Gameinfo.txt/Transmissions: Element 120

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From: Transmissions: Element 120

"GameInfo" { // version 1.05 gamelogo 1 game "Transmissions: Element 120" title "" // title "T R A N S M I S S I O N S" // title2 "- E L E M E N T 1 2 0 -" type singleplayer_only developer "Shokunin" developer_url "" icon "resource/e120" "FileSystem" { "SteamAppId" "218" "ToolsAppId" "211" "SearchPaths" { "game" "|gameinfo_path|." "game" "|all_source_engine_paths|episodic" "game" "episodic" "game" "hl2" "game" "ep1" "game" "ep2" "game" "|all_source_engine_paths|hl2" } } }