Configuring Hammer++ for Half-Life: Source

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This guide is about configuring Hammer++ for Half-life: Source


1. Install Hammer++ Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer to your Half-Life 2/bin directory AND DONT OPEN IT, IT WOULD LEAD TO BAD CONFIG IF YOU CONFIGURE IT RIGHT NOW 2. Edit HL:S's gameinfo so in between of hashdcontent 1 and FileSystem lines you have GameData "halflifesource.fgd" and InstancePath "<SteamLibraryDir>\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2\hl1\maps\mapsrc\instances"

It Should look something like this:

Note.pngNote:"GameData" is needed for instances to work(Also in regular Hammer).


Note.pngNote:"InstancePath" is an absolute path to your instance folder.
Note.pngNote:halflifesource.fgd must be placed into Half-Life 2/bin folder.


See also