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This is a draft template page. It is a work in progress open to editing by anyone.
Remember to check for any notes left by the tagger at this article's talk page.
Todo: Finish this template and adding more software to the list. Remove anything from Source 1 and put Source 2 only stuff.
English (en)Deutsch (de)Esperanto (eo)Español (es)Français (fr)Suomi (fi)Hrvatski (hr)Magyar (hu)Italiano (it)日本語 (ja)한국어 (ko)Nederlands (nl)Polski (pl)Português (pt)Português do Brasil (pt-br)Русский (ru)Slovenčina (sk)Svenska (sv)Türkçe (tr)Українська (uk)Tiếng Việt (vi)中文 (zh)中文(臺灣) (zh-tw)
Icon-translate.png Available doc translations
Template:Sdktools/source2/doc/eo priiga paĝo ne ekzistas.
Se nenio antaŭen ĉi mesaĝo, plej ŝance la priigo ne ekzistas eĉ en angla.
This template uses a strings subpage
Please follow the format on this subpage(s) to add translations.
Note.pngNoto:This template is currently work in progress. We are currently removing all Source 1-only tools on this list.
Note.pngNoto:This template uses a space " " between "•". If you need to add separation, you can copy this:  • 




See also