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Version Converter

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Note.pngNote:This tutorial was written for XBLAH's Modding Tool XBLAH's Modding Tool v1.18.2. Please be aware that subsequent updates might have introduced alterations in terminologies, introduced novel features, or reorganized certain elements within the interface.
PCF Version Converter

Generated particle files will have different formats depending on the base game. These files can be converted to a compatible file format with XBLAH's Modding Tool XBLAH's Modding Tool.

Accessing the feature

This can be accessed within the tool through Custom IconTop Menu > Particles > Version Converter.

Converting the PCF to a compatible file format

Select the original PCF file by clicking the Browse button button.

It will show the file format of the original file. The suggested new file format for the selected game will be automatically selected. If it's not what it should be, select the correct one.

Click the Convert button and choose the file name of the converted file to save the modified file.

Supported Games

See also