Portal - Tutorial - Piston Panels

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Portal Level Creation

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This guide will show you how to create Piston Panels. These are one of the most seen objects in Portal.

Warning.pngWarning: This guide is incomplete. As of right now, it is recommended that you don't follow this guide.

The Hole

First, make sure you have a hole the area you want to put a piston in. The hole should be at least 64 and 128 units long in width, length or height. Texture the sides of the hole with metal/metalwall061f.

Piston Hole

Piston Pit

Orange brush

Create a 128w*128w*16h with the nodraw texture. Texture the visible face with lights/light_orange001

Orange Brush

Piston Pit Walls

Create two 16w*128l*128h brushes and 128w*16l*128h brushes with the nodraw texture.

Change the texture of all visible faces to metal/metalwall_bts_006b_gradient. Use the Face Edit Sheet dialog and set its rotation to 180, realign the texture if necessary.

Create two 16w*128l*112h brushes and 128w*16l*112h brushes with the nodraw texture.

Change the texture of all visible faces to metal/metalwall_bts_006b and put these brushes on top of the other 2 brushes.

Wall brushes

Piston Pit Grate

Create 2 32w*128l*1h brushes and 2 64w*32l*1h brushes with the nodraw texture. Set the front face texture to /metal/metalgrate018.

Create a 64w*64l*1h brush the nodraw texture. Set the front face texture to metal/metalgrate018c.

Position these brushes right below the beginning of the brushes that create the hole entrance. Remember to tie these to a func_detail.


See also