VGUI HTML Screen In Multiplayer/EntHTML.cpp
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See also: VGUI HTML Screen In Multiplayer/EntHTML.h

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//========= Public Domain 2007, Julian 'Daedalus' Thatcher. =====================// // // Purpose: HTMLView EntityHTML view control // Forked from HTML.cpp, implemented custom URL parser and entity IO // // $Created: Thursday, 26 April 2007 // $LastUpdated: Monday, 21 May 2007 // $Author: Julian 'Daedalus' Thatcher ([email protected]) // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "OfflineMode.h" #include "vgui/Cursor.h" #include "vgui/IScheme.h" #include "vgui/ISystem.h" #include "vgui/ISurface.h" #include "vgui/IVGUI.h" #include "vgui/IBorder.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include <EntHTML.h> #include "vgui_controls/Controls.h" #include "vgui_controls/Label.h" #include "vgui_controls/Image.h" #include "vgui_controls/ScrollBar.h" #include "KeyValues.h" #include <../cl_dll/cdll_client_int.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" using namespace vgui; using namespace std; #define DEFAULT_ACTION "trigger" #define HTML_ALLOW true #define HTML_DISALLOW false enum { WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH=1 }; vgui::Panel *EntHTML_NoJavascript_Factory() { return new EntHTML( NULL, NULL, false ); } vgui::Panel *EntHTML_Javascript_Factory() { return new EntHTML( NULL, NULL, true ); } //DECLARE_BUILD_FACTORY_CUSTOM_ALIAS( EntHTML, HTML_NoJavascript, EntHTML_NoJavascript_Factory ); //DECLARE_BUILD_FACTORY_CUSTOM_ALIAS( EntHTML, HTML_Javascript, EntHTML_Javascript_Factory ); bool EntityParse (const char *url) { string addr = url; string newadr = ""; string entity = ""; string entity_name = ""; string entity_action = ""; char buffer[128]; strcpy(buffer, "EntityParse("); strcat(buffer, url); strcat(buffer, ")\n"); DevMsg(buffer); // Check error url's if(addr == "\\" || addr == "/") { strcpy(buffer, "Ignoring html target: "); strcat(buffer, url); strcat(buffer, "\n"); DevMsg(buffer); return HTML_DISALLOW; } // Check for entity:// escaping if(addr.find("entity://") != 0) { strcpy(buffer, "Not escaping url: "); strcat(buffer, url); strcat(buffer, "\n"); DevMsg(buffer); return HTML_ALLOW; } { strcpy(buffer, "Escaping url: "); strcat(buffer, url); strcat(buffer, "\n"); DevMsg(buffer); } // We're escaping into entity outputs // Find the end of entity stuff unsigned int entity_end = addr.find(";"); if(entity_end == string::npos) entity_end = addr.length() - 9; // ; not found. no html redirect else { entity_end -= 9; if(entity_end <= 0) { DevMsg("Aborting url escape\n"); return HTML_DISALLOW; // Our address is "entity://;" ? weird } } entity = addr.substr(9, entity_end); // Get the url to redirect to unsigned int url_end = addr.length() - (entity_end + 1); if(url_end <= 0) newadr = ""; // No url given else newadr = addr.substr(entity_end + 10, url_end); // Get the entity name and action entity_end = entity.find("->"); if(entity_end != string::npos) { // We have our "->", grab the name and action entity_name = entity.substr(0, entity_end); int action_end = entity.length() - (entity_end + 2); if(action_end <= 0) entity_action = DEFAULT_ACTION; // Action not given ("ent->") else entity_action = entity.substr(entity_end + 2, action_end); } else { // No action ("ent") entity_action = DEFAULT_ACTION; entity_name = entity; } // Open the new url if(newadr != "" && newadr != "/") // "/" is odd, workaround { { strcpy(buffer, "Running OpenURL("); strcat(buffer, newadr.c_str()); strcat(buffer, ")\n"); DevMsg(buffer); } char command[255]; strcpy(command, "cl_htmltarget "); strcat(command, newadr.c_str()); strcpy(buffer, "Execing command: "); strcat(buffer, command); strcat(buffer, "\n"); DevMsg(buffer); engine->ClientCmd(command); } // Fire the event { char command[255]; strcpy(command, "sv_ent_fire "); strcat(command, entity_name.c_str()); strcat(command, " "); strcat(command, entity_action.c_str()); { strcpy(buffer, "Execing command: "); strcat(buffer, command); strcat(buffer, "\n"); DevMsg(buffer); } engine->ServerCmd(command); } return HTML_DISALLOW; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EntHTML::EntHTML(Panel *parent, const char *name, bool allowJavaScript) : Panel(parent, name) { browser = surface()->CreateHTMLWindow(this, GetVPanel()); Assert(browser != NULL); m_iNextFrameTime=0; m_iAnimTime=0; loading=NULL; picture=NULL; m_iScrollBorderX=m_iScrollBorderY=0; m_iScrollX=m_iScrollY=0; m_bScrollBarEnabled = true; m_bContextMenuEnabled = true; m_bNewWindowsOnly = false; m_bSetVisibleOnPerformLayout = false; if ( surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER ) ) { SetCursor( dc_blank ); } _hbar = new ScrollBar(this, "HorizScrollBar", false); _hbar->SetVisible(false); _hbar->AddActionSignalTarget(this); _vbar = new ScrollBar(this, "VertScrollBar", true); _vbar->SetVisible(false); _vbar->AddActionSignalTarget(this); m_bRegenerateHTMLBitmap = true; SetEnabled(true); SetVisible(true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EntHTML::~EntHTML() { surface()->DeleteHTMLWindow(browser); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme); SetBgColor(pScheme->GetColor("EntHTML.BgColor", GetBgColor())); SetBorder(pScheme->GetBorder( "BrowserBorder")); BrowserResize(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Causes