Valve Developer Community:About

From Valve Developer Community
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The Valve Developer Community is a site built by and for all users of the Source engine SDK. Because the site is a wiki, any member can edit the site's content simply by clicking the 'edit' tab near the top of any page. Whether you have a short contribution or would like to add whole new sections, please treat this site as an open forum.

This site will hopefully remain:

  • The definitive and the most comprehensive source of information on using the Source engine.
  • A discussion platform on which members cover any and all ideas related to game development and Valve technology


Wikipedia, the most popular wiki on the Internet, has an excellent tutorial on how to use their site. The Valve Developer Community is built using the same software (MediaWiki), so much of their tutorial applies to the use of this site, too.

As with all pages on the site, please feel free to contribute to the Help page, if you have anything to add.

Terms of use

For more information, please see the Terms of Use page.


For more information about Valve, please visit the company website -