : 0 512: "Large Radius" : 1 ] _minlight(integer) : "Minimum light level" spawnorigin(string) : "X Y Z - Move here after lighting" : "0 0 0" dmg(integer) : "Damage inflicted when blocked" : 0 ] @SolidClass base(BaseTank, ZHLT) = func_tank : "Brush Gun Turret" [ bullet(choices) : "Bullets" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "9mm" 2: "MP5" 3: "12mm" ] ] @SolidClass = func_tankcontrols : "Tank controls" [ target(target_destination) : "Tank entity name" ] @SolidClass base(BaseTank, ZHLT) = func_tanklaser : "Brush Laser Turret" [ laserentity(target_source) : "env_laser Entity" ] @SolidClass base(BaseTank, ZHLT) = func_tankrocket : "Brush Rocket Turret" [] @SolidClass base(BaseTank, ZHLT) = func_tankmortar : "Brush Mortar Turret" [ iMagnitude(Integer) : "Explosion Magnitude" : 100 ] @SolidClass base(Trackchange, ZHLT) = func_trackautochange : "Automatic track changing platform" [ _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Trackchange, ZHLT) = func_trackchange : "Train track changing platform" [ _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Global, RenderFields, ZHLT) = func_tracktrain : "Track Train" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "No Pitch (X-rot)" : 0 2 : "No User Control" : 0 8 : "Passable" : 0 ] target(target_destination) : "First stop target" sounds(choices) : "Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "Rail 1" 2: "Rail 2" 3: "Rail 3" 4: "Rail 4" 5: "Rail 6" 6: "Rail 7" ] noise(sound) : "Move Sound Override" noise1(sound) : "Brake Sound Override" noise2(sound) : "Start Sound Override" wheels(integer) : "Distance between the wheels" : 50 height(integer) : "Height above track" : 4 startspeed(integer) : "Initial speed" : 0 speed(integer) : "Speed (units per second)" : 64 dmg(integer) : "Damage on crush" : 0 volume(integer) : "Volume (10 = loudest)" : 10 bank(string) : "Bank angle on turns" : "0" _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass = func_traincontrols : "Train Controls" [ target(target_destination) : "Train Name" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Global, RenderFields, ZHLT, BaseTrain, SoundRadius) = func_train : "Moving platform" [ movesnd(choices) : "Move Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "No Sound" 1: "big elev 1" 2: "big elev 2" 3: "tech elev 1" 4: "tech elev 2" 5: "tech elev 3" 6: "freight elev 1" 7: "freight elev 2" 8: "heavy elev" 9: "rack elev" 10: "rail elev" 11: "squeek elev" 12: "odd elev 1" 13: "odd elev 2" ] stopsnd(choices) : "Stop Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "No Sound" 1: "big elev stop1" 2: "big elev stop2" 3: "freight elev stop" 4: "heavy elev stop" 5: "rack stop" 6: "rail stop" 7: "squeek stop" 8: "quick stop" ] avelocity(string) : "Angular Veocity (y z x)" dmg(integer) : "Damage on crush" : 0 skin(integer) : "Contents" custommovesnd(sound) : "Custom move sound" customstopsnd(sound) : "Custom stop sound" spawnflags(flags) = [ 2 : "Origin on paths" : 0 8 : "Not solid" : 0 64 : "No default damage" : 0 ] _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Appearflags, RenderFields, Global, ZHLT) = func_wall : "Wall" [ _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(func_wall) = func_wall_toggle : "Toggleable geometry" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Starts Invisible" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Door, ZHLT) = func_water : "Liquid" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Starts Open" : 0 256:"Use Only" : 0 ] skin(choices) : "Contents" : -3 = [ -3: "Water" -4: "Slime" -5: "Lava" ] WaveHeight(string) : "Wave Height" : "3.2" ] // // game entities (requires Half-Life // @PointClass base(Targetname) = game_autosave : "Point entity alternative to trigger_autosave" [ health(string) : "Minumum Hit Points" : : "Don't save when player has less than this many hitpoints." ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Target) = game_counter : "Fires when it hits limit" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 0 2: "Reset On fire" : 1 ] master(string) : "Master" frags(integer) : "Initial Value" : 0 health(integer) : "Limit Value" : 10 ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Target) = game_counter_set : "Sets a game_counter" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 0 ] master(string) : "Master" frags(integer) : "New Value" : 10 ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = game_end : "End this multiplayer game" [ master(string) : "Master" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) color(170 255 255) = game_inventory : "Update player's inventory" [ message(string) : "Item name" : : "Hud name of item to add or remove from inventory. Empty string with 'Remove Item' flag means clearing the whole inventory." spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Repeatable" : 0 : "Don't remove entity after firing" 2: "Remove Item" : 0 : "Take out item from inventory, instead of adding it" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) color(170 255 255) = game_objective : "Update player's objective" [ message(string) : "Objective" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Repeatable" : 0 : "Don't remove entity after firing" 2: "Don't notify" : 0 : "Don't notify about objective update" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) color(170 255 255) = game_thought : "Update player's thought" [ message(string) : "Thought" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Repeatable" : 0 : "Don't remove entity after firing" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) color(170 255 255) = game_hint : "Update player's hint" [ message(string) : "Hint" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Repeatable" : 0 : "Don't remove entity after firing" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = game_player_equip : "Initial player equipment" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Use Only" : 0 ] master(string) : "Team Master" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = game_player_hurt : "Hurts player who fires" [ dmg(string) : "Damage To Apply" : "999" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 0 ] master(string) : "Master" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = game_player_team : "Allows player to change teams" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Remove On fire" : 0 2 : "Kill Player" : 0 4 : "Gib Player" : 0 ] target(string) : "game_team_master to use" master(string) : "Master" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = game_score : "Award/Deduct Points" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Allow Negative" : 0 2: "Team Points" : 0 ] points(integer) : "Points to add (+/-)" : 1 master(string) : "Master" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = game_player_settings : "Initial player setting in singleplayer" [ target(target_destination) : "Fire on equip" : : "Fire after (and if) player got equipped." spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Give Medkit" : 0 2: "Give Suit" : 0 4: "Give Crowbar" : 0 8: "Give Glock": 0 16: "Give Python": 0 32: "Give MP5": 0 64: "Give Shotgun": 0 128: "Give Crossbow": 0 256: "Give RPG": 0 512: "Give Gauss": 0 1024: "Give Egon": 0 2048: "Give Hornetgun": 0 4096: "Give Pipe Wrench": 0 8192: "Give Knife": 0 16384: "Give Grapple": 0 32768: "Give Desert Eagle": 0 65536: "Give Sniper rifle": 0 131072: "Give M249": 0 262144: "Give Displacer": 0 524288: "Give Shock rifle": 0 1048576: "Give Spore launcher": 0 8388608: "Give Long Jump": 0 ] _9mm(integer) : "9mm bullets" _357(integer) : "357 bullets" buckshot(integer) : "Shotgun shells" bolts(integer) : "Crossbow bolts" ARgrenades(integer) : "AR grenades" rockets(integer) : "Rockets" uranium(integer) : "Uranium" Hand_Grenade(integer) : "Hand grenades" Satchel_Charge(integer) : "Satchels" Trip_Mine(integer) : "Trip mines" Snarks(integer) : "Snarks" _556(integer) : "556 bullets" _762(integer) : "762 bullets" Spores(integer) : "Spores" Penguins(integer) : "Penguins" suitlogon(choices) : "Suit logon" : 0 = [ 0: "Long logon" 1: "Short logon" 2: "No logon" ] flashlight(choices) : "Flashlight" = [ 0: "Default (Night googles)" 1: "Flashlight" 2: "Nothing" ] health(integer) : "Starting health" armorvalue(integer) : "Starting armor" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Targetx) = game_team_master : "Team based master/relay" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 0 ] triggerstate(choices) : "Trigger State" : 0 = [ 0: "Off" 1: "On" 2: "Toggle" ] teamindex(integer) : "Team Index (-1 = no team)" : -1 master(string) : "Master" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Targetx) = game_team_set : "Sets team of team_master" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 0 ] master(string) : "Master" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Target) = game_text : "HUD Text Message" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "All Players" : 0 ] message(string) : "Message Text" x(string) : "X (0 - 1.0 = left to right) (-1 centers)" : "-1" y(string) : "Y (0 - 1.0 = top to bottom) (-1 centers)" : "-1" effect(Choices) : "Text Effect" : 0 = [ 0 : "Fade In/Out" 1 : "Credits" 2 : "Scan Out" ] color(color255) : "Color1" : "100 100 100" color2(color255) : "Color2" : "240 110 0" fadein(string) : "Fade in Time (or character scan time)" : "1.5" fadeout(string) : "Fade Out Time" : "0.5" holdtime(string) : "Hold Time" : "1.2" fxtime(string) : "Scan time (scan effect only)" : "0.25" channel(choices) : "Text Channel" : 1 = [ 1 : "Channel 1" 2 : "Channel 2" 3 : "Channel 3" 4 : "Channel 4" ] master(string) : "Master" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = game_zone_player : "Player Zone brush" [ intarget(target_destination) : "Target for IN players" outtarget(target_destination) : "Target for OUT players" incount(target_destination) : "Counter for IN players" outcount(target_destination) : "Counter for OUT players" // master(string) : "Master" ] @PointClass base(gibshooterbase) = gibshooter : "Gib Shooter" [] // // info entities // @PointClass decal() base(Targetname, Appearflags) = infodecal : "Decal" [ texture(decal) ] @BaseClass color(140 115 65) base(Targetname) = RandomItem [ info_null(string) : "No item chance" item_healthkit(string) : "Healthkit chance" item_battery(string) : "Battery chance" ammo_9mmclip(string) : "9mm clip chance" ammo_9mmAR(string) : "9mmAR clip chance" ammo_9mmbox(string) : "9mm Box chance" ammo_ARgrenades(string) : "AR grenades chance" ammo_buckshot(string) : "Shotgun shells chance" ammo_crossbow(string) : "Crossbow bolts chance" ammo_357(string) : "357 bullets chance" ammo_556(string) : "556 bullets chance" ammo_762(string) : "762 bullets chance" ammo_rpgclip(string) : "RPG rocket chance" ammo_gaussclip(string) : "Gauss clip chance" weapon_handgrenade(string) : "Hand Grenades chance" weapon_tripmine(string) : "Tripmine chance" weapon_satchel(string) : "Satchel chance" weapon_snark(string) : "Snarks chance" weapon_crowbar(string) : "Crowbar chance" weapon_9mmhandgun(string) : "Glock chance" weapon_357(string) : "Python chance" weapon_9mmAR(string) : "MP5 chance" weapon_shotgun(string) : "Shotgun chance" weapon_crossbow(string) : "Crossbow chance" weapon_rpg(string) : "RPG chance" weapon_hornetgun(string) : "Hornetgun chance" weapon_pipewrench(string) : "Pipewrench chance" weapon_knife(string) : "Knife chance" weapon_grapple(string) : "Grapple chance" weapon_medkit(string) : "Medkit chance" weapon_eagle(string) : "Desert Eagle chance" weapon_penguin(string) : "Penguins chance" weapon_m249(string) : "M249 chance" weapon_sniperrifle(string) : "Sniperrifle chance" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-24 -24 0, 24 24 16) color(20 190 60) = info_bigmomma : "Big Mamma Node" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Run To Node" : 0 2 : "Wait Indefinitely" : 0 4 : "Forget Enemy" : 0 ] target(target_destination) : "Next node" radius(string) : "Radius" : "0" reachdelay(string) : "Wait after approach" : "0" killtarget(target_destination) : "KillTarget" reachtarget(target_destination) : "Fire on approach" reachsequence(string) : "Sequence on approach" : "" health(string) : "Health on approach" : "" presequence(string) : "Sequence before approach" : "" laycrabs(choices) : "Lay Crabs Policy" = [ 0 : "No Change" 1 : "Start Laying Crabs" 2 : "Stop Laying Crabs" 3 : "Toggle Laying Crabs" ] ] // Displacer target placement represents the point where the player's feet shall be @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) color(200 100 50) offset(0 0 36) = info_displacer_xen_target : "Displacer XEN Target" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start Disabled" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) color(200 100 50) offset(0 0 36) = info_displacer_earth_target : "Displacer EARTH Target" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start Disabled" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Target, Angles) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) color(0 255 0) = info_intermission : "Intermission Spot" [] @PointClass base(RandomItem) = info_item_random : "Template for item_random_proxy. Supports up to 16 different entities." [] @PointClass base(Targetname) = info_landmark : "Transition Landmark" [] @PointClass size(-24 -24 -4, 24 24 4) color(255 255 0) = info_node : "ai node" [] @PointClass size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 64) color(255 255 0) = info_node_air : "ai air node" [] @PointClass base(Targetname) = info_null : "info_null (spotlight target)" [] @PointClass base(PlayerClass) sequence(2) studio("models/player.mdl") = info_player_coop : "Player cooperative start" [] @PointClass base(PlayerClass) sequence(2) studio("models/player.mdl") = info_player_deathmatch : "Player deathmatch start" [ target(target_destination) : "Target" master(string) : "Master" ] @PointClass base(PlayerClass) sequence(2) studio("models/player.mdl") = info_player_start : "Player 1 start" [] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) color(200 100 50) = info_target : "Beam Target" [] @PointClass size(-8 -8 0, 8 8 16) base(Targetname) offset(0 0 36) = info_teleport_destination : "Teleport destination" [] // // items // @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_oxygen.mdl") = item_airtank : "Oxygen tank" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Item, Targetx) studio("models/w_antidote.mdl") = item_antidote : "Poison antidote" [ noise(sound) : "Pickup sound" : "items/gunpickup4.wav" ] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Item, Targetx) studio("models/w_battery.mdl") = item_battery : "HEV battery" [ health(integer) : "Charge Supplied" ] @PointClass size(-12 -12 0, 12 12 24) base(Item, Targetx) studio("models/w_minibattery.mdl") = item_minibattery : "HEV small battery" [ health(integer) : "Charge Supplied" ] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Item, Targetx) studio("models/w_flashlight.mdl") = item_flashlight : "Flashlight" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Item, Targetx) studio("models/w_medkit.mdl") = item_healthkit : "Small Health