CS:GO Panorama Events
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January 2024

January 2024
Event | Panel Event | Description |
AddItemToCart(js_raw_arg itemID)
No | Add an itemid to tournament store shopping cart |
AddStyle(string class)
Yes | Add a CSS class to a panel. |
AddStyleToEachChild(string class)
Yes | Add a CSS class to all children of this panel. |
AsyncEvent(float delay, event eventToFire)
No | Fire another event after a delay (in seconds). |
No | Fires we want to blur the operation panel |
CapabilityPopupIsOpen(js_raw_arg bActive)
No | User is using the name tag or opening a case, or stickering. Using one of the capabilites |
No | Fired when accept match popup Closes. |
No | Closes Operation Hub |
CloseSubMenuContent(js_raw_arg no args)
No | Closes up the submenu panel |
No | Update state from survival gamerules |
CSGOHudFreezePanelSetFlair(string xuid, int32 skillgroup)
No | Display flair image and medal text for the given player xuid (and skillgroup) |
CSGOHudShowTeamEquipment(bool bool)
No | Show/hide equipment for the current team |
No | Open the steam overlay browser to the CSGO Steam workshop page |
CSGOShowTeamSelectMenu(bool bool)
No | Show or hide the team select menu. |
CSGOShowTeamSelectMenu_Test(string mockdata string)
No | Show the team select menu with mock data passed in. |
No | Triggered by app when the user's workshop subscriptions are updated |
DemoPlaybackControl(string string, float float)
No | Control demo playback |
Yes | Drop focus entirely from the window containing this panel. |
FilterStoreCouponsDisplay(js_raw_arg action)
No | Filter displayed coupons |
FriendInvitedFromContextMenu(js_raw_arg xuid)
No | Invite friend from the playercard. Make the invite anim show immediately instead of waiting for the callback which can take a long time. |
HideContentPanel(js_raw_arg no args)
No | Hide all the content panels and show the default home dashboard |
HideMainMenuNewsPanel(js_raw_arg no args)
No | Hides the main menu news panel |
No | Hide this popup in inventory |
No | Fired to hide the store panel. |
HudWinPanelShowEvent(int32 reason for which the panel is shown)
No | Fired when hud win panel is shown. |
IfHasClassEvent(string class, event eventToFire)
Yes | Fire another event if this panel has a given class. |
IfHoverOtherEvent(string otherPanelID, event eventToFire)
Yes | Fire another event if currently hovering over a panel with the given ID. |
IfNotHasClassEvent(string class, event eventToFire)
Yes | Fire another event if this panel does not have a given class. |
IfNotHoverOtherEvent(string otherPanelID, event eventToFire)
Yes | Fire another event if not currently hovering over a panel with the given ID. |
InitAvatar(js_raw_arg xuid, js_raw_arg type of panel)
No | Update the avatar panel data for a xuid |
InitializeTournamentsPage(js_raw_arg tournament ID)
No | Loads the layout for a given tournament for active tournament tab |
InventoryItemPreview(js_raw_arg itemId)
No | Shows a preview for an inventory based item using the itemid |
LocalPlayerTeamChanged(uint64, int32, int32)
No | Fired when the local player switches to a valid team. |
LootlistItemPreview(js_raw_arg itemId)
No | Shows a preview for an lootlist based item using the itemid |
Yes | Fired when user views new settings. |
No | Go to the settings screen |
MainMenuTabShown(js_raw_arg tabid)
No | Alert main menu tabs when they are shown, in case there is a data update required |
MovePanelDown(int32 repeatCount)
Yes | Move down from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently. |
MovePanelLeft(int32 repeatCount)
Yes | Move left from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently. |
MovePanelRight(int32 repeatCount)
Yes | Move right from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently. |
MovePanelUp(int32 repeatCount)
Yes | Move up from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently. |
NavigateToTab(js_raw_arg tab name, js_raw_arg xml name, js_raw_arg If its a tab, js_raw_arg if you should add to stack)
No | Closes up the submenu panel |
OnNewChatEntry(class panorama::IUIPanel * panel, string snippet name)
No | Dispatched when a new chat entry is added to the main menu chat body. |
OpenInventory(js_raw_arg no args)
No | Opens the inventory menu from any location. |
OpenPlayMenu(js_raw_arg no args)
No | Opens the play menu from any location. For example from party menu settings button within the client |
OpenSidebarPanel(js_raw_arg auto close)
No | Open the sidebar from a button click from any location. |
OpenWatchMenu(js_raw_arg no args)
No | Opens the watch menu from any location. |
No | Scroll the page down once. |
No | Scroll the page left by once. |
Yes | Scroll the panel down by one page. |
Yes | Scroll the panel left by one page. |
Yes | Scroll the panel right by one page. |
Yes | Scroll the panel up by one page. |
No | Scroll the page right once. |
No | Scroll the page up once. |
Yes | Cast a NO vote for the currently active vote issue |
Yes | Cast a YES vote for the currently active vote issue |
PanoramaGameTimeJumpEvent(float time jump delta in seconds)
No | Fired when game time jump occurs usually for replay jumping back in time. |
PlayerTeamChanged(uint64, int32, int32)
No | Fired when a player switches to a valid team. |
