Digital Paintball Redux.fgd

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From: Digital Paintball Redux SDK

Forge Game Data
// Digital Paintball Mod FGD by Jonah (68CaliberKiller) // ALL maps for DPB MUST have the info_paintball entity somewhere in the map(can be anywhere) // I will describe each entity in the following section: // info_playerstart_blue: Point Entity // This is a spawn point for a member of the blue team. // DPB does NOT use info_player_start or info_player_deathmatch, so do not put these entities in your map // MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE 16 SPAWN POINTS PER TEAM! // Let me rephrase the above: // Include 16 spawn points for each team in your map // Note the following: // 15 does not equal 16 // 17 does not equal 16 // 14 does not equal 16 // 1 does not equal 16 // info_playerstart_red: Point Entity // Same as info_playerstart_blue, except is a spawn point for red team // item_flag_center: Point Entity // This creates a flag which may be picked up by BOTH teams // item_flag_red: Point Entity // This creates a flag for the red team, which may only be picked up by blue // item_flag_blue: Point Entity // This creates a flag for the blue team, which may only be picked up by red // trigger_teampush: Brush Entity // This is the same as a trigger_push, however, it has 1 field added: // team: // This determines the team that the trigger_teampush will push. // A player who matches this team will be pushed by the entity, and one who is on a different team will be unaffected // This entity can be used to create Team-only walls(walls that both teams may shoot through, but only 1 may pass through): // Create a brush the size of your wall, but 7 units thick. Turn this into a trigger_teampush, set speed to 500, and the team to whatever you wish // Create another brush parallel to this brush, 7 units thick, and space these brushes 1 unit apart. Turn this brush into a trigger_teampush, with the same speed and team as previous brush // Set the DIRECTION of push for each trigger_teampush AWAY from each other // func_goalpoint: Solid Entity // If a player who has a flag touches this entity, his team wins // team: // The team who may win by touching this entity with flag // info_paintball: Point Entity // This Entity MUST be in all DPB maps! // Players Can Respawn(flag): // Determines whether players are allowed to respawn eventually // Infinite Round Time(flag): // If checked, the round Never ends // IF YOU USE THIS, YOU MUST ENABLE PLAYERS TO RESPAWN!! // Allowed Weapons: // Weapons allowed on map, more information when weapon system is complete(does nothing currently) // Respawn Time: // Time(in seconds) that a player must wait to respawn. If "Players can respawn" is not checked, this does nothing // Round Time Multiplier: // mp_roundtime*this determines the length of rounds(if you have a very small map, make this 0.5, and if you have a huge map, make it 1.5 etc) @PointClass studio("models/props/vortex.mdl") = entity_name [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 -36, 16 16 36) color(0 0 200) = info_playerstart_blue : "Blue Team Spawn Point" [] @PointClass size(-16 -16 -36, 16 16 36) color(200 0 0) = info_playerstart_red : "Red Team Spawn Point" [] @PointClass = item_flag_center : "Center flag" [] @PointClass = item_flag_red : "Red flag" [] @PointClass = item_flag_blue : "Blue flag" [] @SolidClass base(Trigger, Angles) = trigger_teampush : "Trigger Team Player push" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Once Only" : 0 2: "Start Off" : 0 ] speed(integer) : "Speed of push" : 500 team(integer) : "Team: 1=red, 2=blue" : 1 ] @SolidClass = func_goalpoint : "Flag capture point" [ team(integer) : "Team: 1=red, 2=blue:" : 1 ] @PointClass = info_paintball : "DPB Detect Entity" [ spawnflags(flags) = [ 1 : "Allow Respawn" : 0 2 : "Infinite Time" : 0 4 : "Change teams" : 0 8 : "Reset flag ontouch" : 0 ] weapons(integer) : "Allowed Weapons" : 4294967295 frags(integer) : "Respawn Time" : 0 message(string) : "Round Time Multiplier" : "1.0" ] @SolidClass base(Targetname, RenderFields) = func_block : "Wall ALLOWS players but BLOCKS paintballs" [ skin(choices) : "Contents" : -1 = [ -1: "Empty" -7: "Volumetric Light" ] _minlight(string) : "Minimum light level" ]