Talk:Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs/Keyvalues

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progress quirks and oversights

BaseEntity keyvalues not covered here:

  • speed (m_flSpeed) (used on entities such as func_door. this will be documented individually, per-entity's use of it.)
  • renderfx (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • renderamt (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • rendermode (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • rendercolor (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • modelindex (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • max_health (m_iMaxHealth) (covered on AI_BaseNPC. other entities that use it will probably do so individually.)
  • health (m_iHealth) (covered on AI_BaseNPC. other entities that use it will probably do so individually.)
  • target (m_target) (covered on AI_BaseNPC. remainders individual.)
  • damagefilter (covered on BaseAnimating.)
  • solid (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • shadowcastdist (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • TeamNum (m_iInitialTeamNum) (will be covered individually by entities which use it.)
  • teamnumber (m_iTeamNum) (spotted in Alien Swarm datamap. will be covered individually by entities which use it.)
  • model (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • basevelocity (m_vecBaseVelocity) (covered on AI_BaseNPC. will also be covered for projectiles in some way? remainders will be individual.)
  • avelocity (m_vecAngVelocity) (covered on AI_BaseNPC. will also be covered for projectiles in some way? remainders will be individual.)
  • waterlevel (covered on AI_BaseNPC. also used by player. nothing else uses this probably?)
  • gravity (only used by player.)
  • friction (non-functional leftover from GoldSource. will not be noted.)
  • velocity (m_vecVelocity) (covered on AI_BaseNPC. will also be covered for projectiles in some way? remainders will be individual.)
  • texframeindex (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • [Todo]view_ofs (used only on players, maybe NPCs as well. needs more testing.)
  • fademindist (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • fademaxdist (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • fadescale (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • addon (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • MoveType (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • CollisionGroup (covered on BaseAnimating)
  • [Todo]pendingteamnumber (spotted in Counter Strike Global Offensive datamap. decision on where to put it not made. probably only used on players?)

all datamaps have been checked. Pinsplash (talk) 04:03, 3 August 2018 (UTC)

Things here may been outdated, but should clarify thataddonis no longer on Template:KV_BaseAnimating, and has been removed from the template 2 years ago since ficool2 found out it isn't implemented. Won't go on to correct all the other things here though. --Orin (talk) 23:50, 16 April 2021 (PDT)

Condensing this for real pages somehow

Its a bigger issue with Template:KV_BaseAnimating, but this template is more tidy 'n convenient for experiments like this IMO.

Here's the issue: Some keyvalues shown here are not always useful in regulsr scenarios, but then these keyvalues can't be entirely omitted either. This results in bloated sections in the actual entity pages.

Idea is to gear this template for condensation on actual entity pages (show / remind only really important things like targetname), but still have something accessible for the uncommon keyvalues. - Orin (talk) 13:56, 17 September 2021 (PDT)