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The $selfillum VMT command makes a material glow in the dark. Shaders commonly support this effect.

The effect is masked by default by the alpha channel of $basetexture, but there are other options (see below). Wherever the mask is located, white areas are self-illuminated while black areas are not.

VMT syntax example

$selfillum <bool>
    $basetexture props/tvscreen005a
    $selfillum 1
    $surfaceprop glass

Additional parameters

$selfillumtint <RGB matrix>
Adjusts the colour of the self-illumination effect. Default value is "[1 1 1]".
$selfillummask <texture>
A dedicated mask texture for the effect. Might not work in Ep1.
$selfillum_envmapmask_alpha <bool>
Has the material derive its self-illumination mask from the alpha channel of the $envmapmask. Requires DirectX 9.