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Obsolete-notext.pngDeprecated:The creator of VTFEdit has abandoned his projects and website, If you encounter bugs please try using the unofficially updated version (VTFEdit Reloaded VTFEdit Reloaded).

VTFEdit VTFEdit is a GUI frontend for the functions contained within VTFLib, an LGPL open source programming library. VTFEdit is a successor to VTFTool and is written by Neil "Jed" Jedrzejewski and Ryan "Nemesis" Gregg.

VTFEdit itself was written solely by Ryan and is a .NET-based GUI tool for the creation and conversion of VTF and VMT files. It is a powerful tool allowing files of various formats to be converted to/from VTF format in all of the Source texture formats.

VTFEdit produces mipmaps and DXTn compressed images using nVidia's nvDXTlib library, offering a wide range of formats and filters.

Other features include the ability to create normal maps from greyscale images, various sharpening filters for MIP Map generation, access to all VTF header flags, a simple tree-based VMT creation system with GCF access, a WAD conversion tool, a batch conversion tool, and a VMT creation wizard.

Warning.pngWarning:Support for importing and exporting HDR textures is limited; use Vtex to create HDR textures, and no_vtf to export them.
Icon-Important.pngImportant:You must have .NET 3.5 installed to use VTFEdit. The program or Windows will prompt you to install .NET 3.5 if you try to run VTFEdit without it.


Icon-Bug.pngBug:VTFEdit will crash if you attempt to paste anything but text into the editor.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:VTFedit may freeze if you are converting a large number of files, in which case you should wait until the process is completed and do not interrupt it.


See also

External links

– the official website
VTFEdit/VTFLib - More mirrors