Half-Life: Emergency.fgd

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January 2024

From: Half-Life: Emergency SDK

Spirit - Emergency.fgd
Forge Game Data
// // Spirit game definition file (.fgd) // version 1.2 // for Worldcraft 3.3 and above, and Half-Life and above // last update: 18th November 2003 // //INFO // // For any "target" type value, you can use a "+" or "-" prefix to // specify that the target should be turned on or off, respectively. // (e.g. suppose you have an entity which targets "mylight". If you tell it // to target "+mylight" instead, then it will only turn the light on, never // off.) // Similarly, for any Master, you can invert the master relationship (that // is, you can disable the entity whenever the master <u>is</u> on) by // adding a tilde (~) at the start of the master's name. // // When testing your level, it's sometimes helpful to be able to trigger // entities manually. To trigger an entity named "mydoor", you can simply // type "fire mydoor" at the console. // Similarly, if you just type "fire", you will trigger whatever entity the // player is aiming at. // NB: this command will only work if sv_cheats is set to 1. // //ENDS // // Worldspawn // //* Edit Worldspawn's properties from the map menu ["Map \ Map Properties..."] @SolidClass = worldspawn : "World entity" [ message(string) : "Map Description / Title" skyname(string) : "environment map (cl_skyname)" sounds(integer) : "CD track to play" : 1 light(integer) : "Default light level" WaveHeight(string) : "Default Wave Height" : "0.0" MaxRange(string) : "Max viewable distance" : "4096" chaptertitle(string) : "Chapter Title Message" startdark(choices) : "Level Fade In" : 0 = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] gametitle(choices) : "Display 'Half-Life' title?" : 0 = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] newunit(choices) : "Flush global entities?" : 0 = [ 0 : "No, keep global ents" 1 : "Yes, flush global ents" ] mapteams(string) : "Map Team List" defaultteam(choices) : "Default Team" : 0 = [ 0 : "Fewest Players" 1 : "First Team" ] //NEW 0.3 //* Yes means the player will start this level wearing an HEV suit. startsuit(choices) : "HEV from start" = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] //NEW 0.4 //* Yes means that monsters will appear in multiplayer games. This has no effect in a single player level. allowmonsters(choices) : "Allow Monsters (MP only)" = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] ] // // BaseClasses // //* "ZHLTReference.html" (included with the ZHLT Distribution) contains information on using these keys. @BaseClass = ZHLTLightKeys [ zhlt_lightflags(choices) : "HLRAD Opacity (ZHLT 2.5.1+)" : 0 = [ 0: "Normal (0)" 1: "Embedded Fix (1)" 2: "Opaque (Blocks light) (2)" 3: "Opaque + Embedded Fix (3)" 6: "ConcaveFix (6)" ] light_origin(string) : "Light Origin (ZHLT 2.5.1+)" ] @BaseClass = ZhltLights [ _fade(integer) : "Fade (ZHLT 2.5.1+)" _falloff(choices) : "Falloff (ZHLT 2.5.1+)" : 2 = [ 1: "Inverse Square (1)" 2: "Inverse Linear (2)" ] ] @BaseClass = TexLight [ //NEW 1.0 style(choices) : "Texlight style" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal (on)" 10: "Fluorescent flicker" 2 : "Slow, strong pulse" 11: "Slow pulse, noblack" 5 : "Gentle pulse" 1 : "Flicker A" 6 : "Flicker B" 3 : "Candle A" 7 : "Candle B" 8 : "Candle C" 4 : "Fast strobe" 9 : "Slow strobe" 12: "Underwater" ] ] @BaseClass = SwitchTexLight [ //NEW 1.0 style(choices) : "Texlight style" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal (on)" -1: "Switchable (starts on)" -2: "Switchable (starts off)" 10: "Fluorescent flicker" 2 : "Slow, strong pulse" 11: "Slow pulse, noblack" 5 : "Gentle pulse" 1 : "Flicker A" 6 : "Flicker B" 3 : "Candle A" 7 : "Candle B" 8 : "Candle C" 4 : "Fast strobe" 9 : "Slow strobe" 12: "Underwater" ] ] @BaseClass = Appearflags [ //NEW 0.6 skill(choices) : "Skill setting" : 0 = [ 0 : "All skills" 1 : "Not in easy" 2 : "Not in medium" 4 : "Not in hard" 6 : "Only in easy" 5 : "Only in medium" 3 : "Only in hard" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 2048 : "Not in Deathmatch" : 0 ] ] @BaseClass = Angles [ angles(string) : "Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" ] @BaseClass = Targetname [ targetname(target_source) : "Name" ] @BaseClass = Target [ target(target_destination) : "Target" ] @BaseClass = MoveWith [ //NEW 0.3 movewith(target_destination) : "Moves with" ] @BaseClass = Master [ master(string) : "Master" ] @BaseClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 32) color(0 0 200) base(Targetname, Angles, Appearflags) = Weapon [] @BaseClass base(Weapon) color(80 0 200) = Ammo [] @BaseClass = Global [ globalname(string) : "Global Entity Name" ] @BaseClass base(Target) = Targetx [ delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" : "0" killtarget(target_destination) : "KillTarget" ] @BaseClass = RenderFxChoices [ renderfx(choices) : "Render FX" : 0 = [ 0: "Normal" //* Additive or Texture mode only. 1: "Slow Pulse" //* Additive or Texture mode only. 2: "Fast Pulse" //* Additive or Texture mode only. 3: "Slow Wide Pulse" //* Additive or Texture mode only. 4: "Fast Wide Pulse" 9: "Slow Strobe" 10: "Fast Strobe" 11: "Faster Strobe" 12: "Slow Flicker" 13: "Fast Flicker" //These don't seem to do anything. Correct me if I'm wrong... // 5: "Slow Fade Away" // 6: "Fast Fade Away" // 7: "Slow Become Solid" // 8: "Fast Become Solid" //* This setting only affects the Glow rendermode. With this setting, Glow mode behaves //* exactly like Additive mode - except that (as is usual for Glow mode) the sprite isn't //* obscured by intervening sprites or models. (Hmm. Call me slow, but..... how is this //* useful?) 14: "Constant Glow (Sprites)" 15: "Distort (Models)" 16: "Hologram (Distort + fade)" //* Strange effect. As seen, briefly, when a Gargantua dies. 18: "Bulge Sideways (Models)" //* Quite pretty. As seen in Valve's mod Deathmatch Classic. 19: "Glowing Aura (Models)" //NEW 1.0 //* Draw a reflection under this model's feet. 21: "Reflection (Models)" ] ] @BaseClass = RenderMode [ rendermode(choices) : "Render Mode" : 0 = [ 0: "Normal" //* For BSP objects, the object will be rendered as a pure area of whatever //* color is specified in FX Color. //* For models and sprites, this is the same as Normal mode. 1: "Pure Color" //* For BSP objects, the object will be rendered without shadows. //* For models and sprites, this is the same as Normal mode, except that the Pulse //* renderfx settings work. 2: "Texture" //* Like additive, but as the player gets further from the sprite, it gets //* progressively larger and more transparent. The sprite is also not obscured by //* intervening models, which can sometimes look bad. //* Alphatest sprites won't use their masks in this mode. 3: "Glow (sprites only)" //* For BSP objects, this only affects textures beginning with {. Blue pixels //* will be transparent; non-blue pixels will be solid. //* For models, this mode is the same as Normal mode. //* For sprites, this mode is for displaying sprites in Indexalpha mode - i.e. //* the palette positions are used as opacity settings; 0 for fully transparent, //* and 255 for fully opaque, regardless of what the palette colors actually are. //* The only palette colour that will be used is the last one, which sets the //* colour for the whole sprite. (Needless to say, this will look odd unless the //* sprite is designed to be displayed this way!) //* Oddly, Alphatest sprites won't use their masks in this mode. 4: "Solid" //* Only bright parts of the object are visible; darker parts are just more //* transparent, and black is not drawn. Useful for making lighting or hologram //* effects. 5: "Additive" ] ] @BaseClass base(RenderFxChoices, RenderMode) = RenderFields [ renderamt(integer) : "FX Amount (1 - 255)" : 0 rendercolor(color255) : "FX Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0" ] @BaseClass base(RenderFxChoices, RenderMode) = RenderFieldsMax [ renderamt(integer) : "FX Amount (1 - 255)" : 255 rendercolor(color255) : "FX Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255" ] @BaseClass = LockSounds [ //* The locked sound & sentence will be played if: //* 1) The player walks into a door which has a name. (and Force Touchable isn't selected.) //* 2) A door/button with a master gets activated, but the master is disabled. //* //* The number against each sound corresponds to the wav file played. //* e.g. Buzz (10) plays "buttons/button10.wav". locked_sound(choices) : "Locked Sound" : 0 = [ 0 : "None" 2 : "Access Denied (2)" 8 : "Small zap (8)" 10: "Buzz (10)" 11: "Buzz Off (11)" 12: "Latch Locked (12)" ] //* The unlocked sound & sentence will be played whenever a door starts to open and whenever //* a button starts to push in. (They will never be played when a door starts to close, even if //* "Toggle" is selected.) //* //* The number against each sound (except lightswitch) corresponds to the wav file played. //* e.g. Buzz (10) plays "buttons/button10.wav". unlocked_sound(choices) : "Unlocked Sound" : 0 = [ 0 : "None" 1 : "Big zap & Warmup (1)" 3 : "Access Granted (3)" 4 : "Quick Combolock (4)" 5 : "Power Deadbolt 1 (5)" 6 : "Power Deadbolt 2 (6)" 7 : "Plunger (7)" 8 : "Small zap (8)" 9 : "Keycard Sound (9)" 10: "Buzz (10)" 13: "Latch Unlocked (13)" 14: "Lightswitch" ] //* The letters correspond to the sentence group played (see sound/sentences.txt); //* e.g. Blast Door (NF) will cycle through NF0, NF1 and NF3. locked_sentence(choices) : "Locked Sentence" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "Gen. Access Denied (NA)" 2: "Security Lockout (ND)" 3: "Blast Door (NF)" 4: "Fire Door (NFIRE)" 5: "Chemical Door (NCHEM)" 6: "Radiation Door (NRAD)" 7: "Gen. Containment (NCON)" 8: "Maintenance Door (NH)" 9: "Broken Shut Door (NG)" ] //* The letters correspond to the sentence group played (see sound/sentences.txt); //* e.g. Blast Door (EF) will cycle through EF0, EF1 and EF3. unlocked_sentence(choices) : "Unlocked Sentence" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "Gen. Access Granted (EA)" 2: "Security Disengaged (ED)" 3: "Blast Door (EF)" 4: "Fire Door (EFIRE)" 5: "Chemical Door (ECHEM)" 6: "Radiation Door (ERAD)" 7: "Gen. Containment (ECON)" 8: "Maintenance area (EH)" ] ] @BaseClass base(Angles) size(-16 -16 -36, 16 16 36) color(0 255 0) = PlayerClass [] @BaseClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields, Appearflags) color(0 200 200) = Monster [ //NEW 0.7.1 health(integer) : "Initial health (0 = normal)" //NEW 0.7.1 //* Be careful when changing this - a monster's actions are tied closely to its model. model(studio) : "Model (e.g. models/can.mdl)" //NEW 0.7.1 skin(integer) : "Skin" //NEW 1.0 scale(string) : "Scale (1.0 = normal size)" target(string) : "Patrol Path" //NEW 0.4 //* If you just want a monster to be ignored, use the "Prisoner" flag instead. m_iClass(choices) : "Behave as" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal" //* Likes players and barneys; hates Human Military and most aliens; scared of Alien Military and Bullsquids. 3 : "Scientist" //* Likes players and scientists; dislikes Machines, Human Military, and all aliens. 11: "Barney" //* Dislikes scientists and most aliens. Hates players, barneys and Alien Military. 4 : "Human Military" //* Machines go clang when hit, and never gib. Bioweapons (Snarks and Hornets) ignore them. //* Otherwise, they're pretty much like Human Military. 1 : "Machine (Human Military)" //* Hates players and Human Military. Dislikes Machines, scientists and barneys. 5 : "Alien Military" //* Dislikes Machines and all humans. 7 : "Other Alien" //* Dislikes all humans. Scared of Bullsquids. 8 : "Headcrab" //* Hates Headcrabs. Dislikes humans and other Bullsquids. 9 : "Bullsquid" //* Dislikes everyone, except other Faction A members. 14 : "Faction A" //* Dislikes everyone, except other Faction B members. 15 : "Faction B" //* Dislikes everyone, except other Faction C members. 16 : "Faction C" ] //NEW 0.5 //* Replaces the old "Player Ally" flag. m_iPlayerReact(choices) : "Reaction to player" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal" 1 : "Ignore" //* Scientists usually use this behaviour. 2 : "Friendly until hurt" //* Barneys usually use this behaviour. 3 : "Friendly unless provoked" 4 : "Enemy" // Not yet implemented, but will allow any monster to act like a barney/scientist. //5 : "Follower" ] TriggerTarget(String) : "TriggerTarget" TriggerCondition(Choices) : "Trigger Condition" = [ 0 : "No Trigger" 1 : "See Player, Mad at Player" 2 : "Take Damage" 3 : "50% Health Remaining" 4 : "Death" 7 : "Hear World" 8 : "Hear Player" 9 : "Hear Combat" 10: "See Player Unconditional" 11: "See Player, Not In Combat" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* Don't attack the player until s/he can see us. 1 : "WaitTillSeen" : 0 //* Don't speak except when in combat. Don't make "idle" noises. 2 : "Gag" : 0 //* If ticked, the monster can't enter a func_monsterclip area. 4 : "Monster Clip" : 0 //* If ticked, the monster will ignore all other monsters and vice versa. 16: "Prisoner" : 0 //NEW 0.4 //* The dreaded yellow blobs appear for a good reason; they show a monster is stuck //* in a wall and unable to move. Only tick this if you're happy for it to be stuck. 128: "No yellow blobs" : 0 512: "Fade Corpse" : 0 ] ] @BaseClass = TalkMonster [ //* The sentence (see sound/sentences.txt) to speak when the player tells us to follow. UseSentence(String) : "Use Sentence" //* The sentence to speak when the player tells us to stop following. UnUseSentence(String) : "Un-Use Sentence" //NEW 0.4 //* The sentence to speak when refusing to follow the player. RefusalSentence(String) : "Refusal Sentence" //NEW 0.4 //* While locked by the master, this monster will refuse to follow the player. master(String) : "Master (prevents following)" //NEW 0.4 //* Mostly provided for mod-makers. In the standard sentences.txt, valid settings for //* this are BA (speak as a Barney) and SC (speak as a Scientist). To define a //* speech group "XX", you need to define sentences XX_ANSWER, XX_QUESTION, XX_IDLE, //* XX_STARE, XX_OK, XX_WAIT, XX_STOP, XX_NOSHOOT, XX_HELLO, XX_SMELL, XX_WOUND and //* XX_MORTAL. (as well as some others, if the monsters are going to be Pre-Disaster.) SpeakAs(string) : "Speech Group" spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* Unless given a Master, a pre-disaster monster will refuse to follow the player. 256: "Pre-Disaster" : 0 ] ] @BaseClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = gibshooterbase [ //* The number of pieces to create. m_iGibs(integer) : "Number of shots" : 1 //* Delay (in seconds) between shots. If 0, all the shots are fired at once. delay(string) : "Delay between shots" : "0" m_iszPosition(string) : "At position (blank = here) [LP]" m_iszVelocity(string) : "At velocity (blank = angle) [LV]" //* How fast the gibs are fired m_flVelocity(string) : "Gib Speed Factor [LR]" : "200" //* Course variance m_flVariance(string) : "Course Variance" : "0.15" //* Time in seconds for gibs to live, +/- 5% m_flGibLife(string) : "Shot lifetime (secs)" : "4" m_iszTargetName(string) : "Shot's name" //NEW 0.7.1 //* If you want to change the behaviour of the shot, this is the field to use - //* for example, you could target a motion_manager here, to change the shot's movement. m_iszSpawnTarget(string) : "Fire on spawn (locus = shot)" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Repeatable" : 0 4 : "Debug" : 0 ] ] @BaseClass = Light [ //* Don't create a light whose name begins with "light" - a bug/feature in RAD means //* that such a light won't be able to switch on and off. targetname(target_source) : "Name" _light(color255) : "Brightness" : "255 255 128 200" //* This field will have no effect on a dynamic (i.e. named) light. style(Choices) : "Appearance (static)" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal (on)" 10: "Fluorescent flicker" 2 : "Slow, strong pulse" 11: "Slow pulse, noblack" 5 : "Gentle pulse" 1 : "Flicker A" 6 : "Flicker B" 3 : "Candle A" 7 : "Candle B" 8 : "Candle C" 4 : "Fast strobe" 9 : "Slow strobe" 12: "Underwater" ] //* This field will have no effect on a static (i.e. nameless) light. //* 'a' is dark, 'm' is normal brightness, 'z' is full brightness. //* There's no support for a light to have a custom appearances when it's in a //* state other than 'on'. See @trigger_lightstyle if you need this effect. pattern(string) : "Custom Appearance (on)" //NEW 0.3 //* This field will have no effect on a static (i.e. nameless) light. m_iOnStyle(Choices) : "Appearance (on)" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal (on)" 13: "Off" 10: "Fluorescent flicker" 2 : "Slow, strong pulse" 11: "Slow pulse, noblack" 5 : "Gentle pulse" 1 : "Flicker A" 6 : "Flicker B" 3 : "Candle A" 7 : "Candle B" 8 : "Candle C" 4 : "Fast strobe" 9 : "Slow strobe" 12: "Underwater" ] //NEW 0.3 //* This field will have no effect on a static (i.e. nameless) light. m_iOffStyle(Choices) : "Appearance (off)" : 0 = [ 0: "Normal (off)" 20: "On" 10: "Fluorescent flicker" 2 : "Slow, strong pulse" 11: "Slow pulse, noblack" 5 : "Gentle pulse" 1 : "Flicker A" 6 : "Flicker B" 3 : "Candle A" 7 : "Candle B" 8 : "Candle C" 4 : "Fast strobe" 9 : "Slow strobe" 12: "Underwater" ] //NEW 0.3 m_iTurnOnTime(integer) : "Time taken to turn on (secs)" : 0 //NEW 0.3 //* This field will have no effect on a static (i.e. nameless) light. m_iTurnOnStyle(Choices) : "Appearance (turn on)" : 0 = [ 0: "Normal (off)" 20: "On" 10: "Fluorescent flicker" 2 : "Slow, strong pulse" 11: "Slow pulse, noblack" 5 : "Gentle pulse" 1 : "Flicker A" 6 : "Flicker B" 3 : "Candle A" 7 : "Candle B" 8 : "Candle C" 4 : "Fast strobe" 9 : "Slow strobe" 12: "Underwater" ] //NEW 0.3 m_iTurnOffTime(integer) : "Time taken to turn off (secs)" : 0 //NEW 0.3 //* This field will have no effect on a static (i.e. nameless) light. m_iTurnOffStyle(Choices) : "Appearance (turn off)" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal (on)" 13: "Off" 10: "Fluorescent flicker" 2 : "Slow, strong pulse" 11: "Slow pulse, noblack" 5 : "Gentle pulse" 1 : "Flicker A" 6 : "Flicker B" 3 : "Candle A" 7 : "Candle B" 8 : "Candle C" 4 : "Fast strobe" 9 : "Slow strobe" 12: "Underwater" ] ] @BaseClass base(Targetname, Global) = Breakable [ target(target_destination) : "Target on break" //NEW 0.7.1 //* Whenever the breakable takes damage, this entity will be triggered, and passed //* the position and direction of the bullet (or whatever). whenhit(string) : "Trigger when hit (locus = position)" health(integer) : "Strength" : 100 material(choices) : "Material type" : 0 = [ //* <b>Gibs:</b> models/glassgibs.mdl //* <b>Break noise:</b> debris/bustglassX.wav //* <b>Bounce noise:</b> debris/glassX.wav 0: "Glass" //* <b>Gibs:</b> models/woodgibs.mdl //* <b>Break noise:</b> debris/bustcrateX.wav //* <b>Bounce noise:</b> debris/woodX.wav 1: "Wood" //* <b>Gibs:</b> models/metalplategibs.mdl //* <b>Break noise:</b> debris/bustmetalX.wav //* <b>Bounce noise:</b> debris/metalX.wav 2: "Metal" //* <b>Gibs:</b> models/fleshgibs.mdl //* <b>Break noise:</b> debris/bustfleshX.wav //* <b>Bounce noise:</b> debris/fleshX.wav 3: "Flesh" //* <b>Gibs:</b> models/cindergibs.mdl //* <b>Break noise:</b> debris/bustconcreteX.wav //* <b>Bounce noise:</b> debris/concreteX.wav 4: "Cinder Block" //* <b>Gibs:</b> models/ceilinggibs.mdl //* <b>Break noise:</b> debris/bustceilingX.wav //* <b>Bounce noise:</b> none 5: "Ceiling Tile" //* <b>Gibs:</b> models/computergibs.mdl //* <b>Break noise:</b> debris/bustmetalX.wav //* <b>Bounce noise:</b> debris/woodX.wav //* <b>Note:</b> Generates sparks when damaged. 6: "Computer" //* <b>Gibs:</b> models/glassgibs.mdl //* <b>Break noise:</b> debris/bustglassX.wav //* <b>Bounce noise:</b> debris/glassX.wav //* <b>Note:</b> Makes ricochet noises when damaged. 