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Adds a table, but actually adds a table.

Note.pngNote:Work is suspended. It seems that the creator of the template has done everything that is needed, but the template can still change a lot in the future.
Todo: Make the documentation better.

Parameters and Examples

Parameter Description Example
{{{1}}} or {{{text}}} Yout text.
{{Table|Hello, World!}}
{{Table|text = Hello, World!}}


{{{caption}}} Table caption.
{{Table|caption = Hello, World!}}


{{{id}}} Element ID. Useful for linking to a specific part of the page.
{{Table|id = my_id}}
[[My Sweet Page#my_id|My sweet page]]
{{{class}}} Custom HTML class.
{{Table|class = myClass}}
{{{style}}} Custom CSS (prepared styles are also planned).
{{Table|style = background-image:linear-gradient(0deg, white, black)}}


{{{caption indent}}} [Todo]
{{Table|caption indent = 1em 2em 3em 4em}}
{{{caption indent:top}}} [Todo]
{{Table|caption indent:top = 1em}}
{{{caption indent:right}}} [Todo]
{{Table|caption indent:right = 2em}}
{{{caption indent:bottom}}} [Todo]
{{Table|caption indent:bottom = 3em}}
{{{caption indent:left}}} [Todo]
{{Table|caption indent:left = 4em}}
{{{width}}} The width of the cell.
{{Table|width = 30%}}
{{{bgcolor}}} Background color.
{{Table|bgcolor = rgb(255 255 255)}}
{{{radius}}} The radius of the cell border.
{{Table|radius = 8px 2px 4px 8px}}
{{{align}}} Table alignment. Available values:
  • center
  • right
{{Table|align = right}}
{{{font-size}}} Font size.
{{Table|font-size = 1.5em}}

Ready-made table code

{{Table | align = center | caption = <span style="user-select:none"> [[File:ValveEmployee.png|link = Valve]] </span> | caption indent:bottom = 1em | {{tr | {{th|radius=3px 0 0 0| Header 1 }} {{th| Header 2 }} {{th|radius=0 3px 0 0| Header 3 }} }} {{tr | {{td| Cell 1 }} {{td| Cell 2 }} {{td|rowspan=2| Cell 3 }} }} {{tr | {{td|colspan=2|bgcolor=#303030| Cell 4 }} }} {{tr | {{td|radius=0 0 0 3px| Cell 6 }} {{td|colspan=2|bgcolor=#303030|radius=0 0 3px 0| Cell 7 }} }} }}