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Talk:Ending a Portal map

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Like people have discussed in other pages like this, the Theory section isn't necessary. The page is just fine without it; people can just follow the tutorial, create a map, then find out for themselves what the theory is. --Nathaniel 15:03, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

Semi-redundant page?

It may just be me, but this technique to end a game shouldn't just be titled for Portal maps. Sure, it's the same technique used when ending bonus maps in Portal, but can be used in other games. All it really does is fade the screen then quits. Might be self-explanatory to even novice Hammer users. --Mattshu 21:35, 1 March 2011 (UTC)

It might be more useful if we add information regarding challenges and the bonusmap accessor entity (forget its exact name). Thelonesoldier 21:38, 1 March 2011 (UTC)