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This template is used to list the games that are available for purchase or download as part of its packages/bundles.

Copy and paste

List of games included in a package

{{Package | name = <!-- Package name --> | image = <!-- (Optional) Package covers --> | id = <!-- Package ID --> | url = <!-- <package (default)/sub (default)/bundle/bundles> - This is used to switch the URLs, if the packages was located somewhere else. --> | list = <!-- Put the game/software template here. Example below: --> * {{hl2|4}} * {{hl2ep1|4}} * {{hl2ep2|4}} * {{portal|4}} * {{tf2|4}} }}

List of packages that include this game

{{Package | packages = <!-- Put the game/software template here. Example below: --> * {{tob|4}} * {{pcc|4}} * [[Package: Valve Complete Pack|Valve Complete Pack]] }}

Parameters and Examples

Parametar Opis Value Previews
{{{name}}} Package name.
| name = Valve Complete Pack
{{{id}}} Package ID.
| id = 232
{{{url}}} Switch the URLs. Use this if the package was located somewhere else.
For example, Valve Complete Pack was located in http://store.steampowered.com/bundles/232 instead of http://store.steampowered.com/sub/232.
| url = bundle
{{{image}}} (Optional) Package cover.
| image = Package Cover - Valve Complete Pack.jpg
{{{list}}} List of games on this package. Don't forget to add bullets "*".
| list = *{{hl2|4}}
{{{unavailable}}} Makes the template text switch to unavailable text.
| unavailable = true
{{{packages}}} List of packages that include this game. Don't forget to add bullets "*".
| packages = *[[Package: Valve Complete Pack]]