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The Export Movie dialog box

You can export an SFM session as either a two-dimensional movie (.mp4) or a still image (.tga) file. A rendered movie is called a layoff.

Exporting a movie

  1. On the File menu, click Export, and click Movie.
  2. Set the options in the Export Movie dialog box, and then click Export Movie. You can take the defaults until you know the options you want to modify.
Note.pngNote:Depending on the complexity of your movie, the export process can take a while.
The Export Movie dialog box, with Sound selected

You can also export sound tracks, either as a group or individually.

To export sound tracks:

  1. Make sure the check boxes for all sound clips and tracks you want exported are selected.
  2. On the File menu, click Export.
  3. In the Export Movie dialog box, change the Export drop-down from Movie to Sound.

Exporting a poster

You can export the current frame as an image at whatever resolution you desire by clicking File, Export, Export Poster. There are no advanced options in this dialog box, so if you want to disable ambient occlusion, antialiasing, or motion blur, you have to first right-click on the active camera viewport and click Render Settings.

See also