Fix Missing Player Animations

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Note.pngNote:This article only applies to the Source Multiplayer Source 2009 Multiplayer SDK.

By default, the Source 2009 SDK includes source code that makes several calls to swimming animations that do not yet exist with the current Half-Life 2: Deathmatch player animations. As a result, whenever water goes above a player's waist, the models go into their reference pose.

To fix this issue, open 🖿multiplayer_animstate.cpp and in the bool CMultiPlayerAnimState::HandleSwimming( Activity &idealActivity ) function,


idealActivity = ACT_MP_SWIM;

idealActivity = ACT_MP_RUN;

Now, whenever water goes up to a player's waist, the code will call for the Half-Life 2: Deathmatch run animation, which is a good alternative because it already exists and makes the player look like they are swimming and wading through the water.