L4D Glow Effect.cpp

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Copy and paste this code into a file called ge_screeneffects.cpp into <your game folder>\game\client\

See also: L4D Glow Effect.h

///////////// Copyright © 2009, Goldeneye: Source. All rights reserved. /////////////
// File: ge_screeneffects.cpp
// Description:
//      Post process effects for GoldenEye: Source
// Created On: 25 Nov 09
// Created By: Jonathan White <killermonkey> 

#include "cbase.h"
#include "screenspaceeffects.h"
#include "rendertexture.h"
#include "model_types.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "cdll_client_int.h"
#include "materialsystem/itexture.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "clienteffectprecachesystem.h"
//#include "view_scene.h" //Uncomment me if you plan to use multiple screeneffects at once.

#include "ge_screeneffects.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

ADD_SCREENSPACE_EFFECT( CEntGlowEffect, ge_entglow );

static float rBlack[4] = {0,0,0,1};
static float rWhite[4] = {1,1,1,1};

void CEntGlowEffect::Init( void ) 
	// Initialize the white overlay material to render our model with
	KeyValues *pVMTKeyValues = new KeyValues( "VertexLitGeneric" );
	pVMTKeyValues->SetString( "$basetexture", "vgui/white" );
	pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$selfillum", 1 );
	pVMTKeyValues->SetString( "$selfillummask", "vgui/white" );
	pVMTKeyValues->SetInt( "$vertexalpha", 1 );
	m_WhiteMaterial.Init( "__geglowwhite", TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS, pVMTKeyValues );

	// Initialize the Effect material that will be blitted to the Frame Buffer
	KeyValues *pVMTKeyValues2 = new KeyValues( "UnlitGeneric" );
	pVMTKeyValues2->SetString( "$basetexture", "_rt_FullFrameFB" );
	pVMTKeyValues2->SetInt( "$additive", 1 );
	m_EffectMaterial.Init( "__geglowcomposite", TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS, pVMTKeyValues2 );

	// Initialize render targets for our blurring
	m_GlowBuff1.InitRenderTarget( ScreenWidth()/2, ScreenHeight()/2, RT_SIZE_DEFAULT, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SEPARATE, false, "_rt_geglowbuff1" );
	m_GlowBuff2.InitRenderTarget( ScreenWidth()/2, ScreenHeight()/2, RT_SIZE_DEFAULT, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SEPARATE, false, "_rt_geglowbuff2" );
	// Load the blur textures
	m_BlurX.Init( materials->FindMaterial("pp/ge_blurx", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true) );
	m_BlurY.Init( materials->FindMaterial("pp/ge_blury", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER, true) );

void CEntGlowEffect::Shutdown( void )
	// Tell the materials we are done referencing them



// Purpose: Render the effect
ConVar cl_ge_glowscale( "cl_ge_glowscale", "0.4", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL );
ConVar cl_ge_glowstencil( "cl_ge_glowstencil", "1", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL );

void CEntGlowEffect::Render( int x, int y, int w, int h )
	VPROF( "CEntGlowEffect::Render" );

	// Don't bother rendering if we have nothing to render!
	if ( !m_vGlowEnts.Count() || ( IsEnabled() == false ) )

	// Grab the render context
	CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );

	// Apply our glow buffers as the base textures for our blurring operators
	IMaterialVar *var;
	// Set our effect material to have a base texture of our primary glow buffer
	var = m_BlurX->FindVar( "$basetexture", NULL );
	var->SetTextureValue( m_GlowBuff1 );
	var = m_BlurY->FindVar( "$basetexture", NULL );
	var->SetTextureValue( m_GlowBuff2 );
	var = m_EffectMaterial->FindVar( "$basetexture", NULL );
	var->SetTextureValue( m_GlowBuff1 );

	var = m_BlurX->FindVar( "$bloomscale", NULL );
	var->SetFloatValue( 10*cl_ge_glowscale.GetFloat() );
	var = m_BlurY->FindVar( "$bloomamount", NULL );
	var->SetFloatValue( 10*cl_ge_glowscale.GetFloat() );

	// Clear the glow buffer from the previous iteration
	pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
	pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( m_GlowBuff1 );
	pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, true );

	pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( m_GlowBuff2 );
	pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, true );

	// Clear the stencil buffer in case someone dirtied it this frame
	pRenderContext->ClearStencilBufferRectangle( 0, 0, ScreenWidth(), ScreenHeight(), 0 );
	// Iterate over our registered entities and add them to the cut-out stencil and the glow buffer
	for ( int i=0; i < m_vGlowEnts.Count(); i++ )
		if ( cl_ge_glowstencil.GetInt() )
			RenderToStencil( i, pRenderContext );
		RenderToGlowTexture( i, pRenderContext );

