Template:Ent not in fgd

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The Template:Ent not in fgd/doc/zh-tw documentation page does not exist.
English documentation will be displayed instead, which you can translate using Google Translate (or similar software). If there is nothing after this message, most likely the documentation does not exist even in English.
This entity is not in the FGD by default.
See below for instructions on making it available.
  • {{{except}}}: List of games wherein it is present in the FGD.
  • {{{nolink}}}: 1 hides the #FGD Code link and notes it shouldn't be put in a map with Hammer.
    • {{{because}}}: Optional explanation for why it shouldn't be put in a map with Hammer.
  • {{{codeonly}}}: quick way to do nolink = 1 and because = it can only be configured through code.
  • {{{link}}}: Optional name of a page to hold the FGD Code instead of a section on the entity page.