7: "Unbreakable Glass" //* <b>Gibs:</b> models/rockgibs.mdl //* <b>Break noise:</b> debris/bustconcreteX.wav //* <b>Bounce noise:</b> debris/concreteX.wav 8: "Rocks" ] explosion(choices) : "Gibs Direction" : 0 = [ 0: "Random" 1: "Relative to Attack" ] delay(string) : "Delay before fire" : "0" //* Can be used to override the default "gibs" value for the material you've specified. gibmodel(studio) : "Gib Model" spawnobject(choices) : "Spawn On Break" : 0 = [ 0: "Nothing" 1: "Battery" 2: "Healthkit" 3: "9mm Handgun" 4: "9mm Clip" 5: "Machine Gun" 6: "Machine Gun Clip" 7: "Machine Gun Grenades" 8: "Shotgun" 9: "Shotgun Shells" 10: "Crossbow" 11: "Crossbow Bolts" 12: "357" 13: "357 clip" 14: "RPG" 15: "RPG Clip" 16: "Gauss clip" 17: "Hand grenade" 18: "Tripmine" 19: "Satchel Charge" 20: "Snark" 21: "Hornet Gun" ] explodemagnitude(integer) : "Explode Magnitude (0=none)" : 0 //NEW 0.4 respawn(choices) : "Respawn time (secs)" : 0 = [ 0: "No respawn" -1: "Respawn when triggered" ] //NEW 0.4 netname(string) : "Target on respawn" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Only Trigger" : 0 2 : "Touch" : 0 4 : "Pressure" : 0 8 : "Fade Respawn" : 0 256: "Instant Crowbar" : 0 ] ] @BaseClass base(Appearflags) = Door [ target(target_destination) : "Target (Always)" //NEW 0.4 message(string) : "Target on Open" netname(string) : "Target on Close" killtarget(target_destination) : "KillTarget" //NEW 0.5 //* Together with "On/Off Aware", this field replaces the old //* "synchronised" flag. //* When set, the door will fire its Target as soon as it //* <u>starts</u> to move, instead of firing when it reaches the end //* of its move. //* (NB: the "Target on Open" and "Target on Close" fields are not //* affected; they will still fire at the end of movement.) immediatemode(choices) : "Fire before moving" : 0 = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] //NEW 0.5 //* Together with "Fire before moving", this field replaces the old //* "synchronised" flag. //* When this is set, instead of always firing its target with //* USE_TOGGLE, the door will send USE_ON when opening and USE_OFF //* when closing. (NB: the "fire on open" and "fire on close" fields //* will still send USE_TOGGLE.) //* Additionally, instead of simply toggling whenever it's //* triggered, the door will open when sent USE_ON, and close when //* sent USE_OFF. onoffmode(choices) : "On/Off Aware" : 0 = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] speed(integer) : "Speed" : 100 //* The number against each sound corresponds to the wav file played. //* e.g. Vacuum (4) plays "doors/doormove4.wav". movesnd(choices) : "Move Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "No Sound" 1: "Servo (Sliding) (1)" 2: "Pneumatic (Sliding) (2)" 3: "Pneumatic (Rolling) (3)" 4: "Vacuum (4)" 5: "Power Hydraulic (5)" 6: "Large Rollers (6)" 7: "Track Door (7)" 8: "Snappy Metal Door (8)" 9: "Squeaky 1 (9)" 10: "Squeaky 2 (10)" ] //* The number against each sound corresponds to the wav file played. //* e.g. Chunk (4) plays "doors/doorstop4.wav". stopsnd(choices) : "Stop Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "No Sound" 1: "Clang with brake (1)" 2: "Clang reverb (2)" 3: "Ratchet Stop (3)" 4: "Chunk (4)" 5: "Light airbrake (5)" 6: "Metal Slide Stop (6)" 7: "Metal Lock Stop (7)" 8: "Snappy Metal Stop (8)" ] //* Setting wait to -1 also prevents the door from reversing when it comes into //* contact with the player, as seen on the bunker door in Crossfire. //* This setting isn't recommended if the door is using MoveWith. wait(choices) : "Delay before close" : 3 = [ -1 : "Stays Open (-1)" ] lip(integer) : "Lip" dmg(integer) : "Damage inflicted when blocked" : 0 //* This delay only applies to the Target, not the Fire on Open/Close fields. delay(integer) : "Delay before fire" health(integer) : "Health (shoot open)" : 0 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Starts Open" : 0 4 : "Don't link" : 0 8: "Passable" : 0 32: "Toggle" : 0 256:"Use Only" : 0 512: "Monsters Can't" : 0 //NEW 0.3 //* Normally a named door, or a door with "use only" selected, won't open when touched. //* Tick here to override that. 1024: "Force Touchable" : 0 ] _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @BaseClass base(Targetname, Target, Angles, MoveWith, RenderFields, Global) = BaseTank [ spawnflags(flags) = [ //* For computer-controlled guns. The gun is 'On'- i.e. ready to fire at the player- at the start of the level. 1 : "Active" : 0 //* For computer-controlled guns. If the gun can't see the player, it won't fire. //* (usually, for a while, the tank will keep firing at the last place it saw the player.) 16: "Line of Sight" : 0 //* To make a tank which the player can use, you'll also need a @func_tankcontrols entity. 32: "Controllable" : 0 //NEW 0.2 //* Makes the gun project a laser spot, similar to the player's rocket launcher. //* This is helpful for players who are trying to aim with it. 64: "Laser Spot" : 0 //NEW 0.2 //* For player-controlled guns. //* Makes the gun point at whatever is at the centre of the player's view, instead of simply facing the same way as the player. 128: "Match Target" : 0 ] //* Mainly for use with 1009 team settings (game_team_master) master(string) : "(Team) Master" //NEW 0.6 //* While this master is locked, the gun cannot fire, but the player can still control it. //* (Intended to enable reloading effects.) firemaster(string) : "Fire Master" //NEW 0.7.1 //* Whenever the tank fires, this entity is triggered. (the locus for this is //* the coordinates and direction at the end of the gun.) m_iszLocusFire(string) : "Trigger on firing (locus = barrel)" yawrate(string) : "Yaw rate" : "30" yawrange(string) : "Yaw range" : "180" yawtolerance(string) : "Yaw tolerance" : "15" pitchrate(string) : "Pitch rate" : "0" pitchrange(string) : "Pitch range" : "0" pitchtolerance(string) : "Pitch tolerance" : "5" barrel(string) : "Barrel Length" : "0" barrely(string) : "Barrel Horizontal" : "0" barrelz(string) : "Barrel Vertical" : "0" spritesmoke(sprite) : "Smoke Sprite" : "" spriteflash(sprite) : "Flash Sprite" : "" spritescale(string) : "Sprite scale" : "1" //* Bug fixed: rotate sound now stops when a player releases control of the gun. rotatesound(sound) : "Rotate Sound" : "" firerate(string) : "Rate of Fire" : "1" bullet_damage(string) : "Damage Per Bullet" : "0" persistence(string) : "Firing persistence" : "1" firespread(choices) : "Bullet accuracy" : 0 = [ 0: "Perfect Shot" 1: "Small cone" 2: "Medium cone" 3: "Large cone" 4: "Extra-large cone" ] minRange(string) : "Minmum target range" : "0" maxRange(string) : "Maximum target range" : "0" //NEW 0.4 m_iClass(choices) : "Behaviour" : 0 = [ 0: "Attack only players" 11: "Barney" 4: "Human Military" 5: "Alien Military" ] _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @BaseClass = PlatSounds [ movesnd(choices) : "Move Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "No Sound" //* plats/bigmove1.wav 1: "big elev 1" //* plats/bigmove2.wav 2: "big elev 2" //* plats/elevmove1.wav 3: "tech elev 1" //* plats/elevmove2.wav 4: "tech elev 2" //* plats/elevmove3.wav 5: "tech elev 3" //* plats/freightmove1.wav 6: "freight elev 1" //* plats/freightmove2.wav 7: "freight elev 2" //* plats/heavymove1.wav 8: "heavy elev" //* plats/rackmove1.wav 9: "rack elev" //* plats/railmove1.wav 10: "rail elev" //* plats/squeekmove1.wav 11: "squeek elev" //* plats/talkmove1.wav 12: "odd elev 1" //* plats/talkmove2.wav 13: "odd elev 2" ] custommovesnd(sound) : "Custom Move Sound" stopsnd(choices) : "Stop Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "No Sound" //* plats/bigstop1.wav 1: "big elev stop1" //* plats/bigstop2.wav 2: "big elev stop2" //* plats/freightstop1.wav 3: "freight elev stop" //* plats/heavystop2.wav 4: "heavy elev stop" //* plats/rackstop1.wav 5: "rack stop" //* plats/railstop1.wav 6: "rail stop" //* plats/squeekstop1.wav 7: "squeek stop" //* plats/talkstop1.wav 8: "quick stop" ] customstopsnd(sound) : "Custom Stop Sound" volume(string) : "Sound Volume 0.0 - 1.0" : "0.85" ] @BaseClass base(Targetname, RenderFields, Global, PlatSounds) = Trackchange [ height(integer) : "Travel altitude" : 0 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Auto Activate train" : 0 2: "Relink track" : 0 8: "Start at Bottom" : 0 16: "Rotate Only" : 0 64: "X Axis" : 0 128: "Y Axis" : 0 ] rotation(integer) : "Spin amount" : 0 train(target_destination) : "Train to switch" toptrack(target_destination) : "Top track" bottomtrack(target_destination) : "Bottom track" speed(integer) : "Move/Rotate speed" : 0 ] @BaseClass base(Targetname, Master, Targetx) = Trigger [] @BaseClass = TriggerCond [ //NEW 0.5 //* Only trigger when touched by an entity with this name. //* If this is set, the flags "Monsters", "Pushables", etc will be ignored. //* (Alternatively you can specify a classname, e.g. monster_barney.) netname(string) : "Triggered only by entity" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Monsters" : 0 2: "No Clients" : 0 4: "Pushables" : 0 //NEW 0.6 8: "Everything else": 0 ] ] @BaseClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) color(255 0 255) = Script [ target(target_destination) : "Target (fire when done)" delay(string) : "Delay before firing target" : "0" killtarget(target_destination) : "KillTarget when done" //NEW 0.4 //* When the animation starts, this target will be triggered. (The standard 'target' value is triggered only when the sequence ends.) //* This is useful to let you have special effects etc triggered during the animation. m_iszFireOnBegin(string): "Fire after moving" //* Specify either a classname (e.g. monster_barney) or a targetname to look for. m_iszEntity(string) : "Target Monster [LE]" //* If "Target Monster" is a classname, the game picks a random monster of that type from within this //* search radius. m_flRadius(integer) : "Search Radius" : 512 //NEW 1.0 m_iPriority(choices) : "Priority" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal" 4 : "Override other sequences" ] //NEW 1.0 m_iFinishSchedule(Choices) : "AI Schedule when done" : 0 = [ 0 : "Default AI" 1 : "Ambush" ] //NEW 0.7.1 m_iRepeats(integer) : "Repeat action X more times" : 0 //NEW 0.7.1 m_fRepeatFrame(string) : "Repeat from frame" : "0" spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* Default behaviour for a sequence is to delete itself after finishing. 4 : "Repeatable" : 0 //* If the player shoots a monster or tells a scientist/barney to follow him, any //* scripts the monster is playing will usually be interrupted. 32: "No Interruptions" : 0 ] ] @BaseClass base(Script) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) color(255 0 255) = ScriptSequence [ //NEW 1.0 m_iszMoveTarget(string) : "Move target (blank = this) [LE]" m_fMoveTo(choices) : "Move to Position" : 0 = [ //* Don't move at all. (Turn Type will be ignored.) 0 : "No (don't turn)" //* Walk to the move target, then turn. 1 : "Walk" //* Run to the move target, then turn. 2 : "Run" //* Don't move - just turn to face to whatever the turn mode. 5 : "No - Only turn" //* Teleport to the move target. Also, the monster's angle will instantly change to //* whatever is specified in the turn target's "turn type". //* Spirit fixes a bug which used to freeze a monster when playing scripts with this setting. 4 : "Instant move + turn" //NEW 1.0 //* Don't move - just change angle to whatever the turn type specifies, instantly. 6 : "No - Instant turn" ] //NEW 0.6 //* If you specify a classname (e.g. monster_barney) here, the script will choose a random entity of that //* type. m_iszAttack(string) : "Turn target (blank = this) [LE]" //NEW 0.3 m_fTurnType(choices) : "Turn mode" : 0 = [ //* Turn to the same angle the turn target is facing. 0 : "Match Angle" //* Turn to look at the turn target. 1 : "Turn to face" 2 : "Don't Turn" ] //* Animation to play after moving. Note that a @monster_generic won't add any sounds or //* special effects to its animations. If you need those to appear, you'll have to use the //* specific monster_<whatever> entities, instead. m_iszPlay(string) : "Action Animation" : "" //* If you specify an idle animation, then when the level begins the monster will be frozen and made //* to play that animation (this is the main use for the idle animation in Valve's levels). After that //* the monster will play the action animation when you trigger the sequence, and will then revert to its //* normal AI. //* If there are any other scripted_sequences with the same name as this one, then the monster will also play the "idle" animation //* while it's waiting for the other sequences to be ready to start. //* And finally, if the action animation is the same as the idle animation, then any time the monster would be playing the idle //* animation, instead it will be frozen. //* Obvious, eh? ;) m_iszIdle(string) : "Idle Animation" : "" spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* If the animation includes the monster dying, don't fade the corpse afterwards. 8 : "Leave Corpse" : 0 //* Even if the animation makes the monster look like it's walking around, DON'T shift //* the monster to its apparent new location when the animation ends. 128: "No Script Movement" : 0 //NEW 0.4 //* Some death sequences kill the monster automatically (e.g. "herodie" in loader.mdl) //* but for most you'll have to tick this box. This is affected by Leave Corpse in the //* obvious way. 256: "Monster Dies" : 0 ] ] // // Entities // //* Obsolete. Use scripted_sequence. (The only difference between them is that aiscripted_sequence //* effectively has its "Override AI" flag ticked all the time. @PointClass base(ScriptSequence) = aiscripted_sequence : "AI Scripted Sequence" [] @PointClass iconsprite("sprites/speaker.spr") base(Targetname, MoveWith) = ambient_generic : "Universal Ambient" [ message(sound) : "WAV Name (e.g. vox/c.wav)" health(integer) : "Volume (10 = loudest)" : 10 //NEW 0.5 //* The entity you name here will play the sound, instead of the ambient_generic doing so itself. //* Be aware that if the entity is playing another sound on the same channel, they will interfere //* with each other. target(target_destination) : "Entity to play from" //NEW 0.5 channel(choices) : "Channel to use for that entity" : 6 = [ 1: "Weapon" //* If a monster's model has a mouth, and you play a sound on its "voice" channel, //* the mouth will automatically move. 2: "Voice" 3: "Item" 4: "Body" 5: "Stream" 6: "Static" ] preset(choices) :"Dynamic Presets" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "Huge Machine" 2: "Big Machine" 3: "Machine" 4: "Slow Fade in" 5: "Fade in" 6: "Quick Fade in" 7: "Slow Pulse" 8: "Pulse" 9: "Quick pulse" 10: "Slow Oscillator" 11: "Oscillator" 12: "Quick Oscillator" 13: "Grunge pitch" 14: "Very low pitch" 15: "Low pitch" 16: "High pitch" 17: "Very high pitch" 18: "Screaming pitch" 19: "Oscillate spinup/down" 20: "Pulse spinup/down" 21: "Random pitch" 22: "Random pitch fast" 23: "Incremental Spinup" 24: "Alien" 25: "Bizzare" 26: "Planet X" 27: "Haunted" ] volstart(integer) : "Start Volume" : 0 fadein(integer) : "Fade in time (0-100)" : 0 fadeout(integer) : "Fade out time (0-100)" : 0 pitch(integer) : "Pitch (> 100 = higher)" : 100 pitchstart(integer) : "Start Pitch" : 100 spinup(integer) : "Spin up time (0-100)" : 0 spindown(integer) : "Spin down time (0-100)" : 0 lfotype(choices) : "LFO type (0 - 3)" : 0 = [ 0: "Off" 1: "Square" 2: "Triangle" 3: "Round" ] lforate(integer) : "LFO rate (0-1000)" : 0 lfomodpitch(integer) : "LFO mod pitch (0-100)" : 0 lfomodvol(integer) : "LFO mod vol (0-100)" : 0 cspinup(integer) : "Incremental spinup count" : 0 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Play Everywhere" : 0 2: "Small Radius" : 0 //* Medium is the default radius, so ticking this does nothing. //* (These should really be chosen from a pull-down menu.) 4: "Medium Radius" : 0 8: "Large Radius" : 0 16:"Start Silent" : 0 32:"Is NOT Looped" : 0 ] ] // // ammo // @PointClass base(Ammo, Targetx) = ammo_357 : "357 Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Ammo, Targetx) = ammo_9mmAR : "9mm Assault Rifle Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Ammo, Targetx) = ammo_9mmbox : "box of 200 9mm shells" [] @PointClass base(Ammo, Targetx) = ammo_9mmclip : "9mm Pistol Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Ammo, Targetx) = ammo_ARgrenades : "Assault Grenades" [] @PointClass base(Ammo, Targetx) = ammo_buckshot : "Shotgun Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Ammo, Targetx) = ammo_crossbow : "Crossbow Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Ammo, Targetx) = ammo_gaussclip : "Gauss Gun Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Ammo, Targetx) = ammo_rpgclip : "RPG Ammo" [] //* This entity is probably obsolete, now that @func_button has a "Can't Use" flag. @SolidClass base(Target, Master, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, MoveWith) = button_target : "Target Button" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Use Activates": 0 2: "Start On" : 0 ] ] // // locus calculation entities // //NEW 0.7.1 //* To use this, simply refer to it in any field that's designated [LP]. @PointClass color(128 200 64) size(-12 -12 -12, 12 12 12) base(Targetname) = calc_position : "Calculate position" [ netname(string) : "Entity to use [LE]" : "*locus" impulse(choices) : "Position to calculate" : 1 = [ 0 : "Origin" 1 : "Eyes" 2 : "Top" 3 : "Centre" 4 : "Bottom" 5 : "Attachment point 0" 6 : "Attachment point 1" 7 : "Attachment point 2" 8 : "Attachment point 3" //* Return a random point from within the entity's bounding box. 9 : "Random" ] message(string) : "Add offset [LV]" : "0 0 0" ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* To use this, simply refer to it in any field that's designated [LR]. @PointClass base(Targetname) color(170 221 85) size(-12 -12 -12, 12 12 12) = calc_ratio : "Ratio adjustment" [ target(string) : "Based on ratio [LR]" : "*locus" impulse(choices) : "Transformation" : 0 = [ 0 : "None" 1 : "Reversed (1-X)" 2 : "Negative (-X)" 3 : "Reciprocal (1/X)" ] netname(string) : "Offset by [LR]" : "0" message(string) : "Scale factor [LR]" : "1" noise(string) : "Min (blank = none) [LR]" noise1(string) : "Max (blank = none) [LR]" frags(choices) : "If outside range" : 0 = [ //* e.g. if the range were 0%-100%, and the value were 120%, the result would be 100%. 0 : "Pick nearest value" //* In the case above, the result would be 20%. 1 : "Wrap around" //* In the case above, the result would be 80%. 2 : "Bounce back" ] ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* To use this, simply refer to it in any field that's designated [LV]. @PointClass color(170 179 43) size(-12 -12 -12, 12 12 12) base(Targetname) = calc_subvelocity : "Calculate velocity based on entity properties" [ netname(string) : "Entity to use [LE]" : "*locus" impulse(choices) : "Value to calculate from" : 0 = [ 0 : "Movement Velocity" 1 : "Angle" 2 : "View Angle" 5 : "Attachment point 0" 6 : "Attachment point 1" 7 : "Attachment point 2" 8 : "Attachment point 3" ] noise(string) : "Scale factor [LR]" : "1.0" message(string) : "Add offset [LV]" : "0 0 0" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Normalize" : 0 2 : "Flip Vertical" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* To use this, simply refer to it in any field that's designated [LV]. //* This calculates the velocity that would be needed to travel from one point to another. //* By default, things will take 0.1 seconds to travel this distance. (Use the "length //* factor" setting to change this.) //* This can also be used to calculate (for example) where a beam's endpoint should //* be, in order for it to point towards a given location. @PointClass color(170 179 43) size(-12 -12 -12, 12 12 12) base(Targetname) = calc_velocity_path : "Calculate velocity for travelling" [ target(string) : "Start position [LP]" : "*locus" netname(string) : "Destination" armorvalue(choices) : "Destination is" : 0 = [ //* The destination is the end position. 0 : "Position [LP]" //* To find the end position, add this offset to the start position. 1 : "Offset [LV]" ] health(choices) : "Length Calculation" : 0 = [ 4 : "Square (X = X*X)" 0 : "None (X = X)" //* With this choice, the actual distance between the points is ignored. //* So instead of taking a fixed time to travel, the object will move at //* a fixed speed, or the beam will extend a fixed distance. 1 : "Normalise (X = 1)" 2 : "Reciprocal (X = 1/X)" 3 : "Inverse Square (X = 1/X*X)" ] //* E.g: 2.0 will specify "twice as fast/twice as far", and //* 0.5 will specify "half as fast/half as far". //* A negative number here will make the line go in the opposite direction. noise(string) : "Length factor [LR]" : "1.0" //* If this is set, a line will be drawn from the start position to the end //* position. The first obstacle it hits will then be used as the new end //* position. frags(choices) : "Line is blocked by" : 0 = [ 0 : "Nothing" 1 : "Walls" 2 : "Walls & Glass" 3 : "Walls & Monsters" 4 : "Walls, Monsters & Glass" ] ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* To use this, simply refer to it in any field that's designated [LV]. @PointClass color(170 179 43) size(-12 -12 -12, 12 12 12) base(Targetname) = calc_velocity_polar : "Calculate velocity" [ netname(string) : "Based on velocity [LV]" //* Rotate the velocity by this amount. angles(string) : "Rotated by angle (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" //* Scale the velocity by this factor. //* E.g: 2.0 will specify "twice as fast/twice as far", and //* 0.5 will specify "half as fast/half as far". noise(string) : "Length factor [LR]" : "1.0" //* After rotation and scaling, add this offset to the velocity. message(string) : "Add offset [LV]" : "0 0 0" spawnflags(flags) = [ //* The "length factor" field will set the exact length of the velocity, //* instead of scaling it by a factor. 1 : "Normalize" : 0 ] ] // // cyclers // // This entity is probably obsolete, now that env_model exists. @PointClass base(Targetname, RenderFields, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = cycler : "Monster Cycler" [ model(studio) : "Model" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, RenderFields, MoveWith) sprite() = cycler_sprite : "Sprite Cycler" [ model(sprite) : "Sprite" framerate(integer) : "Frames per second" : 10 ] @PointClass base(Monster, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = cycler_weapon : "Weapon Cycler" [] // // Environmental effects // @BaseClass = BeamStartEnd [ LightningStart(target_destination) : "Start Entity" LightningEnd(target_destination) : "Ending Entity" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, BeamStartEnd, RenderFxChoices) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_beam : "Energy Beam Effect" [ renderamt(integer) : "Brightness (1 - 255)" : 100 rendercolor(color255) : "Beam Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0" //* If you only give the beam one endpoint, then radius will specify how //* far away the other endpoint should be (randomly) placed. Radius(integer) : "Radius" : 256 life(string) : "Life (seconds 0 = infinite)" : "0" BoltWidth(integer) : "Width of beam (pixels*0.1 0-255)" : 20 NoiseAmplitude(integer) : "Distortion (0-255)" : 0 texture(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/laserbeam.spr" TextureScroll(integer) : "Texture Scroll Rate (0-100)" : 35 framerate(integer) : "Frames per 10 seconds" : 0 framestart(integer) : "Starting Frame" : 0 StrikeTime(string) : "Strike again time (-1 = never)" : "0" //NEW 0.6 //* If you use a negative number for the damage, it'll now heal the target. damage(string) : "Damage / second" : "0" //NEW 0.6 frags(choices) : "Damage type" : 0 = [ 0 : "Energy Beam" 1 : "Fracture" 2 : "Bullet ('blood loss')" 4 : "Lacerations" 8 : "Burning" 16 : "Freezing" 128 : "Crowbar" 256 : "Electric shock" 512 : "Sonic ('internal bleeding')" 16384 : "Drowning" 65536 : "Biohazard" 131072 : "Poison (duration)" 262144 : "Radiation" 1048576: "Hazardous chemical" ] //NEW 0.6 target(target_destination) : "Fire on trip" //NEW 0.6 netname(target_destination) : "Tripped only by entity" spawnflags(flags) = [ //* This is the default unless you specify a name. 1 : "Start On" : 0 2 : "Toggle" : 0 4 : "Random Strike" : 0 //* Makes the beam form a circle, with a diameter that stretches between the two endpoints. //* For some unknown reason, both endpoints must have a model. //* NB: because the beam will stretch between the origins of the two entities, you'll //* need to give each endpoint an origin brush. 