Point message fix for multiplayer
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January 2024
This guide will show you how to change the point_message
entity in a Source 2013 Multiplayer mod, to work for multiple players.
- A decent understanding of C++.
- A simple understanding of how network entities work in the Source engine.
With that out of the way, lets get started!
Modifying the base.fgd file
In order for some code to work later, we need to add an origin to the point_message entity. If we do not do this, the text will always be on the ground. If you are not using your own custom base.fgd file, you can find the default one in steamapps/common/Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer/bin.
- Open the base.fgd file with your text editor of choice, such as Notepad++
- Use the search utility of your text editor to find point_message.
It should look like this:
@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = point_message :
"An entity that displays a text message in the world, at its origin."
spawnflags(flags) =
1: "Start Disabled" : 0
message(string) : "Entity Message"
radius(integer) : "Show message radius" : 128 : "Distance the player must be within to see this message."
developeronly(choices) : "Developer Only?" : 0 : "If set, this message will only be visible when developer mode is on." =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
// Inputs
input Enable(void) : "Start displaying the message text, if the player is within the message radius."
input Disable(void) : "Stop displaying the message text."
Under the line
radius(integer) : "Show message radius" : 128 : "Distance the player must be within to see this message."
add the following.
messageorigin(origin) : "Origin (X,Y,Z)"
That is all you need to do the the base.fgd.
Optionally you can change the
message(string) : "Entity Message"
line to
message(string) : "Entity Message" : "" : "Max of 128 characters!"
This will come up in hammer and will warn users of the maximum character limit we will set later. You can change the limit however if you want more or less characters.
This is what the point_message entity in the base.fgd file should look like completed.
@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = point_message :
"An entity that displays a text message in the world, at its origin."
spawnflags(flags) =
1: "Start Disabled" : 0
message(string) : "Entity Message" : "" : "Max of 128 characters!"
radius(integer) : "Show message radius" : 128 : "Distance the player must be within to see this message."
messageorigin(origin) : "Origin (X,Y,Z)"
developeronly(choices) : "Developer Only?" : 0 : "If set, this message will only be visible when developer mode is on." =
0 : "No"
1 : "Yes"
// Inputs
input Enable(void) : "Start displaying the message text, if the player is within the message radius."
input Disable(void) : "Stop displaying the message text."
Modifying the server side message_entity code
We need to make some changes to the default message_entity code.
- Open up your games.sln solution, and search in the solution explorer for message_entity.cpp
- Open the file up and look for the line
DECLARE_CLASS(CMessageEntity, CPointEntity);
- Under it add the following
This will set the class up for networking.
Towards the top of the file under
add the following forward declaration
void DrawMessageEntities();
This will prevent a compilation error.
- Now find the line
- Under it add the following lines
CNetworkString(m_szMessageText,128); CNetworkVar(bool, m_drawText); CNetworkVar(Vector, m_vecTextOrigin); CNetworkVar(int, m_radius);
These are the values that will be sent to and received by the client.
You will now need to comment out some old declarations for some of the variables like so
//int m_radius;
string_t m_messageText;
//bool m_drawText;
bool m_bDeveloperOnly;
bool m_bEnabled;
Now we need to set up the server side data-table.
Under the line
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(point_message, CMessageEntity);
Add the following
IMPLEMENT_SERVERCLASS_ST(CMessageEntity, DT_MessageEntity)
Next we need to add a keyfield for the origin point we added.
Under the line
DEFINE_KEYFIELD(m_bDeveloperOnly, FIELD_BOOLEAN, "developeronly"),
Add the following line
DEFINE_KEYFIELD(m_vecTextOrigin, FIELD_VECTOR, "messageorigin"),
Moving along, we now need to modify the Think method of the entity.
void CMessageEntity::Think(void)
and replace the whole method so it looks like this
void CMessageEntity::Think(void)
SetNextThink(gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f);
Q_snprintf(m_szMessageText.GetForModify(), sizeof(m_szMessageText), "%s", STRING(m_messageText));
This will copy the text from the entity in the level into a char array which we can then transmit to the client.
Now find
void CMessageEntity::DrawOverlays(void)
and replace the whole method to look like this
void CMessageEntity::DrawOverlays(void)
if (m_bDeveloperOnly && !g_pDeveloper->GetInt())
m_drawText = false;
if (!m_bEnabled)
m_drawText = false;
m_drawText = true;
All we need to tell the client is whether or not the entity is enabled or not.
The client will handle when to draw the text when the player is close enough.
Lastly inside
void CMessageEntity::Spawn(void)
and under
m_bEnabled = !HasSpawnFlags(SF_MESSAGE_DISABLED);
Add the following line
This will make it so the entity is created on the client side.
That is all we need to do on the server side. Now it is time to create the client side entity.
Creating the client side entity
Now we need to create the client side entity.
- In the solution explorer, open the Client drop down.
- The open the Source Files drop down.
- Right click on the Source Files filter and click add -> New item
- Select C++ File and call it c_message_entity. c_ is to say that it is a client side entity.
- Click add and the file should automatically open.
- Copy and paste the following code into the file. Read the comments if you want to know what is going on.
