Template:Game prepurchase
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Available doc translations

This game is available for prepurchase.
View this game on Steam application or on store page (web browser) to purchase the game.
View this game on Steam application or on store page (web browser) to purchase the game.

Stranica s dokumentacijom Template:Game prepurchase/doc/hr ne postoji.
Umjesto toga bit će prikazana engleska dokumentacija koju možete prevesti pomoću Google Prevoditelja (ili sličnog softvera). Ako nakon ove poruke nema ničega, najvjerojatnije dokumentacija ne postoji niti na engleskom jeziku.
Umjesto toga bit će prikazana engleska dokumentacija koju možete prevesti pomoću Google Prevoditelja (ili sličnog softvera). Ako nakon ove poruke nema ničega, najvjerojatnije dokumentacija ne postoji niti na engleskom jeziku.
Syntax: {{game prepurchase|appid=<game appid>}}
Put {{game prepurchase|appid=<game appid>|sys=true|win=true|mac=true|linux=true|note=<insert text here>}}
to show all supported systems (Win, Mac, Linux + SteamOS).
Example below:

This game is available for prepurchase.
View this game on Steam application or on store page (web browser) to purchase the game.
Systems that was known to be supported by the developer (may subject to change):
Linux +
Notice: This is an example text.
View this game on Steam application or on store page (web browser) to purchase the game.
Systems that was known to be supported by the developer (may subject to change):

Notice: This is an example text.