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Template:Language subpage/strings

Uit Valve Developer Community
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English (en)Esperanto (eo)Español (es)Hrvatski (hr)Nederlands (nl)Polski (pl)Português (pt)Português do Brasil (pt-br)Русский (ru)Українська (uk)日本語 (ja)Tiếng Việt (vi)中文 (zh)한국어 (ko)ქართული (ka)
Subpage of strings
It contains various translatable and untranslatable strings that are used in the template or anywhere else.
Number of strings:5
Approximate status of translation:English (en) 100% Español (es) 20% Esperanto (eo) 80% Hrvatski (hr) 100% 日本語 (ja) 20% 한국어 (ko) 20% ქართული (ka) 20% Nederlands (nl) 20% Polski (pl) 20% Português (pt) 20% Português do Brasil (pt-br) 20% Русский (ru) 100% Українська (uk) 20% Tiếng Việt (vi) 80% 中文 (zh) 80% 
  • Language subpage
  • This subpage is used on the Template:Language subpage page to display content in <language>.
  • If you have edited the language subpage, do not forget to purge the cache of the base page by clicking on the button on the right. Otherwise, its contents will not be updated.
  • Purge base's cache
  • Click here to erase the cached content on the base page.