8 : "Ring" : 0 16: "StartSparks" : 0 32: "EndSparks" : 0 64: "Decal End" : 0 //* The beam fades in from nothing, like a tracer bullet. 128: "Fade Start" : 0 256: "Fade End" : 0 //NEW 0.4 //* For making a rope, etc. //* NB: this flag will be ignored unless the beam's Life is 0. //* This also won't work on a Ring beam. 512: "Draw Solid" : 0 1024: "Draw Sine" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* If you specify an "entity to trail", a trail will be attached or removed from the entity you //* specify. The trail will turn off automatically if the //* entity remains stationary for a few seconds, or alternatively you can turn it on and off by //* triggering the env_beamtrail. //* If you don't specify an "entity to trail", the env_beamtrail itself will have a trail; in that case //* you probably want to tell it what entity it should MoveWith. //* Neither version will do anything if the trailed entity isn't moving when you activate the trail. //* The trail effect doesn't correspond exactly to with the movement of the entity, so don't expect too //* much from it. We're not mapping for UT2003 here. @PointClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_beamtrail : "Beam trail effect" [ target(string) : "Entity to trail (blank = this) [LE]" netname(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/smoke.spr" renderamt(integer) : "Brightness (1 - 255)" : 255 rendercolor(color255) : "Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255" armorvalue(integer) : "Width" : 5 health(string) : "Fade time (secs)" : "4.0" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Start off" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) = env_beverage : "Beverage Dispenser" [ target(string) : "Initial position (blank = here) [LP]" health(integer) : "Capacity" : 10 skin(choices) : "Beverage Type" : 0 = [ 0 : "Coca-Cola" 1 : "Sprite" 2 : "Diet Coke" 3 : "Orange" 4 : "Surge" 5 : "Moxie" 6 : "Random" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) color(255 0 0) = env_blood : "Blood Effects" [ target(string) : "Initial position (blank = here) [LP]" netname(string) : "Direction (blank = angles) [LV]" color(choices) : "Blood Color" : 0 = [ 0: "Red (Human)" 1: "Yellow (Alien)" ] amount(string) : "Amount of blood (damage to simulate)" : "100" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Random Direction" : 0 2: "Blood Stream" : 0 4: "On Player" : 0 8: "Spray decals" : 0 ] ] //* Bubbles cannot drift sideways with this entity; use an @env_model and //* "models/pipe_bubbles.mdl" instead. @SolidClass base(Targetname, ZHLTLightKeys, MoveWith) = env_bubbles : "Bubble Volume" [ density(integer) : "Bubble density" : 2 frequency(integer) : "Bubble frequency" : 2 current(integer) : "Speed of Current" : 0 spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start Off" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.4 //* Works like an @env_render: you trigger it to change the properties of the target. @PointClass = env_customize : "Change entity properties" [ //* Leave this blank to have it take effect as soon as the level starts. targetname(target_source) : "Name" //* You can also specify a classname here, e.g. monster_barney. target(string) : "Target to affect [LE]" //* If the target is a classname, the game picks a random monster of that type from within this //* search radius. This has no effect if the target is anything except a classname. m_flRadius(integer) : "Search Radius" : 512 //* <b>Player:</b> 0 = gordon's head, 1 = helmeted. //* <b>Gina, Gordon, Helmet and Scientist player models:</b> 0 = original design, 1 = updated (better looking) version. //* <b>Barneys:</b> 0 = holstered gun, 1 = holding gun, 2 = missing gun. //* <b>Scientists:</b> 0-3 = no syringe, 4-7 = syringe in hand. 4 different heads in each set. (0 = Glasses, 1 = Einstein, 2 = Luther, 3 = Slick) //* <b>Human Grunts:</b> 0-3 = Mp5, 4-7 = Shotgun, 8-11 = No gun. 4 different heads in each set. (0 = Gasmask, 1 = Beret, 2 = Skimask, 3 = Cigar) //* Note that this entity can only change their appearance- for example, grunts who had shotguns will still fire shotgun rounds. body(choices) : "Set body" : -1 = [ -1 : "No change" ] //* <b>Scientists and Human Grunts:</b> 1 = black skin. //* <b>Bullsquids, Houndeyes, Slaves:</b> 1 = eyes shut. //* <b>Ichthyosaur:</b> 0-4 = different eye positions. skin(choices) : "Set skin" : -1 = [ -1 : "No change" -2 : "Toggle 0/1" 0 : "Skin 0 (normal)" 1 : "Skin 1" 2 : "Skin 2" 3 : "Skin 3" ] //* If the target is a brush entity with a switchable texture (one with both a +0 version and //* a +A version), then this switches between the two versions. //* If the entity has switchable texlights on it, this will also turn those lights on and off. frame(choices) : "Set brush texture" : -1 = [ -1 : "No change" -2 : "Toggle 0/1" 0 : "Texture 0 (normal)" 1 : "Texture 1 (alternate)" //* With this set, triggering the env_customize On makes the target //* use its normal texture, and Off makes it use the alternate one. 4: "On/Off based on usetype" //* The opposite of the previous setting; On sets the alternate texture, //* Off sets the normal one. 5: "Off/On based on usetype" ] //* Use this setting with caution - a lot of a monster's behaviour is //* determined by its model. (You should be safe if the new model is just //* a set of different textures.) m_iszModel(string) : "Set model (e.g. models/can.mdl)" m_bloodColor(choices) : "Blood Color" : 0 = [ 0 : "No change" -1 : "Don't Bleed" 247 : "Red (Human)" 195 : "Yellow (Alien)" ] //* Change the pitch of the monster's voice (100 = normal pitch, higher numbers = higher pitch) m_voicePitch(choices) : "Voice Pitch (100 = normal)" : -1 = [ -1 : "No change" ] //* >1 = fast //* 1 = normal speed //* 0..1 = slow //* 0 = stop //* -1 = no change m_fFramerate(string) : "Frame rate (-1 = no change)" : "-1" //* Sets: //* <b>agrunt.mdl</b>: head position (45..-45) //* <b>hgrunt.mdl</b>: head position (70..-70) //* <b>barney.mdl, gman.mdl, islave.mdl, scientist.mdl</b>: head position (60..-60) //* <b>apache.mdl</b>: gun yaw (90..-90) //* <b>barnacle.mdl</b>: tongue length (0..-1024) //* <b>garg.mdl</b>: body yaw (60..-60) //* <b>osprey.mdl</b>: rotor angle (0..-90) //* <b>icky.mdl</b>: tail position (45..-45) //* <b>miniturret.mdl, sentry.mdl, turret.mdl</b>: gun yaw (0..360) m_fController0(choices) : "Bone controller 0" : 0 = [ 0 : "No change" 1024 : "Set to 0" ] //* Sets: //* <b>apache.mdl</b>: gun pitch (45..-10) //* <b>(mini)turret.mdl</b>: gun pitch (15..-90) //* <b>sentry.mdl</b>: gun pitch (60..-60) //* <b>garg.mdl</b>: body pitch (35..-35) m_fController1(choices) : "Bone controller 1" : 0 = [ 0 : "No change" 1024 : "Set to 0" ] //* In the standard models, this does nothing. Supplied for the benefit of //* user-produced models. m_fController2(choices) : "Bone controller 2" : 0 = [ 0 : "No change" 1024 : "Set to 0" ] //* In the standard models, this does nothing. Supplied for the benefit of //* user-produced models. m_fController3(choices) : "Bone controller 3" : 0 = [ 0 : "No change" 1024 : "Set to 0" ] m_iClass(choices) : "Set behaviour" : 0 = [ 0 : "No change" //* Likes players and barneys; hates Human Military and most aliens; scared of Alien Military and Bullsquids. 3 : "Scientist" //* Likes players and scientists; dislikes Machines, Human Military, and all aliens. 11: "Barney" //* Dislikes scientists and most aliens. Hates players, barneys and Alien Military. 4 : "Human Military" //* Machines go clang when hit, and never gib. Bioweapons (Snarks and Hornets) ignore them. //* Otherwise, they're pretty much like Human Military. 1 : "Machine (Human Military)" //* Hates players and Human Military. Dislikes Machines, scientists and barneys. 5 : "Alien Military" //* Dislikes Machines and all humans. 7 : "Other Alien" //* Dislikes all humans. Scared of Bullsquids. 8 : "Headcrab" //* Hates Headcrabs. Dislikes humans and other Bullsquids. 9 : "Bullsquid" //* Dislikes everyone, except other Faction A members. 14 : "Faction A" //* Dislikes everyone, except other Faction B members. 15 : "Faction B" //* Dislikes everyone, except other Faction C members. 16 : "Faction C" ] //* Replaces the old "Player Ally" flag. m_iPlayerReact(choices) : "Reaction to player" : -1 = [ -1 : "No Change" //* That is, normal for the monster's current behaviour. 0 : "Normal" 1 : "Ignore" //* Scientists usually use this behaviour. The monster will //* stop being friendly when hurt by the player, regardless of //* how. (e.g. even if they stupidly ran into the middle of a firefight.) 2 : "Friendly until hurt" //* Barneys usually use this behaviour. The monster will //* stop being friendly when shot deliberately by the player, //* but not when (for instance) caught in grenade explosions, or in the //* middle of combat. 3 : "Friendly unless provoked" 4 : "Enemy" // Not yet implemented, but will allow any monster to act like a barney/scientist, // following the player on request. //5 : "Follower" ] //* If you want the entity to be partly transparent, use @env_render instead. m_iVisible(choices) : "Visibility" : 0 = [ 0: "No change" 1: "Visible" 2: "Invisible" 3: "Toggle" //* Trigger the env_customize On for visible, and Off for invisible. 4: "On/Off based on usetype" //* Trigger the env_customize Off for visible, and On for invisible. 5: "Off/On based on usetype" ] //* Currently, this will cause problems if used to solidify a non-monster, //* non-brush entity. //* Note that a @func_ladder will still act as a ladder if you make it //* non-solid. m_iSolid(choices) : "Solidity" : 0 = [ 0: "No change" 1: "Solid" 2: "Not Solid" 3: "Toggle" //* Trigger the env_customize On for solid, and Off for non-solid. 4: "On/Off based on usetype" //* Trigger the env_customize Off for solid, and On for non-solid. 5: "Off/On based on usetype" ] m_iPrisoner(choices) : "Prisoner" : 0 = [ 0: "No change" 1: "Yes" 2: "No" 3: "Toggle" //* Trigger the env_customize On for a prisoner, and Off for a non-prisoner. 4: "On/Off based on usetype" //* Trigger the env_customize Off for a prisoner, and On for a non-prisoner. 5: "Off/On based on usetype" ] m_iMonsterClip(choices) : "MonsterClip flag" : 0 = [ 0: "No change" 1: "On" 2: "Off" 3: "Toggle" //* Trigger the env_customize On to use Monsterclip, and Off to not use it. 4: "On/Off based on usetype" //* Trigger the env_customize Off to use Monsterclip, and On to not use it. 5: "Off/On based on usetype" ] //* Applies to barneys, scientists, "Friendly until hurt" and "Friendly //* until provoked" monsters, and overrides these monsters' usual liking //* for the player- e.g. as if the player had shot them. m_iProvoked(choices) : "Angry At Player" : 0 = [ 0: "No change" 1: "Yes" 2: "No" 3: "Toggle" //* Trigger the env_customize On to be angry, and Off to calm down. 4: "On/Off based on usetype" //* Trigger the env_customize Off to be angry, and On to calm down. 5: "Off/On based on usetype" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Affect corpses" : 0 2: "Once Only" : 0 4: "Debug" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.7.1 @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_decal : "Decal sprayer" [ target(string) : "Position (blank = here) [LP]" netname(string) : "Spray direction (blank = angle) [LV]" message(string) : "Max distance (blank = none) [LR]" impulse(choices) : "Decal group" : 0 = [ 1 : "Gunshot" 5 : "Big gunshot" 2 : "Blood" 3 : "Alien blood" 4 : "Glass cracks" 6 : "Scorch marks" 7 : "Bullsquid splat" 0 : "Custom (see below)" ] noise(sprite) : "Custom decal texture" ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* Creates a temporary ball of light when triggered. //* Note that this primarily lights the world (i.e. brushes); studio models will //* pick up the lighting if they're standing in it, but they'll just be a solid colour. //* To just light studio models, see @env_elight. @PointClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) = env_dlight : "Dynamic light effect" [ message(string) : "Position (blank = here) [LP]" rendercolor(color255) : "Light Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255" renderamt(integer) : "Radius" : 12 health(string) : "Duration (0 = until triggered)" : "0.0" frags(integer) : "Decay (units/sec)" : 0 spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Only once" : 0 2 : "Start on" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* Creates a temporary ball of light when triggered. Only lights studio models //* (e.g. monsters), but does light them properly. Quite pretty. //* See @env_dlight if you want to light the walls, etc. @PointClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) = env_elight : "Entity light effect" [ netname(string) : "At position (blank = here) [LP]" target(string) : "Entity to follow (blank = this) [LE]" impulse(choices) : "Attachment point on that entity" : 0 = [ 0 : "None" 1 : "1" 2 : "2" 3 : "3" 4 : "4" ] renderamt(integer) : "Radius" : 12 rendercolor(color255) : "Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255" health(string) : "Duration (0 = until triggered)" : "0.0" frags(integer) : "Decay (units/sec)" : 0 spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Only once" : 0 2 : "Start on" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.4 //* Essentially, this produces a shifting group of parallel beams. I've called it //* env_rain because that's the most-requested use for it. //* For a sunbeam effect, try Drip Speed = 0, Drip Width = 30, Drip Brightness = 25, //* Drip Color = 255 255 255, Time between updates = 0, Drip Sprite = sprites/laserbeam.spr. //* For snow, try Drip Speed = 20, Drip Width = 20, Drip Color = 255 255 255, //* Drip Sprite = sprites/rain.spr. @SolidClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) = env_rain : "Rain Effect" [ //* Set this to (for example) "70 0 0" to make slanted rain. angles(string) : "Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" //* Negative numbers will make the rain fall upwards. //* This is an average; each drip will move at between 75%-125% of this speed. m_dripSpeed(integer) : "Drip Speed" : 40 m_dripSize(integer) : "Drip Width" : 5 m_brightness(integer) : "Drip Brightness (1 - 255)" : 128 rendercolor(color255) : "Drip Color (R G B)" : "64 128 255" m_iNoise(integer) : "Beam noise (distortion)" : 0 m_burstSize(integer) : "Number of drips per update" : 2 //* If 0, no updates; all the beams will appear as soon as it's activated. m_flUpdateTime(string) : "Time between updates" : "0.5" m_flMaxUpdateTime(string) : "Max time between updates (random)" target(string) : "Fire on updating" m_fLifeTime(string) : "Beam Lifetime (0 = three updates)" texture(sprite) : "Drip Sprite" : "sprites/rain.spr" m_axis(choices) : "Beam Direction" : 0 = [ 0 : "Z axis (vertical)" 1 : "X axis" 2 : "Y axis" ] m_iExtent(choices) : "Extent type" : 0 = [ 0 : "Fill brush" 1 : "Obstructable" 3 : "Reverse obstructable" 2 : "Arcing" 4 : "Reverse arcing" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start Off" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_explosion : "Explosion" [ target(string) : "Initial position (blank = here) [LP]" iMagnitude(integer) : "Magnitude/Radius" : 100 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "No Damage" : 0 2 : "Repeatable" : 0 4 : "No Fireball" : 0 8 : "No Smoke" : 0 16: "No Decal" : 0 32: "No Sparks" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = env_fade : "Screen Fade" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Fade From" : 0 2: "Modulate" : 0 //* If activated by a player, that player's screen will fade, //* but other players will be unaffected. 4: "Activator Only" : 0 //NEW 0.7.1 //* Ignore the hold time; just fade out permanently. //* (To fade back in, you'll need to use another env_fade.) 8: "Permanent" : 0 ] duration(string) : "Duration (seconds)" : "2" holdtime(string) : "Hold Fade (seconds)" : "0" renderamt(integer) : "Fade Alpha" : 255 rendercolor(color255) : "Fade Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0" ] //NEW 0.6 @PointClass base(Targetname) = env_fog : "Fog effect, DMC stylee" [ fadein(integer) : "Fade in time" : 0 holdtime(string) : "Hold time (0 = permanent)" : "0" fadeout(integer) : "Fade out time" : 0 startdist(integer) : "Fog start position" : 0 enddist(integer) : "Fog end position" : 1000 rendercolor(color255) : "Fog Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Start active" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.6 //* To set the player's footstep sounds, trigger this entity 'on'. To revert to normal, //* trigger it 'off' in the same way. //* Alternatively, you can just toggle it, to alternately set and unset the sounds. //* If one of the sound fields is left blank, it will have no effect... so if you //* actually want it to become silent, choose common/null.wav. //* This entity is probably most useful as the "fire on/off" target of a trigger_inout, //* to specify the area over which the footsteps are to be changed. @PointClass base(Targetname, Master) = env_footsteps : "Change Movement Sounds" [ frags(choices) : "Preset Footstep type" : 0 = [ 0 : "Custom (see below)" -1 : "Concrete" 1 : "Metal" 2 : "Dirt" 3 : "Vent" 4 : "Grate" 5 : "Tile" 6 : "Paddling" 7 : "Wading" 8 : "Ladder" ] //* Here, you can either specify a single sound file as normal, or else specify //* a group of 4 sounds by inserting '?' instead of the number 1-4. //* (for example, to play a random sound in the range player/pl_step1.wav to //* player/pl_step4.wav, you would write 'player/pl_step?.wav'.) //* (This works on the other sound fields, too.) noise(sound) : "Custom Footstep sound" noise1(sound) : "Ladder sound" noise2(sound) : "Wading sound" noise3(sound) : "Paddling sound" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Set only" : 0 2: "Once only" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_funnel : "Large Portal Funnel" [ //NEW 0.7.1 message(string) : "Position (blank = here) [LP]" //NEW 0.7.1 //* Default: sprites/flare6.spr netname(sprite) : "Particle sprite" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Reverse" : 0 //NEW 0.5 2: "Repeatable" : 0 ] ] //* See also @env_state @PointClass base(Targetname) color(255 255 128) = env_global : "Global State" [ globalstate(string) : "Global State to Set" triggermode(choices) : "Trigger to send" : 3 = [ 0 : "Off" 1 : "On" 2 : "Dead" 3 : "Toggle" ] initialstate(choices) : "Initial State" : 0 = [ 0 : "Off" 1 : "On" 2 : "Dead" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Set Initial State" : 0 ] ] @PointClass sprite() base(Targetname, MoveWith, RenderFieldsMax) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) color(30 100 0) = env_glow : "Light Glow/Haze" [ model(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/glow01.spr" scale(integer) : "Scale" : 1 ] @PointClass base(Targetname, RenderFxChoices, Angles, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_laser : "Laser Beam Effect" [ //NEW 1.0 LaserStart(target_destination) : "Start At (blank = here) [LP]" LaserTarget(target_destination) : "Fire Towards" m_iTowardsMode(choices) : "Meaning of Fire Towards" : 0 = [ 0 : "Position [LP]" 1 : "Direction [LV]" ] renderamt(integer) : "Brightness (1 - 255)" : 255 rendercolor(color255) : "Beam Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255" width(integer) : "Width of beam (pixels*0.1 0-255)" : 20 NoiseAmplitude(integer) : "Amount of noise (0-255)" : 0 texture(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/laserbeam.spr" //NEW 1.0 //* If you want, you can name an env_sprite here, and the laser will use that as its start sprite. StartSprite(sprite) : "Start Sprite" : "" //* If you want, you can name an env_sprite here, and the laser will use that as its end sprite. EndSprite(sprite) : "End Sprite" : "" TextureScroll(integer) : "Texture Scroll Rate (0-100)" : 35 framestart(integer) : "Starting Frame" : 0 //NEW 0.6 //* If you specify a negative number here, the target will be healed instead. damage(string) : "Damage / second" : "100" //NEW 0.6 frags(choices) : "Damage type" : 0 = [ 0 : "Energy Beam" 1 : "Fracture" 2 : "Bullet ('blood loss')" 4 : "Lacerations" 8 : "Burning" 16 : "Freezing" 512 : "Sonic ('internal bleeding')" 16384 : "Drowning" 65536 : "Biohazard" 131072 : "Poison (continuous)" 262144 : "Radiation" 1048576: "Hazardous chemical" ] //NEW 0.6 target(target_destination) : "Fire when tripped" //NEW 0.6 netname(target_destination) : "Tripped only by entity" //NEW 0.6 m_iProjection(choices) : "Projection mode" : 0 = [ 0: "Normal" //* With this enabled, the laser's Target position only specifies //* the direction. The beam can actually extend beyond it. 1: "Extend past endpoint" ] //NEW 0.6 m_iStoppedBy(choices) : "Stopped by" : 0 = [ 0: "Glass & Monsters" 1: "Monsters only" //* Monster hulls are a little bigger than monster hitboxes, //* so with this option the beam will be more likely to hit them. 2: "Glass & Monster hulls" 3: "Monster hulls only" 4: "Glass only" 5: "Neither" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Start On" : 0 16: "StartSparks" : 0 32: "EndSparks" : 0 64: "Decal End" : 0 //* The beam fades in from nothing, like a tracer bullet. 