No | Fired when a player switches to a valid team, but does so less frequently. |
PromptShowSelectItemForCapabilityPopup(js_raw_arg titletxt, js_raw_arg msgtxt, js_raw_arg capability, js_raw_arg itemid, js_raw_arg itemid2)
No | Show popup in Inventory before dispatching ShowSelectItemForCapabilityPopup |
No | Make the active list get the items in it |
RefreshPickemPage(js_raw_arg tournamentID)
No | Refresh Pickem data based on tournamentID |
RemoveItemFromCart(js_raw_arg itemID)
No | Remove an item of this id from the tournament store shopping cart |
RemoveStyle(string class)
Yes | Remove a CSS class from a panel. |
RemoveStyleFromEachChild(string class)
Yes | Remove a CSS class from all children of this panel. |
Scoreboard_ApplyPlayerCrosshairCode(js_raw_arg xuid)
Yes | Fired to handle confirmation popup when copying player crosshair codes |
No | Toggle avatar anonymity |
No | Cycle the stats. |
No | Toggle voice_enable |
No | Cancel Music Kit borrowing |
No | Scroll the panel down by one line. |
No | Scroll the panel left by one line. |
Yes | Scroll the panel down by one line. |
Yes | Scroll the panel left by one line. |
Yes | Scroll the panel right by one line. |
Yes | Scroll the panel up by one line. |
No | Scroll the panel right by one line. |
Yes | Scroll this panel to the bottom. |
Yes | Scroll this panel to the top. |
No | Scroll the panel up by one line. |
No | Fired when the server starts a countdown to force the local player on a team. |
SetChildPanelsSelected(bool selected)
Yes | Set whether any child panels are :selected. |
Yes | Set focus to this panel. |
SetPanelEnabled(bool enabled)
Yes | Sets whether the given panel is enabled |
SetPanelSelected(bool selected)
Yes | Set whether this panel is :selected. |
SettingsMenu_NavigateToSetting(js_raw_arg category, js_raw_arg settingPanelID)
No | Takes cateogry eg "GAME" or "KBMOUSE" and contained setting ID, opens that category and scrolls to the settting matching the id. |
ShowAcceptPopup(js_raw_arg popup)
No | Fired when accept match popup is shown. |
ShowAcknowledgePopup(js_raw_arg updatetype, js_raw_arg itemid)
No | show acknowledge popup, also takes params for when an item is updated but does not need to be acknowledged like after using a nametag |
ShowActiveTournamentPage(js_raw_arg tab to show id)
No | Opens active tournament page in the watch panel |
ShowCenterPrintText(string utf8 message string, enum CCenterPrint::EPriority)
No | Display the string in the center of the hud. |
ShowCompass(bool bool)
No | Show or hide the panel. |
ShowContentPanel(js_raw_arg no args)
No | Show a content panel |
ShowDeleteItemConfirmationPopup(js_raw_arg itemid)
No | When a user is trying to delete an item from inventory |
ShowLoadoutForItem(js_raw_arg slot)
No | subslot |
ShowResetMusicVolumePopup(js_raw_arg itemid)
No | When a user is trying to equip a musickit but has thier music volume off from inventory |
ShowSelectItemForCapabilityPopup(js_raw_arg capability, js_raw_arg itemid, js_raw_arg itemid2)
No | Show popup in Inventory that allow you to select a second item for a capability that requires 2 items |
ShowStoreStatusPanel(string text:string, bool allowclose:bool, bool cancel:bool, string okCmd:string)
No | Fired to show the store panel. |
No | Show tournament store popup |
No | Popup the passes in the tournament store |
No | Show trade up panel |
ShowUseItemOnceConfirmationPopup(js_raw_arg itemid)
No | When a user is trying to use an item from inventory that can be used once |
No | Show vote context menu in pause menu |
ShowXrayCasePopup(js_raw_arg toolid)
No | caseId |
SidebarContextMenuActive(js_raw_arg bActive)
No | Let the sidebar panel know if a context menu is active on a section of it. |
SidebarIsCollapsed(js_raw_arg bActive)
No | Is sidebar collapsed. |
Yes | Spectate a particular player |
StartDecodeableAnim(js_raw_arg no args)
No | tells the decode panel to play the animation |
No | Notify that user has closed stream panel |
SurvivalBuyEvent(int32 bool)
No | Buy event. |
No | Update state from survival gamerules |
SurvivalShowPlayerRemainingCounter(bool bool)
No | Show or hide the spawn panel. |
SurvivalShowSpawnSelect(bool bool)
No | Show or hide the spawn panel. |
SurvivalShowSpawnSelectForRespawn(float starttime endtime, float)
No | Show spawn select for the local player only. |
No | Update state from survival gamerules |
SwitchStyle(string slot, string class)
Yes | Switch which class the panel has for a given attribute slot. Allows easily changing between multiple states. |
No | Failed to join the team we requested. |
Yes | Toggle whether this panel is :selected. |
ToggleStyle(string class)
Yes | Toggle whether a panel has the given CSS class. |
Tournaments_RequestMatch(js_raw_arg matchId)
No | Request match jso as string by match id |
Tournaments_RequestMatch_Response(js_raw_arg matchString)
No | Return match jso as string |
TriggerStyle(string class)
Yes | Remove then immediately add back a CSS class from a panel. Useful to re-trigger events like animations or sound effects. |
No | Fires when other popup panels close to unblur the operation panel |
UpdateSelectItemForCapabilityPopup(js_raw_arg capability, js_raw_arg itemid, js_raw_arg bSelected)
No | Update this popup in inventory |
No | Update trade up panel |