Talk:Creating a wall light

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16 walls at the start?! it looks more like 6 from that screen shot of yours. 16 seems a bit to much to me. --Frostyfrog 14:57, 16 May 2008 (PDT)

Lighting looks weird after compiling map

I made recessed lights for a map I'm making to light up a chamber only illuminated by a glowing orange pit and two floor buttons, but when I compile the map with vrad, the walls the light goes along seems to be completely unilluminated by the light, only getting light from the other aforementioned light sources. The floor and ceiling also seems to not be getting any light. The edges of the two walls connected to the wall the light goes along are illuminated and it looks at least acceptable. I've made recessed lights before, using what I learnt from looking at decompiled official maps, and it's worked before, but for some reason it's not working this time. I've done it both the way the official map designers do it and the way as specified on this page, but neither way works. I'm compiling with all of the default settings.