128: "Fade Start" : 0 256: "Fade End" : 0 //* For making a rope, etc. 512: "Draw Solid" : 0 //NEW 0.6 1024: "Interpolate" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Target) = env_message : "HUD Text Message" [ message(string) : "Message Name" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Play Once" : 0 2: "All Clients" : 0 ] messagesound(sound) : "Sound Effect" messagevolume(string) : "Volume 0-10" : "10" messageattenuation(choices) : "Sound Radius" : 0 = [ 0 : "Small Radius" 1 : "Medium Radius" 2 : "Large Radius" 3 : "Play Everywhere" ] ] //NEW 0.5 @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith, RenderFields) = env_model : "New alternative to cyclers" [ model(studio) : "Model name" skin(integer) : "Skin" : 0 body(integer) : "Body" : 0 // NEW 1.0 scale(string) : "Scale (1.0 = normal size)" m_iszSequence_On(string) : "Sequence when on" m_iAction_On(choices) : "Behaviour when on" : 0 = [ 0: "Freeze when sequence ends" 1: "Loop" 2: "Change state when sequence ends" ] m_iszSequence_Off(string) : "Sequence when off" m_iAction_Off(choices) : "Behaviour when off" : 0 = [ 0: "Freeze when sequence ends" 1: "Loop" 2: "Change state when sequence ends" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Initially Off" : 0 2: "Drop to Floor" : 0 4: "Solid" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* Creates various particle effects when triggered. @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_quakefx : "Quake 1 particle effects" [ message(string) : "Position (blank = here) [LP]" impulse(choices) : "Effect type" : 4 = [ //* A burst of twinkly orangey particles, with explosion sound effect. //* Quite pretty. //* (As seen in Quake when the blob monsters are killed.) 4 : "Tar Explosion" //* A strange field of red particles. 10 : "Lava Splash" //* A smallish mass of white particles. //* (As seen in Quake when a player spawns or teleports.) 11 : "Teleport Splash" //* A burst of yellowy-white particles, with explosion sound effect. //* (As seen in Quake when a grenade or rocket goes off.) 12 : "Explosion" //* An expanding cube of particles. Quite pretty. 122 : "Particle Burst" ] //* Used only by Particle Burst. This is an index into the //* standard engine palette; e.g. 247 is human blood, 195 is alien blood. frags(integer) : "Particle Burst: color number" : 70 armortype(integer) : "Particle Burst: radius" : 300 health(string) : "Particle Burst: duration" : "1.0" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Repeatable" : 0 ] ] //NEW 1.2 @PointClass sprite() base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith, RenderFields) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) = env_particle : "Particle Effect" [ message(string) : "Particle file" : "aurora/smoke.aur" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, RenderFields) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) color(100 100 0) = env_render : "Render Controls" [ //NEW 0.7.1 //* The Renderamt number will be multiplied by this factor. message(string) : "FX Amount factor [LR]" //NEW 0.7.1 //* Set the scale of the affected model or sprite. //* (If Fade Time is set, the scale will change slowly over time.) m_fScale(string) : "Scale (0 = no change) [LR]" target(target_destination) : "Target to affect [LE]" //NEW 0.5 //* If you set this, the affected entity (or entities) will fade //* progressively to the new settings you specify. Only Renderamt //* and rendercolor will fade; the other values will change //* instantly, as usual. frags(string) : "Fade Time (secs)" : "0" //NEW 0.5 //* The frequency at which the fade gets updated. If left blank (or //* set to 0), it updates as fast as possible. //* You probably won't need to set this unless you actually want //* it to look coarse. //* If a <b>lot</b> of entities are fading at the same time, and //* you find the game is slowing down, you may want to try setting //* this to 0.2 or so. armorvalue(string) : "Fade Coarseness (secs)" //NEW 0.5 netname(string) : "Trigger after fading" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "No Renderfx" : 0 2: "No Renderamt" : 0 4: "No Rendermode" : 0 8: "No Rendercolor" : 0 //NEW 0.7.1 //* Useful if you want something to fade out and then be removed. 32: "Remove target" : 0 //NEW 0.7.1 //* The env_render will killtarget itself after use. 64: "Remove self" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) = env_shake : "Screen Shake" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "GlobalShake" : 0 ] amplitude(string) : "Amplitude 0-16" : "4" radius(string) : "Effect radius" : "500" duration(string) : "Duration (seconds)" : "1" frequency(string) : "0.1 = jerk, 255.0 = rumble" : "2.5" ] //NEW 0.5 //* Creates a shockwave effect (like @monster_houndeye) when triggered. @PointClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) = env_shockwave : "Shockwave Effect" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ //* Normally, the env_shockwave entity marks the bottom of the shockwave. //* Tick here to mark its centre instead. 1: "Centered" : 0 2: "Repeatable" : 0 ] m_iszPosition(string) : "Position (blank = here) [LP]" netname(string) : "Spritename" : "sprites/shockwave.spr" rendercolor(string): "Color": "188 220 255" renderamt(integer) : "Opacity (0-255)": 255 m_iTime(integer) : "Duration" : 2 m_iRadius(integer) : "Final radius" : 1000 m_iHeight(integer) : "Wave height" : 32 m_iScrollRate(integer) : "Scroll rate" : 0 m_iNoise(integer) : "Distortion ('noise')" : 0 m_iFrameRate(integer) : "Frame Rate" : 0 m_iStartFrame(integer) : "Starting Frame" : 0 ] @PointClass base(gibshooterbase, RenderFields) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_shooter : "Model Shooter" [ shootmodel(studio) : "Model or Sprite name" : "sprites/ballsmoke.spr" scale(string) : "Scale" : "" skin(integer) : "Skin" : 0 body(integer) : "Body (models only)" //NEW 0.7.1 frame(integer) : "Start frame" : 0 //NEW 0.7.1 framerate(string) : "Framerate" : "10.0" //NEW 0.7.1 m_iPhysics(choices) : "Behaviour of children" : 0 = [ 0: "Bouncy gib (normal)" //* When it hits a wall, it sticks. 1: "Sticky gib" //* Not affected by walls or gravity 2: "Noclip" //* Stopped by walls, ignore gravity 3: "Fly (ignore gravity)" //* Bounce off walls, ignore gravity 4: "Fly & bounce" //* Blocked by walls, affected by gravity 5: "Arc (obey gravity)" //* Bounce off walls, affected by gravity 6: "Arc & bounce" ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* Used by the "bouncy gib" and "sticky gib" behaviours. m_iBloodColor(choices) : "Blood color" : 0 = [ 0 : "Don't bleed" 247 : "Red (human)" 195 : "Yellow (alien)" ] shootsounds(choices) :"Material Sound" : -1 = [ -1: "None" //* debris/glass1-4.wav 0: "Glass" //* debris/wood1-4.wav 1: "Wood" //* debris/metal1-6.wav 2: "Metal" //* debris/flesh1-7.wav 3: "Flesh" //* debris/concrete1-3.wav 4: "Concrete" ] //NEW 0.7.1 m_fFriction(string) : "Bounce height" : "0.55" //NEW 0.7.1 //* If you need access to both the entities involved in a collision, try targetting //* a locus_alias with this field. Then, target the effect you actually want with the //* "locus = wall" field, and you'll be able to refer to the shot via the alias. //* NB: This field does not work with the "gib" behaviours - use "noclip" or below. m_iszTouch(string) : "Fire on collision (locus = shot)" //NEW 0.7.1 //* This won't be fired when the shot hits a wall that's not tied to an entity. //* (But a func_wall works fine.) //* NB: This field does not work with the "gib" behaviours - use "noclip" or below. m_iszTouchOther(string) : "Fire on collision (locus = wall)" //NEW 0.7.1 m_vecSize(string) : "Shot size (X Y Z)" : "0 0 0" ] //NEW 1.1 @PointClass base(Targetname) = env_sky : "Unreal-Tournament style sky view" [ ] @PointClass base(Master, MoveWith) iconsprite("sprites/speaker.spr") = env_sound : "DSP Sound" [ //NEW 0.5 //* If set, the env_sound won't use its Radius- it will simply take effect when triggered. targetname(target_source) : "Name" target(target_destination) : "Fire when activated" radius(integer) : "Radius" : 128 roomtype(choices) : "Room Type" : 0 = [ 0 : "(Disable all filters)" 1 : "Generic (no filters)" 2 : "Metal Small" 3 : "Metal Medium" 4 : "Metal Large" 5 : "Tunnel Small" 6 : "Tunnel Medium" 7 : "Tunnel Large" 8 : "Chamber Small" 9 : "Chamber Medium" 10: "Chamber Large" 11: "Bright Small" 12: "Bright Medium" 13: "Bright Large" 14: "Water 1" 15: "Water 2" 16: "Water 3" 17: "Concrete Small" 18: "Concrete Medium" 19: "Concrete Large" 20: "Big 1" 21: "Big 2" 22: "Big 3" 23: "Cavern Small" 24: "Cavern Medium" 25: "Cavern Large" 26: "Weirdo 1" 27: "Weirdo 2" 28: "Weirdo 3" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_spark : "Spark" [ target(string) : "Initial position (blank = here) [LP]" MaxDelay(string) : "Max Time between sparks" : "0" spawnflags(flags) = [ 16: "Cyclic" : 0 32: "Toggle" : 0 64: "Start ON" : 0 ] ] @PointClass sprite() base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith, RenderFieldsMax) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) = env_sprite : "Sprite Effect" [ framerate(string) : "Framerate" : "10.0" model(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/glow01.spr" scale(string) : "Scale" : "" message(string) : "Attached to entity..." frags(choices) : "...at attachment point" : 0 = [ 0 : "0" 1 : "1" 2 : "2" 3 : "3" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Start on" : 0 2: "Play Once" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.3 //* Simply keeps track of a state. Useful as a master or a conditional "branch". @PointClass base(Targetname, Master) color(128 128 255) = env_state : "Local State" [ target(target_destination) : "Target (on & off)" noise1(target_destination) : "Fire when turned on" noise2(target_destination) : "Fire when turned off" //* If the env_state gets turned off before it finishes turning on, //* the "fire on turning on" target will never get triggered. This is very //* useful for setting up "if you stay in this area for 5 seconds" type triggers. turnontime(string) : "Time taken to turn on" : "0" turnofftime(string) : "Time taken to turn off" : "0" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Start On" : 0 //* If you're trying to work out what's actually happening in your level, //* try ticking here and the env_state will tell you when it triggers, etc. 2 : "Debug Mode" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.4 @PointClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) = env_warpball : "Teleport-in effect" [ target(string) : "Initial position (blank = here) [LP]" health(string) : "Max lightning-arc length" : "90" frags(integer) : "Number of lightning bolts" : 12 ] @SolidClass base(Breakable, MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, SwitchTexLight) = func_breakable : "Breakable Object" [ _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Target, Angles, MoveWith, Master, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, SwitchTexLight, Global, LockSounds) = func_button : "Button" [ speed(integer) : "Speed" : 25 health(integer) : "Health (shootable if > 0)" lip(integer) : "Lip" : 0 //* The number against each sound (except Lightswitch) corresponds to the wav file //* played. e.g. Buzz (10) plays "buttons/button10.wav". sounds(choices) : "Sounds" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "Big zap & Warmup (1)" 2: "Access Denied (2)" 3: "Access Granted (3)" 4: "Quick Combolock (4)" 5: "Power Deadbolt 1 (5)" 6: "Power Deadbolt 2 (6)" 7: "Plunger (7)" 8: "Small zap (8)" 9: "Keycard Sound (9)" 10: "Buzz (10)" 11: "Buzz Off (11)" //* buttons/lightswitch2.wav 14: "Lightswitch" ] wait(choices) : "Delay before Reset" : 0 = [ -1 : "Stays pressed (-1)" ] delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" : "0" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Don't move" : 0 //NEW 0.7.1 //* Normally, the player can use buttons through walls etc. Tick here to //* prevent that. //* (With this set, it's also impossible to use the button unless it's in //* the centre of the player's crosshairs. So at last, control panels can //* have their buttons close together!) //* Don't combine this with Not Solid - the button will become unusable. 16: "Direct use only": 0 32: "Toggle" : 0 64: "Sparks" : 0 128: "Not Solid" : 0 256:"Touch Activates": 0 //NEW 0.4 //* Normally, a button can be activated with the Use key. Tick here to disable that behaviour. //* If "Touch activates" is also selected, this flag will instead <u>enable</u> the use key. 512:"Can't Use" : 0 ] _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, Global) = func_conveyor : "Conveyor Belt" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "No Push" : 0 2 : "Not Solid" : 0 ] speed(string) : "Conveyor Speed" : "100" _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith, Master, Door, LockSounds, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, Global) = func_door : "Basic door" [ //NEW 0.7.1 //* Normally, the player can open doors when he can't actually see them //* (e.g. from the other side of a wall). Select "yes" here to prevent that. //* Don't combine this with Passable - the door will become unusable. directuse(choices) : "Direct use only" : 0 = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith, Master, Door, LockSounds, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, Global) = func_door_rotating : "Rotating door" [ //NEW 0.7.1 //* Normally, the player can open doors when he can't actually see them //* (e.g. from the other side of a wall). Select "yes" here to prevent that. //* Don't combine this with Passable - the door will become unusable. directuse(choices) : "Direct use only" : 0 = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 2 : "Reverse Dir" : 0 16: "One-way" : 0 64: "X Axis" : 0 128: "Y Axis" : 0 ] distance(integer) : "Distance (deg)" : 90 //NEW 0.5 //* See the notes about this field in @func_rotating. axes(string) : "Axis Multipliers (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" ] @SolidClass base(Appearflags, MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys) = func_friction : "Surface with a change in friction" [ //* 0% = No friction, 100% = Normal Friction modifier(integer) : "Percentage of standard (0 - 100)" : 15 ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, Global) = func_guntarget : "Moving platform" [ speed(integer) : "Speed (units per second)" : 100 target(target_source) : "First stop target" message(target_source) : "Fire when damaged" health(integer) : "Damage to Take" : 0 _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, SwitchTexLight, Global) = func_healthcharger: "Wall health recharger" [ _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys) = func_illusionary : "Fake Wall/Light" [ skin(choices) : "Contents" : -1 = [ -1: "Empty" -7: "Volumetric Light" -17:"Zero-G" -18:"Hover-Field" -19:"Fog effect" -20:"Special 1 (Particles)" -21:"Special 2 (Particles)" -22:"Special 3 (Particles)" ] _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] //* Creates an invisible, climbable field. //* To show the actual ladder image, either add a @func_illusionary covered with a {ladder texture, or tick the Visible flag. @SolidClass base(Targetname, MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys) = func_ladder : "Ladder" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ //NEW 0.5 1 : "Visible" : 0 ] ] //* Also prevents hlcsg.exe from making a path between two @info_node entities on opposite sides of the brush. @SolidClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) = func_monsterclip : "Monster clip brush" [] @SolidClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) = func_mortar_field : "Mortar Field" [ m_flSpread(integer) : "Spread Radius" : 64 m_iCount(integer) : "Repeat Count" : 1 m_fControl(choices) : "Targeting" : 0 = [ 0 : "Random" 1 : "Activator" 2 : "Table" ] m_iszXController(target_destination) : "X Controller" m_iszYController(target_destination) : "Y Controller" ] //* Only partially implemented, some keys don't work properly. @SolidClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, Global, Appearflags) = func_pendulum : "Swings back and forth" [ speed(integer) : "Speed" : 100 //NEW 0.5 //* See the notes about this field in @func_rotating. axes(string) : "Axis Multipliers (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" distance(integer) : "Distance (deg)" : 90 damp(integer) : "Damping (0-1000)" : 0 dmg(integer) : "Damage inflicted when blocked" : 0 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Start ON" : 0 8 : "Passable" : 0 16: "Auto-return" : 0 64: "X Axis" : 0 128: "Y Axis" : 0 ] _minlight(integer) : "_minlight" ] //* With any luck, I've fixed the bug which caused players to sometimes be frozen. @SolidClass base(Targetname, MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, Global, PlatSounds) = func_plat : "Elevator" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1: "Toggle" : 0 ] height(integer) : "Travel altitude (can be negative)" : 0 speed(integer) : "Speed" : 50 _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, Global, PlatSounds) = func_platrot : "Moving Rotating platform" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Toggle" : 0 64: "X Axis" : 0 128: "Y Axis" : 0 ] speed(integer) : "Speed of rotation" : 50 //NEW 0.5 //* See the notes about this field in @func_rotating. axes(string) : "Axis Multipliers (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" height(integer) : "Travel altitude (can be negative)" : 0 rotation(integer) : "Spin amount" : 0 _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Breakable, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys) = func_pushable : "Pushable object" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 128: "Breakable" : 0 //NEW 0.3 //* Tick here if the crate can only ever be pushed. 512: "Can't Pull" : 0 ] friction(integer) : "Friction (0-400)" : 50 buoyancy(integer) : "Buoyancy" : 20 _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, SwitchTexLight, Global) = func_recharge: "Battery recharger" [ _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] //* Like @func_button, except it rotates. @SolidClass base(Targetname, Target, Angles, MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, Global, Master, LockSounds) = func_rot_button : "RotatingButton" [ //* if set, then when the button is pressed, the "target" field of the entity targetted by the button will be set to this value. changetarget(target_destination) : "ChangeTarget Name" speed(integer) : "Speed" : 50 //NEW 0.5 //* See the notes about this field in @func_rotating. axes(string) : "Axis Multipliers (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" health(integer) : "Health (shootable if > 0)" //* The number against each sound corresponds to the wav file //* played. e.g. Squeaky (1) plays "buttons/lever1.wav". sounds(choices) : "Sounds" : -1 = [ -1: "None" 21: "Squeaky (1)" 22: "Squeaky Pneumatic (2)" 23: "Ratchet Groan (3)" 24: "Clean Ratchet (4)" 25: "Gas Clunk (5)" ] wait(choices) : "Delay before reset" : 3 = [ -1: "Stays pressed" ] delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" : "0" distance(integer) : "Distance (deg)" : 90 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Not solid" : 0 2 : "Reverse Dir" : 0 //NEW 0.7.1 //* See the notes about this on @func_button. 