DMX model
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Note:All names are case sensitive.
The DMX model format replaces Studiomdl Data. This article describes version 18.

These features require DMX:
- 1
- Source 2007
- Source 2009
- Half-Life 2
- Source SDK Base Singleplayer 2013
- Source SDK Base Multiplayer 2013
- 15
- Left 4 Dead
- Left 4 Dead 2
- 18
- Alien Swarm
- Source MP
- Portal 2
- Source Filmmaker
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Legacy version)
// A "DAG" is a node in a Directed acyclic graph, constructing the scene hierarchy.
// It appears here in order to transform its child objects.
// It can take the place of a DmeMesh, DmeJoint or DmeAttachment at any time.
class DmeDag
DmeTransform transform; // used by SFM to store the *current* position of the dag.
// Studiomdl only reads this value if nothing is found in DmeModel::baseStates::DmeTransformList.
bool visible;
DmeDag children[]; // child nodes of the dag. never seen used (Compatibility with DmeModel?)
// One of the following:
CUtlString name; // of a DmeJoint
DmeMesh shape;
DmeAttachment shape;
class DmeJoint : DmeDag // a bone
DmeTransform transform; // used by SFM to store the *current* position of the bone.
// Studiomdl only reads this value if nothing is found in DmeModel::baseStates::DmeTransformList.
void shape; // only seen empty
bool visible;
DmeJoint children[];
bool lockInfluenceWeights;
class DmeTransformList
DmeTransform transforms[]; // contains one element for each bone and mesh. Elements are matched according to name.
class DmeTransform
Vector position;
Quaternion orientation;
class DmeModelRoot
// model and skeleton should point to the same object
DmeModel model;
DmeModel skeleton;
DmeCombinationOperator combinationOperator; // flex controllers; optional
class DmeModel // one per file
bool visible;
DmeDag children[];
DmeJoint jointList[];
DmeTransformList baseStates[]; // defines bone and mesh positions; only ever seen with one value
class DmeAttachment : DmeDag // an attachment
bool visible;
bool isRigid; // apparently obsolete?
bool isWorldAligned; // does not move with parent bone, but is still positioned relative to it
class DmeMesh : DmeDag
bool visible;
void bindState; // only seen empty
DmeVertexData currentState; // pointer to default baseState
DmeVertexData baseStates[]; // only ever seen with one value
DmeVertexDeltaData deltaStates[]; // flex shapes
DmeFaceSet faceSets[];
Vector2D deltaStateWeights[]; // unknown
Vector2D deltaStateWeightsLagged[]; // unknown
class DmeVertexData // mesh data
CUtlString vertexFormat[]; // { positions, normals, textureCoordinates, [jointWeights, jointIndices, balance] }
int jointCount; // most bones any one vert is weighted to; max 3 (studiomdl errors on compile otherwise)
bool flipVCoordinates; // left-handed to right-handed?
// The first array contains one entry per vertex.
// The second "Indices" array contains one entry one entry per vertex /per face/.
Vector positions[];
int positionsIndices[];
Vector normals[];
int normalsIndices[];
Vector2D textureCoordinates[];
int textureCoordinatesIndices[];
// Flex controller stereo split; optional
float balance[]; // 0 = 100% right, 1 = 100% left.
int balanceIndices[];
// Weightmapping; optional. The size of BOTH arrays is equal to ( sizeof(positions) * jointCount )
float jointWeights[]; // weight
int jointIndices[]; // index in DmeModel::jointList (v15+) or DmeModel::jointTransforms (v1-14)
class DmeFaceSet // defines a set of faces with a given material
DmeMaterial material; // the material these faces are drawn with
int faces[]; // the indices of the vertices that make up each face, delimited by -1. Quads and *convex* n-gons allowed.
class DmeMaterial // a material
CUtlString mtlName; // path relative to \game\materials\, no extension
class DmeVertexDeltaData // a shape key
CUtlString vertexFormat[]; // positions, normals, [wrinkle]
bool flipVCoordinates; // unknown
bool corrected; // unknown
Vector3 positions[]; // offset: (shape position) - (mesh position)
int positionsIndices[]; // index in DmeMesh::currentState::positions
Vector3 normals[]; // offset: (shape normal) - (mesh normal). For corrective shapes "base" is the mesh plus target shapes.
