Moderator elections are being held. See Valve Developer Community:Moderator elections for more details.
Users who would like to run for moderator must be autoconfirmed and have at least 100 edits. Users can check their own edit count at Special:Preferences.
The Message template has been deleted. A list of pages that transclude it are at Valve Developer Community:Message transclusions.


De Valve Developer Community
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English (en)Deutsch (de)Esperanto (eo)Español (es)Suomi (fi)Français (fr)Italiano (it)Português (pt)Русский (ru)Tiếng Việt (vi)한국어 (ko)
Subpágina de cadenas
Contiene varias cadenas que se pueden traducir y otras que no, que se utilizan en plantillas y otros sitios.
Número de cadenas:3
Estado aproximado de la traducción:English (en) 100% Deutsch (de) 100% Español (es) 66.67% Esperanto (eo) 66.67% Suomi (fi) 100% Français (fr) 100% Italiano (it) 66.67% 한국어 (ko) 66.67% Português (pt) 66.67% Русский (ru) 100% Tiếng Việt (vi) 66.67% 


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