16: "Direct use only" : 0 32: "Toggle" : 0 64: "X Axis" : 0 128:"Y Axis" : 0 256:"Touch Activates" : 0 512:"Invert '+Use'able" : 0 ] _minlight(integer) : "_minlight" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, Global) = func_rotating : "Rotating Object" [ //* This sets the initial orientation of the entity, but that could //* be achieved by simply rotating the brushes, in Worldcraft. //* More importantly, it will change the position of the axes //* the entity pivots around. angles(string) : "Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" speed(integer) : "Rotation Speed" : 30 //NEW 0.5 //* This field overrides the "X Axis" and "Y Axis" flags. It's //* mostly useful to make a complex orbit for an object. (If you //* just want to have a tilted axis for an otherwise normal rotating //* object, you'll want to change the "angle" field instead.) //* For example, set this field to "0 12 1" and the Z axis will //* rotate 12 times in the time it takes the X axis to complete one //* turn. (the entity will also turn 12 times faster than the //* Rotation Speed you specify.) //* NB: The way the quake engine handles rotation is not exactly //* intuitive. The Z axis is the primary axis, so rotation around //* the Y and X axes will be affected by the current Z position. //* Similarly, the Y axis is the secondary axis, so rotation around //* the X axis will be affected by the current Y position. //* To get a feel for how this works, try making a func_rotating //* cube whose origin is at one corner, set its "axes" value to //* "1 1 0", and watch how it moves. One edge will simply go around //* in a horizontal circle, while the rest of the cube rotates //* around that edge. axes(string) : "Axis Multipliers (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" volume(integer) : "Volume (10 = loudest)" : 10 fanfriction(integer) : "Friction (0 - 100%)" : 20 //* The number against each sound corresponds to the wav file //* played. e.g. Slow Rush (2) plays "fans/fan2.wav". sounds(choices) : "Fan Sounds" : 0 = [ 0 : "No Sound" 1 : "Fast Whine (1)" 2 : "Slow Rush (2)" 3 : "Medium Rickety (3)" 4 : "Fast Beating (4)" 5 : "Slow Smooth (5)" ] //* The sound to play while active. This will only be used if "Fan Sounds" is set to "No Sound". message(sound) : "WAV Name" :"" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Start ON" : 0 2 : "Reverse Direction" : 0 4 : "X Axis" : 0 8 : "Y Axis" : 0 16: "Acc/Dcc" : 0 32: "Fan Pain" : 0 64: "Not Solid" : 0 //* This, and the other "radius" settings, only affect the //* way the Fan Sounds are played; if you set a small radius, //* the sounds will only be audible near to the fan. 128: "Small Radius" : 0 256: "Medium Radius" : 0 512: "Large Radius" : 0 ] _minlight(integer) : "_minlight" spawnorigin(string) : "X Y Z - Move here after lighting" : "0 0 0" dmg(integer) : "Damage inflicted when blocked" : 0 ] //NEW 1.1 @SolidClass base(Targetname) = func_shine : "Shiny Surface" [ message(sprite) : "Shine sprite" : "sprites/bgspr.spr" scale(integer) : "Shine scale" : 10 renderamt(integer) : "Shine brightness (0-255)" : 50 ] @SolidClass base(BaseTank, ZHLTLightKeys) = func_tank : "Brush Gun Turret" [ bullet(choices) : "Bullets" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "9mm" 2: "MP5" 3: "12mm" ] ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) = func_tankcontrols : "Tank controls" [ target(target_destination) : "Tank entity name" //NEW 0.5 //* This specifies how far the player has to move before the controls will dump him off. //* If you set -1, the player never gets dumped off. (In which case, the //* func_tankcontrols can only be deactivated by triggering it with another entity.) frags(integer) : "Tolerance (-1 = total)" : 30 //NEW 0.5 //* More crosshair choices will be available in future. crosshair(choices) : "Crosshair to use" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 4: "MP5" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ //NEW 0.5 //* If you tick here, the controls can only be activated by triggering it with //* another entity. 1 : "Ignore +Use" : 0 //NEW 1.0 2 : "Visible" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(BaseTank, ZHLTLightKeys) = func_tanklaser : "Brush Laser Turret" [ laserentity(target_source) : "env_laser Entity" ] @SolidClass base(BaseTank, ZHLTLightKeys) = func_tankmortar : "Brush Mortar Turret" [ iMagnitude(Integer) : "Explosion Magnitude" : 100 ] @SolidClass base(BaseTank, ZHLTLightKeys) = func_tankrocket : "Brush Rocket Turret" [] @SolidClass base(Trackchange, ZHLTLightKeys) = func_trackautochange : "Automatic track changing platform" [ _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Trackchange, ZHLTLightKeys) = func_trackchange : "Train track changing platform" [ _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, Global) = func_tracktrain : "Track Train" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "No Pitch (X-rot)" : 0 2 : "No User Control" : 0 4 : "No Reverse" : 0 8 : "Passable" : 0 16: "No Yaw (Z-rot)" : 0 ] target(target_destination) : "First stop target" //* The number against each sound corresponds to the wav file //* played. e.g. Rail 1 plays "plats/ttrain1.wav". sounds(choices) : "Move Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "None (or custom)" 1: "Rail 1" 2: "Rail 2" 3: "Rail 3" 4: "Rail 4" 5: "Rail 6" 6: "Rail 7" ] //NEW 0.6 custommovesound(sound) : "Custom Move Sound" //NEW 0.6 //* Default is "plats/ttrain_start1.wav". For silence, use "common/null.wav". customstartsound(sound) : "Start Sound" //NEW 0.6 //* Default is "plats/ttrain_brake1.wav". For silence, use "common/null.wav". custombrakesound(sound) : "Stop Sound" //* This setting controls how smoothly the train turns corners - if the wheels are //* close together, it will turn sharply, and if far apart, it will turn more gradually. wheels(integer) : "Distance between the wheels" : 50 height(integer) : "Height above track" : 4 startspeed(integer) : "Initial speed" : 0 speed(integer) : "Speed (units per second)" : 64 dmg(integer) : "Damage on crush" : 0 volume(integer) : "Volume (10 = loudest)" : 10 bank(string) : "Bank angle on turns" : "0" _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" avelocity(string) : "Initial avelocity (Y Z X)" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, Global, PlatSounds) = func_train : "Moving platform" [ target(target_source) : "First stop target" speed(integer) : "Speed (units per second)" : 100 avelocity(string) : "Initial avelocity (Y Z X)" dmg(choices) : "Damage on crush" : 2 = [ //NEW 0.3 -1: "No damage" ] skin(integer) : "Contents" : 0 volume(string) : "Sound Volume 0.0 - 1.0" : "0.85" spawnflags(flags) = [ //NEW 0.5 //* Usually, the center of the train (in fact, the center of its bounding box) //* will be the point used when positioning the train at a path_corner. Tick //* here to use its origin for this instead. 2 : "Origin on paths" : 0 //NEW 0.4 //* This is the default if you don't specify a name. 4 : "Initially On" : 0 8 : "Not solid" : 0 ] _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] //* Note that unlike func_tankcontrols, this defines what area the player must be standing in in order to use the tank. @SolidClass = func_traincontrols : "Train Controls" [ target(target_destination) : "Train Name" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, MoveWith, Appearflags, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, SwitchTexLight, Global) = func_wall : "Wall" [ _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] @SolidClass base(func_wall) = func_wall_toggle : "Toggleable geometry" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Starts Invisible" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Angles, Master, Door, LockSounds, MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, Global) = func_water : "Liquid" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Starts Open" : 0 256: "Use Only" : 0 ] skin(choices) : "Contents" : -3 = [ -3: "Water" -4: "Slime" -5: "Lava" ] WaveHeight(string) : "Wave Height" : "0" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Targetx, Master) = game_counter : "Fires when it hits limit" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 0 2: "Reset On fire" : 0 ] frags(integer) : "Initial Value" : 0 health(integer) : "Limit Value" : 10 ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Target, Master) = game_counter_set : "Sets a game_counter" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 0 ] frags(integer) : "New Value" : 10 ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Master) = game_end : "End this multiplayer game" [] @PointClass base(Targetname) = game_player_equip : "Initial player equipment" [ master(string) : "Team Master" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Use Only" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Master) = game_player_hurt : "Hurts player who fires" [ dmg(string) : "Damage To Apply" : "999" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Master) = game_player_team : "Allows player to change teams" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Remove On fire" : 0 2 : "Kill Player" : 0 4 : "Gib Player" : 0 ] target(string) : "game_team_master to use" ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Master) = game_score : "Award/Deduct Points" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Allow Negative" : 0 2: "Team Points" : 0 ] points(integer) : "Points to add (+/-)" : 1 ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Targetx, Master) = game_team_master : "Team based master/relay" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 0 ] triggerstate(choices) : "Trigger to send" : 2 = [ 0: "Off" 1: "On" 2: "Toggle" ] teamindex(integer) : "Team Index (-1 = no team)" : -1 ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Targetx, Master) = game_team_set : "Sets team of team_master" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Master) = game_text : "HUD Text Message" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "All Players" : 0 2: "Only once" : 0 ] //NEW 0.6 target(string) : "Fire when done" message(string) : "Message Text" x(string) : "X (0 - 1.0 = left to right) (-1 centers)" : "-1" y(string) : "Y (0 - 1.0 = top to bottom) (-1 centers)" : "-1" effect(Choices) : "Text Effect" : 0 = [ 0 : "Fade In/Out" 1 : "Credits" 2 : "Scan Out" ] color(color255) : "Color1" : "100 100 100" color2(color255) : "Color2" : "240 110 0" fadein(string) : "Fade in Time (or character scan time)" : "1.5" fadeout(string) : "Fade Out Time" : "0.5" holdtime(string) : "Hold Time" : "1.2" fxtime(string) : "Scan time (scan effect only)" : "0.25" channel(choices) : "Text Channel" : 1 = [ 1 : "Channel 1" 2 : "Channel 2" 3 : "Channel 3" 4 : "Channel 4" ] ] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = game_zone_player : "Player Zone brush" [ intarget(target_destination) : "Target for IN players" outtarget(target_destination) : "Target for OUT players" incount(target_destination) : "Counter for IN players" outcount(target_destination) : "Counter for OUT players" ] @PointClass base(gibshooterbase) = gibshooter : "Gib Shooter" [ m_iBloodColor(choices) : "Blood color" : 0 = [ -1 : "Don't Bleed" 0 : "Red (human)" 195 : "Yellow (alien)" ] ] // // hud entities // //NEW 1.0 //* At the moment, this can only display sprites that are defined in sprites/hud.txt, and //* will always display them in the status icon area on the left of the screen. //* Bear in mind, the hud isn't displayed unless you have an HEV suit. @PointClass base(Targetname) = hud_sprite : "Hud Sprite Display" [ model(sprite): "Sprite name" : "dmg_poison" rendercolor(color255) : "Color" : "255 255 255" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Start on" : 0 ] ] // // info entities // //* If you give a decal a targetname, then it won't appear until fired. @PointClass decal() base(Targetname, Appearflags) = infodecal : "Decal" [ texture(decal) ] //NEW 0.3 //* An alias makes itself an "alternative name" for an entity. To refer to //* an entity through the alternative name, use the alias name preceeded by a *. //* For example, suppose you set up an info_alias entity called 'myalias'. //* 'Myalias' targets a light called 'redlight'. suppose a you set up a //* @trigger_once field targetting "*myalias", so that when you walk through the //* trigger field, redlight gets turned on and off. So far, info_alias seems to //* be like a @trigger_relay. However, you can also set up a switch which targets //* "myalias", to turn it off... @PointClass base(Targetname) = info_alias : "Alias" [ target(target_destination) : "Reference while On" netname(string) : "Reference while Off" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start Off" : 0 2 : "Debug Mode" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-24 -24 0, 24 24 16) color(20 190 60) = info_bigmomma : "Big Mamma Node" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Run To Node" : 0 2 : "Wait Indefinitely" : 0 ] target(target_destination) : "Next node" radius(string) : "Radius" : "0" reachdelay(string) : "Wait after approach" : "0" killtarget(target_destination) : "KillTarget" reachtarget(target_destination) : "Fire on approach" reachsequence(string) : "Sequence on approach" : "" health(string) : "Health on approach" : "" presequence(string) : "Sequence before approach" : "" ] //NEW 1.0 //* Which compile options to use. @PointClass size(-8 -8 0, 8 8 32) = info_compile_parameters : "Compile Options" [ texdata(string) : "Texture Data Memory (in KB)" : "4096" estimate(choices) : "Estimate Compile Times?" : 0 = [ 0: "Yes" 1: "No" ] bounce(integer) : "Number of radiosity bounces" : 1 ambient(string) : "Ambient world light (0.0 to 1.0, R G B)" : "0 0 0" smooth(integer) : "Smoothing threshold (in degrees)" : 0 dscale(integer) : "Direct Lighting Scale" : 2 chop(integer) : "Chop Size" : 64 texchop(integer) : "Texture Light Chop Size" : 32 hullfile(string) : "Custom Hullfile" priority(choices) : "Priority Level" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal" 1 : "High" -1 : "Low" ] wadautodetect(choices) : "Wad Auto Detect" : 0 = [ 0 : "Off" 1 : "On" ] wadconfig(string) : "Custom Wad Configuration" : "" verbose(choices) : "Verbose compile messages" : 0 = [ 0 : "Off" 1 : "On" ] noclipeconomy(choices) : "Strip Uneeded Clipnodes?" : 1 = [ 1 : "Yes" 0 : "No" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Run CSG" : 1 2 : " No Clip" : 0 4 : " Only Ents" : 0 8 : " No Sky Clip" : 0 32 : "Run BSP" : 1 64 : " Leak Only" : 0 128 : " No Clip" : 0 256 : "Run VIS" : 1 512 : " Fast " : 0 2048 : "Run RAD" : 1 4096 : " Sparse " : 0 8192 : " Circus Mode" : 0 16384 : " Extra Mode " : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.4 //* An info_group acts similarly to an @info_alias, except that it has several //* "members" which are are accessed by writing 'mygroup.membername'. //* These members are set up just like the targets of a @multi_manager- except //* that they'll contain an entity reference instead of a delay time. //* If you set up its "target" field to refer to an info_alias entity, then when //* an info_group is triggered, it will change that info_alias entity to target the //* group. @PointClass base(Targetname) = info_group : "Entity Group" [ target(string) : "Alias to change when fired [LE]" //* If you refer to a group member which hasn't been defined explicitly, //* but you do define a default prefix here, then the member name will be //* added to the prefix to generate an appropriate reference. //* e.g: Suppose an info_group named "bob" defines a default prefix //* "bobs_". Now; if you refer to, for example, "bob.house" or //* "bob.gun", you'll actually affect entities named "bobs_house" //* and "bobs_gun", respectively. defaultmember(string) : "Default member prefix" spawnflags(flags) = [ 2 : "Debug Mode" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Target, Angles, MoveWith) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) color(0 255 0) = info_intermission : "Intermission Spot" [] @PointClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) = info_landmark : "Transition Landmark" [] //NEW 0.6 @PointClass base(Targetname) = info_movewith : "Movewith relay" [ target(string) : "MoveWith when active" netname(string) : "MoveWith when inactive" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Start inactive" : 0 //* Usually, info_movewith will happily pass straight through a wall. //* Tick here if you want it to stop when it hits walls. //* Incidentally, ticking this will also allow it to set off trigger //* fields, such as @trigger_multiple. 2 : "Blockable" : 0 ] ] @PointClass size(-24 -24 -4, 24 24 4) color(255 255 0) = info_node : "ai node" [] @PointClass size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 64) color(255 255 0) = info_node_air : "ai air node" [] @PointClass base(Targetname) = info_null : "info_null (spotlight target)" [] // @PointClass base(PlayerClass) = info_player_coop : "Player cooperative start" [] @PointClass base(PlayerClass, Master, MoveWith) = info_player_deathmatch : "Player deathmatch start" [ target(target_destination) : "Target" ] @PointClass base(PlayerClass, MoveWith) = info_player_start : "Player 1 start" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Start with HEV" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) color(200 100 50) = info_target : "Beam Target" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ //NEW 0.4 //* Essentially, this flag forces the game engine to treat an info_target as visible //* (even though it isn't). This has two effects: //* 1) Normally if an env_beam is attached to an info_target which can move (via MoveWith), //* the env_beam won't follow the info_target properly. Ticking here fixes that problem. //* 2) If an env_beam's "ring" mode is selected, you must make both ends of the beam //* into 'visible' entities, otherwise the beam won't be displayed. //* (Note that if you're making a mod and you tell an info_target to use null.spr, you will //* of course have to distribute null.spr with the mod.) 1 : "Use null.spr" : 0 ] ] @PointClass size(-8 -8 0, 8 8 16) base(Targetname, PlayerClass, MoveWith) = info_teleport_destination : "Teleport destination" [] //NEW 1.0 @PointClass color(255 128 0) = info_texlights : "Texture Light Config" [] // // items // @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Weapon, Targetx) = item_airtank : "Oxygen tank" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Weapon, Targetx) = item_antidote : "Poison antidote" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Weapon, Targetx) = item_battery : "HEV battery" [ //NEW 0.7.1 model(string) : "Model (models/w_battery.mdl)" //NEW 0.7.1 skin(integer) : "Skin" //NEW 0.7.1 body(integer) : "Body" //NEW 0.7.1 noise(string) : "Sound (items/gunpickup2.wav)" //NEW 0.7.1 armorvalue(integer) : "Charge by (0 = normal)" ] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Weapon, Targetx) = item_healthkit : "Small Health Kit" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Weapon, Targetx) = item_longjump : "Longjump Module" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Weapon, Targetx) = item_security : "Security card" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) base(Weapon, Targetx) = item_suit : "HEV Suit" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Short Logon" : 0 ] ] // // lights // @PointClass iconsprite("sprites/light.spr") color(255 255 128) base(Light, ZhltLights) = light : "Invisible lightsource" [ target(string) : "Target to shine at" firetarget(string) : "Target to trigger" spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Initially dark" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.5 //* See also @env_dlight. @PointClass iconsprite("sprites/light.spr") color(255 255 128) base(Targetname, MoveWith) = light_glow : "Dynamic Glow" [ frags(choices) : "Glow Type" : 1 = [ 2: "Brightest" 1: "Flashlight" 0: "None" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Initially dark" : 0 2 : "Flare" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Angles, ZhltLights) color(255 255 128) iconsprite("sprites/light.spr") = light_environment : "Environment" [ pitch(integer) : "Pitch" : 0 _light(color255) : "Brightness" : "255 255 128 200" ] @PointClass iconsprite("sprites/light.spr") color(255 255 128) base(Target, Light, ZhltLights) = light_spot : "Spotlight" [ firetarget(string) : "Target to trigger" _cone(integer) : "Inner (bright) angle" : 30 _cone2(integer) : "Outer (fading) angle" : 45 pitch(integer) : "Pitch" : -90 // _light(color255) : "Brightness" : "255 255 128 200" _sky(choices) : "Is Sky" : 0 = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Initially dark" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith, Master, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys, Global) = momentary_door : "Momentary/Continuous door" [ //NEW 0.4 //* Maximum speed the door is allowed to move at. speed(choices) : "Speed" : 100 = [ 0: "No limit" ] //* The number against each sound corresponds to the wav file played. //* e.g. Vacuum (4) plays "doors/doormove4.wav". movesnd(choices) : "Move Sound" : 0 = [ 0: "No Sound" 1: "Servo (Sliding) (1)" 2: "Pneumatic (Sliding) (2)" 3: "Pneumatic (Rolling) (3)" 4: "Vacuum (4)" 5: "Power Hydraulic (5)" 6: "Large Rollers (6)" 7: "Track Door (7)" 8: "Snappy Metal Door (8)" 9: "Squeaky 1 (9)" 10: "Squeaky 2 (10)" ] lip(integer) : "Lip" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Starts Open" : 0 ] _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* Stores a reference to an entity. Whenever the alias is triggered, //* it changes to record what triggered it. //* Thereafter, you can refer to that entity by *aliasname (where aliasname is the name //* of the locus_alias). //* Note that this records a specific entity - unlike @info_alias which //* records the name of an entity. So info_alias always refers to all entities with a particular //* name, whereas locus_alias always refers to one specific entity. @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = locus_alias : "Locus System - Entity variable" [ netname(string) : "Initial value" ] //NEW 0.7.1 @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = locus_beam : "Locus System - Beam effect" [ m_iszStart(string) : "Start at (blank = here)" : "" m_iszEnd(string) : "End at (blank = here)" : "*locus" impulse(choices) : "Start & End are" : 0 = [ 0: "Entity & Entity [LE LE]" 1: "Entity & Position [LE LP]" 2: "Position & Position [LP LP]" 3: "Position & Direction [LP LV]" ] m_iszSprite(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/laserbeam.spr" renderamt(integer) : "Brightness (1 - 255)" : 255 rendercolor(color255) : "Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255" m_iWidth(integer) : "Width" : 10 m_iDistortion(integer) : "Distortion ('noise')" : 0 m_fFrame(integer) : "Start frame" : 0 m_iScrollRate(integer) : "Scroll rate" : 0 m_fDuration(string) : "Duration (0 = unlimited)" : 0 m_fDamage(string) : "Damage amount" : 0 m_iDamageType(choices) : "Damage type" : 0 = [ 0 : "Energy Beam" 1 : "Fracture" 2 : "Blood Loss" 4 : "Lacerations" 8 : "Burning" 16 : "Freezing" 512 : "Internal bleeding" 16384 : "Drowning" 65536 : "Biohazard" 131072 : "Poison (duration)" 262144 : "Radiation" 1048576: "Hazardous chemical" ] m_iszTargetName(target_source) : "Name of children" target(target_destination) : "Fire on spawn (locus = child)" spawnflags(flags) = [ //* This will only work if "Start & End" is set to "Entity & Entity". 