UserCmd strings
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This modification allows a mod to send messages from the client to the server without using commands. This allows for a more secure method of communication from the client to the server. A possible implementation would be with VGUI Screens.

#include "baseplayer_shared.h" before memdbgon.h
Note how WriteUsercmd only writes data if there is a delta (change). Notice how the count is tested, the data is then sent, and all of the saved data is then purged. This means only delta data will be sent.
At the end:
#ifdef CLIENT_DLL CBasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = CBasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); byte count = pLocalPlayer->GetUserDataCount(); if(count) { buf->WriteOneBit( 1 ); buf->WriteByte(count); for(byte x=0;x<count;x++) { buf->WriteString(pLocalPlayer->GetUserData(x)); } pLocalPlayer->ClearUserData(); } else { buf->WriteOneBit( 0 ); } #endif
void ReadUsercmd( bf_read *buf, CUserCmd *move, CUserCmd *from, CBasePlayer *pPlayer /*= NULL*/ )
At the end:
if( buf->ReadOneBit() ) { int count = buf->ReadByte(); for(int x=0;x<count;x++) { bool bOverflow = false; char *cmd = buf->ReadAndAllocateString(&bOverflow); Assert(!bOverflow); #ifndef CLIENT_DLL Assert(pPlayer); pPlayer->EvaluateUserData(cmd); #endif delete cmd; } }
//Forward declaration. class CBasePlayer; void ReadUsercmd( bf_read *buf, CUserCmd *move, CUserCmd *from, CBasePlayer *pPlayer = NULL );
Changes to gameinterface.cpp
ReadUsercmd( buf, to, from, pPlayer );
- protected
CUtlLinkedList<const char *, byte> m_UserData
stores all of the data to send (The player should never have to send over 255 strings for 1 usercmd). - public
void AddUserData(const char *pNewData)
adds data to send. - public
byte GetUserDataCount(void)
. - public
const char *GetUserData(byte index)
. - public
void ClearUserData(void)
. See strdup to make sure you don't accidentally get any null pointers.
- public
void EvaluateUserData(const char *pData)
evaluates what to do with the command stored in pData.