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User talk:Nescius

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Same reason

Concise Pages

I understand the idea behind making it so you don't have to scroll through a whole bunch of mostly-stock keywords, but removing some of these templates entirely feels like a little much. for one thing, it can be really annoying to track down the removed keyvalues and I/O if you aren't familiar with the template system. for another, it can make it look like they don't have certain inputs and KVs when they should. also {{KV Targetname}} is deprecated.

I think it'd generally be better to put the mostly-expected stuff in a scrollbox. most of the "stock-ish" templates (like {{I BaseEntity}}) are supposed to do this on their own? except I think suddenly a bunch of them started turning noscroll on by default. (most of them can still have noscroll set to 0 to force them to scroll.) — Kestrelguy (talk) 18:12, 23 October 2022 (PDT)

Listing those kio is most of the time irrelevant and just makes the page cluttered without knowing what to look for. Let’s take for example info_landmark. There is no reason to use any of the baseentity kio other than targetname. All of those put in there just makes the page look ugly and people that don’t know much about info_landmark will be confused why even list everything when only targetname is relevant. Also they would have to scroll through all the clutter to get to the "See Also" section or maybe will completely overlook it. I was thinking of putting baseentity kio on point entity and brush entity pages since they are always one click away from each entity but not sure. The scroll box looks even worse imo and it still lists lot of completely irrelevant stuff for most entities. Even better example than info_landmark is prop_health_cabinet. Check how it looked before my edit it was horrible mess. Like 10 irrelevant templates and 10meters long page. Nescius (talk) 22:09, 23 October 2022 (PDT)

Regarding the explanation on how to decrease the counter in game_scavenge_progress_display

Hello, about a month ago, you've updated the page to say that it is possible to decrease the number of cans filled counter using VScripts. I've wanted to do this for a personal project a couple of years ago but could never find any info on it, so I assumed it was a Valve limitation. When I noticed that the page has been updated to say that it is possible with VScript my interest has piqued. But it's been nearly a month now and the explanation is still marked as todo, so I thought I should follow up on this. I would definitely appreciate it if you could add the explanation soon!--Proaxel (talk) 15:50, 2 October 2023 (PDT)

Added VScript example on that page. Hopefully it helps. Honestly that todo would probably stay there forever if you didn't ask Nescius (talk) 09:49, 5 October 2023 (PDT)
Thank you! If you don't mind I would like to describe I want to use it for and then you can tell me if this is sound. Please bear with me, I'm still a rookie to VScripts in general. A quick summary: The map has two different scavenge events that survivors must complete in order to progress, one earlier in the level and one towards the end. The problem is that the game_scavenge_progress_display for the second scavenge event carries over the amount of cans poured from the first event, so on the second event players are often confused as to why they already have X/Y cans, why is it showing X being greater than Y, and all that. So to resolve this, I should do the following:
* For the first event's game_scavenge_progress_display (named scavenge_event_first), add the following KeyValue alongside the "targetname" and "max" : "vscripts" "game_scavenge_progress_display_enhancement.nut"
(When specifying the nut file for the vscripts KeyValue, it is already relative to the scripts/vscripts folder right?)
* On the first event's math_counter, add the following output: "OnHitMax" "scavenge_event_first,FireUser3,,0,-1"
So what should happen is that the first event goes as usual. And then once survivors reach the second event, the HUD counter should reappear and be back to zero. Is this all correct?--Proaxel (talk) 05:10, 8 October 2023 (PDT)
The script should be without file extension in vscripts keyvalue (there is no case actually where specifying .nut is needed that I know of). And yes it is relative to scripts/vscripts folder. FireUser3 will set the counter to 0 so that's correct. -- Nescius (talk) 12:28, 8 October 2023 (PDT)