8 : "Ring" : 0 16: "StartSparks" : 0 32: "EndSparks" : 0 64: "Decal End" : 0 //* The beam fades in from nothing, like a tracer bullet. 128: "Fade Start" : 0 256: "Fade End" : 0 //* For making a rope, etc. 512: "Draw Solid" : 0 1024: "Draw Sine" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* As the name suggests, this acts like a variable in a programming language. It //* stores three values - a position, a velocity, and a ratio. (if you want a variable //* that records entities, see @locus_alias). To set values, trigger the entity; and to //* access them, just refer to it like the appropriate calc_x entity. //* locus_variable can also be used another way; if you give a "Child's Name" //* value, triggering it will create a reference point with that name. So for example, //* suppose you want to create streams of water wherever an object gets shot. You //* trigger a locus_variable to record where the shot hits, and then have its "fire //* on spawn" value triggering the water stream. But if you don't have it make seperate //* reference points, then all the water will come out of the last shot position. @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = locus_variable : "Locus System - Variable for storing data" [ m_iszPosition(string) : "Position to record [LP]" : "*locus" m_iszVelocity(string) : "Velocity to record [LV]" : "*locus" m_iszRatio(string) : "Ratio to record [LR]" : "*locus" m_iszTargetname(string) : "Child's name (blank = no child)" m_iszFireOnSpawn(string) : "Fire on spawn (locus = child)" m_fDuration(string) : "Removed after time (secs)" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Target, Angles, Master, MoveWith, RenderFields, ZHLTLightKeys) = momentary_rot_button : "Direct wheel control" [ speed(integer) : "Speed" : 50 //NEW 0.5 //* See the notes about this field in @func_rotating. axes(string) : "Axis Multipliers (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" sounds(choices) : "Sounds" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "Big zap & Warmup" 2: "Access Denied" 3: "Access Granted" 4: "Quick Combolock" 5: "Power Deadbolt 1" 6: "Power Deadbolt 2" 7: "Plunger" 8: "Small zap" 9: "Keycard Sound" 21: "Squeaky" 22: "Squeaky Pneumatic" 23: "Ratchet Groan" 24: "Clean Ratchet" 25: "Gas Clunk" ] distance(integer) : "Distance (deg)" : 90 returnspeed(integer) : "Auto-return speed" : 0 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Door Hack" : 0 2: "Not useable" : 0 16: "Auto Return" : 0 64: "X Axis" : 0 128: "Y Axis" : 0 ] _minlight(integer) : "_minlight" angles(string) : "Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" ] // // Monsters // @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_alien_controller : "Controller" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 64) = monster_alien_grunt : "Alien Grunt" [ netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* Only needed if you use the Squad Name value. If you define a Squad using the //* Squad Name value, but none of them are flagged as a Squad Leader, then the //* squad won't get linked together properly. 32 : "Squad Leader" : 0 //NEW 1.0 1024: "Drop gun" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_alien_slave : "Vortigaunt" [ netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* Only needed if you use the Squad Name value. If you define a Squad using the //* Squad Name value, but none of them are flagged as a Squad Leader, then the //* squad won't get linked together properly. 32 : "Squad Leader" : 0 //* This monster won't attack unless provoked. 64 : "Start Peaceful" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-360 -360 -172, 360 360 8) = monster_apache : "Apache" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 8 : "No Wreckage" : 0 64: "Start Inactive" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) = monster_babycrab : "Baby Headcrab" [] @PointClass base(Targetname, RenderFields) size(-16 -16 -36, 16 16 0) = monster_barnacle : "Barnacle Monster" [] @PointClass base(Monster,TalkMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_barney : "Barney" [ frags(choices) : "Weapon" : 0 = [ 0 : "Glock (normal)" 1 : "Python 357" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ //NEW 0.3 //* Ensure the player can't take this monster's ammo or weapons. 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields, Appearflags) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_barney_dead : "Dead Barney" [ pose(choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "On side" 2 : "On stomach" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-95 -95 0, 95 95 190) = monster_bigmomma : "Big Mamma" [ netname(string) : "First node" ] //* Not fully implemented: rudimentary AI. Will run away if attacked, //* otherwise will stand still. @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_bloater : "Bloater" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 64) = monster_bullchicken : "BullSquid" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-3 -3 0, 3 3 3) = monster_cockroach : "Cockroach" [] //@PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 16) = monster_flyer : "Single Flyer" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 16) = monster_flyer_flock : "Flock of Flyers" [ iFlockSize(integer) : "Flock Size" : 8 flFlockRadius(integer) : "Flock Radius" : 128 ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_furniture : "Monster Furniture" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 128) = monster_gargantua : "Gargantua" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 -36, 16 16 36) = monster_generic : "Generic Script Monster" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 4 : "Not solid" : 0 //NEW 0.4 //* Tick here if you're using a model from the models/player/ directories. //* This option sets it up so that the model's bounding box is centered on its origin (the X in //* the middle of the entity, in WorldCraft), instead of being the middle of its bottom face. 8 : "Player model" : 0 //NEW 0.4 32: "Invulnerable" : 0 ] //NEW 0.4 //* <b>Headcrab:</b> 24 24 24 //* <b>Houndeye:</b> 32 32 36 //* <b>Human:</b> 32 32 72 //* <b>Most Aliens:</b> 64 64 64 size(string) : "Size (X Y Z)" //NEW 0.4 //* <b>Player:</b> 0 = gordon's head, 1 = hooded. //* <b>Gina, Gordon, Helmet and Scientist player models:</b> 0 = original design, 1 = updated (better looking) version. //* <b>Barneys:</b> 0 = holstered gun, 1 = holding gun, 2 = missing gun. //* <b>Scientists:</b> 0-3 = no syringe, 4-7 = syringe in hand. 4 different heads in each set. (0 = Glasses, 1 = Einstein, 2 = Luther, 3 = Slick) //* <b>Human Grunts:</b> 0-3 = Mp5, 4-7 = Shotgun, 8-11 = No gun. 4 different heads in each set. (0 = Gasmask, 1 = Beret, 2 = Skimask, 3 = Cigar) body(Integer) : "Body" : 0 //NEW 0.4 //* If not set, health is 8. health(Integer) : "Initial Health" : 0 //NEW 0.4 //* Experiment with other values (1-255) for different blood colors. m_bloodColor(choices) : "Blood Color" : 0 = [ -1 : "Don't Bleed" 0 : "Red (Human)" 195 : "Yellow (Alien)" ] //NEW 0.5 //* If you don't specify a gib model, one will be chosen based on //* the Blood Colour you set. m_iszGibModel(string) : "Gib Model" ] //NEW 0.5 @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, Appearflags,RenderFields) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_generic_dead : "Generic Dead Body" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 8 : "Player model" : 0 ] //* The corpse's pose will be the last frame of this sequence. //* This overrides the 'death type' value. netname(string) : "Sequence name" //* If you don't specify a 'Sequence name', the monster will select a random death //* animation of the type you specify here. Not all models have all these death types. frags(choices): "Death Type" : 36 = [ 36 : "Just dead" 37 : "Fell backwards" 38 : "Fell forwards" 39 : "Died violently" 66 : "Head shot" 67 : "Chest shot" 68 : "Gut shot" 69 : "Shot in the back" ] //* <b>Player:</b> 0 = gordon's head, 1 = hooded. //* <b>Gina, Gordon, Helmet and Scientist player models:</b> 0 = original design, 1 = updated (better looking) version. //* <b>Barneys:</b> 0 = holstered gun, 1 = holding gun, 2 = missing gun. //* <b>Scientists:</b> 0-3 = no syringe, 4-7 = syringe in hand. 4 different heads in each set. (0 = Glasses, 1 = Einstein, 2 = Luther, 3 = Slick) //* <b>Human Grunts:</b> 0-3 = Mp5, 4-7 = Shotgun, 8-11 = No gun. 4 different heads in each set. (0 = Gasmask, 1 = Beret, 2 = Skimask, 3 = Cigar) body(Integer) : "Body" : 0 //* Experiment with other values (1-255) for different blood colors. m_bloodColor(choices) : "Blood Color" : 0 = [ -1 : "Don't Bleed" 0 : "Red (Human)" 195 : "Yellow (Alien)" ] //* If you don't specify a gib model, one will be chosen based on //* the Blood Colour you set. m_iszGibModel(string) : "Gib Model" ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_gman : "G-Man" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_grunt_repel : "Human Grunt (Repel)" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = monster_handgrenade : "Live Handgrenade" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) = monster_headcrab : "Head Crab" [] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, Appearflags,RenderFields) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_hevsuit_dead : "Dead HEV Suit" [ pose(choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "Seated" 2 : "On stomach" 3 : "On Table" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Appearflags,RenderFields) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_hgrunt_dead : "Dead Human Grunt" [ pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On stomach" 1 : "On side" 2 : "Seated" ] //NEW 0.5 weapons(Choices) : "Weapon" : 0 = [ 0 : "MP5" 1 : "Shotgun" 2 : "No gun" ] //NEW 0.5 //* The "no gun" settings are only included here for backwards compatibility. body(Choices) : "Head" : 0 = [ 0 : "Gasmask" 6 : "Gasmask (black skin)" 1 : "Beret" 4 : "Skimask" 7 : "Skimask (black skin)" 5 : "Cigar (black skin)" 2 : "(Gasmask, no gun)" 3 : "(Beret, no gun)" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) = monster_houndeye : "Houndeye" [ netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* Only needed if you use the Squad Name value. If you define a Squad using the Squad Name //* value, but none of them are flagged as a Squad Leader, then the squad won't get linked //* together properly. 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_human_assassin : "Human Assassin" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_human_grunt : "Human Grunt (camo)" [ netname(string) : "Squad Name" spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* Only needed if you use the Squad Name value. If you define a Squad using the Squad Name //* value, but none of them are flagged as a Squad Leader, then the squad won't get linked //* together properly. 32 : "SquadLeader" : 0 //NEW 0.3 //* Ensure the player can't take this monster's ammo or weapons. 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 1 = [ 1 : "9mmAR" 3 : "9mmAR + HG" 5 : "9mmAR + GL" 8 : "Shotgun" 10: "Shotgun + HG" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 64) = monster_ichthyosaur : "Ichthyosaur" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-6 -6 0, 6 6 6) = monster_leech : "Leech" [] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 -32, 16 16 32) = monster_miniturret : "Mini Auto Turret" [ orientation(Choices) : "Orientation" : 0 = [ 0 : "Floor Mount" 1 : "Ceiling Mount" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "Autostart" : 0 64 : "Start Inactive" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-192 -192 0, 192 192 384) = monster_nihilanth : "Nihilanth" [] //* The helicopter which flies around and drops grunts. Basically, whenever a grunt //* dies, a replacement will be dropped so that the level contains the same number as //* before. //* With Spirit, it's no longer necessary to place grunts in your level: //* in that situation the Osprey pretends, arbitrarily, that 4 have already died. //* NB: An osprey must have a patrol path; if you don't give one, it will fail to //* work. Spirit also fixes the Half-Life bug which meant a path_corner had to give //* a Speed value... though the Speed values will still function if you choose to use them. //* FYI: an Osprey will only drop grunts at path_corners whose Speed is set //* to 0. After dropping grunts, it will head for the nearest path_corner whose Speed //* is greater than 400, if one exists. Spirit also fixes the Half-Life bug which //* crashed the game if no such corner was available. @PointClass base(Monster) size(-480 -480 -112, 480 480 24) = monster_osprey : "Osprey" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* Until triggered, the osprey won't move or drop grunts. 64 : "Start Inactive" : 0 ] ] //* Like @monster_bloater: no AI, no death animation. @PointClass base(Monster) size(-6 -6 0, 6 6 6) = monster_rat : "Rat" [] @PointClass base(Weapon,Targetx,RenderFields) = monster_satchelcharge : "Live Satchel Charge" [] @PointClass base(Monster, TalkMonster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_scientist : "Scared Scientist" [ body(Choices) : "Body" : -1 = [ -1: "Random" 0 : "Glasses" 1 : "Einstein" 2 : "Luther (black skin)" 3 : "Slick" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, Appearflags,RenderFields) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_scientist_dead : "Dead Scientist" [ body(Choices) : "Body" : -1 = [ -1: "Random" 0 : "Glasses" 1 : "Einstein" 2 : "Luther (black skin)" 3 : "Slick" ] pose(Choices) : "Pose" : 0 = [ 0 : "On back" 1 : "On Stomach" 2 : "Sitting" 3 : "Hanging" 4 : "Table1" 5 : "Table2" 6 : "Table3" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_sentry : "Sentry Turret Gun" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "Autostart" : 0 64 : "Start Inactive" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-14 -14 22, 14 14 72) = monster_sitting_scientist : "Sitting Scientist" [ body(Choices) : "Body" : -1 = [ -1: "Random" 0 : "Glasses" 1 : "Einstein" 2 : "Luther (black skin)" 3 : "Slick" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ //NEW 0.4 //* Sitting scientists are pre-disaster by default. 1024: "Post-Disaster" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 36) = monster_snark : "Armed Snark" [] //NEW 0.7 //* While a monster_target is active, monsters will attack it as though it were another monster. //* An easy way to make monsters shoot out lights, attack func_tanks, etc. @PointClass color(0 200 200) base(Targetname, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = monster_target : "Target for monsters to attack" [ frags(choices) : "When active, count as:" : 11 = [ 0 : "Ignored" //* Disliked by human military and most aliens. 3 : "Scientist" //* Hated by human military, disliked by most aliens. 11: "Barney" //* Hated by alien military, disliked by barneys and most aliens. 4 : "Human Military" //* Hated by human military, disliked by barneys. 5 : "Alien Military" //* Disliked by human miliary and barneys. 7 : "Other Alien" //* Disliked by all humans. Hated by Bullsquids. 8 : "Headcrab" //* Disliked by all humans and by other Bullsquids. Feared by Headcrabs. 9 : "Bullsquid" //* Disliked by everyone, except other Faction A members. 14 : "Faction A" //* Disliked by everyone, except other Faction B members. 15 : "Faction B" //* Disliked by everyone, except other Faction C members. 16 : "Faction C" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1: "Start inactive" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-32 -32 0, 32 32 64) = monster_tentacle : "Tentacle Arm" [ sweeparc(integer) : "Sweep Arc" : 130 sound(choices) : "Tap Sound" : -1 = [ -1: "None" 0 : "Silo" 1 : "Dirt" 2 : "Water" ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) = monster_tripmine : "Active Tripmine" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Instant On" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-32 -32 -32, 32 32 32) = monster_turret : "Auto Turret" [ orientation(Choices) : "Orientation" : 0 = [ 0 : "Floor Mount" 1 : "Ceiling Mount" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 32 : "Autostart" : 0 64 : "Start Inactive" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) = monster_zombie : "Scientist Zombie" [] @PointClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = monstermaker : "Monster Maker" [ target(string) : "Target On Release" monstertype(string) : "Monster Type" netname(target_source) : "Name of Spawned Monsters" spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* If you don't give the monstermaker a Name, this is the default. 1 : "Start ON" : 0 //* In Cyclic mode, the maker will spawn a monster each time it's triggered. //* (Otherwise, triggering the maker will turn it on, and it will then make monsters as //* often as its 'delay' permits.) 4 : "Cyclic" : 0 8 : "MonsterClip" : 0 //NEW 0.5 //* By default, unless "number of monsters" is 1, the corpses of the monsters will fade out. //* Tick here to override this. In order to prevent infinite numbers of corpses from appearing, //* this flag is ignored if Number of Monsters is set to unlimited, 16 : "Leave corpses" : 0 //NEW 0.6 //* If this is ticked, the created monsters won't drop their weapons when they die. 1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0 ] //* The total number of monsters the monstermaker can create (-1 = unlimited) monstercount(choices) : "Number of Monsters" : -1 = [ -1 : "Unlimited" ] //* If -1, a new monster will only be made when the last monster dies. //* Otherwise, this is is the time to wait (seconds) between producing new monsters. delay(string) : "Time between spawns" : "5" //NEW 0.4 //* Mainly for use with @env_warpball. This makes a delay between the monstermaker triggering //* its "target on release" entity and the monster appearing. For best results, set the //* "target on release" value to the env_warpball, and set the "delay before release" to about 0.5. spawndelay(string) : "Delay before release" : "0" //* The maximum number of live children allowed at one time; if this is set, new children will //* not be made until one dies. (-1 = no limit) m_imaxlivechildren(integer) : "Max live children" : 5 //* If you just want a monster to be ignored, use the "Prisoner" flag instead. m_iClass(choices) : "Monsters behave as" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal" //* Likes players and barneys; hates Human Military and most aliens; scared of Alien Military and Bullsquids. 3 : "Scientist" //* Likes players and scientists; dislikes Machines, Human Military, and all aliens. 11: "Barney" //* Dislikes scientists and most aliens. Hates players, barneys and Alien Military. 4 : "Human Military" //* Machines go clang when hit, and never gib. Bioweapons (Snarks and Hornets) ignore them. //* Otherwise, they're pretty much like Human Military. 1 : "Machine (Human Military)" //* Hates players and Human Military. Dislikes Machines, scientists and barneys. 5 : "Alien Military" //* Dislikes Machines and all humans. 7 : "Other Alien" //* Dislikes all humans. Scared of Bullsquids. 8 : "Headcrab" //* Hates Headcrabs. Dislikes humans and other Bullsquids. 9 : "Bullsquid" //* Dislikes everyone, except other Faction A members. 14 : "Faction A" //* Dislikes everyone, except other Faction B members. 15 : "Faction B" //* Dislikes everyone, except other Faction C members. 16 : "Faction C" ] //NEW 0.5 //* Replaces the old "Player Ally" flag. m_iPlayerReact(choices) : "Monsters reaction to player" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal" 1 : "Ignore" //* Scientists usually use this behaviour. 2 : "Friendly until hurt" //* Barneys usually use this behaviour. 