	// Now we take the built up glow buffer (m_GlowBuff1) and blur it two ways
	// the intermediate buffer (m_GlowBuff2) allows us to do this properly
	pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( m_GlowBuff2 );
		pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceQuad( m_BlurX );

	pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( m_GlowBuff1 );
		pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceQuad( m_BlurY );

	if ( cl_ge_glowstencil.GetInt() )
		// Setup the renderer to only draw where the stencil is not 1
		pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( true );
		pRenderContext->SetStencilReferenceValue( 0 );
		pRenderContext->SetStencilTestMask( 1 );
		pRenderContext->SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCILCOMPARISONFUNCTION_EQUAL );
		pRenderContext->SetStencilPassOperation( STENCILOPERATION_ZERO );

	// Finally draw our blurred result onto the screen
	pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceQuad( m_EffectMaterial );
	//DrawScreenEffectMaterial( m_EffectMaterial, x, y, w, h ); //Uncomment me and comment the above line if you plan to use multiple screeneffects at once.

	pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( false );

void CEntGlowEffect::RenderToStencil( int idx, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext )
	if ( idx < 0 || idx >= m_vGlowEnts.Count() )

	C_BaseEntity *pEnt = m_vGlowEnts[idx]->m_hEnt.Get();
	if ( !pEnt )
		// We don't exist anymore, remove us!
		delete m_vGlowEnts[idx];

	pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( true );
	pRenderContext->SetStencilFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP );
	pRenderContext->SetStencilZFailOperation( STENCILOPERATION_KEEP );
	pRenderContext->SetStencilPassOperation( STENCILOPERATION_REPLACE );
	pRenderContext->SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCILCOMPARISONFUNCTION_ALWAYS );
	pRenderContext->SetStencilWriteMask( 1 );
	pRenderContext->SetStencilReferenceValue( 1 );

	pRenderContext->DepthRange( 0.0f, 0.01f );
	render->SetBlend( 0 );

	modelrender->ForcedMaterialOverride( m_WhiteMaterial );
		pEnt->DrawModel( STUDIO_RENDER );
	modelrender->ForcedMaterialOverride( NULL );

	render->SetBlend( 1 );
	pRenderContext->DepthRange( 0.0f, 1.0f );

	pRenderContext->SetStencilEnable( false );

void CEntGlowEffect::RenderToGlowTexture( int idx, IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext )
	if ( idx < 0 || idx >= m_vGlowEnts.Count() )
	C_BaseEntity *pEnt = m_vGlowEnts[idx]->m_hEnt.Get();
	if ( !pEnt )
		// We don't exist anymore, remove us!
		delete m_vGlowEnts[idx];
	pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( m_GlowBuff1 );
	modelrender->SuppressEngineLighting( true );
	render->SetColorModulation( m_vGlowEnts[idx]->m_fColor );
	modelrender->ForcedMaterialOverride( m_WhiteMaterial );
		pEnt->DrawModel( STUDIO_RENDER );
	modelrender->ForcedMaterialOverride( NULL );
	render->SetColorModulation( rWhite );
	modelrender->SuppressEngineLighting( false );

void CEntGlowEffect::RegisterEnt( EHANDLE hEnt, Color glowColor /*=Color(255,255,255,64)*/, float fGlowScale /*=1.0f*/ )
	// Don't add duplicates
	if ( FindGlowEnt(hEnt) != -1 || !hEnt.Get() )

	sGlowEnt *newEnt = new sGlowEnt;
	newEnt->m_hEnt = hEnt;
	newEnt->m_fColor[0] = glowColor.r() / 255.0f;
	newEnt->m_fColor[1] = glowColor.g() / 255.0f;
	newEnt->m_fColor[2] = glowColor.b() / 255.0f;
	newEnt->m_fColor[3] = glowColor.a() / 255.0f;
	newEnt->m_fGlowScale = fGlowScale;
	m_vGlowEnts.AddToTail( newEnt );

void CEntGlowEffect::DeregisterEnt( EHANDLE hEnt )
	int idx = FindGlowEnt(hEnt);
	if ( idx == -1 )

	delete m_vGlowEnts[idx];
	m_vGlowEnts.Remove( idx );

void CEntGlowEffect::SetEntColor( EHANDLE hEnt, Color glowColor )
	int idx = FindGlowEnt(hEnt);
	if ( idx == -1 )

	m_vGlowEnts[idx]->m_fColor[0] = glowColor.r() / 255.0f;
	m_vGlowEnts[idx]->m_fColor[1] = glowColor.g() / 255.0f;
	m_vGlowEnts[idx]->m_fColor[2] = glowColor.b() / 255.0f;
	m_vGlowEnts[idx]->m_fColor[3] = glowColor.a() / 255.0f;

void CEntGlowEffect::SetEntGlowScale( EHANDLE hEnt, float fGlowScale )
	int idx = FindGlowEnt(hEnt);
	if ( idx == -1 )

	m_vGlowEnts[idx]->m_fGlowScale = fGlowScale;

int CEntGlowEffect::FindGlowEnt( EHANDLE hEnt )
	for ( int i=0; i < m_vGlowEnts.Count(); i++ )
		if ( m_vGlowEnts[i]->m_hEnt == hEnt )
			return i;

	return -1;