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The Demoman's eyeball, using the EyeRefract shader.
Alyx's eyeball in Episode Two, using the obsolete Eyes shader.
A vortigaunt's largest eye. The iris covers its entire surface.
This article is about the QC property of $model. For the shaders used to render the eyes, see EyeRefract and Eyes.  For the tool, see qc_eyes.

Eyeball is a property of $model. It defines the data needed to properly render a character's eyes, defining the name, positioning, size and material of the eyeball.


Tip.pngTip:The qc_eyes tool can help you manage the potentially confusing string of numbers needed for this command.
Name of eyeball, used to match eyelid rules. For humans, use righteye and lefteye.
The bone which the eye is parented to, typically the head.
<X> <Y> <Z>
World location of the center of the ball of the eye. While your eye doesn't need to be a sphere in the model, Source will always map the material according to an invisible ball.
Material of the eye. Make sure each or every eye has a unique one. It is recommended to use a material using the EyeRefract shader.
Width of the eyeball when viewed from the front. Used to prevent the iris from rolling inside the head.
Note.pngNote:Doesnt seem to take any effect since the Y axis of the eyes overrides this feature
Todo:  Further testing
Default yaw offset (from directly forward) for the iris. Humans are typically 2-4 degrees wall-eyed. Not setting this correctly will result in either your characters appearing cross-eyed, or if you've compensated by misplacing the ball of the eye, them not tracking side to side. Should be a negative value for the left eye, and a positive value for the right eye.
Material used as the iris texture. (This property is deprecated)
Scale of the iris texture. The model's UV map does not influence the eye material in any way.
Todo: While this is true for EyeRefract, is this also true for the Eyes shader?


Hover your mouse over each value for its description.

$model female_01 "female_01_reference_RE"
	eyeball righteye ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1 -1.261 -3.702 64.974 eyeball_r 1 4 pupil_r 0.66

See also