Kit" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Item, Targetx) studio("models/w_longjump.mdl") = item_longjump : "Longjump Module" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Item, Targetx) studio("models/w_security.mdl") = item_security : "Security card" [ message(string) : "Message" : : "Message from titles.txt to show on pickup" noise(sound) : "Pickup sound" : "items/gunpickup4.wav" hudname(string) : "Hud name" : : "Custom name from hud.txt to show on pickup. The default is item_security" ] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_suit.mdl") = item_suit : "HEV Suit" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Short Logon" : 0 2 : "No logon" : 0 ] ] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Target, Angles, RandomItem) = item_random : "Random item" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) color(140 115 65) base(Target, Angles) = item_random_proxy : "Random item proxy. Must be used with info_item_random." [ template(string) : "info_item_random entity" ] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) studio() = item_generic : "Generic scenery item" [ model(studio) : "Model" : "models/w_security.mdl" sequencename(string) : "Sequence Name" skin(integer) : "Skin" body(integer) : "Body" scale(string) : "Scale (1.0 = normal size)" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Drop to floor" : 0 2 : "No map transition" : 0 : "Don't go across map transitions" 4 : "Apply gravity" : 0 : "Make item fall when the floor under it gets broken" ] bloodcolor(choices) : "Blood Color" : : "Blood color of monster" = [ 0 : "Don't bleed" 247 : "Human (red)" 195 : "Alien (yellow)" ] minhullsize(string) : "Min Size (X Y Z) (bleedable)" maxhullsize(string) : "Max Size (X Y Z) (bleedable)" gibmodel(studio) : "Gib model (bleedable)" health(string) : "Health (bleedable)" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Global, Angles) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 48 ) studio("models/EYE_SCANNER.mdl") = item_eyescanner : "Retinal Scanner" [ unlocked_target(target_destination) : "Unlocked target" locked_target(target_destination) : "Locked target" delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" : : "Delay before triggering unlocked or locked target" unlockersname(string) : "Unlockers name" noise(sound) : "Custom Granted Sound" noise1(sound) : "Custom Denied Sound" noise2(sound) : "Custom Beeping Sound" granted_sentence(string) : "Granted sentence" denied_sentence(string) : "Denied sentence" sentence_delay(string) : "Sentence delay" : : "Delay between sound and sentence" //reset_delay(integer) : "Reset delay" ] // // lights // @PointClass iconsprite("sprites/light.spr") base(Target, Targetname, Light, ZHLT_point) flags(Light) = light : "Invisible lightsource." : "http://twhl.info/wiki.php?id=148" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Initially dark" : 0 : "If this is enabled, the entity will need to be triggered to work." ] ] @PointClass iconsprite("sprites/light.spr") base(Targetname, Target, Angles, ZHLT_point) flags(Light) = light_spot : "The light_spot entity allows you to create direct beams of light (like from a, err, spotlight)." : "http://twhl.info/wiki.php?id=147" [ _cone(integer) : "Inner (bright) angle" : 30 : "The angle of the cone formed around the directional axis. The area inside this cone will contain the brightest light." _cone2(integer) : "Outer (fading) angle" : 45 : "As above, although the area inside this cone will fade increasingly towards the outer edges." pitch(integer) : "Pitch" : -90 : "The pitch of the light (-90 is straight down, 90 is straight up)." _light(color255) : "Brightness" : "255 255 128 200" : "First three integer numbers are the color (RGB). The fourth number is the brightness." _sky(Choices) : "Is Sky" : 0 : "If Yes, the spot_light will affect the sky brushes, rather than project any light itself." = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Initially dark" : 0 : "If this is enabled, the entity will need to be triggered to work." ] style(Choices) : "Appearance" : 0 : "Light appearance. Values:" = [ 0 : "Normal" 10: "Fluorescent flicker" 2 : "Slow, strong pulse" 11: "Slow pulse, noblack" 5 : "Gentle pulse" 1 : "Flicker A" 6 : "Flicker B" 3 : "Candle A" 7 : "Candle B" 8 : "Candle C" 4 : "Fast strobe" 9 : "Slow strobe" ] pattern(string) : "Custom Appearance" : : "Use a string of letters to provide a custom light style. The property allows you to enter a string of letters from a to z, representing brightness. If you entered 'abcdefghihgfedcba' then the light would go from bright to dim and back again and then repeat. Complicating things, to use this feature, you must name the light. However, if you then use a trigger to activate it, then it will behave as a normal light." ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, ZHLT_point) iconsprite("sprites/light_environment.spr") flags(Light) = light_environment : "This entity makes a map's sky emit light. The only practical way of lighting outdoor maps." : "http://twhl.info/wiki.php?id=146" [ pitch(integer) : "Pitch" : 0 : "A negative number will give downward pitch (which is normally what you want)." _light(color255) : "Brightness" : "255 255 128 200" : "First three integer numbers are the color (RGB). The fourth number is the brightness." ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = locus_beam : "Locus System - Beam effect" [ m_iszStart(target_destination) : "Start at (blank = here)" : "" m_iszEnd(target_destination) : "End at (blank = here)" : "*locus" impulse(choices) : "Start & End are" : 0 = [ 0: "Entity & Entity [LE LE]" 1: "Position & Entity [LP LE]" 2: "Position & Position [LP LP]" 3: "Position & Direction [LP LV]" ] m_iszSprite(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/laserbeam.spr" renderamt(integer) : "Brightness (1 - 255)" : 255 rendercolor(color255) : "Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255" m_iWidth(integer) : "Width" : 10 m_iDistortion(integer) : "Distortion ('noise')" : 0 m_fFrame(integer) : "Start frame" : 0 m_iScrollRate(integer) : "Scroll rate" : 0 m_fDuration(string) : "Duration (0 = unlimited)" : 0 m_fDamage(string) : "Damage amount" : 0 m_iDamageType(choices) : "Damage type" : 0 = [ 0 : "Energy Beam" 1 : "Fracture" 2 : "Blood Loss" 4 : "Lacerations" 8 : "Burning" 16 : "Freezing" 512 : "Internal bleeding" 16384 : "Drowning" 65536 : "Biohazard" 131072 : "Poison (duration)" 262144 : "Radiation" 1048576: "Hazardous chemical" ] m_iszTargetName(target_source) : "Name of children" target(target_destination) : "Fire on spawn (locus = child)" m_iStartAttachment(integer) : "Start attachment [1-4]" : : "Used when start is entity" m_iEndAttachment(integer) : "End attachment [1-4]" : : "Used when end is entity" spawnflags(flags) = [ 8 : "Ring" : 0 16: "StartSparks" : 0 32: "EndSparks" : 0 64: "Decal End" : 0 128: "Fade Start" : 0 256: "Fade End" : 0 512: "Draw Solid" : 0 1024: "Draw Sine" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = locus_variable : "Locus System - Variable for storing data" [ m_iszPosition(string) : "Position to record [LP]" : "*locus" m_iszVelocity(string) : "Velocity to record [LV]" : "*locus" m_iszRatio(string) : "Ratio to record [LR]" : "*locus" m_iszTargetname(string) : "Child's name (blank = no child)" m_iszFireOnSpawn(string) : "Fire on spawn (locus = child)" m_fDuration(string) : "Removed after time (secs)" ] @SolidClass base(Door, ZHLT) = momentary_door : "Momentary/Continuous door" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Starts Open" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Target, Angles, RenderFields, ZHLT) = momentary_rot_button : "Direct wheel control" [ speed(integer) : "Speed" : 50 master(string) : "Master" sounds(choices) : "Sounds" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "Big zap & Warmup" 2: "Access Denied" 3: "Access Granted" 4: "Quick Combolock" 5: "Power Deadbolt 1" 6: "Power Deadbolt 2" 7: "Plunger" 8: "Small zap" 9: "Keycard Sound" 21: "Squeaky" 22: "Squeaky Pneumatic" 23: "Ratchet Groan" 24: "Clean Ratchet" 25: "Gas Clunk" ] distance(integer) : "Distance (deg)" : 90 returnspeed(integer) : "Auto-return speed" : 0 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Door Hack" : 0 2: "Not useable" : 0 16: "Auto Return" : 0 64: "X Axis" : 0 128: "Y Axis" : 0 ] _minlight(integer) : "_minlight" ] // // monsters // @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-40 -40 0, 40 40 64) studio("models/baby_voltigore.mdl") = monster_alien_babyvoltigore : "Baby Voltigore" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "idle2" 2 : "walk" 3 : "run" 4 : "turnl" 5 : "turnr" 6 : "mattack2" 7 : "mattack3" 8 : "victoryeat" 9 : "victorysniff" 10 : "distanceattack" 11 : "flinch" 12 : "flinch" 13 : "dieforward" 14 : "diesimple" 15 : "diesideways" ] netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-80 -80 0, 80 80 90) studio("models/voltigore.mdl") = monster_alien_voltigore : "Voltigore" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "idle2" 2 : "walk" 3 : "run" 4 : "turnl" 5 : "turnr" 6 : "mattack2" 7 : "mattack3" 8 : "victoryeat" 9 : "victorysniff" 10 : "distanceattack" 11 : "flinch" 12 : "flinch" 13 : "dieforward" 14 : "diesimple" 15 : "diesideways" ] netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/controller.mdl") = monster_alien_controller : "Controller" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "attack1" 1 : "attack2" 2 : "throw" 3 : "idle2" 4 : "block" 5 : "shoot" 6 : "flinch1" 7 : "flinch2" 8 : "fall" 9 : "forward" 10 : "backward" 11 : "up" 12 : "down" 13 : "right" 14 : "left" 15 : "float" 16 : "walk" 17 : "run" 18 : "die1" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, FollowingMonster, Sequence) size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 64) studio("models/agrunt.mdl") = monster_alien_grunt : "Alien Grunt" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "threat" 2 : "walk" 3 : "run" 4 : "turnl" 5 : "turnr" 6 : "smallflinch" 7 : "bigflinch" 8 : "mattack2" 9 : "mattack3" 10 : "victorysquat" 11 : "victoryeat" 12 : "victorysquat" 13 : "larmflinch" 14 : "llegflinch" 15 : "rarmflinch" 16 : "rlegflinch" 17 : "attack3" 18 : "attack3" 19 : "hornetattack" 20 : "quickshoot" 21 : "longshoot" 22 : "diehead" 23 : "diegut" 24 : "dieforward" 25 : "diesimple" 26 : "diebackward" 27 : "float" 28 : "scare" 29 : "bigopen" 30 : "smashrail" 31 : "landhard" ] netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/agrunt.mdl") = monster_alien_grunt_dead : "Dead Alien Grunt" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 25 = [ 25 : "diesimple" 26 : "diebackward" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On Stomach" 1 : "On Back" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, FollowingMonster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/islave.mdl") = monster_alien_slave : "Vortigaunt" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 2 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "idle2" 2 : "idle3" 3 : "crouch" 4 : "walk1" 5 : "walk2" 6 : "run1" 7 : "right" 8 : "left" 9 : "jump" 10 : "stairsup" 11 : "attack1" 12 : "zapattack1" 13 : "flinch2" 14 : "laflinch" 15 : "raflinch" 16 : "llflinch" 17 : "rlflinch" 18 : "dieheadshot" 19 : "diesimple" 20 : "diebackward" 21 : "dieforward" 22 : "collar1" 23 : "collar2" 24 : "pushup" 25 : "grab" 26 : "updown" 27 : "downup" 28 : "jibber" 29 : "jabber" 30 : "throw_podium" 31 : "long_jump" 32 : "dead_on_stomach" ] netname(string) : "Squad Name" energy(string) : "Initial energy" attack_distance(string) : "Custom zap distance" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 64 : "IgnorePlayer" : 0 ] weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" = [ 0 : "Default (Electricity)" 2 : "Electricity + Snarks" 4 : "Electricity + Headcrabs" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/islave.mdl") = monster_alien_slave_dead : "Dead Vortigaunt" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 32 = [ 18 : "dieheadshot" 19 : "diesimple" 20 : "diebackward" 21 : "dieforward" 32 : "dead_on_stomach" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On Stomach (OpFor)" 1 : "On Stomach (hands forward)" 2 : "On Side" 3 : "On Back" 4 : "On Stomach (hands backward)" ] ] @PointClass base(Apache) size(-360 -360 -172, 360 360 8) studio("models/apache.mdl") = monster_apache : "Apache" [] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) studio("models/baby_headcrab.mdl") = monster_babycrab : "Baby Headcrab" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "idle2" 2 : "idle3" 3 : "walk" 4 : "run" 5 : "angry" 6 : "flinch" 7 : "dieback" 8 : "180_left" 9 : "180_right" 10 : "jump" 11 : "jump_variation1" 12 : "jump_variation2" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, FollowingMonster, Sequence) size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 64) studio("models/babygarg.mdl") = monster_babygarg : "Baby Gargantua" [] @PointClass base(RenderFields, Sequence) size(-16 -16 -36, 16 16 0) studio("models/barnacle.mdl") = monster_barnacle : "Barnacle Monster" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "idle2" 2 : "idle3" 3 : "flinch_sm" 4 : "attack1" 5 : "chewcycle" 6 : "death" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster,TalkMonster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/barney.mdl") = monster_barney : "Barney" [ frags(choices) : "Weapon" = [ 0 : "Glock (normal)" 1 : "Python 357" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "idle2" 2 : "idle3" 3 : "idle4" 4 : "walk" 5 : "run" 6 : "shootgun" 7 : "shootgun2" 8 : "draw" 9 : "disarm" 10 : "reload" 11 : "turnleft" 12 : "turnright" 13 : "laflinch" 14 : "raflinch" 15 : "llflinch" 16 : "rlflinch" 17 : "smlflinch" 18 : "cower_stand" 19 : "locked_door" 20 : "fall_loop" 21 : "barn_wave" 22 : "beat_grunt" 23 : "beat_gruntidle" 24 : "flashlight" 25 : "diesimple" 26 : "dieviolent" 27 : "diegutshot" 28 : "dieforward" 29 : "diebackward" 30 : "diecrump" 31 : "barnaclehit" 32 : "barnaclepull" 33 : "barnaclecrunch" 34 : "barnaclechew" 35 : "lying_on_back" 36 : "lying_on_side" 37 : "lying_on_stomach" 38 : "stuffed_in_vent" 39 : "standing_idle" 40 : "cprbarney" 41 : "cprbarneyrevive" 42 : "barney_dragvent" 43 : "dying_barney" 44 : "dying_barneyidle" 45 : "dying_friend" 46 : "dying_friendidle" 47 : "c1a3_bidle" 48 : "c1a3_ventb" 49 : "c1a3_emergeidle" 50 : "c1a3_emerge" 51 : "haulbarney" 52 : "intropush" 53 : "fence" 54 : "sit1" 55 : "almostidle" 56 : "almost" 57 : "laseridle" 58 : "laser_top" 59 : "laser_bottom" 60 : "barneyfallidle" 61 : "barneyfall" 62 : "c3a2_draw" 63 : "unlatch" 64 : "retina" 65 : "relaxstand" 66 : "assassinated" 67 : "trackswitch" 68 : "pepsiswing" 69 : "pepsipush" 70 : "buttonpush" 71 : "floater" 72 : "turn_lever" 73 : "draw_shoot" ] bodystate(Choices) : "Gun State" = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Gun Holstered" 1 : "Gun Drawn" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/barney.mdl") = monster_barney_dead : "Dead Barney" [ pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "On side" 2 : "On stomach" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 35 = [ 35 : "lying_on_back" 36 : "lying_on_side" 37 : "lying_on_stomach" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-95 -95 0, 95 95 190) studio("models/big_mom.mdl") = monster_bigmomma : "Big Mamma" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "idle2" 2 : "walk" 3 : "run" 4 : "death" 5 : "claw" 6 : "claw" 7 : "claw" 8 : "spawn" 9 : "mortar" 10 : "flinch" 11 : "defend" 12 : "jump" 13 : "angry1" 14 : "angry2" 15 : "angry3" 16 : "breakwall" 17 : "fall1" 18 : "fall2" 19 : "falldeath" ] netname(string) : "First node" : "" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1024: "No Babycrabs" : 0 32768: "Monsterclip Babycrabs" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Repel, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/massn.mdl") = monster_assassin_repel : "Male Assassin (Repel)" [ head(Choices) : "Heads" : 0 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Ski Mask White" 1 : "Ski Mask Black" 2 : "Night Goggles" ] weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 1 = [ 1 : "9mmAR" 3 : "9mmAR + HG" 5 : "9mmAR + GL" 8 : "Sniper Rifle" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "walk1" 1 : "run" 2 : "victorydance" 3 : "cower" 4 : "smflinch" 5 : "launchgrenade" 6 : "throwgrenade" 7 : "idle1" 8 : "idle2" 9 : "combatidle" 10 : "frontkick" 11 : "frontkick" 12 : "frontkick" 13 : "crouching_idle" 14 : "crouching_wait" 15 : "crouching_mp5" 16 : "standing_mp5" 17 : "reload_mp5" 18 : "crouching_shotgun" 19 : "standing_shotgun" 20 : "reload_shotgun" 21 : "crouching_m40a1" 22 : "standing_m40a1" 23 : "reload_m40a1" 24 : "advance_signal" 25 : "flank_signal" 26 : "retreat_signal" 27 : "drop_grenade" 28 : "limpingwalk" 29 : "limpingrun" 30 : "strafeleft" 31 : "straferight" 32 : "dieback1" 33 : "dieforward" 34 : "diesimple" 35 : "diebackwards" 36 : "dieheadshot" 37 : "diegutshot" 38 : "barnacled1" 39 : "barnacled2" 40 : "barnacled3" 41 : "barnacled4" 42 : "dead_on_stomach" 43 : "deadstomach" 44 : "deadside" 45 : "deadsitting" 46 : "repel_jump" 47 : "repel_repel" 48 : "repel_shoot" 49 : "repel_land" 50 : "repel_die" 51 : "working" 52 : "standing" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Apache) size(-360 -360 -172, 360 360 8) studio("models/blkop_apache.mdl") = monster_blkop_apache : "Black Ops Apache" [] @PointClass base(Osprey) size(-480 -480 -112, 480 480 24) studio("models/blkop_osprey.mdl") = monster_blkop_osprey : "Black Ops Osprey" [] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/floater.mdl") = monster_bloater : "Bloater" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/floater.mdl") = monster_floater : "Floater" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" ] netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 64 : "IgnorePlayer" : 0 : "Ignore player presence unless provoked by damage or sound" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 64) studio("models/bullsquid.mdl") = monster_bullchicken : "BullChicken" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 7 = [ 0 : "walk" 1 : "run" 2 : "suprisedhop" 3 : "flinchs" 4 : "flinchb" 5 : "turnleft" 6 : "turnright" 7 : "idle" 8 : "whip" 9 : "bite" 10 : "range" 11 : "look" 12 : "seecrab" 13 : "eat" 14 : "inspectdown" 15 : "sniff" 16 : "die" 17 : "die1" 18 : "bulljump" 19 : "draggruntidle" 20 : "draggrunt" 21 : "scare" 22 : "squidfallidle" 23 : "squidfall" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) studio("models/bullsquid.mdl") = monster_bullchicken_dead : "Dead BullChicken" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 17 = [ 17 : "die1" ] skin(Choices) : "Eye state" = [ 0 : "Open" 1 : "Closed" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-3 -3 0, 3 3 3) studio("models/roach.mdl") = monster_cockroach : "Cockroach" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "run" 1 : "run" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 16) studio("models/aflock.mdl") = monster_flyer_flock : "Flock of Flyers" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle" 1 : "fly" 2 : "fly2" 3 : "bankL" 4 : "bankR" 5 : "hit" 6 : "wounded" 7 : "crash" ] iFlockSize(Integer) : "Flock Size" : 8 flFlockRadius(Integer) : "Flock Radius" : 128 ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio() = monster_furniture : "Monster Furniture" [ model(studio) : "model" body(Integer) : "Body" : 0 ] @PointClass base(Monster, FollowingMonster, Sequence) size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 128) studio("models/garg.mdl") = monster_gargantua : "Gargantua" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle3" 1 : "idle2" 2 : "idle1" 3 : "idle4" 4 : "walk" 5 : "run" 6 : "shootflames1" 7 : "shootflames2" 8 : "Attack" 9 : "stomp" 10 : "180left" 11 : "180right" 12 : "Flinchlight" 13 : "Flinchheavy" 14 : "die" 15 : "bitehead" 16 : "throwbody" 17 : "smash" 18 : "rollcar" 19 : "kickcar" 20 : "pushcar" 21 : "bust" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 -36, 16 16 36) studio() = monster_generic : "Generic Script Monster" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 4 : "Not solid" : 0 8 : "Head controller" : 0 ] model(studio) : "model" body(integer) : "Body" : 0 skin(integer) : "Skin" ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 -36, 16 16 36) studio() = monster_generic_dead : "Generic Script Monster" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 4 : "Not solid" : 0 ] model(studio) : "model" body(integer) : "Body" skin(integer) : "Skin" pose(string) : "Pose (string)" : : "Name of the sequence" frags(choices): "Death Type" : 36 = [ 36 : "Just dead" 37 : "Fell backwards" 38 : "Fell forwards" 39 : "Died violently" 66 : "Head shot" 67 : "Chest shot" 68 : "Gut shot" 69 : "Shot in the back" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/gman.mdl") = monster_gman : "G-Man" [ body(Choices) : "Body" = [ 0 : "Default" 1 : "Cellphone" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle01" 1 : "idlebrush" 2 : "idlelook" 3 : "idle02" 4 : "open" 5 : "stand" 6 : "walk" 7 : "yes" 8 : "no" 9 : "bigno" 10 : "bigyes" 11 : "listen" 12 : "lookdown" 13 : "lookdown2" 14 : "cell_idle" 15 : "cell_away" 16 : "working_nuke" 17 : "push_button" ] ] @PointClass base(Repel, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hgrunt.mdl") = monster_grunt_repel : "Human Grunt (Repel)" [ weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 1 = [ 1 : "9mmAR" 3 : "9mmAR + HG" 5 : "9mmAR + GL" 8 : "Shotgun" 10 : "Shotgun + HG" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 48 = [ 0 : "walk1" 1 : "run" 2 : "victorydance" 3 : "cower" 4 : "smflinch" 5 : "leftlegsmflinch" 6 : "rightlegsmflinch" 7 : "rightarmflinch" 8 : "leftarmflinch" 9 : "launchgrenade" 10 : "throwgrenade" 11 : "idle1" 12 : "idle2" 13 : "combatidle" 14 : "frontkick" 15 : "crouching_idle" 16 : "crouching_wait" 17 : "crouching_mp5" 18 : "standing_mp5" 19 : "reload_mp5" 20 : "crouching_shotgun" 21 : "standing_shotgun" 22 : "reload_shotgun" 23 : "advance_signal" 24 : "flank_signal" 25 : "retreat_signal" 26 : "drop_grenade" 27 : "limpingwalk" 28 : "limpingrun" 29 : "180L" 30 : "180R" 31 : "strafeleft" 32 : "straferight" 33 : "dieback1" 34 : "dieforward" 35 : "diesimple" 36 : "diebackwards" 37 : "dieheadshot" 38 : "diegutshot" 39 : "barnacled1" 40 : "barnacled2" 41 : "barnacled3" 42 : "barnacled4" 43 : "dead_on_stomach" 44 : "deadstomach" 45 : "deadside" 46 : "deadsitting" 47 : "repel_jump" 48 : "repel_repel" 49 : "repel_shoot" 50 : "repel_land" 51 : "repel_die" 52 : "dragholeidle" 53 : "draghole" 54 : "bustwall" 55 : "hoprail" 56 : "converse1" 57 : "converse2" 58 : "startleleft" 59 : "startleright" 60 : "divecover" 61 : "defuse" 62 : "corner1" 63 : "corner2" 64 : "stone_toss" 65 : "cliffdie" 66 : "diveaside_idle" 67 : "diveaside" 68 : "kneeldive_idle" 69 : "kneeldive" 70 : "WM_button" 71 : "WM_moatjump" 72 : "bustwindow" 73 : "dragleft" 74 : "dragright" 75 : "trackwave" 76 : "trackdive" 77 : "flyback" 78 : "impaled" 79 : "jumptracks" 80 : "pipetoss" 81 : "plunger" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields, Sequence) studio("models/w_grenade.mdl") = monster_handgrenade : "Live Handgrenade" [] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) studio("models/headcrab.mdl") = monster_headcrab : "Head Crab" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "idle2" 2 : "idle3" 3 : "walk" 4 : "run" 5 : "angry" 6 : "flinch" 7 : "dieback" 8 : "180_left" 9 : "180_right" 10 : "jump" 11 : "jump_variation1" 12 : "jump_variation2" 13 : "yaw_adjustment" 14 : "headcrabbed#1" 15 : "headcrabbed#2" 16 : "headidle" 17 : "crashidle" 18 : "crash" 19 : "hstruggleidle" 20 : "hstruggle" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) studio("models/headcrab.mdl") = monster_headcrab_dead : "Dead Head Crab" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 7 = [ 7 : "dieback" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/deadhaz.mdl") = monster_hevsuit_dead : "Dead HEV Suit" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "deadback" 1 : "deadsitting" 2 : "deadstomach" 3 : "deadtable" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "Seated" 2 : "On stomach" 3 : "On Table" ] body(Choices) : "Body" : 1 = [ 0 : "Gordon Freeman" 1 : "Hevsuit scientist" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hgrunt.mdl") = monster_hgrunt_dead : "Dead Human Grunt" [ pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On stomach" 1 : "On side" 2 : "Seated" ] body(Choices) : "Body" : 0 = [ 0 : "Grunt with Gun" 1 : "Commander with Gun" 2 : "Grunt no Gun" 3 : "Commander no Gun" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 44 = [ 44 : "deadstomach" 45 : "deadside" 46 : "deadsitting" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) studio("models/houndeye.mdl") = monster_houndeye : "Houndeye" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 1 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "idle2" 2 : "idle3" 3 : "run" 4 : "run" 5 : "run" 6 : "die" 7 : "die1" 8 : "die2" 9 : "die3" 10 : "attack" 11 : "flinch_small" 12 : "flinch_small2" 13 : "die_crumple" 14 : "walk_limp" 15 : "walk2" 16 : "leaderlook" 17 : "sleep" 18 : "gotosleep" 19 : "sleeptostand" 20 : "madidle" 21 : "madidle2" 22 : "madidle3" 23 : "inspect" 24 : "eat" 25 : "180l" 26 : "180r" 27 : "jumpback" 28 : "wakefast" 29 : "whimper" 30 : "jumpwindow" ] netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 32768 : "Start sleeping" : 0 : "Houndeye starts sleeping with eyes closed and doesn't wake up until hears player or combat" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/houndeye_dead.mdl") = monster_houndeye_dead : "Dead Houndeye" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "dead" ] skin(Choices) : "Eye state" = [ 0 : "Open" 1 : "Half open" 2 : "Closed" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "Just plain dead" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, FollowingMonster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hassassin.mdl") = monster_human_assassin : "Human Assassin" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1024: "Don't Drop Items" : 0 ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "fly_up" 1 : "idle1" 2 : "idle3" 3 : "idle2" 4 : "run" 5 : "walk" 6 : "shoot" 7 : "grenadethrow" 8 : "kick" 9 : "kickshort" 10 : "death_during_run" 11 : "die_backwards" 12 : "die_simple" 13 : "jump" 14 : "fly_down" 15 : "fly_attack" 16 : "landfromjump" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, FollowingMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hgrunt.mdl") = monster_human_grunt : "Human Grunt (camo)" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] netname(string) : "Squad Name" weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 1 = [ 1 : "9mmAR" 3 : "9mmAR + HG" 5 : "9mmAR + GL" 8 : "Shotgun" 10 : "Shotgun + HG" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 11 = [ 0 : "walk1" 1 : "run" 2 : "victorydance" 3 : "cower" 4 : "smflinch" 5 : "leftlegsmflinch" 6 : "rightlegsmflinch" 7 : "rightarmflinch" 8 : "leftarmflinch" 9 : "launchgrenade" 10 : "throwgrenade" 11 : "idle1" 12 : "idle2" 13 : "combatidle" 14 : "frontkick" 15 : "crouching_idle" 16 : "crouching_wait" 17 : "crouching_mp5" 18 : "standing_mp5" 19 : "reload_mp5" 20 : "crouching_shotgun" 21 : "standing_shotgun" 22 : "reload_shotgun" 23 : "advance_signal" 24 : "flank_signal" 25 : "retreat_signal" 26 : "drop_grenade" 27 : "limpingwalk" 28 : "limpingrun" 29 : "180L" 30 : "180R" 31 : "strafeleft" 32 : "straferight" 33 : "dieback1" 34 : "dieforward" 35 : "diesimple" 36 : "diebackwards" 37 : "dieheadshot" 38 : "diegutshot" 39 : "barnacled1" 40 : "barnacled2" 41 : "barnacled3" 42 : "barnacled4" 43 : "dead_on_stomach" 44 : "deadstomach" 45 : "deadside" 46 : "deadsitting" 47 : "repel_jump" 48 : "repel_repel" 49 : "repel_shoot" 50 : "repel_land" 51 : "repel_die" 52 : "dragholeidle" 53 : "draghole" 54 : "bustwall" 55 : "hoprail" 56 : "converse1" 57 : "converse2" 58 : "startleleft" 59 : "startleright" 60 : "divecover" 61 : "defuse" 62 : "corner1" 63 : "corner2" 64 : "stonetoss" 65 : "cliffdie" 66 : "diveaside_idle" 67 : "diveaside" 68 : "kneeldive_idle" 69 : "kneeldive" 70 : "WM_button" 71 : "WM_moatjump" 72 : "bustwindow" 73 : "dragleft" 74 : "dragright" 75 : "trackwave" 76 : "trackdive" 77 : "flyback" 78 : "impaled" 79 : "jumptracks" 80 : "pipetoss" 81 : "plunger" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, TalkMonster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hgrunt_opfor.mdl") = monster_human_grunt_ally : "Human Grunt Ally (camo)" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 7 = [ 0 : "walk1" 1 : "run" 2 : "victorydance" 3 : "cower" 4 : "smflinch" 5 : "launchgrenade" 6 : "throwgrenade" 7 : "idle1" 8 : "idle2" 9 : "combatidle" 10 : "frontkick" 11 : "crouching_idle" 12 : "crouching_wait" 13 : "crouching_mp5" 14 : "standing_mp5" 15 : "reload_mp5" 16 : "crouching_shotgun" 17 : "standing_shotgun" 18 : "reload_shotgun" 19 : "crouching_saw" 20 : "standing_saw" 21 : "reload_saw" 22 : "advance_signal" 23 : "flank_signal" 24 : "retreat_signal" 25 : "drop_grenade" 26 : "limpingwalk" 27 : "limpingrun" 28 : "180L" 29 : "180R" 30 : "dieback1" 31 : "dieforward" 32 : "diesimple" 33 : "diebackwards" 34 : "dieheadshot" 35 : "diegutshot" 36 : "barnacled1" 37 : "barnacled2" 38 : "barnacled3" 39 : "barnacled4" 40 : "dead_on_stomach" 41 : "deadstomach" 42 : "deadside" 43 : "deadsitting" 44 : "dead_on_back" 45 : "dead_headcrabed" 46 : "hgrunt_dead_stomach" 47 : "dead_canyon" 48 : "repel_jump" 49 : "repel_repel" 50 : "repel_shoot" 51 : "repel_land" 52 : "repel_die" 53 : "sitting" 54 : "sitting2" 55 : "sitting3" 56 : "react" 57 : "holding_on" 58 : "open_floor_grate" 59 : "hgrunt_on_stretcher" 60 : "crawling" 61 : "of2a2_speech_idle" 62 : "of2a2_death_speech" 63 : "of1a6_get_on" 64 : "cpr" 65 : "mic_idle1" 66 : "mic_idle2" 67 : "mic_idle3" 68 : "mic_idle4" 69 : "mic_stand" 70 : "interogation" 71 : "interogation_idle" 72 : "shoot_shotgun" ] netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 3 = [ 0 : "None" 1 : "9mmAR" 3 : "9mmAR + HG" 5 : "9mmAR + GL" 8 : "Shotgun" 10 : "Shotgun + HG" 16 : "Saw" 18 : "Saw + HG" ] head(Choices) : "Heads" : -1 = [ -2 : "Random" -1 : "Default" 0 : "Gas Mask" 1 : "Beret" 2 : "Ops Mask" 3 : "Bandana White" 4 : "Bandana Black" 5 : "MP" 6 : "Major" 7 : "Beret (Black)" 8 : "Greg" 9 : "Kevin" ] ] @PointClass base(Repel, Sequence, CustomSentences) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hgrunt_opfor.mdl") = monster_grunt_ally_repel : "Human Grunt Ally (Repel)" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 49 = [ 0 : "walk1" 1 : "run" 2 : "victorydance" 3 : "cower" 4 : "smflinch" 5 : "launchgrenade" 6 : "throwgrenade" 7 : "idle1" 8 : "idle2" 9 : "combatidle" 10 : "frontkick" 11 : "crouching_idle" 12 : "crouching_wait" 13 : "crouching_mp5" 14 : "standing_mp5" 15 : "reload_mp5" 16 : "crouching_shotgun" 17 : "standing_shotgun" 18 : "reload_shotgun" 19 : "crouching_saw" 20 : "standing_saw" 21 : "reload_saw" 22 : "advance_signal" 23 : "flank_signal" 24 : "retreat_signal" 25 : "drop_grenade" 26 : "limpingwalk" 27 : "limpingrun" 28 : "180L" 29 : "180R" 30 : "dieback1" 31 : "dieforward" 32 : "diesimple" 33 : "diebackwards" 34 : "dieheadshot" 35 : "diegutshot" 36 : "barnacled1" 37 : "barnacled2" 38 : "barnacled3" 39 : "barnacled4" 40 : "dead_on_stomach" 41 : "deadstomach" 42 : "deadside" 43 : "deadsitting" 44 : "dead_on_back" 45 : "dead_headcrabed" 46 : "hgrunt_dead_stomach" 47 : "dead_canyon" 48 : "repel_jump" 49 : "repel_repel" 50 : "repel_shoot" 51 : "repel_land" 52 : "repel_die" 53 : "sitting" 54 : "sitting2" 55 : "sitting3" 56 : "react" 57 : "holding_on" 58 : "open_floor_grate" 59 : "hgrunt_on_stretcher" 60 : "crawling" 61 : "of2a2_speech_idle" 62 : "of2a2_death_speech" 63 : "of1a6_get_on" 64 : "cpr" 65 : "mic_idle1" 66 : "mic_idle2" 67 : "mic_idle3" 68 : "mic_idle4" 69 : "mic_stand" 70 : "interogation" 71 : "interogation_idle" 72 : "shoot_shotgun" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] netname(string) : "Squad Name" weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 3 = [ 1 : "9mmAR" 3 : "9mmAR + HG" 5 : "9mmAR + GL" 8 : "Shotgun" 10 : "Shotgun + HG" 16 : "Saw" 18 : "Saw + HG" ] head(Choices) : "Heads" : -1 = [ -2 : "Random" -1 : "Default" 0 : "Gas Mask" 1 : "Beret" 2 : "Ops Mask" 3 : "Bandana White" 4 : "Bandana Black" 5 : "MP" 6 : "Major" 7 : "Beret (Black)" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hgrunt_opfor.mdl") = monster_human_grunt_ally_dead : "Dead Human Grunt Ally" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 40 = [ 40 : "dead_on_stomach" 41 : "deadstomach" 42 : "deadside" 43 : "deadsitting" 44 : "dead_on_back" 45 : "dead_headcrabed" 46 : "hgrunt_dead_stomach" 47 : "dead_canyon" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On stomach" 1 : "On side" 2 : "Seated" 3 : "Dead On Back" 4 : "Dead On Stomach" 5 : "Head Crabbed" 6 : "Dead In Canyon" ] weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 1 = [ 0 : "None" 1 : "9mmAR" 8 : "Shotgun" 16 : "Saw" ] head(Choices) : "Heads" : 0 = [ -2 : "Random" 0 : "Gas Mask" 1 : "Beret" 2 : "Ops Mask" 3 : "Bandana White" 4 : "Bandana Black" 5 : "MP" 6 : "Major" 7 : "Beret (Black)" 8 : "Greg" 9 : "Kevin" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, TalkMonster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hgrunt_medic.mdl") = monster_human_medic_ally : "Medic" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 6 = [ 0 : "walk1" 1 : "run" 2 : "victorydance" 3 : "cower" 4 : "smflinch" 5 : "throwgrenade" 6 : "idle1" 7 : "idle2" 8 : "combatidle" 9 : "frontkick" 10 : "crouching_idle" 11 : "crouching_wait" 12 : "crouching_mp5" 13 : "standing_mp5" 14 : "reload_mp5" 15 : "advance_signal" 16 : "flank_signal" 17 : "retreat_signal" 18 : "drop_grenade" 19 : "limpingwalk" 20 : "limpingrun" 21 : "180L" 22 : "180R" 23 : "pull_needle" 24 : "store_needle" 25 : "give_shot" 26 : "dieback1" 27 : "dieforward" 28 : "diesimple" 29 : "diebackwards" 30 : "dieheadshot" 31 : "diegutshot" 32 : "barnacled1" 33 : "barnacled2" 34 : "barnacled3" 35 : "barnacled4" 36 : "dead_on_stomach" 37 : "deadstomach" 38 : "deadside" 39 : "deadsitting" 40 : "repel_jump" 41 : "repel_repel" 42 : "repel_shoot" 43 : "repel_land" 44 : "repel_die" 45 : "open_floor_grate" 46 : "heal_crouch" ] netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] head(Choices) : "Heads" : -1 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "White" 1 : "Black" ] weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 2 = [ 0 : "Default (Desert eagle)" 1 : "Desert Eagle" 2 : "9mm Handgun" 4 : "Hypodermic Needle" ] ] @PointClass base(Repel, Sequence, CustomSentences) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hgrunt_medic.mdl") = monster_medic_ally_repel : "Medic (Repel)" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 41 = [ 0 : "walk1" 1 : "run" 2 : "victorydance" 3 : "cower" 4 : "smflinch" 5 : "throwgrenade" 6 : "idle1" 7 : "idle2" 8 : "combatidle" 9 : "frontkick" 10 : "crouching_idle" 11 : "crouching_wait" 12 : "crouching_mp5" 13 : "standing_mp5" 14 : "reload_mp5" 15 : "advance_signal" 16 : "flank_signal" 17 : "retreat_signal" 18 : "drop_grenade" 19 : "limpingwalk" 20 : "limpingrun" 21 : "180L" 22 : "180R" 23 : "pull_needle" 24 : "store_needle" 25 : "give_shot" 26 : "dieback1" 27 : "dieforward" 28 : "diesimple" 29 : "diebackwards" 30 : "dieheadshot" 31 : "diegutshot" 32 : "barnacled1" 33 : "barnacled2" 34 : "barnacled3" 35 : "barnacled4" 36 : "dead_on_stomach" 37 : "deadstomach" 38 : "deadside" 39 : "deadsitting" 40 : "repel_jump" 41 : "repel_repel" 42 : "repel_shoot" 43 : "repel_land" 44 : "repel_die" 45 : "open_floor_grate" 46 : "heal_crouch" ] head(Choices) : "Heads" : -1 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "White" 1 : "Black" ] weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 2 = [ 0 : "Default (Desert eagle)" 1 : "Desert Eagle" 2 : "9mm Handgun" 4 : "Hypodermic Needle" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hgrunt_medic.mdl") = monster_human_medic_ally_dead : "Dead Human Medic Ally" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 37 = [ 37 : "deadstomach" 38 : "deadside" 39 : "deadsitting" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On stomach" 1 : "On side" 2 : "Seated" ] weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 2 = [ 0 : "None" 1 : "Desert Eagle" 2 : "9mm Handgun" 4 : "Hypodermic Needle" ] head(Choices) : "Heads" : -1 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "White" 1 : "Black" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, TalkMonster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hgrunt_torch.mdl") = monster_human_torch_ally : "Torch" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 6 = [ 0 : "walk1" 1 : "run" 2 : "victorydance" 3 : "cower" 4 : "smflinch" 5 : "throwgrenade" 6 : "idle1" 7 : "idle2" 8 : "idle3" 9 : "combatidle" 10 : "frontkick" 11 : "crouching_idle" 12 : "crouching_wait" 13 : "crouching_mp5" 14 : "standing_mp5" 15 : "reload_mp5" 16 : "advance_signal" 17 : "flank_signal" 18 : "retreat_signal" 19 : "drop_grenade" 20 : "limpingwalk" 21 : "limpingrun" 22 : "180L" 23 : "180R" 24 : "dieback1" 25 : "dieforward" 26 : "diesimple" 27 : "diebackwards" 28 : "dieheadshot" 29 : "diegutshot" 30 : "barnacled1" 31 : "barnacled2" 32 : "barnacled3" 33 : "barnacled4" 34 : "dead_on_stomach" 35 : "deadstomach" 36 : "deadside" 37 : "deadsitting" 38 : "repel_jump" 39 : "repel_repel" 40 : "repel_shoot" 41 : "repel_land" 42 : "repel_die" 43 : "open_floor_grate" 44 : "cut_floor_grate" 45 : "wounded" 46 : "get_up" 47 : "pull_torch_wgun" 48 : "store_torch" 49 : "pull_torch_nogun" 50 : "cut_door_wgun" 51 : "cut_door_nogun" ] netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 1 = [ 1 : "Desert Eagle" 2 : "Blow Torch" ] ] @PointClass base(Repel, Sequence, CustomSentences) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hgrunt_torch.mdl") = monster_torch_ally_repel : "Torch (Repel)" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 39 = [ 0 : "walk1" 1 : "run" 2 : "victorydance" 3 : "cower" 4 : "smflinch" 5 : "throwgrenade" 6 : "idle1" 7 : "idle2" 8 : "idle3" 9 : "combatidle" 10 : "frontkick" 11 : "crouching_idle" 12 : "crouching_wait" 13 : "crouching_mp5" 14 : "standing_mp5" 15 : "reload_mp5" 16 : "advance_signal" 17 : "flank_signal" 18 : "retreat_signal" 19 : "drop_grenade" 20 : "limpingwalk" 21 : "limpingrun" 22 : "180L" 23 : "180R" 24 : "dieback1" 25 : "dieforward" 26 : "diesimple" 27 : "diebackwards" 28 : "dieheadshot" 29 : "diegutshot" 30 : "barnacled1" 31 : "barnacled2" 32 : "barnacled3" 33 : "barnacled4" 34 : "dead_on_stomach" 35 : "deadstomach" 36 : "deadside" 37 : "deadsitting" 38 : "repel_jump" 39 : "repel_repel" 40 : "repel_shoot" 41 : "repel_land" 42 : "repel_die" 43 : "open_floor_grate" 44 : "cut_floor_grate" 45 : "wounded" 46 : "get_up" 47 : "pull_torch_wgun" 48 : "store_torch" 49 : "pull_torch_nogun" 50 : "cut_door_wgun" 51 : "cut_door_nogun" ] weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 1 = [ 1 : "Desert Eagle" 2 : "Blow Torch" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hgrunt_torch.mdl") = monster_human_torch_ally_dead : "Dead Human Torch Ally" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 35 = [ 35 : "deadstomach" 36 : "deadside" 37 : "deadsitting" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On stomach" 1 : "On side" 2 : "Seated" ] weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 1 = [ 0 : "None" 1 : "Desert Eagle" 2 : "Blow Torch" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 64) studio("models/icky.mdl") = monster_ichthyosaur : "Ichthyosaur" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle" 1 : "swim" 2 : "thrust" 3 : "die1" 4 : "die2" 5 : "smflinch" 6 : "bgflinch" 7 : "bellyup" 8 : "bite_r" 9 : "bite_l" 10 : "srattack1" 11 : "rturn" 12 : "lturn" 13 : "180turn" 14 : "hitcage" 15 : "new_ickyjump" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-6 -6 0, 6 6 6) studio("models/kingpin.mdl") = monster_kingpin : "Kingpin" [ teleport_target(string) : "Teleport target" : : "Name of targets to teleport to when can't get to enemy" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32768 : "Escape on death" : 0 : "Escape away via teleport instead of gibbing. Still counts as death for trigger condition" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-6 -6 0, 6 6 6) studio("models/leech.mdl") = monster_leech : "Leech" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "swim" 1 : "swim2" 2 : "attack" 3 : "hover" 4 : "leftturn" 5 : "rightturn" 6 : "death" 7 : "death_end" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 -32, 16 16 32) studio("models/miniturret.mdl") = monster_miniturret : "Mini Auto Turret" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle_off" 1 : "fire" 2 : "spin" 3 : "deploy" 4 : "retire" 5 : "die" ] orientation(Choices) : "Orientation" : 0 = [ 0 : "Floor Mount" 1 : "Ceiling Mount" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "Autostart" : 0 64 : "Start Inactive" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, FollowingMonster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/massn.mdl") = monster_male_assassin : "Male Assassin" [ netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] head(Choices) : "Heads" : 0 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Ski Mask White" 1 : "Ski Mask Black" 2 : "Night Goggles" ] weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 3 = [ 0 : "None" 1 : "9mmAR" 3 : "9mmAR + HG" 5 : "9mmAR + GL" 8 : "Sniper Rifle" ] standgroundrange(string) : "Stand Ground Range" : "0.0" sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 7 = [ 0 : "walk1" 1 : "run" 2 : "victorydance" 3 : "cower" 4 : "smflinch" 5 : "launchgrenade" 6 : "throwgrenade" 7 : "idle1" 8 : "idle2" 9 : "combatidle" 10 : "frontkick" 11 : "frontkick" 12 : "frontkick" 13 : "crouching_idle" 14 : "crouching_wait" 15 : "crouching_mp5" 16 : "standing_mp5" 17 : "reload_mp5" 18 : "crouching_shotgun" 19 : "standing_shotgun" 20 : "reload_shotgun" 21 : "crouching_m40a1" 22 : "standing_m40a1" 23 : "reload_m40a1" 24 : "advance_signal" 25 : "flank_signal" 26 : "retreat_signal" 27 : "drop_grenade" 28 : "limpingwalk" 29 : "limpingrun" 30 : "strafeleft" 31 : "straferight" 32 : "dieback1" 33 : "dieforward" 34 : "diesimple" 35 : "diebackwards" 36 : "dieheadshot" 37 : "diegutshot" 38 : "barnacled1" 39 : "barnacled2" 40 : "barnacled3" 41 : "barnacled4" 42 : "dead_on_stomach" 43 : "deadstomach" 44 : "deadside" 45 : "deadsitting" 46 : "repel_jump" 47 : "repel_repel" 48 : "repel_shoot" 49 : "repel_land" 50 : "repel_die" 51 : "working" 52 : "standing" ] ] @BaseClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/massn.mdl") = MaleAssassinDead [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 43 = [ 43 : "deadstomach" 44 : "deadside" 45 : "deadsitting" ] head(Choices) : "Heads" : -1 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Ski Mask White" 1 : "Ski Mask Black" 2 : "Night Goggles" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On stomach" 1 : "On side" 2 : "Seated" ] weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 1 = [ 0 : "None" 1 : "9mmAR" 8 : "Sniper Rifle" ] ] @PointClass base(MaleAssassinDead) = monster_male_assassin_dead : "Dead Male Assassin" [] @PointClass base(MaleAssassinDead) = monster_massassin_dead : "Dead Male Assassin" [] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-192 -192 0, 192 192 384) studio("models/nihilanth.mdl") = monster_nihilanth : "Nihilanth" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "float" 1 : "attack1" 2 : "attack2" 3 : "throw" 4 : "block" 5 : "recharge" 6 : "float_open" 7 : "attack1_open" 8 : "attack2_open" 9 : "flinch1" 10 : "flinch2" 11 : "fall" 12 : "die1" 13 : "walk_f" 14 : "walk_b" 15 : "walk_u" 16 : "walk_d" 17 : "walk_r" 18 : "walk_l" 19 : "walk" 20 : "shoot" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 -36, 16 16 36) studio("models/loader.mdl") = monster_op4loader : "Loader machine" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle" 1 : "boxwalk" 2 : "45_left" 3 : "heroidle" 4 : "freeze" 5 : "park" 6 : "blocked" 7 : "freed" 8 : "dropbox" 9 : "pivotback" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 4 : "Not solid" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Osprey) size(-480 -480 -112, 480 480 24) studio("models/osprey.mdl") = monster_osprey : "Osprey" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "rotor" ] grunttype(Choices) : "Grunt Type" : : "Note: you need to set an appropriate relationship for osprey to spawn ally grunts" = [ 0 : "Human Grunts (default)" 1 : "Opposing Force Grunts" ] ] @BaseClass = OtisHead [ head(Choices) : "Head" : -1 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Head with hair" 1 : "Bald Head" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, TalkMonster, OtisHead, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/otis.mdl") = monster_otis : "Otis" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "idle2" 2 : "idle3" 3 : "idle4" 4 : "walk" 5 : "run" 6 : "shootgun" 7 : "shootgun2" 8 : "draw" 9 : "disarm" 10 : "reload" 11 : "turnleft" 12 : "turnright" 13 : "laflinch" 14 : "raflinch" 15 : "llflinch" 16 : "rlflinch" 17 : "smlflinch" 18 : "cower_stand" 19 : "locked_door" 20 : "fall_loop" 21 : "barn_wave" 22 : "beat_grunt" 23 : "beat_gruntidle" 24 : "flashlight" 25 : "diesimple" 26 : "dieviolent" 27 : "diegutshot" 28 : "dieforward" 29 : "diebackward" 30 : "diecrump" 31 : "barnaclehit" 32 : "barnaclepull" 33 : "barnaclecrunch" 34 : "barnaclechew" 35 : "lying_on_back" 36 : "lying_on_side" 37 : "lying_on_stomach" 38 : "stuffed_in_vent" 39 : "dead_sitting" 40 : "standing_idle" 41 : "cprbarney" 42 : "cprbarneyrevive" 43 : "barney_dragvent" 44 : "dying_barney" 45 : "dying_barneyidle" 46 : "dying_friend" 47 : "dying_friendidle" 48 : "c1a3_bidle" 49 : "intropush" 50 : "fence" 51 : "wave" 52 : "unlatch" 53 : "retina" 54 : "relaxstand" 55 : "trackswitch" 56 : "pepsiswing" 57 : "pepsipush" 58 : "buttonpush" 59 : "cowering" 60 : "candygrab" ] bodystate(Choices) : "bodystate" = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Gun Holstered" 1 : "Gun Drawn" 2 : "Donut" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster, OtisHead) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/otis.mdl") = monster_otis_dead : "Dead Otis" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 35 = [ 35 : "lying_on_back" 36 : "lying_on_side" 37 : "lying_on_stomach" 38 : "stuffed_in_vent" 39 : "dead_sitting" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "On side" 2 : "On stomach" 3 : "Stuffed in Vent" 4 : "Dead Sitting" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, FollowingMonster, Sequence) size(-24 -24 0, 24 24 32) studio("models/pit_drone.mdl") = monster_pitdrone : "PitDrone" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle" 1 : "idle" 2 : "walk" 3 : "gallop" 4 : "run" 5 : "jump" 6 : "flinchs" 7 : "flinchb" 8 : "turnleft" 9 : "turnright" 10 : "bite" 11 : "whip" 12 : "range" 13 : "eat" 14 : "reload" 15 : "die" 16 : "die1" 17 : "die2" 18 : "jump_over_counter" ] initammo(string) : "Initial Ammo" : "6" netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) studio("models/pit_drone.mdl") = monster_pitdrone_dead : "Dead Pitdrone" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 17 = [ 17 : "die2" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/skeleton.mdl") = monster_skeleton_dead : "Dead Skeleton" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "s_onback" 1 : "s_sitting" 2 : "dead_against_wall" 3 : "dead_stomach" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "Seated" 2 : "Against Wall" 3 : "On Stomach" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, ScaredGuy) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/gus.mdl") = monster_gus : "Construction Worker" [ body(Choices) : "Body" : -1 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "White" 1 : "Black" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 13 = [ 0 : "walk" 1 : "walk_scared" 2 : "run" 3 : "run1" 4 : "run2" 5 : "180_Left" 6 : "180_Right" 7 : "flinch" 8 : "flinch1" 9 : "laflinch" 10 : "raflinch" 11 : "llflinch" 12 : "rlflinch" 13 : "idle1" 14 : "idle3" 15 : "idle4" 16 : "idle5" 17 : "idle6" 18 : "idle7" 19 : "crouchstand" 20 : "crouch_idle" 21 : "crouch_idle2" 22 : "crouch_idle3_1" 23 : "crouch_idle3_2" 24 : "panic" 25 : "fear1" 26 : "fear2" 27 : "eye_wipe" 28 : "pull_needle" 29 : "return_needle" 30 : "give_shot" 31 : "diesimple" 32 : "dieforward" 33 : "dieforward1" 34 : "diebackward" 35 : "headshot" 36 : "gutshot" 37 : "barnacled1" 38 : "barnacled2" 39 : "barnacled3" 40 : "barnacled4" 41 : "lying_on_back" 42 : "lying_on_stomach" 43 : "dead_sitting" 44 : "dead_table1" 45 : "dead_table2" 46 : "dead_table3" 47 : "console" 48 : "checktie" 49 : "dryhands" 50 : "tieshoe" 51 : "writeboard" 52 : "studycart" 53 : "lean" 54 : "pondering" 55 : "pondering2" 56 : "pondering3" 57 : "buysoda" 58 : "pause" 59 : "yes" 60 : "no" 61 : "push_button" 62 : "converse1" 63 : "converse2" 64 : "retina" 65 : "talkleft" 66 : "talkright" 67 : "deskidle" 68 : "coffee" 69 : "franticbutton" 70 : "startle" 71 : "sitlookleft" 72 : "sitlookright" 73 : "sitscared" 74 : "sitting2" 75 : "sitting3" 76 : "cprscientist" 77 : "cprscientistrevive" 78 : "cowering_in_corner" 79 : "sstruggleidle" 80 : "sstruggle" 81 : "headcrabbed" 82 : "c1a0_catwalkidle" 83 : "c1a0_catwalk" 84 : "ceiling_dangle" 85 : "ventpull1" 86 : "ventpull2" 87 : "ventpullidle1" 88 : "ventpullidle2" 89 : "sitidle" 90 : "sitstand" 91 : "keypad" 92 : "panic1" 93 : "lookwindow" 94 : "wave" 95 : "pulldoor" 96 : "beatdoor" 97 : "fallingloop" 98 : "crawlwindow" 99 : "divewindow" 100 : "locked_door" 101 : "push_button2" 102 : "unlock_door" 103 : "quicklook" 104 : "handrailidle" 105 : "handrail" 106 : "hanging_idle" 107 : "fall" 108 : "scientist_get_pulled" 109 : "hanging_idle2" 110 : "fall_elevator" 111 : "scientist_idlewall" 112 : "ickyjump_sci" 113 : "haulscientist" 114 : "c1a4_wounded_idle" 115 : "c1a4_dying_speech" 116 : "tentacle_grab" 117 : "helicack" 118 : "windive" 119 : "scicrashidle" 120 : "scicrash" 121 : "onguard" 122 : "seeya" 123 : "rocketcrawl" 124 : "portal" 125 : "gluonshow" 126 : "crouch" 127 : "kneel" 128 : "dudedu" 129 : "cower_chat" 130 : "cower_chat_die" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/gus.mdl") = monster_gus_dead : "Dead Construction Worker" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 41 = [ 41 : "lying_on_back" 42 : "lying_on_stomach" 43 : "dead_sitting" 44 : "dead_table1" 45 : "dead_table2" 46 : "dead_table3" ] body(Choices) : "Body" : -1 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "White" 1 : "Black" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "On Stomach" 2 : "Sitting" 3 : "Table1" 4 : "Table2" 5 : "Table3" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/worker.mdl") = monster_worker_dead : "Dead Forklift Worker" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 37 = [ 37 : "lying_on_back" 38 : "lying_on_stomach" 39 : "dead_sitting" 40 : "dead_table1" 41 : "dead_table2" 42 : "dead_table3" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "On Stomach" 2 : "Sitting" 3 : "Table1" 4 : "Table2" 5 : "Table3" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, FollowingMonster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/strooper.mdl") = monster_shocktrooper : "Shock Trooper" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 10 = [ 0 : "walk1" 1 : "run" 2 : "victorydance" 3 : "cower" 4 : "smflinch" 5 : "leftlegsmflinchh" 6 : "rightlegsmflinch" 7 : "rightarmflinch" 8 : "leftarmflinch" 9 : "throwgrenade" 10 : "idle1" 11 : "idle2" 12 : "combatidle" 13 : "frontkick" 14 : "crouching_idle" 15 : "crouching_wait" 16 : "crouching_mp5" 17 : "standing_mp5" 18 : "reload_mp5" 19 : "advance_signal" 20 : "flank_signal" 21 : "retreat_signal" 22 : "drop_grenade" 23 : "limpingwalk" 24 : "limpingrun" 25 : "180L" 26 : "180R" 27 : "dieback1" 28 : "dieforward" 29 : "diesimple" 30 : "diebackwards" 31 : "dieheadshot" 32 : "diegutshot" 33 : "grab_scientist" ] netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 1024: "Don't Drop Roach" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/strooper.mdl") = monster_shocktrooper_dead : "Dead Shock Trooper" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 29 = [ 29 : "diesimple" 30 : "diebackwards" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On Stomach" 1 : "On Back" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) studio("models/w_shock_rifle.mdl") = monster_shockroach_dead : "Dead Shock Roach" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 7 = [ 7 : "dieback" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-6 -6 0, 6 6 6) studio("models/bigrat.mdl") = monster_rat : "Rat (no ai)" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle4" 1 : "idle5" 2 : "idle6" 3 : "idle7" 4 : "walk2" 5 : "jump" 6 : "eat" 7 : "die1" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, ScaredGuy) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/cleansuit_scientist.mdl") = monster_cleansuit_scientist : "Cleansuit Scientist" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 13 = [ 0 : "walk" 1 : "walk_scared" 2 : "run" 3 : "run1" 4 : "run2" 5 : "180_Left" 6 : "180_Right" 7 : "flinch" 8 : "flinch1" 9 : "laflinch" 10 : "raflinch" 11 : "llflinch" 12 : "rlflinch" 13 : "idle1" 14 : "idle3" 15 : "idle4" 16 : "idle5" 17 : "idle6" 18 : "idle7" 19 : "crouchstand" 20 : "crouch_idle" 21 : "crouch_idle2" 22 : "crouch_idle3" 23 : "crouch_idle3" 24 : "panic" 25 : "fear1" 26 : "fear2" 27 : "eye_wipe" 28 : "pull_needle" 29 : "return_needle" 30 : "give_shot" 31 : "diesimple" 32 : "dieforward" 33 : "dieforward1" 34 : "diebackward" 35 : "headshot" 36 : "gutshot" 37 : "germandeath" 38 : "lying_on_back" 39 : "lying_on_stomach" 40 : "dead_sitting" 41 : "dead_table1" 42 : "dead_table2" 43 : "dead_table3" 44 : "barnacled1" 45 : "barnacled2" 46 : "barnacled3" 47 : "barnacled4" 48 : "console" 49 : "dryhands" 50 : "tieshoe" 51 : "writeboard" 52 : "studycart" 53 : "lean" 54 : "pondering" 55 : "pondering2" 56 : "pondering3" 57 : "pause" 58 : "yes" 59 : "no" 60 : "push_button" 61 : "converse1" 62 : "converse2" 63 : "retina" 64 : "coffee" 65 : "franticbutton" 66 : "startle" 67 : "scientist_throwna" 68 : "scientist_thrownb" 69 : "scientist_beatwindow" 70 : "scientist_deadpose1" 71 : "scientist_zombiefear" 72 : "dead_against_wall" 73 : "teleport_fidget" ] body(Choices) : "Body" : -1 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Glasses" 1 : "Einstein" 2 : "Luther" 3 : "Slick" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/cleansuit_scientist.mdl") = monster_cleansuit_scientist_dead : "Dead Cleansuit Scientist" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 38 = [ 38 : "lying_on_back" 39 : "lying_on_stomach" 40 : "dead_sitting" 41 : "dead_table1" 42 : "dead_table2" 43 : "dead_table3" ] body(Choices) : "Body" : -1 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Glasses" 1 : "Einstein" 2 : "Luther" 3 : "Slick" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "On Stomach" 2 : "Sitting" 3 : "Hanging" 4 : "Table1" 5 : "Table2" 6 : "Table3" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-14 -14 22, 14 14 72) = monster_sitting_cleansuit_scientist : "Sitting Cleansuit Scientist" [ body(Choices) : "Body" : -1 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Glasses" 1 : "Einstein" 2 : "Luther" 3 : "Slick" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 131072 : "Don't greet player" : 0 : "Don't say hello to player upon seeing him" 32768 : "Don't drop to the floor" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, ScaredGuy) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/scientist.mdl") = monster_scientist : "Scared Scientist" [ body(Choices) : "Body" : -1 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Glasses" 1 : "Einstein" 2 : "Luther" 3 : "Slick" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 13 = [ 0 : "walk" 1 : "walk_scared" 2 : "run" 3 : "run1" 4 : "run2" 5 : "180_Left" 6 : "180_Right" 7 : "flinch" 8 : "flinch1" 9 : "laflinch" 10 : "raflinch" 11 : "llflinch" 12 : "rlflinch" 13 : "idle1" 14 : "idle3" 15 : "idle4" 16 : "idle5" 17 : "idle6" 18 : "idle7" 19 : "crouchstand" 20 : "crouch_idle" 21 : "crouch_idle2" 22 : "crouch_idle3" 23 : "crouch_idle3" 24 : "panic" 25 : "fear1" 26 : "fear2" 27 : "eye_wipe" 28 : "pull_needle" 29 : "return_needle" 30 : "give_shot" 31 : "diesimple" 32 : "dieforward" 33 : "dieforward1" 34 : "diebackward" 35 : "headshot" 36 : "gutshot" 37 : "germandeath" 38 : "lying_on_back" 39 : "lying_on_stomach" 40 : "dead_sitting" 41 : "dead_table1" 42 : "dead_table2" 43 : "dead_table3" 44 : "barnacled1" 45 : "barnacled2" 46 : "barnacled3" 47 : "barnacled4" 48 : "cowering_in_corner" 49 : "cprscientist" 50 : "cprscientistrevive" 51 : "console" 52 : "dryhands" 53 : "tieshoe" 54 : "writeboard" 55 : "studycart" 56 : "lean" 57 : "pondering" 58 : "pondering2" 59 : "pondering3" 60 : "pause" 61 : "yes" 62 : "no" 63 : "push_button" 64 : "converse1" 65 : "converse2" 66 : "retina" 67 : "coffee" 68 : "franticbutton" 69 : "startle" 70 : "of1_a1_cpr1" 71 : "hanging_idle" 72 : "of1_a1_cpr2" 73 : "of1a1_sci1_stretcher" 74 : "of1a1_sci2_stretcher" 75 : "of4a1_hologram_clipboard1" 76 : "of4a1_hologram_clipboard2" 77 : "of1a1_prod_headcrab" 78 : "cage_float" 79 : "sitidle" 80 : "sitstand" 81 : "table_twitch" 82 : "interogation_idle" 83 : "interogation" 84 : "cell_idle" 85 : "fallingloop" 86 : "kneel_idle" 87 : "cpr_gesture1" 88 : "cpr_gesture2" 89 : "hanging_idle2" 90 : "fall_elevator" 91 : "thrown_out_window" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/scientist.mdl") = monster_scientist_dead : "Dead Scientist" [ body(Choices) : "Body" : -1 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Glasses" 1 : "Einstein" 2 : "Luther" 3 : "Slick" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "On Stomach" 2 : "Sitting" 3 : "Hanging" 4 : "Table1" 5 : "Table2" 6 : "Table3" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 38 = [ 38 : "lying_on_back" 39 : "lying_on_stomach" 40 : "dead_sitting" 41 : "dead_table1" 42 : "dead_table2" 43 : "dead_table3" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-14 -14 22, 14 14 72) studio("models/scientist.mdl") = monster_sitting_scientist : "Sitting Scientist" [ body(Choices) : "Body" : -1 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Glasses" 1 : "Einstein" 2 : "Luther" 3 : "Slick" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 73 = [ 71 : "sitlookleft" 72 : "sitlookright" 73 : "sitscared" 74 : "sitting2" 75 : "sitting3" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 131072 : "Don't greet player" : 0 : "Don't say hello to player upon seeing him" 32768 : "Don't drop to the floor" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/sentry.mdl") = monster_sentry : "Sentry Turret Gun" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle_off" 1 : "fire" 2 : "spin" 3 : "deploy" 4 : "retire" 5 : "die" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "Autostart" : 0 64 : "Start Inactive" : 0 ] skin(Choices) : "Skin" = [ 0 : "Default" 1 : "Blackops" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) studio("models/w_squeak.mdl") = monster_snark : "Armed Snark" [] @BaseClass color(0 200 200) base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = MonsterTarget [ frags(choices) : "When active, count as:" : 11 = [ 0 : "Ignored" 1 : "Machine" 3 : "Human passive" 4 : "Human military" 5 : "Alien military" 6 : "Alien passive" 7 : "Alien monster" 8 : "Alien prey" 9 : "Alien predator" 10 : "Insect" 11 : "Player ally" 12 : "Player bioweapon" 13 : "Alien bioweapon" 14 : "Race X predator" 15 : "Race X shock" 16 : "Opfor ally" 17 : "Blackops" 18 : "Snark" 19 : "Gargantua" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1: "Start inactive" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(MonsterTarget) = monster_target : "Target for monsters to attack" [] @PointClass base(MonsterTarget) = monster_bullseye : "Target for monsters to attack" [] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 64) studio("models/tentacle2.mdl") = monster_tentacle : "Tentacle Arm" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "Pit_Idle" 1 : "rise_to_Temp1" 2 : "Temp1_to_Floor" 3 : "Floor_Idle" 4 : "Floor_Fidget_Pissed" 5 : "Floor_Fidget_SmallRise" 6 : "Floor_Fidget_Wave" 7 : "Floor_Strike" 8 : "Floor_Tap" 9 : "Floor_Rotate" 10 : "Floor_Rear" 11 : "Floor_Rear_Idle" 12 : "Floor_to_Lev1" 13 : "Lev1_Idle" 14 : "Lev1_Fidget_Claw" 15 : "Lev1_Fidget_Shake" 16 : "Lev1_Fidget_Snap" 17 : "Lev1_Strike" 18 : "Lev1_Tap" 19 : "Lev1_Rotate" 20 : "Lev1_Rear" 21 : "Lev1_Rear_Idle" 22 : "Lev1_to_Lev2" 23 : "Lev2_Idle" 24 : "Lev2_Fidget_Shake" 25 : "Lev2_Fidget_Swing" 26 : "Lev2_Fidget_Tut" 27 : "Lev2_Strike" 28 : "Lev2_Tap" 29 : "Lev2_Rotate" 30 : "Lev2_Rear" 31 : "Lev2_Rear_Idle" 32 : "Lev2_to_Lev3" 33 : "Lev3_Idle" 34 : "Lev3_Fidget_Shake" 35 : "Lev3_Fidget_Side" 36 : "Lev3_Fidget_Swipe" 37 : "Lev3_Strike" 38 : "Lev3_Tap" 39 : "Lev3_Rotate" 40 : "Lev3_Rear" 41 : "Lev3_Rear_Idle" 42 : "Lev1_Door_reach" 43 : "Lev3_to_Engine" 44 : "Engine_Idle" 45 : "Engine_Sway" 46 : "Engine_Swat" 47 : "Engine_Bob" 48 : "Engine_death1" 49 : "Engine_death2" 50 : "Engine_death3" 51 : "tentacle_grab_idle" 52 : "tentacle_grab" ] sweeparc(integer) : "Sweep Arc" : 130 sound(Choices) : "Tap Sound" : -1 = [ -1 : "None" 0 : "Silo" 1 : "Dirt" 2 : "Water" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, RenderFields, Angles, Sequence) studio("models/v_tripmine.mdl") flags(Angle) color(0 200 200) body(3) sequence(7) = monster_tripmine : "Active Tripmine" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Instant On" : 1 2 : "Triggerable" : 0 : "Explode when triggered" 4 : "Invulnerable" : 0 : "Explode only when laser is touched" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-32 -32 -32, 32 32 32) studio("models/turret.mdl") = monster_turret : "Auto Turret" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle_off" 1 : "fire" 2 : "spin" 3 : "deploy" 4 : "retire" 5 : "die" ] orientation(Choices) : "Orientation" : 0 = [ 0 : "Floor Mount" 1 : "Ceiling Mount" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "Autostart" : 0 64 : "Start Inactive" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/zombie.mdl") = monster_zombie : "Scientist Zombie" [ body(Choices) : "Body" : 0 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Scientist" 1 : "Worker" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "turnleft" 2 : "turnright" 3 : "flinchsmall" 4 : "flinch" 5 : "bigflinch" 6 : "getup" 7 : "falling" 8 : "attack1" 9 : "attack2" 10 : "walk" 11 : "laflinch" 12 : "raflinch" 13 : "llflinch" 14 : "rlflinch" 15 : "dieheadshot" 16 : "dieheadshot2" 17 : "diesimple" 18 : "diebackward" 19 : "dieforward" 20 : "dead_on_back" 21 : "dead_on_stomach" 22 : "pause" 23 : "busting_through_wall" 24 : "kick_punch_wall" 25 : "bust_window" 26 : "soda" 27 : "slideidle" 28 : "slidewall" 29 : "ventclimbidle" 30 : "ventclimb" 31 : "deadidle" 32 : "deadwall" 33 : "freakdie" 34 : "freak" 35 : "eatbodytable" 36 : "eatbody" 37 : "eatbodystand" 38 : "ripdoor" 39 : "zombie_pull_scientist" 40 : "zombie_eating" 41 : "eat_to_stand" 42 : "vent_zidle" 43 : "vent_c1a3" 44 : "haulzombie" 45 : "c2a3_snack_getup" 46 : "left_tug" 47 : "left_tug_idle" 48 : "right_tug" 49 : "right_tug_idle" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) studio("models/zombie.mdl") = monster_zombie_dead : "Dead Zombie" [ pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "On stomach" 2 : "Seated" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 15 = [ 15 : "dieheadshot" 19 : "dieforward" 28 : "slidewall" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/zombie_barney.mdl") = monster_zombie_barney : "Barney Zombie" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "turnleft" 2 : "turnright" 3 : "flinchsmall" 4 : "flinch" 5 : "bigflinch" 6 : "getup" 7 : "falling" 8 : "attack1" 9 : "attack2" 10 : "walk" 11 : "laflinch" 12 : "raflinch" 13 : "llflinch" 14 : "rlflinch" 15 : "dieheadshot" 16 : "dieheadshot2" 17 : "diesimple" 18 : "diebackward" 19 : "dieforward" 20 : "dead_on_back" 21 : "dead_on_stomach" 22 : "pause" 23 : "busting_through_wall" 24 : "kick_punch_wall" 25 : "bust_window" 26 : "soda" 27 : "slideidle" 28 : "slidewall" 29 : "ventclimbidle" 30 : "ventclimb" 31 : "deadidle" 32 : "deadwall" 33 : "freakdie" 34 : "freak" 35 : "eatbodytable" 36 : "eatbody" 37 : "eatbodystand" 38 : "ripdoor" 39 : "zombie_pull_scientist" 40 : "zombie_eating" 41 : "eat_to_stand" 42 : "vent_zidle" 43 : "vent_c1a3" 44 : "haulzombie" 45 : "c2a3_snack_getup" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) studio("models/zombie_barney.mdl") = monster_zombie_barney_dead : "Dead Barney Zombie" [ pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "On stomach" 2 : "Seated" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 15 = [ 15 : "dieheadshot" 19 : "dieforward" 28 : "slidewall" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/zombie_hev.mdl") = monster_zombie_hev : "HEV Zombie" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "turnleft" 2 : "turnright" 3 : "flinchsmall" 4 : "flinch" 5 : "bigflinch" 6 : "getup" 7 : "falling" 8 : "attack1" 9 : "attack2" 10 : "walk" 11 : "laflinch" 12 : "raflinch" 13 : "llflinch" 14 : "rlflinch" 15 : "dieheadshot" 16 : "dieheadshot2" 17 : "diesimple" 18 : "diebackward" 19 : "dieforward" 20 : "pause" 21 : "busting_through_wall" 22 : "kick_punch_wall" 23 : "bust_window" 24 : "soda" 25 : "slideidle" 26 : "slidewall" 27 : "ventclimbidle" 28 : "ventclimb" 29 : "deadidle" 30 : "deadwall" 31 : "freakdie" 32 : "freak" 33 : "eatbodytable" 34 : "eatbody" 35 : "eatbodystand" 36 : "ripdoor" 37 : "zombie_pull_scientist" 38 : "zombie_eating" 39 : "eat_to_stand" 40 : "vent_zidle" 41 : "vent_c1a3" 42 : "haulzombie" 43 : "c2a3_snack_getup" 44 : "left_tug" 45 : "left_tug_idle" 46 : "right_tug" 47 : "right_tug_idle" 48 : "get_off_table" 49 : "table_breathe" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/zombie_soldier.mdl") = monster_zombie_soldier : "Soldier Zombie" [ body(Choices) : "Body" : 0 = [ -1 : "Random" 0 : "Soldier" 1 : "BlackOp" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 0 = [ 0 : "idle1" 1 : "turnleft" 2 : "turnright" 3 : "flinchsmall" 4 : "flinch" 5 : "bigflinch" 6 : "getup" 7 : "falling" 8 : "attack1" 9 : "attack2" 10 : "walk" 11 : "laflinch" 12 : "raflinch" 13 : "llflinch" 14 : "rlflinch" 15 : "dieheadshot" 16 : "dieheadshot2" 17 : "diesimple" 18 : "diebackward" 19 : "dieforward" 20 : "dead_on_back" 21 : "dead_on_stomach" 22 : "eatbody" 23 : "throw_scientist" 24 : "get_off_table" 25 : "table_breathe" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) studio("models/zombie_soldier.mdl") = monster_zombie_soldier_dead : "Dead Soldier Zombie" [ pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "On stomach" ] sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 20 = [ 20 : "dead_on_back" 21 : "dead_on_stomach" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/gonome.mdl") = monster_gonome : "Gonome" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 4 = [ 0 : "walk" 1 : "runlong" 2 : "runshort" 3 : "idle1" 4 : "idle2" 5 : "victoryeat1" 6 : "eat_loop" 7 : "attack1" 8 : "attack2" 9 : "attack3" 10 : "jump1" 11 : "diebackward" 12 : "dieforward" 13 : "dieheadshot" 14 : "dieheadshot" 15 : "diesimple" 16 : "big_flinch" 17 : "small_flinch" 18 : "flinch" 19 : "dead_on_stomach1" 20 : "dead_on_back" 21 : "dead_on_stomach1" 22 : "dead_on_side" 23 : "sohappy" ] ] @PointClass base(DeadMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/gonome.mdl") = monster_gonome_dead : "Dead Gonome" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 19 = [ 19 : "dead_on_stomach1" 20 : "dead_on_back" 21 : "dead_on_stomach1" 22 : "dead_on_side" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On Stomach" 1 : "On Back" 2 : "On Side" ] ] @BaseClass base(Targetname, Angles) = MonsterMakerBase [ target(target_destination) : "Target On Release" : : "Targets which are fired whenever a monster is spawned." monstertype(string) : "Monster Type" : "monster_headcrab" : "Spawned monster's classname" netname(target_source) : "Childrens' Name" : : "The spawned monster will receive it as its targetname." monstercount(integer) : "Number of Monsters" : 1 : "How many monsters the monstermaker can create (-1 = unlimited)" delay(string) : "Frequency" : "5" : "How often (seconds) a new monster will be made" m_imaxlivechildren(integer) : "Max live children" : 5 : "Maximum number of live children allowed at one time. (New ones will not be made until one dies, -1 = no limit)" warpball(string) : "Warpball template" : : "env_warpball entity used as effect template for this monstermaker" impulse(choices) : "Warp at monster's..." : : "If using warpball template, spawn warpball at this monster position" = [ 0 : "Origin (default)" 1 : "Eyes" 3 : "Center" 5 : "Attachment point 0" 6 : "Attachment point 1" 7 : "Attachment point 2" 8 : "Attachment point 3" ] spawnorigin(string) : "Position to place monster at [LP]" : : "By default acts as a typical position variable. When it starts with '@' the monstermaker will choose a random spot among ones with the same name (the rest of the string after '@'). It also applies the chosen entity angles." target_activator(choices) : "Target's Activator" : : "Activator for 'Target On Release'" = [ -1 : "Don't pass activator" 0 : "Default (Monstermaker)" 1 : "Monstermaker" 2 : "Spawned monster" 3 : "Forward my activator" ] yawdeviation(integer) : "Max yaw deviation" : : "Maximum value for random yaw deviation, from 0 to the specified value, on both sides." weapons(Choices) : "Grunt/Assassin Weapons" = [ 0 : "Default" 1 : "9mmAR" 3 : "9mmAR + HG" 5 : "9mmAR + GL" 8 : "Shotgun / Sniperrifle" 10 : "Shotgun / Sniperrifle + HG" 16 : "Saw" 18 : "Saw + HG" ] trigger_target(String) : "TriggerTarget" : : "The event to trigger when the TriggerCondition is met. Used by monsters." trigger_condition(Choices) : "Trigger Condition" : : "This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget. The options are:" = [ 0 : "No Trigger" 1 : "See Player, Mad at Player" 2 : "Take Damage" 3 : "50% Health Remaining" 4 : "Death" 7 : "Hear World" 8 : "Hear Player" 9 : "Hear Combat" 10: "See Player Unconditional" 11: "See Player, Not In Combat" ] trigger_alt_condition(Choices) : "Trigger Alternative Condition" : : "Alternative condition to fire TriggerTarget (useful to make an important ally fire the same target both when either provoked or dead which is usually a load game condition)" = [ 0 : "No Trigger" 1 : "See Player, Mad at Player" 2 : "Take Damage" 3 : "50% Health Remaining" 4 : "Death" 7 : "Hear World" 8 : "Hear Player" 9 : "Hear Combat" 10: "See Player Unconditional" 11: "See Player, Not In Combat" ] new_model(studio) : "Custom model" ] @BaseClass base(MonsterMakerBase, MonsterExtra, CustomSentences) flags(Angle) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = MonsterMaker [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start ON" : 0 : "Enabled on map start. Note that if the entity does not have a name it acts as Start ON no matter what." // 2 : "PVS On/Off" : 0 // not implemented 4 : "Cyclic" : 0 : "With this flag set, the entity will spawn one time every time it is fired." 8 : "MonsterClip" : 0 : "Monsters spawned by a squadmaker with this flag set will be blocked by the func_monsterclip brush entity." 16 : "Prisoner" : 0 : "The spawned monster won't attack its enemies and will be ignored by its enemies." 32 : "Auto size BBox" : 1 : "When checking if the area is free to spawn, use the monster specific hull size instead of large one provided by default." 64: "Cyclic backlog" : 0 : "Used with 'Cyclic' flag. Keep track of number of monsters who could not be spawned, e.g. because of blocking. Try to spawn them later. Useful when you want to ensure that the specific number of monsters will spawn." 128 : "Reserved (don't use)" : 0 : "Reserved space for Sven Co-op 'Wait for script' flag" 256 : "Pre-Disaster" : 0 : "The spawned talkmonster (e.g. scientist) will use pre-disaster sentences" 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 : "The spawned monster won't drop items upon death." 2048 : "No ground check" : 0 : "Don't check if something prevents a monster to fall on ground upon spawning. Useful for spawning flying monsters and those who are supposed to fall on whatever underneath them" 4096 : "Align to player" : 0 : "Spawned monsters will be aligned to the closest player increasing the chance of seeing the player right after the spawn." 8192 : "Monster Flag 64" : 0 : "Set spawnflag 64 for spawned monster. E.g. used by vortigaunts as 'wait until provoked'" 32768 : "Monster special flag" : 0 : "Set spawnflag 32768 for spawned monster" 65536 : "Non-solid corpse" : 0 : "The spawned monster will become non-solid upon dying. Helps preventing dead corpses get into the way of moving entities like doors" 524288 : "Ignore player pushing" : 0 : "Don't move away when player tries to push me (for talk monsters)" 1048576: "Act out of PVS" : 0 : "The spawned monster will act as usual even if there're no players in the PVS" ] body(integer) : "Body" skin(integer) : "Skin" pose(integer) : "Pose (Only for dead monsters)" : : "Dead pose index. Should match the one in the spawned entity." gag(Choices) : "Gag" = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] head(integer) : "Head" : : "Settable head. Available only for monsters which have a separate body group for heads. The number must match the numbers used in specific monster" respawn_as_playerally(choices) : "Reverse Relationship" : : "Set inverted relationship with players. Sven Co-op compatible parameter. Simple alternative to custom classify." = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] ] @PointClass base(MonsterMaker) = monstermaker : "Monster Maker" [] @PointClass base(MonsterMaker) = squadmaker : "Squad Maker" [] @PointClass base(Targetname) = motion_manager : "Control the movement and direction of an entity" [ target(target_destination) : "Target to affect [LE]" : "*locus" m_iszPosition(string) : "Position (blank = no change)" m_iPosMode(choices) : "Meaning of Position" : 0 = [ 0 : "Set position [LP]" 1 : "Offset position [LV]" 2 : "Set velocity [LV]" 3 : "Accelerate by [LV]" 4 : "Follow position [LV]" ] m_iszFacing(string) : "Facing (blank = no change)" m_iFaceMode(choices) : "Meaning of Facing" : 0 = [ 0 : "Face direction [LV]" 1 : "Rotate by [LV]" 2 : "Rotate by (Y Z X)" 3 : "Set avelocity (Y Z X)" 4 : "Set angles [LA]" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Debug" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) color(255 128 0) iconsprite("sprites/multi_manager.spr") = multi_manager : "MultiTarget Manager. Use type of targets can be configured by adding #0 (Off), #1 (On) or #2 (Kill) to their delay values." [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "multithreaded" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) color(255 128 0) iconsprite("sprites/multi_manager.spr") = multi_trigger : "MultiTarget Trigger. Use this entity instead of multi_manager so JACK could draw connections to its targets." [ target1(target_destination) : "Target 1" delay1(string) : "Delay 1" target2(target_destination) : "Target 2" delay2(string) : "Delay 2" target3(target_destination) : "Target 3" delay3(string) : "Delay 3" target4(target_destination) : "Target 4" delay4(string) : "Delay 4" target5(target_destination) : "Target 5" delay5(string) : "Delay 5" target6(target_destination) : "Target 6" delay6(string) : "Delay 6" target7(target_destination) : "Target 7" delay7(string) : "Delay 7" target8(target_destination) : "Target 8" delay8(string) : "Delay 8" target9(target_destination) : "Target 9" delay9(string) : "Delay 