3 : "Friendly unless provoked" 4 : "Enemy" // Not yet implemented, but will allow any monster to act like a barney/scientist. //5 : "Follower" ] ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* For controlling the movement of other entities. There are two main ways to use this entity: //* a) Don't give it a targetname, just tell it what entity to affect. In this case, the //* motion of the affected entity will be managed however you want. This is mostly useful to //* make things MoveWith a @func_pushable or a monster. (Just name the func_pushable in the //* manager's "Position" field.) //* b) Give it a targetname, but leave the "target to affect" set to *locus. Then, type the //* motion_manager's name into the "trigger on spawn" field of, for example, an env_shooter. //* In this case, every shot the shooter makes will be managed throughout its lifetime. //* If you just want to change an entity's position or velocity instantly, once, then see //* @trigger_motion. @PointClass base(Targetname) = motion_manager : "Control the movement and direction of an entity" [ target(target_destination) : "Target to affect [LE]" : "*locus" m_iszPosition(string) : "Position (blank = no change)" m_iPosMode(choices) : "Meaning of Position" : 0 = [ 0 : "Set position [LP]" 1 : "Offset position [LV]" 2 : "Set velocity [LV]" 3 : "Accelerate by [LV]" 4 : "Follow position [LV]" ] m_iszAngles(string) : "Facing (blank = no change)" m_iAngMode(choices) : "Meaning of Facing" : 0 = [ 0 : "Face direction [LV]" 1 : "Rotate by [LV]" 2 : "Rotate by (Y Z X)" 3 : "Set avelocity (Y Z X)" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Debug" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Target) color(128 255 128) = multisource : "Multisource" [ //NEW 0.3 netname(string) : "Target on turning off" globalstate(string) : "Global State Master" ] //NEW 0.4 //* A multi_alias is an @info_alias with more than one target. It's mainly useful to group entities //* together, while still allowing them to have individual names. //* For example, suppose you have a set of lights in your level. Each one has its own lightswitch, //* which allows it to be switched on and off on its own. But later in the level, you want the power //* (i.e. all the lights) to go off. One way to do that would be to make a multi_alias which //* targets all the lights, and simply trigger what that alias refers to. @PointClass base(Targetname) = multi_alias : "Multi-target alias" [ //NEW 0.5 m_iMode(choices) : "Mode" : 0 = [ 0: "Normal" //* Each time the alias is used, one of the targets will be chosen //* at random. Targets with higher values are proportionally more //* likely to be chosen. 1: "Choose one (weighted)" //* Each time the alias is used, zero or more of the targets will //* be valid. The 'value' for each target gives the percentage //* chance that it will be valid each time. 2: "% chance for each" ] ] //* Triggers a sequence of up to 16 entities, at various time offsets. //* To specify the list of entities for it to trigger, turn off Worldcraft's "smart edit" mode //* and add fields manually. The name of the field is the targetname of the entity to trigger, //* and the contents of the field are the time (in seconds) to wait before triggering it. //* If a master is given, then while the master is locked, the manager will ignore //* all signals. This won't prevent it from continuing a sequence that started while the master //* was unlocked, but it will prevent new sequences from starting. @PointClass base(Targetname, Master) color(255 128 0) = multi_manager : "MultiTarget Manager" [ //NEW 0.3 //* How long to wait before starting the sequence. This delay is <u>in addition to</u> the offsets given for each individual target. wait(string) : "Time offset" //NEW 0.3 //* If set, then each time it's triggered the manager will wait for a random length of time. The "Time Offset" //* value is used as a minimum offset. maxwait(string) : "Max Time offset (Random)" //NEW 0.3 //* Message to send to the targets. triggerstate(choices) : "Trigger to send" = [ 0: "Toggle" 1: "On" 2: "Off" 3: "Kill" //* If you select this, the manager will send on whatever triggers (e.g. USE_ON) that it received //* itself. So this is a way to "fork" the signal sent by another entity. 4: "Same as input" ] //NEW 0.3 mode(choices) : "Mode" = [ //* The 'value' for each target is the time offset at which to fire it. 0: "Normal (time offset)" //* Choose one of the targets at random, and fire it. The 'value' gives the relative chance //* that each target will be chosen. 1: "Choose one (weighted)" //* Go through the list of targets, and for each one either fire it, or don't fire it. //* The 'value' gives the percentage chance that a value will get fired. 2: "% chance for each" //* In this mode, the number for each target specifies its position in the sequence //* (relative to the other numbers), but all the targets will actually be fired at the same time. //* So setting the targets to A 1, B 2 and C 3 would be equivalent to //* setting A 0, B 0, and C 0 in normal mode - except that you can guarantee A will be //* fired just before B, which will be just before C. 3: "No delay (ordered)" ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* Gives threads a name of their own. This lets you kill/trigger the threads //* without affecting the manager, and vice versa. (If this is left blank, the //* threads have the same name as the manager.) //* This is mostly useful on a multithreaded looped manager, where you can stop all the loops //* simultaneously by triggering the threads off. m_iszThreadName(target_source) : "Name of threads" //NEW 0.7.1 //* Whenever a thread is created, the entity named here will be triggered, //* with the new thread as the locus. m_iszLocusThread(string) : "Trigger on spawn (locus = thread)" spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* By default, a manager will ignore all inputs while it's performing a sequence. //* Tick this to allow more than one sequence to run at a time. 1 : "Multi-threaded" : 0 //NEW 0.6 //* NB: This flag has been moved. Apologies. //* When the sequence ends, it will start again from the beginning. To stop the //* loop, toggle the manager a second time. 4 : "Loop" : 0 //NEW 0.6 //* The manager will USE_KILL itself when the sequence is complete. //* If Loop is also ticked, the manager will only USE_KILL itself when told to stop the loop. 8 : "Once only" : 0 //NEW 0.7.1 //* The manager will activate itself when the level starts, so that you don't //* have to use a trigger_auto. (particularly useful for looping multi_managers.) 16 : "Start on" : 0 //NEW 0.7.1 //* The manager will report to the console when it fires, etc. 32 : "Debug mode" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.3 //* A multi_watcher is like a normal @watcher, except that it watches up to 16 entities at once. //* The entity is probably most useful when used as a master for another entity- a versatile replacement //* for the @multisource, in a way. Note that if you need to handle a complex logical operation, you can make a //* multi_watcher which watches other multi_watchers. //* The list of watched entities is specified in the same way as the targets of a @multi_manager, except that the //* 'value' should be set to 0. (Future versions of Spirit may make use of the value, but for now it's ignored.) //* This is a very powerful entity, but is probably only useful for experienced mappers. @PointClass base(Targetname) = multi_watcher : "State Watcher" [ m_fLogic(choices) : "Logical test" : 0 = [ 0: "All (AND)" 2: "Not all (NAND)" 1: "At least one (OR)" 3: "None (NOR)" 4: "Exactly one (XOR)" 5: "Any number but one (XNOR)" ] //* This entity will be sent USE_ON or USE_OFF, as appropriate, whenever the watcher's state changes. target(target_destination) : "Entity to notify" //* The bottom 5 flags are used to specify what states are being watched for. Default is to just watch for 'On'. spawnflags(flags) = [ //* If this is enabled, the watcher will always notify its target with USE_TOGGLE, instead of sending ON or OFF. 1: "Send 'Toggle'" : 0 8: "NOT 'On'" : 0 16: "'Off'" : 0 32: "'Turn On'" : 0 64: "'Turn Off'" : 0 128:"'In Use'" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith) size(16 16 16) color(247 181 82) = path_corner : "Path Corner" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1: "Wait for retrigger" : 0 2: "Teleport" : 0 4: "Fire once" : 0 ] target(target_destination) : "Next stop target" message(target_destination) : "Fire on Pass" wait(integer) : "Wait here (secs)" : 0 speed(integer) : "Speed (0 = no change)" : 0 //NEW 0.5 armortype(choices) : "Meaning of 'Speed'" : 0 = [ 0 : "Set new speed" //* It's very easy to get the train going 'infinitely' fast with this setting. //* Excessively high speeds tend to cause problems, so use with caution. 1 : "Increase speed by" //* This permanently changes the train's speed, the same way as the other //* settings. In other words: when it reaches the next corner, the train's //* speed won't change back. 2 : "Time to next corner" ] //NEW 0.5 //* When the train passes this corner, its rate of turning will be set to this value - //* just like the "speed" for a corner sets the train's linear speed. //* NB: setting this field to "0 0 0" will make the train stop turning. Leaving the //* field blank, on the other hand, will leave the train turning at the same rate. turnspeed(string) : "Turn speed (Y Z X)" //NEW 0.5 //* If set to "Yes", then as trains approach this corner, they will turn to face its //* 'angle' value. //* By default, the train will keep turning after passing the corner. To //* make it stay facing your chosen direction, set "Turn Speed" to "0 0 0". armorvalue(choices) : "Match Angle" : 0 = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith) size(16 16 16) = path_track : "Train Track Path" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1: "Disabled" : 0 2: "Fire once" : 0 4: "Branch Reverse" : 0 8: "Disable train" : 0 ] target(target_destination) : "Next stop target" altpath(target_destination) : "Branch Path" message(target_destination) : "Fire on Pass" netname(target_destination) : "Fire on dead end" speed(integer) : "Speed (0 = no change)" : 0 //NEW 0.5 armortype(choices) : "Meaning of 'Speed'" : 0 = [ //* In normal Half-Life, this was the only setting available. //* NB: This will have no effect unless the train has the "No Control" flag set. 0 : "Set current speed" //* This sets the train's 'master speed', which means that the train's speed in //* all gears (half speed, quarter speed, etc) will also change in proportion to //* the number you set. 3 : "Set master speed" //* It's very easy to get the train going 'infinitely' fast with this setting. //* Excessively high speeds tend to cause problems, so use with caution. //* (This changes the 'master speed'). 1 : "Increase speed by" //* This permanently changes the train's speed, the same way as the other //* settings. In other words: when it reaches the next corner, the train's //* speed won't change back. //* (This changes the 'master speed'). 2 : "Time to next corner" // 3: "Change gear"? ] //NEW 0.5 //* When the train passes this corner, its rate of turning will be set to this value - //* just like the "speed" for a corner sets the train's linear speed. //* NB: setting this field to "0 0 0" will make the train stop turning. Leaving the //* field blank, on the other hand, will leave the train turning at the same rate. turnspeed(string) : "Turn speed (Y Z X)" //NEW 0.5 frags(choices) : "Meaning of 'Turn Speed'" : 0 = [ 0 : "Set current turn speed" //* The value specified will be scaled to fit the speed (e.g. half //* speed, quarter speed) the train is currently moving at. 1 : "Set master turn speed" //* When you set Turn Speed to make a tracktrain turn around, its normal turning //* (face along the track, turn at corners) gets suppressed. Select this when you //* want to reenable it. (The 'Turn Speed' value isn't used when this option is //* selected.) 2 : "Back to normal" ] //NEW 0.5 //* If set to "Yes", then as trains approach this corner, they will turn to face its //* 'angle' value. //* By default, the train will keep turning after passing the corner. To //* make it stay facing your chosen direction, set "Turn Speed" to "0 0 0". armorvalue(choices) : "Match Angle" : 0 = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] ] // // player effects // @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = player_freeze : "Stop player from moving" [ delay(string) : "Duration (0 = until retriggered)" : "5" spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* If you set this, then the entity expects to freeze the locus you tell it. //* If there's no locus, or it isn't a player, nothing will happen. //* (If you don't tick this, then player_freeze will just affect player 1.) 1: "Affect locus" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = player_loadsaved : "Load Auto-Saved game" [ duration(string) : "Fade Duration (seconds)" : "2" holdtime(string) : "Hold Fade (seconds)" : "0" renderamt(integer) : "Fade Alpha" : 255 rendercolor(color255) : "Fade Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0" messagetime(string) : "Show Message delay" : "0" message(string) : "Message To Display" : "" loadtime(string) : "Reload delay" : "0" ] // this may be the most irritating, repetitive, time-consuming entity I've ever implemented... // HL's ammo system is _not_ set up to make this easy. @PointClass base(Targetname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = player_weaponstrip : "Strip player's weapons" [ //NEW 0.6 //* In each of these fields, either choose a preset value from the menu, or else specify //* a number of bullets to remove (e.g. 8). bullets(choices) : "Take 9mm bullets" : 0 = [ 0: "All" -2: "All except clips" -1: "Empty clips only" -3: "None" ] magnum(choices) : "Take 357 bullets" : 0 = [ 0: "All" -2: "All except clip" -1: "Empty clip only" -3: "None" ] shotgun(choices) : "Take shotgun ammo" : 0 = [ 0: "All" -2: "All except clip" -1: "Empty clip only" -3: "None" ] crossbow(choices) : "Take crossbow bolts" : 0 = [ 0: "All" -2: "All except clip" -1: "Empty clip only" -3: "None" ] argrenades(choices) : "Take AR grenades" : 0 = [ 0: "All" -1: "None" ] rockets(choices) : "Take rockets" : 0 = [ 0: "All" -2: "All except clip" -1: "Empty clip only" -3: "None" ] uranium(choices) : "Take uranium ammo" : 0 = [ 0: "All" -2: "All except clips" -1: "Empty clips only" -3: "None" ] satchels(choices) : "Take satchel charges" : 0 = [ 0: "All" -1: "None" ] snarks(choices) : "Take snarks" : 0 = [ 0: "All" -1: "None" ] tripmines(choices) : "Take tripmines" : 0 = [ 0: "All" -1: "None" ] handgrenades(choices) : "Take handgrenades" : 0 = [ 0: "All" -1: "None" ] hornetgun(choices) : "Take Hornet Gun" : 0 = [ 0: "Gun & ammo" -3: "Ammo" -1: "None" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1: "Remove suit" : 0 2: "Leave crowbar" : 0 4: "Leave glock" : 0 8: "Leave 357" : 0 16: "Leave mp5" : 0 // chaingun was never used 64: "Leave crossbow" : 0 128: "Leave shotgun" : 0 256: "Leave rpg" : 0 512: "Leave gauss" : 0 1024: "Leave egon" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.3 //* Note that a @monster_generic won't usually do these actions correctly. //* If you're using this to make a @monster_barney shoot, it'll look odd (as if he's shooting bullets from his //* knuckles) unless you first use a scripted_sequence (playing the "draw" animation) or env_customize //* (setting body = 1) to put his pistol into his hand; as seen in the SpiritDemo level. @PointClass base(Script) = scripted_action : "Scripted Action" [ //NEW 1.0 m_iszMoveTarget(string) : "Move target (blank = this) [LE]" m_fMoveTo(choices) : "Move to Position" : 5 = [ //* Don't move at all. (Turn Type will be ignored.) 0 : "No (don't turn)" //* Walk to the move target, then turn. 1 : "Walk" //* Run to the move target, then turn. 2 : "Run" //* Don't move - just turn to face to whatever the turn mode. 5 : "No - Only turn" //* Teleport to the move target. Also, the monster's angle will instantly change to //* whatever is specified in the turn target's "turn type". //* Spirit fixes a bug which used to freeze a monster when playing scripts with this setting. 4 : "Instant move + turn" //NEW 1.0 //* Don't move - just change angle to whatever the turn type specifies, instantly. 6 : "No - Instant turn" ] //NEW 0.6 //* If you specify a classname (e.g. monster_barney) here, the script will choose a random entity of that //* type. m_iszAttack(string) : "Entity to attack (blank = this) [LE]" //NEW 0.3 m_fTurnType(choices) : "Turn mode" : 1 = [ //* Turn to the same angle as the attack entity is facing. 0 : "Match Angle" //* Turn to look (and aim) at the entity to attack. 1 : "Turn to face" 2 : "Don't Turn" ] m_fAction(choices) : "Action to perform" : 0 = [ //* Headcrabs: leap. Houndeye: sonic attack. Barney: fire pistol... and so on. Most monsters have a ranged attack of some kind. 0 : "Ranged Attack" //* Grunts and assassins: throw or launch a grenade at the "attack" entity. //* Alien Controller: big homing fireball. 1 : "Ranged Attack 2" //* Scientist: Heal. Everyone else: Kick, punch, bite, slash with claws, etc. 2 : "Melee Attack" //* Assassins: kick. Bullsquids:bite. Headcrab: rear up on hind legs. //* Big Momma: lay a baby headcrab. Gargantua: Flame Thrower. 3 : "Melee Attack 2" //* Grunts: place a grenade on the ground. 4 : "Special Attack" //* Don't know of any monsters which use this, but feel free to try... 5 : "Special Attack 2" //* Grunts and barneys: Reload. The same thing can be done with a @scripted_sequence, but it's available here for convenience. 6 : "Reload" //* Assassins: jump to the "attack" entity. Houndeyes, Bullsquids and Big Momma: just jump. 7 : "Jump" //* Just turn and/or move. 8 : "No action" ] spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* If this isn't ticked, the script will be ignored while the monster is in combat. 64: "Override AI" : 0 ] ] //* If no targetname is given, a scripted_sentence will play sentences as often as its "refire" rate permits. @PointClass base(Targetname, Targetx, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) color(255 0 255) = scripted_sentence : "Scripted Sentence" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Fire Once" : 0 2 : "Followers Only" : 0 4 : "Interrupt Speech" : 0 8 : "Concurrent" : 0 ] sentence(string) : "Sentence Name" : "" //NEW 0.4 entity(string) : "Target Monster (blank for HEV) [LE]" duration(string) : "Sentence Time" : "3" //* If "Target Monster" is a classname, the game picks a random monster of that type from within this //* search radius. radius(integer) : "Search Radius" : 512 refire(string) : "Delay Before Refire" : "3" listener(string) : "Listener Name/Class" : "player" volume(string) : "Volume 0-10" : "10" attenuation(Choices) : "Sound Radius" : 0 = [ 0 : "Small Radius" 1 : "Medium Radius" 2 : "Large Radius" 3 : "Play Everywhere" ] ] //* If a scripted_sequence has no targetname, it will start playing as soon as the level begins. //* If two or more scripted_sequences have the same targetname, they will be synchronised so that //* no matter how long it takes the monsters to walk to the sequence entities, their action animations //* will start at the same time. Also, if one of the monsters cancels its sequence (e.g. if it gets //* hurt), the other one will too. @PointClass base(ScriptSequence) = scripted_sequence : "Scripted Sequence" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ //* Unless you tick this, the monster won't play the script when it's in combat. 64: "Override AI" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.6 @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) color(255 0 255) = scripted_tanksequence : "Scripted Tank Sequence" [ m_iszEntity(string) : "Tank to affect" m_iTurn(choices) : "Turn to" : 2 = [ 0: "Don't turn" 1: "Match angle" 2: "Face sequence" 3: "Face enemy" ] //* Specify either a classname (e.g. monster_barney) or a targetname to look for. //* If you leave this blank, the tank will just pick its nearest enemy. m_iszEnemy(string) : "Enemy to face" m_iShoot(choices) : "Fire gun" : 1 = [ 0: "Don't fire" 1: "Once (at end)" 2: "Constantly" 3: "While facing target" ] m_iUntil(choices) : "Halt condition" : 1 = [ 0: "None" 1: "Tank faces target" 2: "Enemy dies" ] target(string) : "Trigger on halt" m_fDuration(string) : "Time limit (0 = no limit)" : "0" netname(string) : "Trigger on timeout" m_iActive(choices) : "Tank state afterwards" : 0 = [ 0: "No change" 1: "Active" 2: "Inactive" 3: "Toggle" ] m_iControllable(choices) : "Control afterwards" : 0 = [ 0: "No change" 1: "Controllable" 2: "Not Controllable" 3: "Toggle" ] m_iLaserSpot(choices) : "Laser Spot afterwards" : 0 = [ 0: "No change" 1: "Turn on" 2: "Turn off" 3: "Toggle" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ //* Usually, if a player is using the tank when the sequence is activated, //* the sequence won't work. Tick here to override that, by dumping the //* player when the sequence starts. 1: "Dump player" : 0 2: "Repeatable" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.6 //* This entity is by no means complete, but is still somewhat usable. @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, MoveWith) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) color(255 0 255) = scripted_trainsequence : "Scripted Train Sequence" [ m_iszEntity(string) : "Func_train to affect [LE]" m_iszDestination(string) : "Destination to head for [LE]" m_iDirection(choices) : "Train direction" : 4 = [ 4: "Towards destination" 1: "Forwards" 2: "Backwards" 0: "No change" ] target(string) : "Fire on arrival" m_fDuration(string) : "Time limit (0 = no limit)" : "0" netname(string) : "Fire on timeout" //* This entity will be triggered regardless of how the sequence ends: //* by reaching the destination, by timing out, or by the sequence being //* triggered 'off' (which causes it to abort). m_iszTerminate(string) : "Fire at end, regardless" m_iPostDirection(choices) : "Direction afterwards" : 3 = [ 1: "Forwards" 3: "Stop" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 2: "Once only" : 0 //* The train will just move straight to the destination //* you specify, without trying to follow an existing path. 4: "Skip path" : 0 ] ] @PointClass iconsprite("sprites/speaker.spr") base(Targetname, MoveWith) = speaker : "Announcement Speaker" [ preset(choices) :"Announcement Presets" : 0 = [ 0: "None" 1: "C1A0 Announcer" 2: "C1A1 Announcer" 3: "C1A2 Announcer" 4: "C1A3 Announcer" 5: "C1A4 Announcer" 6: "C2A1 Announcer" 7: "C2A2 Announcer" // 8: "C2A3 Announcer" 9: "C2A4 Announcer" // 10: "C2A5 Announcer" 11: "C3A1 Announcer" 12: "C3A2 Announcer" ] message(string) : "Sentence Group Name" health(integer) : "Volume (10 = loudest)" : 5 spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Start Silent" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = target_cdaudio : "CD Audio Target" [ health(choices) : "Track #" : -1 = [ -1 : "Stop" 1 : "Track 1" 2 : "Track 2" 3 : "Track 3" 4 : "Track 4" 5 : "Track 5" 6 : "Track 6" 7 : "Track 7" 8 : "Track 8" 9 : "Track 9" 10 : "Track 10" 11 : "Track 11" 12 : "Track 12" 13 : "Track 13" 14 : "Track 14" 15 : "Track 15" 16 : "Track 16" 17 : "Track 17" 18 : "Track 18" 19 : "Track 19" 20 : "Track 20" 21 : "Track 21" 22 : "Track 22" 23 : "Track 23" 24 : "Track 24" 25 : "Track 25" 26 : "Track 26" 27 : "Track 27" 28 : "Track 28" 29 : "Track 29" 30 : "Track 30" ] radius(string) : "Player Radius" ] // // Triggers // //* Be careful when using this entity; it will trigger not only when the level starts, //* but also when a saved game is loaded. @PointClass base(Targetx) = trigger_auto : "AutoTrigger" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Remove On fire" : 0 //NEW 0.5 //* Tick here to have the trigger_auto's "activator" be the player. //* (Not for use in multiplayer levels.) 