Source Shader Editor - Controls

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Use F3 to toggle visibility on the editor root panel, F1 will toggle the size between half- and fullscreen and F2 allows you to change whether the input is directed towards the editor or the game in halfscreen mode.


  • Hold down Shift or Ctrl while creating a new graph through the 'New' dialog to open it in a new tab.
  • Hold down Shift or Ctrl while loading a file to open it in a new tab.
  • Hold down Shift or Ctrl while using the tab '+' to create a new post processing graph in the new tab.
  • Double click with LMB left mouse button on the tab bar to open a new tab.

View controls

  • Click and drag with the RMB right mouse button to pan the view.
  • MMB scroll mouse wheel to change the zoom level.
  • Use the button View reset (bottom left corner) to center the view on all nodes.

Context menu

Use the RMB right mouse button somewhere on the canvas to open the context menu.

  • Spawn a new node by selecting the desired operation in the New node submenu.
  • Copy, cut and delete will perform the respective operation on all currently selected nodes.
  • Paste will duplicate any copied nodes at the cursor position.
  • Disconnect will remove all bridges from the currently selected nodes.
  • Properties will open a node-specific options dialog.

Node interaction

  • Select a node with the LMB left mouse button.
  • Click and drag with the LMB left mouse button over the canvas to select nodes with a selection box.
  • When selecting nodes, use Shift to add nodes to the current selection or Ctrl to toggle the selection status on the respective nodes.
  • Press Del to delete all selected nodes.
  • Click and drag with the LMB left mouse button on a node to drag the current selection. When pointing on the boundaries of a container node, this operation will allow you to change the size of the container.
  • Doubleclick a node with the LMB left mouse button to open its properties dialog.
  • Click and drag with the LMB left mouse button on a jack to create a new bridge. Let go of the button while pointing on the destination jack to finalize the operation.
  • Use the RMB right mouse button on a jack to destroy all of its bridges.

Preview controls

  • Click and drag with the LMB left mouse button to rotate the view.
  • Click and drag with the MMB middle mouse button to pan the view.
  • MMB scroll mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
  • Click and drag with the RMB right mouse button to rotate the light around the view axes.
    Note.pngNote:only visible if the shader supports lighting!

Code editor

  • Ctrl + A to select everything.
  • Ctrl + C to copy code (copies a CR/LF compatible string to your clipboard).
  • Ctrl + V to paste code.
  • Ctrl + X to cut code. You can cut a whole line & following linefeed if you use this without having text selected.
  • Shift + or or or to select code with the keyboard.
  • Ctrl + or to move the cursor by the next word.
  • Home or End to jump to the beginning or end of the current line respectively.
  • Ctrl + Home or End to jump to the beginning or end of the whole text respectively.
  • Ctrl + MMB scroll mouse wheel or + or - or 0 to change the text size.
  • Ctrl + Z to undo the prior change.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Z to redo the prior change.
  • Ctrl + Space to open the autocomplete dialog.
  • LMB left mouse button on a selected entry in the autocomplete dialog or Enter to apply the selected string to your code.