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This entity is Obsolete. Its use is discouraged, and it may only exist/function in older engine branches.
Class hierarchy

info_ambient_mob_start is a point entity available in Left 4 Dead 2 Left 4 Dead 2. This entity sets the starting point for an "ambient infected mob", which likely is coded incompletely. Through a code dump, an "ambient infected mob" would've spawned at this entity, then use an info_ambient_mob_end as a "destination point".

In official maps, all ambient mob starting and ending positions are always out of bounds.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Uses in official maps

The following maps have sets of info_ambient_mob_start and info_ambient_mob_end.

  1. A floor above Kappels near the beginning of the map. ambient_mob_01
  2. A floor above in the area before entering the maintenance corridors (this eventually leads to the alarm-mall-onslaught). ambient_mob_02
  1. An unreachable pit way behind the shack, right after the ferry and before entering the multi-pathway high walkways with a gator sign entrance. swamp1_mob
  2. Facing towards the gator entrance, the pits are located way in the back, completely unreachable. swamp2_mob
  3. Facing towards the saferoom, the set is located again in a hidden, unreachable pit to the right. swamp3_mob
  1. When exiting the saferoom and facing towards the direction of the escape_route, the set is located in an unreachable area to the left behind the insurmountable obstacles, such as fencesambient_mob_01
  2. A small set located in the "background environment" beyond the orange plastic fences. This is right before the first shantytown has ended. ambient_mob_02
  3. This is almost like an extension of ambient_mob_02, where it wraps around the unreachable area that is guided by the escape route when reaching the battlefield for the panic event for the second cluster of buildings in shantytown. ambient_mob_03
  4. When facing in the direction of the escape route, the final shack in the panic event before reaching an area without buildings, but before the outhouse. The set is way to the left in an unreachable area. ambient_mob_05
  1. At the end of the map, before the entrance to the park in the next map (c5m2_park). The set covers the entire area. mob_1
  2. Hidden behind the truck before entering the café kitchen. Start is located on an upper floor and wraps down to the End that is near the white truck. mob_2
  3. Hidden in area beyond the large blocking metal fences next to the bar where the jukebox is. They are far behind areas that cannot be seen or navigated, such as a green fence and obscured by a building next to the green fence. mob_3
In this map, info_ambient_mob_start and end sets are not used. info_ambient_mob is used frequently instead. No targetnames are used.
  1. In area with the entrance to the sewers. The set is by the white van and follows along the metal barriers seen before entering the area from the building. amob1
  2. Near the first trailer encountered in this map, right after dropping down from the bus that blocks the street. amob2
  3. In area left of the second trailer encountered before entering the final building that leads to the area with the sewer entrance. amob3
  1. At end of the strip of road behind survivors in unreachable area blocked by high metal walls/fences, having to fall down to in the beginning of map. This area is before entering "The Jazz Club" street1_mob
  2. In the same strip of road, but in the middle and on the right. It is an unreachable area that survivors will never see. street2_mob
  3. At another strip of road encountered finishing the class panic event (after getting health items near the dynamic light). The entity set is similar to number 1, as the set is located behind high metal walls/fences, behind the survivors. street3_mob

See also