Source Statistics Community

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The Source Statistics Community is an upcoming project, an idea by CrabbyData & Dutchmega.

What is it?

Source Statistics Community or the SSC will be a global statistics-system for the Source Engine. It is available for all mods and HL2DM, CS:S and DOD:S. It will feature for each mod and server extended statistics, like kills, frags, at how many servers played, favorite server of a player, average round-length at a CS:S server and more. Custom statistics will also be possible, for mods who have an unusal points-system.

How to use it?

The SSC is actually a server-plugin, with support for HL2DM, CS:S and DOD:S. Mods will have to register at the website and add a special password in their code to prevent other mods influencing the statistics. Events will be used to send data to the serverplugin.

How to view the stats?

The statistics will be viewable at a website, where you can see statistics for each player, server and mod.


  • 03-06: Changed the name to Source Statistics Community. I don't want the illusion that the project is of Valve.
    Also started coding at the SSC