the EntHTML window to repaint itself every 100ms, to allow animaited gifs and the like //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::StartAnimate(int time) { // a tick signal to let the web page re-render itself, in case of animated images //ivgui()->AddTickSignal(GetVPanel()); m_iAnimTime=time; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: stops the repainting //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::StopAnimate() { m_iNextFrameTime=0xffffffff; // next update is at infinity :) m_iAnimTime=0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: overrides panel class, paints a texture of the EntHTML window as a background //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::PaintBackground() { BaseClass::PaintBackground(); if (m_bRegenerateHTMLBitmap) { if ( !surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER ) ) { surface()->PaintHTMLWindow(browser); } m_bRegenerateHTMLBitmap = false; int w, h; GetSize(w, h); CalcScrollBars(w, h); } if ( surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER ) ) { } else { // the window is a textured background picture = browser->GetBitmap(); if (picture) { surface()->DrawSetColor(GetBgColor()); picture->SetPos(0,0); picture->Paint(); } // If we have scrollbars, we need to draw the bg color under them, since the browser // bitmap is a checkerboard under them, and they are transparent in the in-game client if ( m_iScrollBorderX > 0 || m_iScrollBorderY > 0 ) { int w, h; GetSize( w, h ); IBorder *border = GetBorder(); int left = 0, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0; if ( border ) { border->GetInset( left, top, right, bottom ); } surface()->DrawSetColor( GetBgColor() ); if ( m_iScrollBorderX ) { surface()->DrawFilledRect( w-m_iScrollBorderX - right, top, w - right, h - bottom ); } if ( m_iScrollBorderY ) { surface()->DrawFilledRect( left, h-m_iScrollBorderY - bottom, w-m_iScrollBorderX - right, h - bottom ); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: causes a repaint when the layout changes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); Repaint(); if ( m_bSetVisibleOnPerformLayout ) { browser->SetVisible( true ); m_bSetVisibleOnPerformLayout= false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: passthru to the EntHTML surface widget //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::SetVisible( bool state ) { BaseClass::SetVisible( state ); int w, h; GetSize(w, h); CalcScrollBars(w, h); BrowserResize(); if ( !state ) // allow the visibleonlayout flag to be turned off { m_bSetVisibleOnPerformLayout = false; } if ( IsLayoutInvalid() && state ) // only set visible on performlayout IF you are setting it visible { m_bSetVisibleOnPerformLayout = true; } else { browser->SetVisible( state ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: updates the underlying EntHTML surface widgets position //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnMove() { BaseClass::OnMove(); BrowserResize(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: calculates the need for and position of both horizontal and vertical scroll bars //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::CalcScrollBars(int w, int h) { int img_w, img_h; if (m_bScrollBarEnabled ) { browser->GetHTMLSize(img_w, img_h); if ( img_w < 0 || img_h < 0 ) { m_iScrollBorderX = 0; m_iScrollBorderY=0; _vbar->SetVisible(false); _hbar->SetVisible(false); BrowserResize(); return; } if (img_h > h) { if (!_vbar->IsVisible()) { _vbar->SetVisible(true); // displayable area has changed, need to force an update PostMessage(this, new KeyValues("ScrollBarSliderMoved"), 0.02f); } _vbar->SetEnabled(false); _vbar->SetRangeWindow( h/2-5 ); _vbar->SetRange( 0, img_h); _vbar->SetButtonPressedScrollValue( 5 ); _vbar->SetPos(w - (_vbar->GetWide()+WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH), WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH); if(img_w>w) { _vbar->SetSize(_vbar->GetWide(), h-_vbar->GetWide()-1-WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH); } else { _vbar->SetSize(_vbar->GetWide(), h-1-WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH); } m_iScrollBorderX=_vbar->GetWide()+WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH; } else { m_iScrollBorderX=0; _vbar->SetVisible(false); BrowserResize(); } if (img_w > w) { _hbar->SetVisible(true); _hbar->SetEnabled(false); _hbar->SetRangeWindow( w/2-5 ); _hbar->SetRange( 0, img_w); _hbar->SetButtonPressedScrollValue( 5 ); _hbar->SetPos(WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH,h-(_vbar->GetWide()+WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH)); if(img_h>h) { _hbar->SetSize(w-_vbar->GetWide()-WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH,_vbar->GetWide()); } else { _hbar->SetSize(w-WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH,_vbar->GetWide()); } m_iScrollBorderY=_vbar->GetWide()+WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH+1; } else { m_iScrollBorderY=0; _hbar->SetVisible(false); BrowserResize(); } } else { _vbar->SetVisible(false); _hbar->SetVisible(false); BrowserResize(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: opens the URL, will accept any URL that IE accepts //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OpenURL(const char *URL, bool force) { if ( IsSteamInOfflineMode() && !force ) { const char *baseDir = getenv("HTML_OFFLINE_DIR"); if ( baseDir ) { // get the app we need to run char htmlLocation[_MAX_PATH]; char otherName[128]; char fileLocation[_MAX_PATH]; if ( ! vgui::filesystem()->FileExists( baseDir ) ) { _snprintf( otherName, sizeof(otherName), "%senglish.html", OFFLINE_FILE ); baseDir = otherName; } vgui::filesystem()->GetLocalCopy( baseDir ); // put this file on disk for IE to load vgui::filesystem()->GetLocalPath( baseDir, fileLocation, sizeof(fileLocation) ); _snprintf(htmlLocation, sizeof(htmlLocation), "file://%s", fileLocation); browser->OpenURL( htmlLocation ); } else { browser->OpenURL(URL); } } else { browser->OpenURL(URL); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: opens the URL, will accept any URL that IE accepts //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool EntHTML::StopLoading() { return browser->StopLoading(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: refreshes the current page //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool EntHTML::Refresh() { return browser->Refresh(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: empties the current EntHTML container of any EntHTML text (used in conjunction with AddText) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::Clear() { browser->Clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: appends "text" to the end of the current page. "text" should be a EntHTML formatted string //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::AddText(const char *text) { browser->AddText(text); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: handle resizing //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnSizeChanged(int wide,int tall) { BaseClass::OnSizeChanged(wide,tall); CalcScrollBars(wide,tall); BrowserResize(); m_bRegenerateHTMLBitmap = true; if ( !surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER ) ) { Repaint(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: used for the animation calls above, to repaint the screen // periodically. ( NOT USED !!!) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnTick() { if (IsVisible() && m_iAnimTime && system()->GetTimeMillis() >= m_iNextFrameTime) { m_iNextFrameTime = system()->GetTimeMillis() + m_iAnimTime; m_bRegenerateHTMLBitmap = true; if ( !surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER ) ) { Repaint(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: passes mouse clicks to the control //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnMousePressed(MouseCode code) { // ask for the focus to come to this window RequestFocus(); // now tell the browser about the click // ignore right clicks if context menu has been disabled if (code != MOUSE_RIGHT || m_bContextMenuEnabled) { if (browser) { browser->OnMouse(code,IHTML::DOWN,m_iMouseX,m_iMouseY); } } m_bRegenerateHTMLBitmap = true; if ( !surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER ) ) { Repaint(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: passes mouse up events //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnMouseReleased(MouseCode code) { if (browser) { browser->OnMouse(code, IHTML::UP, m_iMouseX, m_iMouseY); } m_bRegenerateHTMLBitmap = true; if ( !surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER ) ) { Repaint(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: keeps track of where the cursor is //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnCursorMoved(int x,int y) { MouseCode code=MOUSE_LEFT; m_iMouseX=x; m_iMouseY=y; if(browser) browser->OnMouse(code,IHTML::MOVE,x,y); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: passes double click events to the browser //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code) { if (browser) { browser->OnMouse(code, IHTML::DOWN, m_iMouseX, m_iMouseY); } m_bRegenerateHTMLBitmap = true; if ( !surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER ) ) { Repaint(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: passes key presses to the browser (we don't current do this) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnKeyTyped(wchar_t unichar) { // the OnKeyCodeDown member handles this } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: passes key presses to the browser //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnKeyCodePressed(KeyCode code) { RequestFocus(); if( code == KEY_PAGEDOWN || code == KEY_SPACE) { int val = _vbar->GetValue(); val += 200; _vbar->SetValue(val); } else if ( code == KEY_PAGEUP ) { int val = _vbar->GetValue(); val -= 200; _vbar->SetValue(val); } if(browser) browser->OnKeyDown(code); m_bRegenerateHTMLBitmap = true; Repaint(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: scrolls the vertical scroll bar on a web page //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnMouseWheeled(int delta) { if (_vbar) { int val = _vbar->GetValue(); val -= (delta * 25); _vbar->SetValue(val); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Inserts a custom URL handler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::AddCustomURLHandler(const char *customProtocolName, vgui::Panel *target) { int index = m_CustomURLHandlers.AddToTail(); m_CustomURLHandlers[index].hPanel = target; strncpy(m_CustomURLHandlers[index].url, customProtocolName, sizeof(m_CustomURLHandlers[index].url)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: gets called when a URL is first being loaded // Return: return TRUE to continue loading, FALSE to stop this URL loading. