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This template is designed to be used in comparison tables.


  • {{{1}}} – The first unnamed parameter overrides the displayed text;
  • {{{align}}} – Overrides the alignment of the text in the table cell;
  • {{{style}}} – Override any style attributes of the table cell.


class = standard-table
Table Cell Wikitext Result
{{No}} Ne
{{No|Text}} Text
{{No|[[Main Page]]}} Main Page
{{No|align=left}} Ne
{{No|style=color:#FFF}} Ne
class = wikitable
Table Cell Wikitext Result
{{No}} Ne
{{No|Text}} Text
{{No|[[Main Page]]}} Main Page
{{No|align=left}} Ne
{{No|style=color:#FFF}} Ne
no class
Table Cell Wikitext Result
{{No}} Ne
{{No|Text}} Text
{{No|[[Main Page]]}} Main Page
{{No|align=left}} Ne
{{No|style=color:#FFF}} Ne

See Also

Table Cell Wikitext Result Indicates... Color Code
{{Yes}} Da positive #385038
{{No}} Ne negative #503838
{{N/A}} N/B not applicable or
not available
{{Both}} Oba multiple possibilities #383850