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Available doc translations

Stranica s dokumentacijom Template:Tlc/doc/hr ne postoji.
Umjesto toga bit će prikazana engleska dokumentacija koju možete prevesti pomoću Google Prevoditelja (ili sličnog softvera). Ako nakon ove poruke nema ničega, najvjerojatnije dokumentacija ne postoji niti na engleskom jeziku.
Umjesto toga bit će prikazana engleska dokumentacija koju možete prevesti pomoću Google Prevoditelja (ili sličnog softvera). Ako nakon ove poruke nema ničega, najvjerojatnije dokumentacija ne postoji niti na engleskom jeziku.
This template was ported from a template from Wikipedia. It was originally at Template:Tlc. The original authors of this template are shown on the template's edit history page.
This template's documentation was also ported from Wikipedia, originally from Template:Tlc/doc. The original authors of the documentation are shown on the documentation's edit history page.
Wikipedia's text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
This template's documentation was also ported from Wikipedia, originally from Template:Tlc/doc. The original authors of the documentation are shown on the documentation's edit history page.
Wikipedia's text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Similar to {{Tl2}} (aka {{T}}), but without any links added.