Category talk:HL2DM level design

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HL2DM Elements

Besides the megacharger, are there any other elements that exist in hl2dm? Maybe the headcrab cannister strike counts as one? --Mandrew (talk) 16:17, 14 April 2022 (PDT)

Another thing I'm not sure of is if we should use maps that are not lockdown, overwatch, runoff, and maybe steamlab. The rest of the maps were not created by Valve but rather they won from a certain contest. Steamlab was created by an individual Valve employee so should we count that as official? Steamlab had its own soundscapes as well. One very last note is that all the Valve-made maps besides steamlab are modifications of already existing hl2 maps. --Mandrew (talk) 17:10, 14 April 2022 (PDT)

Well when compared to TF2 and CS:GO having a large part of the official map pool consisting of community maps then it would warrant the maps added to the Game in Updates for HL2DM. --GaijinViking 17:33, 14 April 2022 (PDT)

Custom map types?

There are hundreds of Puzzle and Cooperative maps made for HL2DM. Could we add how we can create those types of maps? I know they aren't official, however, some level creation pages for certain games teach you how to create unofficial content so adding it to this page wouldn't deviate. --Mandrew (talk) 18:37, 14 April 2022 (PDT)