2 : "From Player" : 0 ] globalstate(string) : "Global State to Read" //NEW 0.3 triggerstate(choices) : "Trigger to send" : 2 = [ 0 : "Off" 1 : "On" 2 : "Toggle" 3 : "Kill" ] ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Master, MoveWith) = trigger_autosave : "AutoSave Trigger" [] //NEW 0.6 //* An entity that things bounce off. Set its Angle to specify the angle to reflect them in; //* objects already moving in this direction will be unaffected. (E.g. to make a trampoline, //* you would specify "up". Objects which are already moving upwards will be unaffected.) //* Try Factor = 2 and Minimum Speed = 150 to make a corridor which players can't run through, //* only walk slowly. (Something like the force-fields in Dune.) @SolidClass base(Trigger, TriggerCond, Angles, MoveWith) = trigger_bounce : "Bouncey area" [ //* Acts like friction - each bounce will be scaled up or down by this amount. //* (for instance, if the factor is 0.5, and you hit the trigger_bounce at 100 //* units/sec, you'll bounce off at 50 units/sec.) frags(string) : "Factor (0=stop, 1=perfect bounce)" : "0.9" //* If an object hits the trigger_bounce entity slower than this, then it'll //* go straight through. armorvalue(string) : "Minimum Speed" : "100" spawnflags(flags) = [ //* Tells the entity to reduce bounce speeds by the 'minimum speed' value. //* (for instance, if you hit the trigger_bounce at 100 units/sec, the Factor is //* 0.5 and the min.speed is 20, then you'll bounce off at 40 units/sec. 16: "Truncate Speed" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Targetx) = trigger_camera : "Trigger Camera" [ wait(integer) : "Hold time" : 10 moveto(string) : "Path Corner" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Start At Player" : 0 2: "Follow Player" : 0 4: "Freeze Player" : 0 ] speed(string) : "Initial Speed" : "0" acceleration(string) : "Acceleration units/sec^2" : "500" deceleration(string) : "Stop Deceleration units/sec^2" : "500" m_iszViewEntity(string) : "Entity to view from (blank = this)" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = trigger_cdaudio : "Trigger CD Audio" [ health(choices) : "Track #" : -1 = [ -1 : "Stop" 1 : "Track 1" 2 : "Track 2" 3 : "Track 3" 4 : "Track 4" 5 : "Track 5" 6 : "Track 6" 7 : "Track 7" 8 : "Track 8" 9 : "Track 9" 10 : "Track 10" 11 : "Track 11" 12 : "Track 12" 13 : "Track 13" 14 : "Track 14" 15 : "Track 15" 16 : "Track 16" 17 : "Track 17" 18 : "Track 18" 19 : "Track 19" 20 : "Track 20" 21 : "Track 21" 22 : "Track 22" 23 : "Track 23" 24 : "Track 24" 25 : "Track 25" 26 : "Track 26" 27 : "Track 27" 28 : "Track 28" 29 : "Track 29" 30 : "Track 30" ] ] //NEW 0.3 @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_changealias : "Trigger Change Alias" [ target(string) : "Alias to affect" netname(string) : "String to Set" spawnflags(flags) = [ //* If this is ticked, alias references in the "String to Set" will be resolved before any changes are //* applied. So, for example, suppose you set this entity up to affect an alias "alias1", and to set alias1 //* to target "*myalias". //* If "Resolve references" is left unticked, then "alias1" will change to refer to "*myalias"; that is, //* in future any changes to "myalias" will also change what "alias1" refers to. //* By contrast, if "Resolve references" is ticked, then "alias1" will change to refer to whatever "myalias" //* is referring to <u>at the time the trigger_changealias takes effect</u>. Future changes to "myalias" will //* therefore not affect "alias1". 1 : "Resolve references" : 0 2 : "Debug Mode" : 0 ] ] //NEW 0.5 @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_changecvar : "Change Console Variable" [ netname(string) : "CVar to change" message(string) : "Value to set" armorvalue(string) : "Duration (-1 = until triggered)" ] @SolidClass = trigger_changelevel : "Trigger: Change level" [ targetname(string) : "Name" map(string) : "New map name" landmark(string) : "Landmark name" changetarget(target_destination) : "Change Target" changedelay(string) : "Delay before change target" : "0" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "No Intermission" : 0 2: "USE Only" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_changetarget : "Trigger Change Target" [ target(string) : "Entity to affect [LE]" m_iszNewTarget(string) : "New Target [LE]" ] //NEW 1.0 //* A really bad idea, IMHO, but created by popular demand. //* Use at your own risk, and/or the risk of everyone else in the room. @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_changevalue : "Change any entity's values" [ target(string) : "Entity to affect [LE]" netname(string) : "Keyname to change" m_iszNewValue(string) : "New value to set" ] //NEW 0.5 @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_command : "Console Command" [ netname(string) : "Command String" ] //* While locked by its master, the trigger_counter _will_ keep counting when fired, //* but it won't fire anything itself. @SolidClass base(Trigger, MoveWith) = trigger_counter : "Trigger counter" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "No Message" : 0 ] count(integer) : "Count before activation" : 2 ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, MoveWith) = trigger_endsection : "EndSection Trigger" [ section(string) : "Section" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "USE Only" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = trigger_gravity : "Trigger Gravity" [ gravity(integer) : "Gravity (0-1)" : 1 ] //NEW 0.5 @SolidClass base(Targetname, Target, Master, MoveWith) = trigger_hevcharge : "Trigger charge hev" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Target Once" : 0 2: "Start Off" : 0 //* Usually, the HEV suit will comment on the new power level. 4: "Don't Speak" : 0 ] frags(integer) : "Charge Amount" : 10 delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" : "0" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Target, Master, MoveWith) = trigger_hurt : "Trigger player hurt" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Fire once" : 0 2: "Start Off" : 0 8: "No clients" : 0 16:"Only when fired" : 0 32:"Only on touch" : 0 ] dmg(integer) : "Damage" : 10 delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" : "0" damagetype(choices) : "Damage Type" : 0 = [ 0 : "GENERIC" 1 : "CRUSH" 2 : "BULLET" 4 : "SLASH" 8 : "BURN" 16 : "FREEZE" 32 : "FALL" 64 : "BLAST" 128 : "CLUB" 256 : "SHOCK" 512 : "SONIC" 1024 : "ENERGYBEAM" 16384: "DROWN" 32768 : "PARALYSE" 65536 : "NERVEGAS" 131072 : "POISON" 262144 : "RADIATION" 524288 : "DROWNRECOVER" 1048576 : "CHEMICAL" 2097152 : "SLOWBURN" 4194304 : "SLOWFREEZE" ] //NEW 0.7.1 cangib(choices) : "To gib or not to gib" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal" 1 : "Always gib" 2 : "Never gib" ] ] //NEW 0.5 @SolidClass base(Targetname, Master, TriggerCond, MoveWith) = trigger_inout : "Trigger: Activate on entering or leaving" [ target(string) : "Fire on entering" m_iszAltTarget(string) : "Fire on leaving" m_iszBothTarget(string) : "Fire on/off (entering/leaving)" ] @SolidClass base(Master, MoveWith) = trigger_monsterjump : "Trigger monster jump" [ speed(integer) : "Jump Speed" : 40 height(integer) : "Jump Height" : 128 ] //NEW 0.7.1 //* This replaces the trigger_setposition and trigger_setvelocity entities, which have //* been removed. Apologies for any inconvenience. //* If you want to control motion for a period of time, see @motion_manager. @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_motion : "Set the position and movement of an entity" [ target(target_destination) : "Target to affect [LE]" m_iszPosition(string) : "Position (blank = no change)" m_iPosMode(choices) : "Meaning of Position" : 0 = [ 0 : "Set new position [LP]" 1 : "Add offset [LV]" ] m_iszAngles(string) : "Angles (blank = no change)" m_iAngMode(choices) : "Meaning of Angles" : 0 = [ 0 : "Set new angle [LV]" 1 : "Rotate by [LV]" 2 : "Rotate by (Y Z X)" ] m_iszVelocity(string) : "Velocity (blank = no change)" m_iVelMode(choices) : "Meaning of Velocity" : 0 = [ 0 : "Set new velocity [LV]" 1 : "Add to velocity [LV]" 2 : "Rotate velocity by [LV]" 3 : "Rotate velocity (Y Z X)" ] m_iszAVelocity(string) : "AVelocity (blank = no change)" m_iAVelMode(choices) : "Meaning of AVelocity" : 0 = [ 0 : "Set new avelocity (Y Z X)" 1 : "Add to avelocity (Y Z X)" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Debug" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Trigger, TriggerCond, MoveWith) = trigger_once : "Trigger: Activate once" [ message(string) : "Text when triggered" noise(string) : "Sound when triggered" ] @SolidClass base(trigger_once) = trigger_multiple : "Trigger: Activate multiple" [ wait(integer) : "Delay before reset" : 10 ] //NEW 0.6 //* In fact, this should probably be called watcher_onsight. @PointClass base(Targetname, Master, MoveWith) = trigger_onsight : "Trigger when A sees B" [ //* Put the targetname of the entity whose eyes the trigger_onsight should look through. //* (if you want to trigger when the trigger_onsight itself sees something, i.e. //* simulating a security camera, put the name of the trigger_onsight.) netname(string) : "Looking entity (blank=player)" //* Leave this blank to have it trigger when something sees the trigger_onsight. //* You can also put a classname here, to trigger when the Looking Entity sees //* any entity of that class. message(string) : "Entity/classname to look at" target(string) : "Fire when seen" noise(string) : "Fire when no longer seen" noise1(string) : "Fire on/off (seen/not seen)" frags(string) : "View range (0=unlimited)" : "512" //* Currently, only the horizontal view will be checked. max_health(choices) : "Field of view (degrees)" : 90 = [ -1 : "(-1): Use monster's view" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ //* Don't check line of sight: i.e. it doesn't matter if there's something //* in the way. 1: "No LOS check" : 0 2: "Seethru glass" : 0 ] ] @SolidClass base(Trigger, MoveWith) = trigger_push : "Trigger player push" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Once Only" : 0 2: "Start Off" : 0 ] speed(integer) : "Speed of push" : 40 ] //NEW 0.3 //* Only affects dynamic (i.e. named) lights. @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_lightstyle : "Trigger Change Lightstyle" [ target(target_destination) : "Target to affect [LE]" style(choices) : "New Appearance" : 0 = [ 0 : "On" 13: "Off" 10: "Fluorescent flicker" 2 : "Slow, strong pulse" 11: "Slow pulse, noblack" 5 : "Gentle pulse" 1 : "Flicker A" 6 : "Flicker B" 3 : "Candle A" 7 : "Candle B" 8 : "Candle C" 4 : "Fast strobe" 9 : "Slow strobe" 12: "Underwater" 14: "Slow Fade In" 15: "Medium Fade In" 16: "Fast Fade In" ] pattern(string) : "Custom Appearance" m_iFade(string) : "Fade time" : 0 m_iWait(string) : "Hold time (-1 = permanent)" : -1 ] @PointClass base(Targetname, Targetx, Master) = trigger_relay : "Trigger Relay" [ //NEW 0.5 //* This field allows you to use the trigger_relay as a kind of conditional jump: it //* looks at its master, and does different actions based on the master's state. m_iszAltTarget(string) : "Target if locked by master" spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Remove On fire" : 0 //NEW 0.4 //* If you're trying to work out what's going wrong with your level, //* try ticking here and the relay will tell you when it triggers, etc. //* Here's a useful trick: make a trigger_relay with this field ticked, //* and give it the same name as an entity that you're interested in. //* The relay will then notify you whenever that entity gets triggered. 2: "Debug Mode" : 0 ] //NEW 0.4 triggerstate(choices) : "Trigger to send" : 2 = [ 0: "Off" 1: "On" 2: "Toggle" 4: "Kill" 5: "Same as input" //* I.e. when triggered ON, send OFF. And vice versa. 6: "Opposite of input" //* Setting this will cause the target momentary door to move to a particular position. 7: "Ratio (momentary doors)" ] //* Use this in combination with usetype Ratio, to trigger momentary doors. //* For example, sending 1.0 tells them to go fully //* open, 0.0 fully closed, and 0.5 half-way. message(string) : "Set ratio (blank = no change) [LR]" ] //* don't use. This is just a test entity. @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_rottest : "Trigger RotTest" [ target(target_destination) : "Marker ent" netname(target_destination) : "Reference ent" message(target_destination) : "Hinge ent" health(integer) : "Distance" : 5 armortype(integer) : "Angle Step" : 30 ] //NEW 0.6 @SolidClass base(Targetname, Master) = trigger_sound : "Brush-based DSP Sound" [ target(target_destination) : "Fire when activated" delay(string) : "Delay before trigger" : "0" killtarget(target_destination) : "KillTarget" roomtype(choices) : "Room Type" : 0 = [ 0 : "(Disable all filters)" 1 : "Generic (no filters)" 2 : "Metal Small" 3 : "Metal Medium" 4 : "Metal Large" 5 : "Tunnel Small" 6 : "Tunnel Medium" 7 : "Tunnel Large" 8 : "Chamber Small" 9 : "Chamber Medium" 10: "Chamber Large" 11: "Bright Small" 12: "Bright Medium" 13: "Bright Large" 14: "Water 1" 15: "Water 2" 16: "Water 3" 17: "Concrete Small" 18: "Concrete Medium" 19: "Concrete Large" 20: "Big 1" 21: "Big 2" 22: "Big 3" 23: "Cavern Small" 24: "Cavern Medium" 25: "Cavern Large" 26: "Weirdo 1" 27: "Weirdo 2" 28: "Weirdo 3" ] ] //NEW 0.2 //* Suggest to the specified monster that it should follow the given path. This is a low priority //* activity, superceded when it spots a player (for instance). //* (The same thing happens if you give the monster a "target".) @PointClass base(Targetname) = trigger_startpatrol : "Trigger Start Patrol" [ target(string) : "Target monster" m_iszPath(string) : "Patrol path start" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, Master, TriggerCond, MoveWith) = trigger_teleport : "Trigger teleport" [ target(target_destination) : "Destination entity" //NEW 0.6 message(target_destination) : "Landmark entity" //NEW 0.6 noise(target_destination) : "Fire on teleporting" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname) = trigger_transition : "Trigger: Select Transition Area" [] //NEW 0.3 //* A watcher watches an entity, waiting for it to be in a given state. The default behaviour is for //* the watcher to be 'On' if the watched entity is 'On', and to be 'Off' at all other times. //* The main use for a watcher is to fire another entity (the "entity to notify"), each time the //* watcher's state changes. @PointClass base(Targetname) = watcher : "State Watcher" [ m_iszWatch(string) : "Entity to watch [LE]" //* The watcher will revert to this state if the watched entity is killtargetted, or if it's a func_breakable which breaks. m_fLogic(choices) : "State if entity isn't found" : 0 = [ 0: "On" 1: "Off" ] //* This entity will be sent USE_ON or USE_OFF, as appropriate, whenever the watcher's state changes. target(target_destination) : "Target to notify" //* The bottom 5 flags are used to specify what states are being watched for. Default is to just watch for 'On'. spawnflags(flags) = [ //* If this is enabled, the watcher will notify its target with USE_TOGGLE, instead of sending ON or OFF. 1: "Send 'Toggle'" : 0 //* If this is enabled, the target won't be triggered when the watcher turns on. 2: "Don't Send On" : 0 //* If this is enabled, the target won't be triggered when the watcher turns off. 4: "Don't Send Off" : 0 8: "NOT 'On'" : 0 16: "'Off'" : 0 32: "'Turn On'" : 0 64: "'Turn Off'" : 0 128:"'In Use'" : 0 ] ] // NEW 1.0 // * Compare two entity references, and see if they're the same. // * For example, you could type "*myalias" as your first reference, // * and "bob" as the second. As long as the alias "myalias" refers to // * the entity "bob", the watcher will be active. The rest of the time // * it will be inactive. // * (If "bob" doesn't exist, it will also be inactive.) //@PointClass base(Targetname) = watcher_alias : "Watcher" //[ // m_iszEntityA(string) : "Entity A [LE]" // m_iszEntityB(string) : "Entity B [LE]" // m_iMode(choices) : "Type of comparison" : 0 = // [ // 0 : "On when A = B" // //* != means "not equal" // 1 : "On when A != B" // ] // target(string): "Fire on changing state" // netname(string): "Fire on turning on" // message(string): "Fire on turning off" // spawnflags(flags) = // [ // //* If this is set, one set of targets (on or off) will be fired, // //* as appropriate, when the level starts. // 1: "Fire at startup" : 0 // ] //] @PointClass base(Targetname) = watcher_count : "Watcher, entity count" [ noise(string) : "Count entities named..." impulse(integer) : "Comparison number" m_iMode(choices) : "Type of comparison" : 0 = [ 0 : "'On' when count = number" //* != means "not equal" 3 : "'On' when count != number" 1 : "'On' when count > number" 5 : "'On' when count >= number" 2 : "'On' when count < number" 4 : "'On' when count <= number" ] target(string): "Fire on changing state" netname(string): "Fire on turning on" message(string): "Fire on turning off" noise1(string): "Fire when count increases" noise2(string): "Fire when count decreases" spawnflags(flags) = [ //* If this is set, one set of targets (on or off) will be fired, //* as appropriate, when the level starts. 1: "Fire at startup" : 0 ] ] // NEW 1.0 // * Compare two ratios. //@PointClass base(Targetname) = watcher_ratio : "Watcher, compare ratios" //[ // m_iszRatioA(string) : "Ratio A [LR]" // m_iszRatioB(string) : "Ratio B [LR]" : "0.0" // m_iMode(choices) : "Type of comparison" : 0 = // [ // 0 : "'On' when A = B" // //* != means "not equal" // 3 : "'On' when A != B" // 1 : "'On' when A > B" // 5 : "'On' when A >= B" // 2 : "'On' when A < B" // 4 : "'On' when A <= B" // ] // target(string): "Fire on changing state" // netname(string): "Fire on turning on" // message(string): "Fire on turning off" // spawnflags(flags) = // [ // //* If this is set, one set of targets (on or off) will be fired, // //* as appropriate, when the level starts. // 1: "Fire at startup" : 0 // ] //] // // Weapons // @PointClass size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 64) color(0 128 0) = weaponbox : "Weapon/Ammo Container" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_357 : "357 Handgun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_9mmAR : "9mm Assault Rifle" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_9mmhandgun : "9mm Handgun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_crossbow : "Crossbow" [ sequence(choices) : "Placement" : 0 = [ 0 : "Normal (flat)" 1 : "Realistic (tilted)" ] ] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_crowbar : "Crowbar" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_egon : "Egon Gun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_gauss : "Gauss Gun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_glock : "9mm Handgun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_handgrenade : "Handgrenade Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_hornetgun : "Hornet Gun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_mp5 : "9mm Assault Rifle" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_rpg : "RPG" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_satchel : "Satchel Charge Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_shotgun : "Shotgun" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = weapon_snark : "Squeak Grenade" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) size(-16 -16 -5, 16 16 27) = weapon_tripmine : "Tripmine Ammo" [] @PointClass base(Weapon, Targetx, RenderFields) = world_items : "World Items" [ type(choices) :"types" : 42 = [ 42: "Antidote" 43: "Security Card" 44: "Battery" 45: "Suit" ] ] // // Xen // @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields) size(-8 -8 0, 8 8 32 ) = xen_hair : "Xen Hair" [ spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Sync Movement" : 0 ] ] @PointClass base(Target, Targetname, Angles, RenderFields) size(-48 -48 0, 48 48 32 ) = xen_plantlight : "Xen Plant Light" [] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields) size(-90 -90 0, 90 90 220 ) = xen_spore_large : "Xen Spore (large)" [] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields) size(-40 -40 0, 40 40 120 ) = xen_spore_medium : "Xen Spore (medium)" [] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 64 ) = xen_spore_small : "Xen Spore (small)" [] @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields) size(-24 -24 0, 24 24 188 ) = xen_tree : "Xen Tree" []