Template:Organization category

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Icon-translate.png Available doc translations
Stranica s dokumentacijom Template:Organization category/doc/hr ne postoji.
Umjesto toga bit će prikazana engleska dokumentacija koju možete prevesti pomoću Google Prevoditelja (ili sličnog softvera). Ako nakon ove poruke nema ničega, najvjerojatnije dokumentacija ne postoji niti na engleskom jeziku.
Ovaj predložak koristi niz podstranicu
Za dodavanje prijevoda slijedite format na ovoj podstranici.
Todo: Clamp avatar size to 180x180.
Note.pngNapomena:Work is suspended.
Note.pngNapomena:At the moment, the template is very simple.


  • {{{name}}}} - The name of the organization. If specified, the template will find all the necessary images and display buttons for switching between organization categories.
  • {{{filename}}} - A short name in case files cannot use the full name due to system restrictions.
  • {{{text}}}} - Your text.
  • {{{cover opacity}}} - Cover opacity.
  • {{{avatar format}}} - Overwrites PNG to JPG for avatar. It is needed for cases when you consider JPG more preferable.


To add any translations, visit the /strings page.


{{Organization category|name = Valve}}

Organizations are under development!
Organization Cover - Valve.jpg