Customizable triggered HUD-message

message mytexthere
input on game_text.There's an entity to display HUD-messages called game_text with various properties to define which, where and how to display text. But it's missing one possibility which could be very handy: you can't define the message via a triggered input.
That means, if several in-game messages are needed, like "the door has opened", "someone shot the sheriff", etc which are triggered by entities via their outputs, many "game_text" entities need to be created. This can lead to a huge number of "game_text" entities which can only cause problems later on.
The class CGameText, to which the game_text-entity is linked, is defined in dlls/maprules.cpp. To enhance the CGameText, just inherit from it and add an additional input to it, providing the text to be shown. Usually one would include a header (maprules.h) in your cpp and define the new class there, but unfortunately it's empty, which makes it harder to enhance it in a clean way.
The easier way is to include the new class in maprules.cpp and hope it won't get changed too much by future SDK-updates:
Find the end of the data description for CGameText and append this, the comments should be sufficient:
class CGSGameText : public CGameText { public: // that's right, we're inheriting from CGameText DECLARE_CLASS(CGSGameText, CGameText); DECLARE_DATADESC(); // this function handles the triggered input void InputDisplayText( inputdata_t &inputdata ); }; // the entity is called "mm_game_text" LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( mm_game_text, CGSGameText ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CGSGameText ) // the parameter of the input-function is a string DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_STRING, "DisplayText", InputDisplayText ), END_DATADESC() void CGSGameText::InputDisplayText( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { // the baseclass already defines a memberfunction to set the // message-text (CGameText::MessageSet), we just call it MessageSet( STRING(inputdata.value.StringID()) ); // and show the message Display( inputdata.pActivator ); }
To use the entity in hammer, The following additions to your *.fgd need to be added:
@PointClass base(game_text) iconsprite("editor/game_text.vmt") = mm_game_text : "An entity that displays customized text on player's screens." [ input DisplayText(string) : "Display this message text." ]
All that is needed is to create that entity (mm_game_text) in a map, customize it as though it were the entity game_text and link as many different outputs to it as needed.
This tutorial was originally from, and modified for the Valve Developer Community to adhere to the wiki standards.