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VRAD ran but map lighting won’t update

Oddly, one possibility has nothing to do with your map. There may be updates waiting, either for the game (including assets) or for Steam. If your lighting won’t work or light changes aren’t showing in game but Compiled fine, then SAVE, and close hammer, game, and steam. --Ninjaofsauce (talk) 18:07, 25 January 2021 (PST)

Issues and Questions

Is it the current state that -rederror does not work in Expert Compile mode? --wisemx 06:49, 16 Sep 2005 (PDT)

Rederror only works in a commandprompt style compile...since hammer's compile log is crap, it doesn't work there —Ts2do 14:23, 16 Sep 2005 (PDT)

is there any documentation to VRAD? - Unknown

What kind of documentation? What would you want to find out? --Andreasen 06:12, 24 Sep 2007 (PDT)
"Vrad needs a CPU with SSE extensions or it will crash otherwise. E.g. the classic AMD Athlon CPU's do not have SSE."
- Unknown

Is this true? --Andreasen 06:12, 24 Sep 2007 (PDT)

Ah damn i seriously thought i copied it down somewhere else. I feel so bad about that sorry bro.--Gear 11:52, 24 Sep 2007 (PDT)


What's -nossprops do? It can be seen in source 2007 binaries.gcf in hl2/scripts/mapautocompile.txt

Disables self-shadowing on static props, at a guess. --TomEdwards 11:07, 29 March 2009 (UTC)

In L4D2, auto loaded map light files (mapname.rad) don't appear to actually work. VRAD doesn't load the files, no matter whether they are in the same directory as an addon's addoninfo.txt (as one site I saw said) or the directory where L4d2's gameinfo.txt is (as this article says). Also, overlays and props don't cast light on the world even if the same material does cast light when it's placed on a brush; one solution is to put the material on one face of a func_illusionary that's set to Don't Render, with nodraw on the other faces. --Dyne 15:32, 16 May 2010 (UTC)

lights.rad noshadow

Does the 'noshadow' parameter in a lights.rad file only apply to materials that are applied to model and not world geometry? This seems to be the case through several tests of mine, but the article doesn't specify one way or another (like it does for forcetextureshadow). --RabidMonkey 22:37, 26 October 2010 (UTC)