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HTML table header with prepared style.

Parameters and Examples

Parameter Description Example
{{{1}}} or {{{text}}} Your text.
{{th|Hello, World!}}
{{th|text = Hello, World!}}


{{{id}}} Element ID. Useful for linking to a specific part of the page.
{{th|id = my_id}}
[[My Sweet Page#my_id|My sweet page]]
{{{class}}} Custom HTML class.
{{th|class = myClass}}
{{{colspan}}} Specifies values for the HTML attribute colspan.
{{th|colspan = 2}}
{{{rowspan}}} Specifies values for the rowspan HTML attribute.
{{th|rowspan = 4}}
{{{style}}} Custom CSS (prepared styles are also planned).
{{th|style = background-image:linear-gradient(0deg, white, black)}}


{{{width}}} The width of the cell.
{{th|width = 30%}}
{{{bgcolor}}} Background color.
{{th|bgcolor = rgb(255 255 255)}}
{{{radius}}} The radius of the cell border.
{{th|radius = 8px 2px 4px 8px}}
{{{select}}} Specifies the value for the CSS property user-select.
{{th|select = all}}
{{{align}}} Text alignment.
{{th|align = right}}
{{{font-size}}} Font size.
{{th|font-size = 1.5em}}
{{{color}}} Text color.
{{th|color = #893GVS}}

See also