Team Fortress Classic

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Qtf-16px.png Quake Team FortressTeam Fortress Classic Team Fortress ClassicTeam Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress Classic Team Fortress Classic (1999) is an online multiplayer game created by Valve Software in the GoldSrc engine, and is based on the Quake mod Team Fortress. It became one of the most popular online action games of all time, featuring 10 character classes: Scout, Pyromaniac, Soldier, Engineer, Demoman, HWGuy, Medic, Sniper, Spy and Civilian - enlisted in a unique style of online team warfare. Each character class possesses unique weapons, items, and abilities, as teams compete online in a variety of game play modes. The game is rated M for Mature.


No bots are included with Team Fortress Classic; however 3rd party bot plugins are available. The following section lists the most popular bots available with a list of strengths and weaknesses, and a list of commands.

The following represent popular bots: