Template:Non-valve engine

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  • {{{1}}} - Message to display; accepts the following:
    • engine
    • game
    • valve game
    • valve subsidiary game
    • licensed game
    • grandfathered
  • {{{2}}} - Additional text to display
  • {{{nocat}}} - Prevent adding page to Category:Non-valve engines


{{non-valve engine}}

Info icon
This page documents information about an engine not developed by Valve, or a third-party game running on a non-Valve engine. This information is documented here because it has technical and/or historical relevance to Valve's engines.

{{non-valve engine|engine}}

Info icon
This page documents information about an engine not developed by Valve. This information is documented here because it has technical and/or historical relevance to Valve's engines.

{{non-valve engine|game}}

Info icon
This page documents information about a third-party game running on a non-Valve engine. This information is documented here because it has technical and/or historical relevance to Valve's engines.

{{non-valve engine|valve game}}

Info icon
This page documents information about a Valve game which runs on a non-Valve engine.

{{non-valve engine|valve subsidiary game}}

Info icon
This page documents information about a game running on a non-Valve engine, of which the game was developed by a studio whom has since been acquired by Valve.

{{non-valve engine|licensed game}}

Info icon
This page documents information about a third-party game which is based upon Valve's Wikipedia icon intellectual property and has been officially licensed by Valve.

{{non-valve engine|grandfathered}}

Info icon
This page documents information about a third-party game or which is distributed on Steam but is not related to Valve's games, engines, or Wikipedia icon intellectual property. Nonetheless, it has existed on this wiki for a long time, and is being kept in the meantime due to having a significant amount of information.