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About Me

Interloper staff, HaloMods staff, retired Halo2 Xbox Modder, overall computer modding and hardcore(shooter) gamer. I map, code, and can do other stuff in the Source engine if I'm bored enough.


Fixing env_projectedtexture(dynamic lighting)

Env_projectedtextures allow for self-shadows, shadow-receivers, and properly oriented and proportioned shadows. Two of these entities are currently being used in this scene.
A very small scene demonstrating a env_projectedtexture with the "framebuffer fix", "Clipping fix" and "Grain fix". The depth texture resolution is set at 4096 and the grain/filter is at 1. Created with Hammer using only stock Half-life 2 content.

Pages by me

Dynamic interactions

Contact Me

Steam: Gary (Best way to contact me)

Useful Links

Links to my stuff