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool EntHTML::OnStartURL(const char *url, const char *target, bool first) { if ( IsVisible() && !surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER ) ) { SetCursor( dc_arrow ); } // see if we have a custom handler for this bool bURLHandled = false; for (int i = 0; i < m_CustomURLHandlers.Count(); i++) { if (!strnicmp(m_CustomURLHandlers[i].url, url, strlen(m_CustomURLHandlers[i].url))) { // we have a custom handler Panel *target = m_CustomURLHandlers[i].hPanel; if (target) { PostMessage(target, new KeyValues("CustomURL", "url", url + strlen(m_CustomURLHandlers[i].url) + 3, "protocol", m_CustomURLHandlers[i].url)); } bURLHandled = true; } } if (bURLHandled) return false; if ( m_bNewWindowsOnly ) { if ( target && ( !stricmp( target, "_blank" ) || !stricmp( target, "_new" ) ) ) // only allow NEW windows (_blank ones) { return true; } else { return false; } } return EntityParse(url); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: shared code for sizing the EntHTML surface window //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::BrowserResize() { int w,h; GetSize( w, h ); IBorder *border; border = scheme()->GetIScheme(GetScheme())->GetBorder( "BrowserBorder"); int left = 0, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0; if ( border ) { border->GetInset( left, top, right, bottom ); } // TODO: does the win32 surface still need this offset when direct rendering? //left += 1; //top += 1; //right += 1; //bottom += 1; if(browser) { browser->OnSize(m_iScrollX + left, m_iScrollY + top, w-m_iScrollBorderX - right, h-m_iScrollBorderY - bottom); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: gets called when a URL is finished loading //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnFinishURL(const char *url) { // reset the scroll bar positions _vbar->SetValue(0); _hbar->SetValue(0); m_iScrollX = m_iScrollY = 0; int w, h; GetSize(w, h); CalcScrollBars(w, h); BrowserResize(); m_bRegenerateHTMLBitmap = true; // repaint the window, as we have a new picture to show if ( !surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER ) ) { Repaint(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: gets called while a URL is loading //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnProgressURL(long current, long maximum) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: gets called with status text from IE as the page loads //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnSetStatusText(const char *text) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: get called when IE wants us to redraw //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnUpdate() { // only let it redraw every m_iAnimTime milliseconds, so stop it sucking up all the CPU time if (m_iAnimTime && system()->GetTimeMillis() >= m_iNextFrameTime) { m_iNextFrameTime = system()->GetTimeMillis() + m_iAnimTime; m_bRegenerateHTMLBitmap = true; if ( !surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER ) ) { Repaint(); } } int w, h; GetSize(w, h); CalcScrollBars(w, h); BrowserResize(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: get called when the cursor moved over a valid URL on the page //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnLink() { if( IsVisible() && !surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER )) { SetCursor(dc_hand); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: get called when the cursor leaves a valid URL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OffLink() { if( IsVisible() && !surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER )) { SetCursor(dc_arrow); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: when a slider moves causes the IE images to re-render itself //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::OnSliderMoved() { if(_hbar->IsVisible()) { m_iScrollX=_hbar->GetValue(); } else { m_iScrollX=0; } if(_vbar->IsVisible()) { m_iScrollY=_vbar->GetValue(); } else { m_iScrollY=0; } BrowserResize(); m_bRegenerateHTMLBitmap = true; if ( !surface()->SupportsFeature( ISurface::DIRECT_HWND_RENDER ) ) { Repaint(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: data accessor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::SetScrollbarsEnabled(bool state) { m_bScrollBarEnabled = state; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: data accessor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::SetContextMenuEnabled(bool state) { m_bContextMenuEnabled = state; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: data accessor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EntHTML::NewWindowsOnly( bool state ) { m_bNewWindowsOnly = state; }