#include "cbase.h" #include "c_baseentity.h" // Needed so we can derive from it. #include "engine/ivdebugoverlay.h" // Needed so there is not an undefined type error class C_MessageEntity : public C_BaseEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS(C_MessageEntity, C_BaseEntity); DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS(); // Declare that we are a client class, and that there should be a corrispoding server class void ClientThink() override; // Override ClientThink so we can modify it void OnDataChanged(DataUpdateType_t type) override; // Same with on data changed public: char m_szMessageText[128]; // Variables which will be allocated values which are being recieved from server. bool m_drawText; // You can modify the size of m_szMessageText on both ends to increase/decrease character count Vector m_vecTextOrigin; int m_radius; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(point_message, C_MessageEntity); IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT(C_MessageEntity, DT_MessageEntity, CMessageEntity) // Implement client class data table. It is important that the values are sent and recieved in the same order. RecvPropString(RECVINFO(m_szMessageText)), RecvPropBool(RECVINFO(m_drawText)), RecvPropVector(RECVINFO(m_vecTextOrigin)), RecvPropInt(RECVINFO(m_radius)), END_RECV_TABLE() extern IVDebugOverlay* debugoverlay; // Get and external instance of debugoverlay. Let the linker figure out where it is. void C_MessageEntity::OnDataChanged(DataUpdateType_t type) // This is important. It is called when data is changed, or in our case as soon as we load onto the server. { BaseClass::OnDataChanged(type); SetNextClientThink(CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS); // We need this so we can start this entity thinking. This will make it think until the level is shutdown. } void C_MessageEntity::ClientThink() { BaseClass::ClientThink(); if (m_drawText) // Only draw text if enabled { if (UTIL_PlayerByIndex(GetLocalPlayerIndex())) // Get the local player { C_BasePlayer* LocalPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(GetLocalPlayerIndex()); // Assign the local player to a variable so it is easier to work with. Vector worldTargetPosition = LocalPlayer->EyePosition(); // Get the players position if((worldTargetPosition - GetAbsOrigin()).Length() <= m_radius) // Check whether the player within range or not { debugoverlay->AddTextOverlayRGB(m_vecTextOrigin,0,0,255,255,255,255,m_szMessageText); // Draw text on screen } } } }
You can create a custom filter if you want, if you want to better organise your source files.
That is everything set up. You will need to create a map with hammer with a point_message entity in it.
Build both the Client and Server projects and then launch the game. Loading a map with a point_message entity in it, you should see that it turns on and off at certain distances.
This has been tested to work with multiple players on a Source SDK 2013 multiplayer mod.
This is the completed server side code in message_entity.cpp
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "basecombatweapon.h"
#include "explode.h"
#include "eventqueue.h"
#include "gamerules.h"
#include "ammodef.h"
#include "in_buttons.h"
#include "soundent.h"
#include "ndebugoverlay.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "entitylist.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Spawnflags
void DrawMessageEntities();
// Purpose:
class CMessageEntity : public CPointEntity
DECLARE_CLASS(CMessageEntity, CPointEntity);
void Spawn(void);
void Activate(void);
void Think(void);
void DrawOverlays(void);
virtual void UpdateOnRemove();
void InputEnable(inputdata_t& inputdata);
void InputDisable(inputdata_t& inputdata);
CNetworkString(m_szMessageText, 128);
CNetworkVar(bool, m_drawText);
CNetworkVar(Vector, m_vecTextOrigin);
CNetworkVar(int, m_radius);
//int m_radius;
string_t m_messageText;
//bool m_drawText;
bool m_bDeveloperOnly;
bool m_bEnabled;
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(point_message, CMessageEntity);
IMPLEMENT_SERVERCLASS_ST(CMessageEntity, DT_MessageEntity)
DEFINE_KEYFIELD(m_messageText, FIELD_STRING, "message"),
DEFINE_KEYFIELD(m_bDeveloperOnly, FIELD_BOOLEAN, "developeronly"),
DEFINE_KEYFIELD(m_vecTextOrigin, FIELD_VECTOR, "messageorigin"),
// Inputs
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC(FIELD_VOID, "Disable", InputDisable),
static CUtlVector< CHandle< CMessageEntity > > g_MessageEntities;
// Spawn
void CMessageEntity::Spawn(void)
SetNextThink(gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f);
m_drawText = false;
m_bDeveloperOnly = false;
m_bEnabled = !HasSpawnFlags(SF_MESSAGE_DISABLED);
//m_debugOverlays |= OVERLAY_TEXT_BIT; // make sure we always show the text
// Purpose:
void CMessageEntity::Activate(void)
CHandle< CMessageEntity > h;
h = this;
// Purpose:
void CMessageEntity::UpdateOnRemove()
CHandle< CMessageEntity > h;
h = this;
// Think
void CMessageEntity::Think(void)
SetNextThink(gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f);
Q_snprintf(m_szMessageText.GetForModify(), sizeof(m_szMessageText), "%s", STRING(m_messageText));
void CMessageEntity::DrawOverlays(void)
if (m_bDeveloperOnly && !g_pDeveloper->GetInt())
m_drawText = false;
if (!m_bEnabled)
m_drawText = false;
m_drawText = true;
// Purpose:
void CMessageEntity::InputEnable(inputdata_t& inputdata)
m_bEnabled = true;
// Purpose:
void CMessageEntity::InputDisable(inputdata_t& inputdata)
m_bEnabled = false;
// This is a hack to make point_message stuff appear in developer 0 release builds
// for now
void DrawMessageEntities()
int c = g_MessageEntities.Count();
for (int i = c - 1; i >= 0; i--)
CMessageEntity* me = g_MessageEntities[i];
if (!me)
Please let me know of any issues on the discussion page of this topic.