int normalsIndices[]; // index in DmeMesh::currentState::normals
float wrinkle[]; // wrinkle scale. +1 means full compress, -1 means full stretch.
int wrinkleIndices[]; // index in DmeMesh::currentState::textureCoordinates
- For corrective shapes, values for
should be calculated with all target shapes applied to the mesh. - It's
, notwrinklesIndices
Flex controllers
class DmeCombinationOperator // flex controller global settings
DmeCombinationInputControl controls[];
Vector controlValues[]; // rest position for L/R values
Vector controlValuesLagged[]; // lerp factor for changes to the values (if usesLaggedValues == true)
bool usesLaggedValues; // value changes are not instant, but "lagged" (lerp between values - enabled by default in SMD)
DmeCombinationDominationRule dominators[]; // list of domination rules to use
DmeMesh targets[]; // mesh with shapes on, or DmeFlexRules in some old DMX files
class DmeCombinationInputControl // a flex controller
CUtlString rawControlNames[]; // which controls are being wrapped
bool stereo; // equivalent to QC 'split'
bool eyelid; // flags as an eyelid used by AI for blinking
float wrinkleScales[]; // records the scale used to generate wrinkle data; not read by studiomdl
float flexMin;
float flexMax;
class DmeCombinationDominationRule // Disables certain shapes (NOT controllers) when others are active
CUtlString dominators[];
CUtlString supressed[];
class DmeFlexRules // shape key pre-processing. Insert at DmeCombinationOperator::targets.
DmeFlexRule deltaStates[]; // mixed type
Vector2 deltaStateWeights[];
DmeMesh target; // mesh with the shapes on
// In flex rules, the element name must match the name of a DmeVertexDeltaData element on the target DmeMesh.
// It does NOT specify values of controllers.
class DmeFlexRule
float result;
class DmeFlexRuleExpression : DmeFlexRule // Seems to be replaced with "DmeFlexRule" in older versions of DMX?
float result;
CUtlString expression; // +-/() with min, max & sqrt. Flex controller names can be included too, as long as their names don't have spaces!
// L/R split controllers either have the left_ or right_ prefix, or a L or R suffix.
class DmeFlexRulePassThrough : DmeFlexRule // No expression required, shapes are controlled like normal
float result;
class DmeModelRoot
DmeModel skeleton;
DmeAnimationList animationList;
class DmeAnimationList
DmeChannelsClip animations[];
class DmeChannelsClip
DmeTimeFrame timeFrame;
Colour color; // SFM only
CUtlString text; // SFM only
bool mute; // SFM only
int frameRate; // typically 30
DmeTrackGroup trackGroups[]; // SFM only
DmeChannel channels[]; // two for each bone: position and rotation
class DmeTimeFrame
DmeTime_t start; // no apparent effect, use offset
DmeTime_t duration; // length in seconds...framerate is NOT adjusted
DmeTime_t offset; // remove this many seconds from the start (can be negative)
float scale; // frameRate multiplier
class DmeChannel
// this format is shared with Source Filmmaker, so has support for animating generic properties.
// Studiomdl only cares about bones though.
CDmxElement fromElement; // TODO: what should this be?
CUtlString fromAttribute;
int fromIndex;
CDmxElement toElement; // ordinarily a DmeTransform used by the target bone
CUtlString toAttribute;
int toIndex;
int mode; // Recording mode for channel - unused by studiomdl.
// One of:
DmeQuaternionLog log[];
DmeVector3Log log[];
// etc
class DmeQuaternionLog // also DmeVector3Log etc.
DmeQuaternionLogLayer layers[];
CDmxElement curveinfo;
bool usedefaultvalue;
Quaternion defaultvalue;
class DmeQuaternionLogLayer // also DmeVector3LogLayer etc.
// only frames where the bone moves need to be given
// unlike SMD, sparse keyframes are supported
DmeTime_t times[];
int curvetypes[]; // keyframe interp in SFM
Quaternion values[];
This list will inevitably be incomplete. Only versions known about by the public are listed. Format changes generally relate to Source Filmmaker, not Studiomdl.
- Introduction of
attribute type. - Renamed "durationTime" to "duration"
- Renamed "offsetTime" to "offset"
- Added "jointList" alongside "jointTransforms"