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asw_gamerules is a point entity available in Alien Swarm Alien Swarm. Alien Swarm: Infested game rules


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Speedrun time (speedruntime) <integer>
Speed run time in seconds. Players must complete the mission within this time to unlock Uber mode.
Speedrun time singleplayer (speedruntimesp) <integer>
Speed run time in seconds. Players must complete the mission within this time to unlock Uber mode.
Jump Jet and Blink path finding (jumpjettype) <choices> (only in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop)
This setting controls which nodes marine can do jump jet to. Before jumping server builds a route to destination node. If route exists and is valid then jump is performed. Use ai_show_connect to see ground links, ai_show_connect_jump to see ground and jump links. asw_debug_blink. Ground routes only(0) player can only jump on the node which is nearest to mouse position and there is a ground route to this node not blocked by closed doors or brushes. Ground and jump routes(1) same as (0) but 'jump links' between nodes are considered valid for building routes, so players can jump over a hole or steep. Allow jump everywhere(2) just allows to jump on any surface or prop, but not on a surface which is inside a playerclip or clip brush. Make sure you cover non jumpable areas with playerclip brushes. Jump no matter what(3) finds the nearest node to mouse position and jumps to it. The jump will always be performed no matter what. Used for survival maps where jumping saves lives.
  • 0 : "Ground routes only"
  • 1 : "Ground and jump routes"
  • 2 : "Allow jump everywhere"
  • 3 : "Jump no matter what"
Camera Rotation (allowcamerarotation) <choices> (only in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop)
Allow players to rotate the camera using rotatecameraleft and rotatecameraright.
  • 0 : "Deny rotation"
  • 1 : "Allow rotation"


SetTutorialStage <integer> (only in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop)
reset the tutorial to a different spawn; only works on the tutorial level
AddPoints <integer> (only in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop)
Award points to the players. Only works if the mission is in progress and the mission overview is tagged with 'points'.
ModifyDifficulty <integer> (only in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop)
Modify the mission difficulty level during gameplay. This does NOT affect health for already-spawned aliens. Normal difficulty is 5, brutal is 13. Only works if the mission is in progress. Difficulty level cannot go below 2 or above 10 million.
MarineFinishedMission <targetname> (only in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop)
Mark a marine as having finished the mission independely of their team, for speedrun leaderboards.


OnDifficulty <integer> (only in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop)
On mission start, 1=Easy, 2=Normal, 3=Hard, 4=Insane, 5=Brutal
OnOnslaught <integer> (only in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop)
On mission start, 0=Normal, 1=Onslaught
OnFriendlyFire <integer> (only in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop)
On mission start, 0=Normal, 1=Hardcore
OnChallenge <string> (only in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop)
On mission start, the challenge filename or 0 for no challenge.
TotalPoints <integer> (only in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop)
Called when score changes
MissionDifficulty <integer> (only in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop)
Called when computed mission difficulty changes. Not to be confused with OnDifficulty.