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Env tonemap controller.png

env_tonemap_controller_infected is a point entity available in the Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series. An entity that controls the HDR tonemapping for infected player. Think of it as a method of controlling the exposure of the player's eyes.



Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.


  •  [1] : Master (Has priority if multiple env_tonemap_controller_ghost(s) exist)


SetTonemapScale <float>
Set the player's tonemap scale. It should be a value between 0 and 2, where 0 is the eyes fully closed, 1 is use the unchanged autoexposure (default), and 2 is the eye fully wide open.
BlendTonemapScale <string>
Blend from the player's current tonemap scale to a new one. The parameter syntax is as follows: <target tonemap scale> <blend duration>. For example: '0.5 10' would blend from the current tonemap scale to 0.5 over a period of 10 seconds. Tonemap scale is a value between 0 and 2, where 0 is the eyes fully closed, 1 is use the unchanged autoexposure (default), and 2 is the eye fully wide open.
Revert to using the default tonemap auto exposure.
SetAutoExposureMin <float>
Set a custom tonemap auto exposure minimum.
SetAutoExposureMax <float>
Set a custom tonemap auto exposure maximum.
SetBloomScale <float>
Set a custom bloom scale.
SetTonemapRate <float>
Set the rate for autoexposure adjustment.
SetBloomExponent <float>
Set a custom bloom exponent.
SetBloomSaturation <float>
Set a custom bloom saturation.
SetTonemapPercentBrightPixels <float>
Set a target for percentage of pixels above a certain brightness. (default: 1)
SetTonemapPercentTarget <float>
Set a custom brightness target for SetTonemapPercentBrightPixels. (default: 45)
SetTonemapMinAvgLum <float>
Sets custom tonemapping param (ask Alex for details; default: 3).

See also