9" target10(target_destination) : "Target 10" delay10(string) : "Delay 10" target11(target_destination) : "Target 11" delay11(string) : "Delay 11" target12(target_destination) : "Target 12" delay12(string) : "Delay 12" target13(target_destination) : "Target 13" delay13(string) : "Delay 13" target14(target_destination) : "Target 14" delay14(string) : "Delay 14" target15(target_destination) : "Target 15" delay15(string) : "Delay 15" target16(target_destination) : "Target 16" delay16(string) : "Delay 16" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "multithreaded" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Target) color(128 255 128) iconsprite("sprites/multisource.spr") = multisource : "Multisource" [ globalstate(string) : "Global State Master" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) flags(Path) size(16 16 16) color(247 181 82) = path_corner : "Moving platform stop" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1: "Wait for retrigger" : 0 2: "Teleport" : 0 4: "Fire once" : 0 ] target(target_destination) : "Next stop target" message(target_destination) : "Fire On Pass" wait(integer) : "Wait here (secs)" : 0 speed(integer) : "New Train Speed" : 0 yaw_speed(integer) : "New Train rot. Speed" : 0 ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) flags(Path) size(16 16 16) = path_track : "Train Track Path" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1: "Disabled" : 0 2: "Fire once" : 0 4: "Branch Reverse" : 0 8: "Disable train" : 0 ] target(target_destination) : "Next stop target" message(target_destination) : "Fire On Pass" altpath(target_destination) : "Branch Path" netname(target_destination) : "Fire on dead end" speed(integer) : "New Train Speed" : 0 ] // // player effects // @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = player_loadsaved : "Load Auto-Saved game" [ duration(string) : "Fade Duration (seconds)" : "2" holdtime(string) : "Hold Fade (seconds)" : "0" renderamt(integer) : "Fade Alpha" : 255 rendercolor(color255) : "Fade Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0" messagetime(string) : "Show Message delay" : "0" message(string) : "Message To Display" : "" loadtime(string) : "Reload delay" : "0" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Freeze player" : 0 2 : "Remove weapons" : 0 128 : "Return to menu" : 0 : "Return to menu instead of loading the save" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = player_weaponstrip : "Strips player's weapons and items" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Remove suit" : 0 2 : "Remove nightgoogles or flashlight" : 0 : "Remove flashlight item if it's a separate item from the suit." 4 : "Remove longjump" : 0 8 : "Don't turn off flashlight" : 0 : "By default in Half-Life any call to player_weaponstrip turns off the flashlight. Tick this flag to prevent such behavior. Flashlight is still getting turned off if suit or flashlight is removed." ] noise(sound) : "Sound on trigger" : : "This will be played on player's item sound channel" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) color(255 0 255) = scripted_schedule : "Scripted Schedule" [ entity(string) : "Affected Monster" schedule(choices) : "Suggested Schedule" : 1 = [ 0 : "Clear suggested schedule" 1 : "Move away from spot" 2 : "Cover or retreat from spot" 3 : "Investigate spot" ] mindist(string) : "Min distance" : : "Minimum distance for schedule, when applicable. E.g. the minimum distance to go away from the spot. If not specified or zero, the schedule will use its default value" maxdist(string) : "Max distance" : : "Maximum distance for schedule, when applicable. E.g. the maximum distance to go away from the spot. If not specified or zero, the schedule will use its default value" spot_entity(string) : "Spot entity" : : "Entity used as a spot for schedule. The effect depends on the schedule. Can be left empty, then monster will use itself as a spot" move_preference(choices) : "Move preference" : : "Automatic means that move preference depends on the schedule type" = [ 0 : "Auto" 1 : "Walk" 2 : "Run" ] spot_preference(choices) : "Spot preference" : : "'Entity' requires entity presense at the time the schedule is played. 'Position' means to calculate position of spot entity once and save it as spot for the schedule." = [ 0 : "Auto" 1 : "Position" 2 : "Entity" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Targetx) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) color(255 0 255) = scripted_sentence : "Scripted Sentence" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Fire Once" : 1 2 : "Followers Only" : 0 4 : "Interrupt Speech" : 1 8 : "Concurrent" : 0 16 : "Require listener" : 0 : "Play sentence only if listener is present" 4096 : "Try once" : 0 : "By default once triggered the script will continue to search for the target monster if it could not find one instantly. This flag prevents such behavior" ] sentence(string) : "Sentence Name" : "" entity(string) : "Speaker Type [LE]" duration(string) : "Sentence Time" : "3" radius(integer) : "Search Radius" : 512 refire(string) : "Delay Before Refire" : "3" listener(string) : "Listener Type" listener_radius(integer) : "Listener Search Radius" : : "If not present, it uses Search Radius" volume(string) : "Volume 0-10" : "10" attenuation(Choices) : "Sound Radius" : 0 = [ 0 : "Small Radius" 1 : "Medium Radius" 2 : "Large Radius" 3 : "Play Everywhere" 4 : "Huge Radius" 5 : "Enormous Radius" ] required_state(choices) : "Required MonsterState" = [ 0 : "Any" 1 : "Idle" 2 : "Combat" 3 : "Alert" 4 : "Idle or Alert" ] follow_action(choices) : "Follow action" : : "Start or stop following a player upon sentence start" = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Start following" 2 : "Stop following" ] target_activator(choices) : "Target's Activator" = [ 0 : "No (Default)" 1 : "This script" 2 : "Speaking monster" 3 : "Forward my activator" ] ] @PointClass base(ScriptedSequence) = scripted_sequence : "Scripted Sequence" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 64: "Override AI" : 0 ] ] @PointClass iconsprite("sprites/speaker.spr") base(Targetname) = speaker : "Announcement Speaker" [ preset(choices) :"Announcement Presets" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "C1A0 Announcer" 2: "C1A1 Announcer" 3: "C1A2 Announcer" 4: "C1A3 Announcer" 5: "C1A4 Announcer" 6: "C2A1 Announcer" 7: "C2A2 Announcer" // 8: "C2A3 Announcer" 9: "C2A4 Announcer" // 10: "C2A5 Announcer" 11: "C3A1 Announcer" 12: "C3A2 Announcer" ] message(string) : "Sentence Group Name" health(integer) : "Volume (10 = loudest)" : 5 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Start Silent" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = target_cdaudio : "CD Audio Target" [ health(choices) : "Track #" : -1 = [ -1 : "Stop" 1 : "Track 1" 2 : "Track 2" 3 : "Track 3" 4 : "Track 4" 5 : "Track 5" 6 : "Track 6" 7 : "Track 7" 8 : "Track 8" 9 : "Track 9" 10 : "Track 10" 11 : "Track 11" 12 : "Track 12" 13 : "Track 13" 14 : "Track 14" 15 : "Track 15" 16 : "Track 16" 17 : "Track 17" 18 : "Track 18" 19 : "Track 19" 20 : "Track 20" 21 : "Track 21" 22 : "Track 22" 23 : "Track 23" 24 : "Track 24" 25 : "Track 25" 26 : "Track 26" 27 : "Track 27" 28 : "Track 28" 29 : "Track 29" 30 : "Track 30" ] radius(string) : "Player Radius" ] // // Triggers // @PointClass base(Targetx) iconsprite("sprites/trigger_auto.spr") = trigger_auto : "AutoTrigger" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Remove On fire" : 1 ] globalstate(string) : "Global State to Read" triggerstate(choices) : "Trigger State" : 2 = [ 0 : "Off" 1 : "On" 2 : "Toggle" ] ] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = trigger_autosave : "AutoSave Trigger" [ master(string) : "Master" health(string) : "Minumum Hit Points" : : "Don't save when player has less than this many hitpoints." ] @PointClass base(Targetx, Targetname) iconsprite("sprites/trigger_camera.spr") = trigger_camera : "Trigger Camera" [ wait(integer) : "Hold time" : 10 moveto(string) : "Path Corner" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Start At Player" : 1 2: "Follow Player" : 1 4: "Freeze Player" : 0 ] speed(string) : "Initial Speed" : "0" acceleration(string) : "Acceleration units/sec^2" : "500" deceleration(string) : "Stop Deceleration units/sec^2" : "500" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = trigger_cdaudio : "Trigger CD Audio" [ health(choices) : "Track #" : -1 = [ -1 : "Stop" 1 : "Track 1" 2 : "Track 2" 3 : "Track 3" 4 : "Track 4" 5 : "Track 5" 6 : "Track 6" 7 : "Track 7" 8 : "Track 8" 9 : "Track 9" 10 : "Track 10" 11 : "Track 11" 12 : "Track 12" 13 : "Track 13" 14 : "Track 14" 15 : "Track 15" 16 : "Track 16" 17 : "Track 17" 18 : "Track 18" 19 : "Track 19" 20 : "Track 20" 21 : "Track 21" 22 : "Track 22" 23 : "Track 23" 24 : "Track 24" 25 : "Track 25" 26 : "Track 26" 27 : "Track 27" 28 : "Track 28" 29 : "Track 29" 30 : "Track 30" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Target, Classification) color(128 96 2) = trigger_change_class : "Trigger Change Class" [] @SolidClass = trigger_changelevel : "Trigger: Change level" [ targetname(target_source) : "Name" map(string) : "New map name" landmark(string) : "Landmark name" changetarget(target_destination) : "Change Target" changedelay(string) : "Delay before change target" : "0" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "No Intermission" : 0 2: "USE Only" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("sprites/trigger_changetarget.spr") = trigger_changetarget : "Trigger Change Target" [ target(string) : "Entity to affect [LE]" m_iszNewTarget(string) : "New Target [LE]" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_changevalue : "Change any entity's values" [ target(target_destination) : "Entity to affect [LE]" m_iszValueName(string) : "Keyname to change" m_iszNewValue(string) : "New value to set" message(target_destination) : "Trigger after operation" : : "Trigger entities after the value was set. This can call another trigger_changevalue without any delay so it's useful for chained operations." ] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = trigger_checkboundbox : "Check if there's entity inside my bounding box" [ netname(string) : "Entity name" target(target_destination) : "Trigger if entity is inside" message(target_destination) : "Trigger if no entity inside" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Monsters only" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_command : "Console Command" [ netname(string) : "Command String" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, CustomSentences) = trigger_configure_monster : "Change some monster's parameters and flags" [ target(string) : "Entity to affect" gag_flag(choices) : "Gag flag" = [ -1 : "Remove flag" 0 : "No change" 1 : "Add flag" ] monsterclip_flag(choices) : "Monsterclip flag" = [ -1 : "Remove flag" 0 : "No change" 1 : "Add flag" ] predisaster_flag(choices) : "Pre-Disaster flag" = [ -1 : "Remove flag" 0 : "No change" 1 : "Add flag" ] dont_drop_gun_flag(choices) : "Don't Drop Gun flag" = [ -1 : "Remove flag" 0 : "No change" 1 : "Add flag" ] act_out_of_pvs(choices) : "Act out of PVS flag" = [ -1 : "Remove flag" 0 : "No change" 1 : "Add flag" ] classify(choices) : "Classification" : : "Relationship class of monster" = [ -2 : "Reset to default" -1 : "None" 0 : "No change" 1 : "Machine" 3 : "Human passive" 4 : "Human military" 5 : "Alien military" 6 : "Alien passive" 7 : "Alien monster" 8 : "Alien prey" 9 : "Alien predator" 10 : "Insect" 11 : "Player ally" 12 : "Player bioweapon" 13 : "Alien bioweapon" 14 : "Race X predator" 15 : "Race X shock" 16 : "Opfor ally" 17 : "Blackops" 18 : "Snark" 19 : "Gargantua" ] soundmask(choices) : "Sound Mask" : : "Types of sound the monster regards" = [ -2 : "Reset to default" -1 : "No sounds (Deaf)" 0 : "No change" 32 : "Only Danger" 33 : "Only Combat and Danger" 37 : "Combat, Danger and Player" 127 : "Every sound and scent" 1028 : "Default, except Player" ] TriggerTarget(String) : "TriggerTarget" : : "The event to trigger when the TriggerCondition is met. Setting 'null' means clearing the trigger target." TriggerCondition(Choices) : "Trigger Condition" : : "This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget. The options are:" = [ -1 : "Remove condition" 0 : "No change" 1 : "See Player, Mad at Player" 2 : "Take Damage" 3 : "50% Health Remaining" 4 : "Death" 7 : "Hear World" 8 : "Hear Player" 9 : "Hear Combat" 10: "See Player Unconditional" 11: "See Player, Not In Combat" ] TriggerAltCondition(Choices) : "Trigger Alternative Condition" : : "Alternative condition to fire TriggerTarget (useful to make an important ally fire the same target both when either provoked or dead which is usually a load game condition)" = [ -1 : "Remove condition" 0 : "No change" 1 : "See Player, Mad at Player" 2 : "Take Damage" 3 : "50% Health Remaining" 4 : "Death" 7 : "Hear World" 8 : "Hear Player" 9 : "Hear Combat" 10: "See Player Unconditional" 11: "See Player, Not In Combat" ] provoked_state(choices) : "Provoked state" = [ -1 : "Stop being provoked" 0 : "No change" 1 : "Provoke" ] tolerance(choices) : "Tolerance level" : : "Tolerance to player's hits" = [ -1 : "Default for monster" : "Monster-specific behavior" 0 : "No change" 1 : "Zero" : "Get provoked on any hit" 2 : "Low" : "Get provoked by direct hit or on second hit" 3 : "Average" : "Get provoked by some hits" 4 : "High" : "Get provoked by some hits, but tends to forgive after some time" 5 : "Absolute" : "Never get provoked" 6 : "Absolute, don't alert friends" : "Never get provoked, don't alert friends upon death" ] ] @SolidClass base(Trigger, Targetname) = trigger_counter : "Trigger counter" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "No Message" : 0 ] master(string) : "Master" count(integer) : "Count before activation" : 2 ] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = trigger_endsection : "EndSection Trigger" [ section(string) : "Section" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "USE Only" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-12 -12 -12, 12 12 12) color(255 255 0) = trigger_entity_iterator : "Entity Iterator" [ name_filter(target_destination) : "Filter Entities by Name" classname_filter(string) : "Filter Entities by Classname" status_filter(choices) : "Filter Entities by Status" : 1 = [ 0 : "No Filter (default)" 1 : "Only Living Entities" 2 : "Only Dead Entities" ] target(target_destination) : "Entity's Trigger Target" triggerstate(choices) : "Entity's Trigger State" : 2 = [ 0 : "Off" 1 : "On" 2 : "Toggle" ] trigger_after_run(target_destination) : "Trigger at end of each Run" : : "Trigger something after the full run has been completed. The original activator is forwarded." maximum_runs(integer) : "Maximum Runs (0 for unlimited)" ] @SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_gravity : "Trigger Gravity" [ gravity(integer) : "Gravity (0-1)" : 1 ] @BaseClass = DamageType [ damagetype(choices) : "Damage Type" : 0 = [ 0 : "GENERIC" 1 : "CRUSH" 2 : "BULLET" 4 : "SLASH" 8 : "BURN" 16 : "FREEZE" 32 : "FALL" 64 : "BLAST" 128 : "CLUB" 256 : "SHOCK" 512 : "SONIC" 1024 : "ENERGYBEAM" 16384: "DROWN" 32768 : "PARALYSE" 65536 : "NERVEGAS" 131072 : "POISON" 262144 : "RADIATION" 524288 : "DROWNRECOVER" 1048576 : "CHEMICAL" 2097152 : "SLOWBURN" 4194304 : "SLOWFREEZE" ] ] @SolidClass base(Targetname,Target,DamageType) = trigger_hurt : "Trigger player hurt" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Target Once" : 0 2: "Start Off" : 0 8: "No clients" : 0 16:"FireClientOnly" : 0 32:"TouchClientOnly" : 0 64:"Affect non-moving NPC's" : 0 : "Uses entity's bounding box to find and hurt non-moving monsters. Will produce wrong results on non-cuboid brush shapes." ] master(string) : "Master" dmg(integer) : "Damage" : 10 delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" untouchable_ent_name(string) : "Untouchable entity name" : : "Don't hurt targets with this classname or targetname" min_health(string) : "Minimum health threshold" : : "Don't decrease the toucher health beyond this value" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Target, DamageType) = trigger_hurt_remote : "Trigger Hurt (non-touch)" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Instant Kill" : 0 2 : "Constant" : 0 4 : "Start On" : 0 ] target(string) : "Target [LE]" targetclass(string) : "Target Class" : : "If specified, all entities with the given class will be affected. This is independent from Target, which means the entity might cause damage twice to the same entity if Target is class of Target Class." dmg(integer) : "Damage" : 10 : "Damage to deal. If 'Constant' flag is selected, this is a damage to deal every 'Delay' seconds. Can be negative to provide healing instead of dealing damage." delay(string) : "Delay (Only when Constant)" : "1" min_health(string) : "Minimum health threshold" : : "Don't decrease the toucher health beyond this value" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_killmonster : "Trigger Kill Monster" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 1 2: "Kill by target name (deprecated)" : 0 4: "Kill by class name (deprecated)" : 0 8: "Kill by squad name (deprecated)" : 0 16: "Always gib" : 0 ] target(target_destination) : "Monster's Name" : : "Kill all monsters with such targetname, given they also are of specific class and squad (if set)" message(string) : "Monster's Classname" : : "Kill all monsters with such classname, given they also are of specific name and squad (if set)" netname(string) : "Monster's Squad name" : : "Kill all monsters with such squad name, given they also are of specific name and class (if set)" ] @SolidClass base(Angles) = trigger_monsterjump : "Trigger monster jump" [ master(string) : "Master" speed(integer) : "Jump Speed" : 40 height(integer) : "Jump Height" : 128 ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_motion : "Set the position and movement of an entity" [ target(target_destination) : "Target to affect [LE]" m_iszPosition(string) : "Position (blank = no change)" m_iPosMode(choices) : "Meaning of Position" : 0 = [ 0 : "Set new position [LP]" 1 : "Add offset [LV]" ] m_iszAngles(string) : "Angles (blank = no change)" m_iAngMode(choices) : "Meaning of Angles" : 0 = [ 0 : "Set new angle [LV]" 1 : "Rotate by [LV]" 2 : "Rotate by (Y Z X)" ] m_iszVelocity(string) : "Velocity (blank = no change)" m_iVelMode(choices) : "Meaning of Velocity" : 0 = [ 0 : "Set new velocity [LV]" 1 : "Add to velocity [LV]" 2 : "Rotate velocity by [LV]" 3 : "Rotate velocity (Y Z X)" ] m_iszAVelocity(string) : "AVelocity (blank = no change)" m_iAVelMode(choices) : "Meaning of AVelocity" : 0 = [ 0 : "Set new avelocity (Y Z X)" 1 : "Add to avelocity (Y Z X)" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Debug" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_mp3audio : "Play mp3 audio" [ message(script) : "Track name" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove on fire" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Trigger, TriggerCond) = trigger_multiple : "Trigger: Activate multiple" [ wait(integer) : "Delay before reset" : 10 ] @SolidClass base(Trigger, TriggerCond) = trigger_once : "Trigger: Activate once" [] @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_playerfreeze : "Trigger Player Freeze" [ use_type(choices) : "Use type" = [ -1 : "Unfreeze" 0 : "Toggle freeze" 1 : "Freeze" 2 : "Copy input" ] ] @SolidClass base(Trigger, Angles) = trigger_push : "Trigger player push" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Once Only" : 0 2: "Start Off" : 0 8: "No clients": 0 16: "No monsters": 0 ] speed(integer) : "Speed of push" : 40 m_iszPushSpeed(string) : "Push speed multiplier [LR]" m_iszPushVel(string) : "Push direction (blank = angle) [LV]" ] @BaseClass = Random [ target_count(integer) : "Target Count" : : "Amount of random targets you have specified. This is now optional and left for compatibility with Sven Co-op trigger_random" target1(target_destination) : "Target 1" target2(target_destination) : "Target 2" target3(target_destination) : "Target 3" target4(target_destination) : "Target 4" target5(target_destination) : "Target 5" target6(target_destination) : "Target 6" target7(target_destination) : "Target 7" target8(target_destination) : "Target 8" target9(target_destination) : "Target 9" target10(target_destination) : "Target 10" target11(target_destination) : "Target 11" target12(target_destination) : "Target 12" target13(target_destination) : "Target 13" target14(target_destination) : "Target 14" target15(target_destination) : "Target 15" target16(target_destination) : "Target 16" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Random) = trigger_random : "Trigger Random" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Start on (Timed only)" : 0 2 : "Trigger Once (Timed only)" : 0 4 : "Reusable (Unique only)" : 0 8 : "Timed" : 0 16 : "Unique" : 0 32 : "Not repetitive" : 0 : "Don't repeat the same target twice in a row. Targets still can be repeated if there're several with the same name." ] min_delay(string) : "Minimum delay (Timed only)" max_delay(string) : "Maximum delay (Timed only)" trigger_number(integer) : "Trigger number limit (Timed only)" : : "Stop after triggering this number of targets. This was not in Sven Co-op and a special addition. A flexible replacement for Trigger Once flag." ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Random) = trigger_random_time : "Trigger Random Time. Outdated entity for Sven Co-op 3.0 compatibility." [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start On" : 0 2 : "Trigger Once" : 0 ] min_delay(string) : "Minimum Delay (0 = off)" : "3.0" max_delay(string) : "Maximum Delay (0 = off)" : "7.0" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Random) = trigger_random_unique : "Trigger Random Unique. Outdated entity for Sven Co-op 3.0 compatibility." [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Re-usable" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Targetx) iconsprite("sprites/trigger_relay.spr") = trigger_relay : "Trigger Relay" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 0 64: "Forward activator" : 0 : "Forward my activator when triggering my target. Without this flag trigger_relay passes itself as an activator." ] triggerstate(choices) : "Trigger State" : 2 = [ 0: "Off" 1: "On" 2: "Toggle" ] ] @PointClass base(Target, Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16,16 16 16) = trigger_respawn :"Trigger Respawn. Sven Co-op compatibility entity" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 4: "Don't Move Living Players" : 0 : "If set, living players won't be relocated to spawnpoints." ] ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, RoomType) = trigger_sound : "Brush-based DSP Sound" [ target(target_destination) : "Fire when activated" delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" killtarget(target_destination) : "KillTarget" master(string) : "Master" ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_startpatrol : "Trigger Start Patrol" [ target(string) : "Target monster [LE]" m_iszPath(target_destination) : "Patrol path start" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Target) = trigger_timer : "Continuously fire the same target over random delays. trigger_timer can be activated with 'On' use. trigger_timer stops firing its target if it was triggered with 'Off' use. 'Toggle' use toggles trigger_timer's state." [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Start on" : 0 : "Automatically activate trigger_timer on the first map load" 32 : "Don't delay first fire" : 0 : "Don't use random delay on the first target fire upon the activation" ] min_delay(string) : "Minimum delay" max_delay(string) : "Maximum delay" trigger_number(integer) : "Trigger number limit" : : "Stop after triggering this number of targets. 0 means no limit" ] @BaseClass base(Targetname) = TriggerTeleport [ master(string) : "Master" teleport_start_inactive(choices) : "Start Inactive" = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 256 : "Keep Angles" : 0 : "Keep player's angles" 512 : "Keep velocity" : 0 : "Keep player's velocity" ] ] @SolidClass base(TriggerTeleport, TriggerCond) = trigger_teleport : "Trigger teleport" [ target(target_destination) : "Target" : : "Name of the entity which the player is teleported to. Ideally an info_teleport_destination entity." ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_player_teleport : "Move player to the specified position." [ target(target_destination) : "Target" : : "Name of the entity which the player is teleported to. If omitted trigger_player_teleport acts as a teleport position itself." spawnflags(flags) = [ 256 : "Keep Angles" : 0 : "Keep player's angles" 512 : "Keep velocity" : 0 : "Keep player's velocity" ] ] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = trigger_transition : "Trigger: Select Transition Area" [] @SolidClass base(TriggerTeleport) = trigger_xen_return : "Return To Earth" [] // // weapons // @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_crowbar.mdl") = weapon_crowbar : "Crowbar" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_9mmhandgun.mdl") = weapon_9mmhandgun : "9mm Handgun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_357.mdl") = weapon_357 : "357 Handgun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_9mmar.mdl") = weapon_9mmAR : "9mm Assault Rifle" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_shotgun.mdl") = weapon_shotgun : "Shotgun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_rpg.mdl") = weapon_rpg : "RPG" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_gauss.mdl") = weapon_gauss : "Gauss Gun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_crossbow.mdl") = weapon_crossbow : "Crossbow" [ sequence(choices) : "Placement" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal (flat)" 1 : "Realistic (tilted)" ] ] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_egon.mdl") = weapon_egon : "Egon Gun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/v_tripmine.mdl") body(3) sequence(8) size(-16 -16 -5, 16 16 27) = weapon_tripmine : "Tripmine Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_satchel.mdl") = weapon_satchel : "Satchel Charge Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_grenade.mdl") = weapon_handgrenade : "Handgrenade Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_sqknest.mdl") = weapon_snark : "Squeak Grenade" [ sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 1 = [ 0 : "walk" 1 : "idle" ] ] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_hgun.mdl") = weapon_hornetgun : "Hornet Gun" [] @PointClass base(Target) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 64) color(0 128 0) studio("models/w_weaponbox.mdl") = weaponbox : "Weapon/Ammo Container" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_desert_eagle.mdl") = weapon_eagle : "Desert Eagle" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_penguinnest.mdl") = weapon_penguin : "Killer Penguin" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_pipe_wrench.mdl") = weapon_pipewrench : "Pipe Wrench" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_knife.mdl") = weapon_knife : "Knife" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_bgrap.mdl") = weapon_grapple : "Barnacle Grapple" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_shock.mdl") = weapon_shockrifle : "Shock Roach" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_saw.mdl") = weapon_m249 : "M249 SAW" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_m40a1.mdl") = weapon_sniperrifle : "Sniper Rifle" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_displacer.mdl") = weapon_displacer : "Displacer" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_spore_launcher.mdl") = weapon_sporelauncher : "Spore Launcher" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) studio("models/w_medkit.mdl") = weapon_medkit : "Medkit" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx) = world_items : "World Items" [ type(choices) :"types" : 42 = [ 42: "Antidote" 43: "Security Card" 44: "Battery" 45: "Suit" ] ] // // Xen // @BaseClass base(Targetname, RenderFields, Angles) flags(Angle) = XenPlant [ scale(string) : "Scale (1.0 = normal size)" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 2 : "Drop to Floor" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Target, XenPlant) size(-48 -48 0, 48 48 32 ) studio("models/light.mdl") = xen_plantlight : "Xen Plant Light" [] @PointClass base(XenPlant) size(-8 -8 0, 8 8 32 ) studio("models/hair.mdl") = xen_hair : "Xen Hair" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Sync Movement" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(XenPlant) size(-24 -24 0, 24 24 188 ) studio("models/tree.mdl") = xen_tree : "Xen Tree" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 8 : "Non Solid" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(XenPlant) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 64 ) studio("models/fungus(small).mdl") = xen_spore_small : "Xen Spore (small)" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 8 : "Non Solid" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(XenPlant) size(-40 -40 0, 40 40 120 ) studio("models/fungus.mdl") = xen_spore_medium : "Xen Spore (medium)" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 8 : "Non Solid" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(XenPlant) size(-90 -90 0, 90 90 220 ) studio("models/fungus(large).mdl") = xen_spore_large : "Xen Spore (large)" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 8 : "Non Solid" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Target, ZHLT) = func_op4mortarcontroller : "Op4 Mortar Controller" [ mortar_axis(Choices) : "Axis" : 0 = [ 0 : "Vertical" 1 : "Horizontal" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) studio("models/mortar.mdl") = op4mortar : "Op4 Mortar" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Active" : 0 16 : "Line of Sight" : 1 32 : "Can Control" : 1 ] mortar_velocity(integer) : "Velocity" : 800 h_min(integer) : "Horiz MIN" : -90 h_max(integer) : "Horiz MAX" : 90 mindist(integer) : "Min Target Dist" : 256 maxdist(integer) : "Max Target Dist" : 2048 enemytype(Choices) : "Enemy Type" : 0 = [ 0 : "Player" 1 : "Ally" 2 : "Random" ] firedelay(integer) : "Fire Rate" : 5 ]